National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 224 I, Lu Bu, would like to worship Duke Cao as my adoptive father!

Chapter 224 I, Lu Bu, would like to worship Duke Cao as my adoptive father!
Professor Yang did not continue to say anything, but started to observe Lu Bu, an investment stock.

It seems that I want to lead all the students to take a closer look, how did Lu Bu, the number one investment player in "Three Kingdoms" in the world, die?

【Written Observation Lu Bu】

[Lu Bu got Xuzhou]

[Lu Bu is addicted to wine and sex]

【Lu Bu dies】


Lu Bu, the number one general of the Three Kingdoms, still lost his life.

The students seemed to feel sorry for Lu Bu, and they were very impressed by Lu Bu's bravery.

Especially the scene where the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang fought against Lu Bu that day is still in their minds.

"The investment world is changing rapidly."

Regarding Lu Bu's death, Old Professor Yang showed a very calm look, and he spoke slowly.

While speaking, he also continued to manipulate the national system.

[Video Observation of Lu Bu]

[Baimenlou Lu Bu is dead! 】

"It's a pity, a generation of fierce generals."

Now, the students didn't have any expectations, and Lu Bu was really doomed.

Ye Xiao wasn't too surprised.

Although Lu Bu is brave and unparalleled, in "Three Kingdoms", Lu Bu is not the protagonist after all, but only a supporting role.

【Video playback】

As soon as he entered everyone's field of vision, Lu Bu was actually smiling triumphantly.

He even held a seal of the prefect of Xuzhou in his hand.

"From now on, I will be the prefect of Xuzhou!"

Lu Bu's face was full of joy.

"Congratulations, General Lu!"

His counselors and soldiers also expressed their congratulations.


Such a video picture also made the students' expressions freeze.

Why did Lu Bu take this Xuzhou?

Was Liu Bei defeated by Lu Bu?

Next, the playback of the video screen also solved the doubts in the students' hearts.

"Everything is God's will! Brother Xuande actually led the army out of the city to clean up the bandits near Xuzhou City. In addition, he let Zhang Fei guard the city. Zhang Fei was drunk and whipped his soldiers. Otherwise, those soldiers will defect to me! It is even more impossible to open the door to offer the city!"

Lu Bu continued with a smile.

"My lord, the destiny belongs to me!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

All of a sudden, the students came to their senses completely.

It turned out that Liu Bei went to clean up the bandits, and then let Zhang Fei defend the city.

Zhang Fei was drunk again.

It's okay to be drunk, but he even whipped his soldiers.

Is Zhang Fei really a rotten alcoholic?
The video screen flickers.

However, Zhang Fei could be seen telling Liu Bei about the loss of the city with a dismal expression.

"Brother, I, Zhang Fei, am sorry for you! You lost this Xuzhou city, and even left your wife and children in Xuzhou city!"

As he spoke, Zhang Fei already had a weeping expression.

He even said that he would apologize with death!

"Third brother, don't do this. It doesn't matter if the city is lost, but if this person is gone, he will really be gone."

Liu Bei showed a benevolent side, and even desperately stopped Zhang Fei who was about to die.

He persuaded again and again, and Zhang Fei felt much better.

"This Lu Bu is really an ungrateful guy. He took the Xuzhou City while you were suppressing the bandits."

Zhang Fei said angrily, with a face full of self-blame, "It's all my fault. If I didn't listen to my brother, I drank and got drunk again. Then these things would happen."

"Third brother, don't blame yourself, the matter is over."

Liu Bei is completely a gentleman with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, and he didn't blame Zhang Fei for losing Xuzhou City.

that night.

Lu Bu invited Liu Bei to drink in Xuzhou City.

Liu Bei happily went.

At this banquet, Lu Bu also returned Liu Bei's wife and children to Lu Bu, and even gave Xiaopei to Liu Bei.

"Thank you, General Lu, for giving me a place to stay."

Liu Bei showed a grateful expression on his face.

"It should be, it should be."

Lu Bu quickly responded.

For a moment, the scene was joyous, and it also showed a picture of the guests and the host enjoying themselves.

"You read that right? Can Liu Bei and Lu Bu drink together? Doesn't Liu Bei complain at all?"

The students were dumbfounded, and Liu Bei just showed a harmless posture.

Shouldn't he be angry?

Lu Bu took the opportunity to steal his Xuzhou City!

After drinking a lot of wine, Liu Bei also excused himself from drinking too much and left.

Lu Bu, Chen Gong and others personally sent each other off.

After waiting to send Liu Bei out of the city.

Standing on the city wall of Xuzhou, Lu Bu had an expression of admiration on his face.

"Liu Bei Liu Xuande is indeed a real gentleman! I took his Xuzhou City, but he has a calm face and no anger at all."

"My lord, don't you think Liu Bei's behavior is terrible?"

Suddenly, Chen Gong spoke.

"what for?"

Lu Bu frowned.

"Xuzhou is Liu Bei's refuge. But you took it for yourself, my lord. But Liu Bei, who has been so humiliated and humiliated, has never complained. Isn't it strange, my lord?"

Chen Gong explained.

"This... the public platform is too much to worry about!"

Lu Bu laughed out loud, but he didn't take Chen Gong's words to heart.

But the students who watched the video suddenly widened their eyes.

"Chen Gong is right! After being so shamed and humiliated, he didn't respond at all. Liu Bei's behavior is too weird!"

"Sure enough, this Liu Bei is terrifying."

"I always feel that Lu Bu's death seems to have something to do with Liu Bei!"

"I have to say, Liu Bei's performance is really admirable!"


The students were all guessing about Liu Bei one after another. Why wasn't Liu Bei angry when Lu Bu took Xuzhou City away?

Could it be that Liu Bei is secretly planning some terrifying conspiracy?

The video screen flickers.

But it was Lu Bu who married Yuan Shu.

This also made Lu Bu more proud.

Especially the counselor Chen Gui and his son praised Lu Bu every time at the banquet.

"The lord is brave and unparalleled, and he will surely achieve great things!"

The repeated praises and flattery also made Lu Bu a little flustered.

this day.

Chen Gong came to look for Lu Bu in private.

"My lord, don't listen to the flattery of Chen Gui and his son! Be careful..."

The counselor Chen Gong had a serious expression on his face.

However, what he said made Lu Bu feel very uncomfortable when he heard it.

Even Lu Bu's face darkened, and he angrily scolded Chen Gong.

"Gongtai, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to frame Chen Gui and his son? Ever since Chen Gui and his son came to our army, they have handled all kinds of internal affairs in an orderly manner."

Chen Gong was silent, and left with a sad face.

After he walked out of the door, he sighed, "Faithful words don't ring your ears, I'm afraid something bad will happen!"

"It's really not good! Whenever a counselor says something like this, something terrible will definitely happen!"

The students who watched the video sighed, as if they also felt that Lu Bu had begun to end.

In the following days, something happened that made Lu Bu furious.

Zhang Fei pretended to be a bandit and robbed many of the horses he had bought.

These horses are all very valuable.

"This fly is courting death!"

In a rage, Lu Bu sent troops to Xiaopei to besiege Liu Bei.

Liu Bei wanted to ask for peace, but Lu Bu did not agree.

In desperation, Liu Bei could only send an envoy to ask Cao Cao for help.


Cao Cao is still very loyal, and he also sent troops to come.

But he was still defeated by Lu Bu.

this day.

Lu Bu got the news.

Cao Cao came with his own army.

"Good come!"

Lv Bu was full of fighting spirit, and sent Chen Gui and his son to stay in Xuzhou, and he went out to fight in person!

He had only just walked a short distance.

Chen Gui's father and son actually dedicated Xuzhou to Cao Cao through internal and external cooperation.

In desperation, Lu Bu could only temporarily station in Xiapi City.

"How could it be! How could it be!"

In Xiapi City, Lu Bu's expression was still as calm as before. The changes in this series of events completely caught him off guard.


A bad news came.

Cao Cao has led his troops to besiege Xiapi City.

"This, this, this!"

A series of changes made Lu Bu feel as if the sky was about to collapse.

"Right now, my lord, when we get out of the city as soon as possible and cut off Cao Cao's food supply, our army will have a chance to breathe."

Chen Gong started to make plans again.

But Diao Chan stopped Lu Bu, unwilling to lead his troops out of the city to take risks.

"Husband, it's too dangerous outside."

Diao Chan had a terrified expression on her pretty face, as if she was afraid that she would wake up suddenly one day and never see Lu Bu again.

"I listen to you."

Lu Bu nodded, but he also listened to Diao Chan's opinion.

He did not leave Xiapi City.

He wants to stick to Xiapi City.

Seeing this, Chen Gong left silently.

"We will die without a place to bury!"

Even the students who watched the video were silent.

Lu Bu's rise was too fast, and Lu Bu's decline was too fast.

Obviously there were many opportunities, but Lu Bu didn't seize them.

Moreover, the strategies offered by Chen Gong were very good, but Lu Bu couldn't listen to a single word.

"Investors don't help Lu Bu! Lu Bu can only die!"

After a long time, the students sighed silently.

After that, in the video screen.

Lu Bu didn't leave Xiapi City all day long, defended the city all day long, and drank and had fun with Diao Chan every day. He lived a very happy life, but his fighting spirit was almost exhausted.

this day.

He suddenly took a bronze mirror and looked at it.

He actually found that his whole body was a lot haggard.

That still has the original bravery.

"Beauty Township, Tomb of Heroes! You and Diao Chan sing every night, can this person not be haggard?"

The students couldn't help but vomit.

It was also because of his haggard face that Lu Bu gave an order.

Starting today, the entire city of Xiapi is forbidden to drink alcohol!
But there was a general who was not afraid of death, who violated Lu Bu's order.

This person is Hou Cheng.

"Hou Cheng, you dare to disobey my order. Do you know what crime you should be guilty of violating this prohibition order? Beheaded!"

Lu Bu, who was sitting on the main seat, stared at Hou Cheng who was tied up in front of him with piercing eyes, glaring angrily.

"My lord, I..."

Hou Cheng wanted to see the explanation.

"To shut up!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu's voice seemed very cold.

Immediately, he was about to order Hou Cheng to be beheaded!

"My lord, you can't, you can't. Hou Cheng has not made great achievements, but he has worked hard. I hope the lord will be merciful."

The generals persuaded them.

After their persuasion, Lu Bu seemed to soften a lot.

But despite this, someone still brought the iron whip.

"Crack! Crack!"

The iron whip whipped Hou Cheng again and again, causing bloodstains to appear on Hou Cheng's body.

Those bloody bloodstains are really shocking to see.


During the whipping process, Hou Cheng also cried out in pain.

"Useless stuff!"

After whipping and playing, Lu Bu looked at Hou Cheng with contemptuous eyes.

Hou Cheng bit his lip tightly and said nothing.

that night.

Hou Chengxin was angry, he really couldn't get angry.

Isn't it just drinking some wine, how did it end up like this?
He actually called on Song Xian, Wei Xu and others to discuss surrendering to Cao Cao.

"Surrender! Only then can we save our lives!"

"Yes! If we don't surrender, we will die sooner or later!"

"Lu Bu is no longer what he used to be. He is addicted to drinking and sex all day long, and I am afraid he has lost his former bravery!"


The generals decided to surrender.

that night.

They act quickly.

Hou Cheng stole Lu Bu's red rabbit horse.

Song Xian, Wei Xu and others tied up Lu Bu who was sleeping.

He also took Lu Bu's Fang Tian Painting Halberd.

They even opened the city gate directly, allowing Cao Cao and others to enter the city.

"It's... as expected about Lu Bu, teach us not to beat up subordinates, but to care about subordinates. Otherwise, how could Lu Bu end up in such a situation?"

The students had complicated expressions, and Lu Bu was finally going to Huangquan.

After Lu Bu woke up, he was also seen on the White Gate Building, but at the moment he was in a very bad situation.

His body was tied up with ropes.

"Wait, you actually betrayed me!"

Soon, Lu Bu realized what was going on, and he fixed his eyes on Song Xian, Wei Xu and other generals.

It seems that he never expected that he would be defeated by his own people, not by Cao Cao.

Song Xian, Wei Xu and others seemed to feel that they were wrong and did not speak.

"Duke Cao, I, Lu Bu, am convinced by you, and I am willing to be loyal to Duke Cao."

At this time, Lu Bu quickly set his sights on Cao Cao.

Hearing his words, Cao Cao was still very happy.

He is well aware of Lu Bu's bravery.

If Lu Bu is willing to submit to him, then he will have an extra top fighter.

In that way, future battles might be smoother.

"Xuande, what do you think?"

Cao Cao asked Liu Bei's opinion.

"Mr. Cao, it is a good thing that Lu Bu is willing to surrender."

Liu Bei spoke.

Such a video picture also surprised the students slightly.

"I thought Liu Bei would speak ill of Lu Bu, but Liu Bei didn't. Liu Bei is a real gentleman!"

While they were surprised, Ye Xiao was also surprised.

The script is wrong!

Liu Bei shouldn't have said Cao Gong, have you forgotten about Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo?

However, this...

It must be because of the rare card species.

There are definitely investors who want to save Lu Bu's life, but why is Lu Bu still dead?

Ye Xiao felt very strange.

Liu Bei's words are very crucial.


Cao Cao thought over and over again, and decided to spare Lu Bu's life.

He also wanted to recover Lu Bu.

With Lu Bu's help, he will be even more powerful!
"I will spare your life!"

Cao Cao spoke.

"My Lu Bu, I would like to worship Duke Cao as my adoptive father!"

On the spot, Lu Bu was overjoyed, and said something that made Cao Cao's expression change again and again.

At this moment, Cao Cao's face was very exciting and complicated!

(End of this chapter)

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