National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 227 Your wife is self-supporting, she is no better than a villager

Chapter 227 Your wife is self-supporting, she is no better than a villager
"Investment must be cautious, but you can't be careless at all. If you are careless, you will definitely lose everything."

"For example, this investment stock, Wang Hou, is a real tragedy. All the investors who entered this investment stock have suffered miserably!"

Suddenly, Professor Yang who was standing on the podium in the multimedia classroom sighed.

Investment stock Wang Hou?
Hearing such an unfamiliar name, all the students were unavoidably startled.

Who is this person?

They seem to have never heard of it.

"This person is a grain officer under Cao Cao's army."

Professor Yang Lao explained, "There are always people who want to find another way, want to invest in some unpopular stocks, and want to get rich overnight. But the risk of these unpopular stocks is not small."

After all, he also launched an observation on Wang Hou.

But there is no text observation, and video observation is directly enabled.

【Video Observation Wang Hou】

【Your wife, I will support her myself! 】

"This title is too crazy! This is to support his wife and children. Who is this person?"

The students seemed to be looking forward to it.

【Video playback】

The first to enter everyone's field of vision was Cao Cao's familiar face.

He was sitting on the main seat, taking a sip of tea.

"Prime Minister, there are too many soldiers and little food in our army. If this continues, the soldiers will have no food to eat."

Wang Hou, the grain officer, said with a bitter face.

"This method is easy to handle, and Xiaohu can share the food."

Cao Cao said casually.

"Prime Minister, if you use this method, what should you do if the soldiers complain?"

A tangled expression appeared on Wang Hou's face.

"I have my own way, let's go!"

Cao Cao waved his hand to signal Wang Hou to leave.

Wang Hou took the order and left.

Such a video picture, but it also makes a small number of students unable to understand, what is the meaning of this little hu's distribution of food?
"Xiao Hu's food distribution is simpler, it is to cut corners and materials, and the food for the soldiers is reduced."

Professor Yang's knowledge of history is also very sufficient, and he guessed the students' minds at once, and also gave an explanation.

Sure enough, the soldiers complained a lot when they adopted the method of sharing food with Xiaohu.

They even began to complain about Cao Cao, Prime Minister Cao, in private.

The military discipline in the army is strict, how dare the officials who distribute and manage rations use small dendrobium to distribute rations.

All of this must have been Prime Minister Cao's idea.

"Prime Minister, this is our life!"

"Who says it's not? When we soldiers fight, we don't even have enough to eat. Can we win the battle?"

"Food is getting less and less every day, how can we live in this day!"

"Prime Minister, don't give us a way out!"


The soldiers seemed to be beginning to riot, and mutiny in the army was looming.

They are hungry, hungry, hungry, yellow and thin!

The students also showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"Cao Cao's performance has always been extremely wise, and he is definitely a big man who can turn his hand into clouds and his hands into rain. But why did he come up with such a crooked trick like Xiao Hu's distribution of food?"

At this time, the video screen has a new change.

Cao Cao's spies watched every move of the soldiers.

The spies also told Cao Cao the situation of the soldiers immediately.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, Cao Cao called Wang Hou, the grain officer, over.

"I have seen the Prime Minister."

Wang Hou behaved respectfully, showing a honest and honest side on his face.

"Wang Hou, you are very good. You also did my plan of sharing food with Xiaohu."

Cao Cao showed approval.

"Thank you, Prime Minister, for exaggerating."

Being able to get Cao Cao's praise, Wang Hou showed joy and said quickly.

"Wang Hou, I don't know if you are willing to borrow something from me to stabilize the morale of the army. I hope you will not be stingy."

Suddenly, Cao Cao said something with a half-smile.

This sentence made Wang Hou feel confused.

"I don't know, what did the Prime Minister borrow?"

Wang Hou asked tentatively.

"I want to use your head to show everyone's ears!"

Cao Cao replied.


In an instant, Wang Hou's face turned pale.

"Prime Minister, why do you want me to be killed? I am innocent, and I have nothing wrong with it!"

Wang Hou said quickly, also showing a very aggrieved expression.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao patted Wang Hou lightly on the shoulder, with a sighing expression on his cheek.

"I also know that you are innocent. But in order to stabilize the morale of the army, I have to borrow your head for use. Don't worry, if you die, I will support your wife myself!"

After all, Cao Cao fell silent.


Wang Hou, on the other hand, was so frightened that he was paralyzed on the ground like a puddle of mud.

But even so, his head was taken off by Cao Cao's swordsman.

The day.

Cao Cao even posted a notice to the outside world.

This notice is a little clearer.

Wang Hou used Xiaohu to distribute the grain and stole official grain privately, which has been dealt with according to military law!

After seeing such a notice, the soldiers were angry.

"It turns out! It wasn't the prime minister's doing!"

"I just said how could the prime minister do such a thing, it's obviously the food officer Wang Hou who stole official food!"

"I can't imagine that the warehouse official Wang Hou, who usually looks so honest and fawns on a person, would do such an outrageous thing!"

"Wang Hou, damn Wang Hou, it's really difficult to guard against a house thief. I waited for the prime minister to be wronged earlier!"


The soldiers started talking again, and as they spoke, they all had expressions of guilt on their faces.

It seems that they are also guilty that they missed Cao Cao before.

Prime Minister Cao Cao is a good man!
【End of video playback】

The entire video ends in a blink of an eye.

It was the voices of the soldiers talking that still echoed in the ears of the students.

"This Cao Cao is too black-bellied! This is taking Wang Hou as a scapegoat!"

The students looked sympathetic.

Poor Wang Hou, if anyone invests in him, he will definitely suffer a lot. This death is too unjust and useless.

"So, if you want to enter the unpopular investment stocks, you need to be cautious. But these unpopular investment stocks may also be gold, or they may become popular stocks. Just recently, two investment stocks have risen step by step from unpopular to popular."

"These two investment stocks are Yan Liang and Wen Chou. Yuan Shao's two generals are extremely brave, and they are both brave and powerful generals."

Old Professor Yang said casually.

The students nodded in unison.

Generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they have known each other before, they are very popular recently, and there are countless investors entering the market.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Ye Xiao's expression was a little weird.

Now that Yan Liang and Wen Chou enter the arena at such a moment, isn't this courting death?
Yan Liangwen and Chou, the two generals under Yuan Shao, will probably be beheaded by Guan Yu in a short time.

It's just that whether Guan Yu can kill these two generals is uncertain.

The intervention of investors has caused too many variables.

That day, noon.

After a simple lunch in the luxurious dormitory, Ye Xiao did not continue to practice, but was pulled up by several classmates to wander around the big city of Zhongdu.

Ye Xiao didn't refuse either.

He also felt very fresh and curious about Zhongdu.

Just as they stepped out of the campus, Ye Xiao and the others saw the Zhongdu bustling with people, and even the tourists caught a lot of them.

Moreover, although these tourists are obviously traveling, they are constantly discussing investing in the world "Three Kingdoms".

It really is a world of universal investment.

Everyone is talking, everyone is investing.

Ye Xiao and the others took a quick look around and ate a lot of roadside snacks.

This time, it was a treat for a few classmates, and Ye Xiao was also very satisfied with the meal.

The food stalls in Zhongdu taste really good, especially the spicy barbecue.

"Brother Ye, look, there is a projection over there!"

At this time, classmate Li Min pointed to the system projection screen that appeared in Zhongdu Park.

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes casually, with a disapproving expression.

But in the next second, his expression froze slightly.

Just because a name he was familiar with appeared on the projection screen.

Zhuge Liang!
its not right!
Zhuge Liang is here?

The time seems to be a bit wrong!

"Go over and have a look."

Ye Xiao said.

Li Min and other students also nodded in succession. They are very interested in investing, and they are looking forward to Ye Xiao's advice.

If they can get Ye Xiao's guidance, maybe they will not be far from getting rich overnight.

Ye Xiao took a closer look, and sure enough, the system projection was about Zhuge Liang.

【Writing Observation Zhuge Liang】

[Zhuge Liang talks with Xu Shu]

【Xu Shu is ashamed of himself】

【Zhuge Liang laughs at himself】

Text observation really can not see anything.

"Who is this Zhuge Liang? Xu Shu, the top strategist, is ashamed of himself. Could it be that Zhuge Liang is more powerful than Xu Shu?"

Zhongdu Park was already crowded with many investors, all of them had weird expressions on their faces.

But Ye Xiao remained silent.

[Video observation of Zhuge Liang]

[He's no better than a countryman! 】

"Country man? True or false? Don't deceive us investors!"

The title of the video amazed everyone at the scene, and they all felt that this matter was very mysterious.

【Video playback】

All of a sudden, two figures sitting opposite each other entered everyone's field of vision.

One person Zhuge Liang's character is Kong Ming, and the other Xu Shu's character is Yuan Zhi.

The two were making tea and talking.

"Yuan Zhi, fortunately you got away from Dong Zhuo in time, otherwise, your life would be in danger."

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly.

"Kong Ming, my allegiance to Dong Zhuo is to repay a kindness. And this kindness has been repaid, so I will leave as soon as possible."

Xu Shu took a sip of his tea and replied.

Zhuge Liang shook the white feather fan made of white crane feathers in his hand, he was silent and did not speak.

This simple conversation between the two also confused the investors watching the video.

"This Zhuge Liang is a great talent? Why doesn't he look like that?"

"I always feel that Zhuge Liang is very high and unpredictable!"

"Look, this Zhuge Liang shakes the white feather fan in his hand, instantly looks like a master!"

"Could it be that Zhuge Liang is just a fake person with no great skills at all?"


They really couldn't see through Zhuge Liang, and they all widened their eyes, wanting to take a closer look.

"Kong Ming, why do you want to live in the countryside and grow vegetables? Kong Ming, you are a man of great talent. You should serve a wise lord and help the Han Dynasty!"

Suddenly, Xu Shu said with a serious expression.

"Yuanzhi, you were joking."

Zhuge Liang shook his head, as if denying Xu Shu's words.

"I am like a firefly on the ground, but you, Kong Ming, are like the bright moon in the sky!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Shu continued to say with a solemn expression, "You have the talents of the world..."

"Yuanzhi, I'm not as powerful as you said."

Zhuge Liang hastily interrupted Xu Shu's words.

"Kong Ming, I'm not as good as you!"

Xu Shu sighed.

"How could it be worse, Yuan Zhi is also a man of great talent."

Zhuge Liang said, very solemnly, and he poured a cup of tea for Xu Shu himself.

"Before, Yuan Zhi asked me why I didn't serve a wise lord. But in today's world, who does Yuan Zhi think is the most capable of accomplishing things?"

Suddenly, Zhuge Liang asked.

"It belongs to Cao Cao. This man coerces the emperor to command the princes. His methods are powerful, and he has many strong generals and many advisors under his command."

Xu Shu didn't think at all, and replied directly.

"That's right! But can I join Cao Cao? I can't!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head.

"Why is this?"

Xu Shu seemed a little confused and asked.

"Cao Cao killed too much. Xuzhou and Pengcheng were slaughtered...they were all unarmed ordinary people!"

Zhuge Liang showed grief, Cao Cao gave him a bad impression.

"Besides, Cao Cao is very suspicious. If I take refuge in such a person, I'm afraid it will end badly. Another point, if you want me to be loyal, you need to visit me in person. But as far as I know, this Cao Cao did not come to the door in person. recruited anyone."

In the end, Zhuge Liang also showed his conceited side.

For a moment, the investors who watched the video were dumbfounded.

Isn't this Zhuge Liang who is not showing off his mountains and dewy water too conceited?
If I want him to be loyal, I have to come and visit him in this shabby thatched cottage.

Look, there seems to be a small leak in this broken thatched cottage!


Xu Shu's expression froze.

"Now, Cao Cao has a lot of talents under his command, and counselors are like rain. If I am loyal, there is no room for me to play."

After a long time, Zhuge Liang said something again.

"Continue drinking tea! You're no better than a farmer!"

Finally, he said quietly.

The two drank tea, but the atmosphere seemed a little silent.

After staying for a while, Xu Shu said goodbye.

Zhuge Liang saw them off in person.

After sending Xu Shu away.

Zhuge Liang also began to rest.

The next day, in the morning.

Zhuge Liang woke up and had breakfast.

Investors who watched the video thought that he might be studying the art of war, or pondering the general trend of the world.

Unexpectedly, he took a hoe and started to cultivate the field near the thatched hut.

"He's really a country man!"

At this moment, investors were almost dumbfounded.

Can Xu Shu really believe what he said?

Is Zhuge Liang really a great talent?

Day after day.

Zhuge Liang was farming, but he seemed completely indifferent to the general trend of the world.

"Who can be my master? Liang also wants to show his ambition!"

While farming, Zhuge Liang murmured a word to himself.

【End of video playback】

At this moment, the video is completely over.

Investors were in a trance for a while.

Can this Zhuge Liang really enter the arena?
Zhuge Liang won't die miserably when he enters the arena, right?

This is a farmer!

Can it really accomplish great things?
(End of this chapter)

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