National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 229 My headache is cured, I surrendered to the Han but not to the Cao!

Chapter 229 My headache is cured, I surrendered to the Han but not to the Cao!
But in the blink of an eye, Ye Xiao spent 50 orange crystals.

This orange crystal can't help but spend it.

He also thought about using the red crystal.

But this red crystal is not easy to use.

What if a situation like that happened just now?
Let's say that Yuanshi Tianzun was created with red crystals. What if Yuanshi Tianzun was directly beaten to death by the dark Monkey King?
Or maybe this Heavenly Court is too fragile, and if it is blown up directly, that is absolutely impossible.

Ye Xiao checked the current construction speed again.

[Current Investment World "Journey to the West" construction rate is 32.7%]

After checking it, he was still a little surprised, the construction rate actually reached 32.7%.

All of a sudden, the construction rate increased by 22.7%.

It seems that this heaven occupies a pivotal position in "Journey to the West".

I don't know how much profit it will bring him by dropping so many orange crystals this time?
With anticipation.

Ye Xiao also paid attention to the profitability of several investment stocks currently investing in "Three Kingdoms" in the world.

All are earned!

Liu Bei's 10 billion accounted for!
Cao Cao's 25 billion accounted for!

Another billions of red crystals entered the asset account.

Shortly after.

Ye Xiao also started to practice.

The practice of qi cannot be left behind.

that night.

But it also requires late self-study.

Ye Xiao had no choice but to come to the classroom, but he almost forgot that he was still a student.

One after another, students came to the classroom one after another. After all the students were present, the time was fixed at [-]:[-] in the evening.

At this time, the figure in the counselor's shadow also appeared.

His expression was stern, as if he had an unsmiling attitude.

"Students, there have been some changes in the investment world "Three Kingdoms"."

The counselor said in the shadow.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention.


Did something new happen in the Three Kingdoms?
Everyone was astonished.

The counselor directly uses the projection function of the national system in the shadow.

【Written Observation Guan Yu】

【Guan Yu surrendered】

【Guan Yu made meritorious service】

【Guan Yu leaves】


At this moment, the students were completely shocked.

In their impression, this Guan Yu Guan Yunchang is a man of righteousness, how could he surrender!

Many students even rubbed their eyes, wanting to take a closer look.

Only then did they realize that they were right.

Guan Yu really surrendered!


Some of the students who entered the market to invest in Guan Yu also had slightly unnatural expressions.

The counselor Yingli also continued to control the system for all people in an orderly manner.

[Video observation of Guan Yu]

[Riding alone for thousands of miles, pass five stages and kill six generals! 】

Seeing the title of this video, all the students felt their hearts tremble.

Who is this person?

He walked a long way alone and beheaded six generals. Is he Guan Yu?
The students had a thoughtful look on their cheeks.

【Video playback】

As soon as it enters the public eye, it is an article.

This is a call to action, and the target of his crusade is Cao Cao!

Throughout the article, Cao Cao was criticized verbally and in writing, and Cao Cao and Cao Cao's ancestors were really scolded.

"These crusade Chen Lin is too good at cursing!"

Staring at the article in the video in front of them, all the students had strange expressions.

They even thought that if Cao Cao read this article, he wouldn't be pissed off, right?

The video screen flashed, but Cao Cao's illness appeared.

Cao Cao covered his head, his head ached.

He was suffering from a headache, really to the point of splitting headache.

"Recently, I've heard that this Yuan Shao is going to fight me, and he even wrote a call to crusade against me, show it to me!"

With a headache, he also said something casually.


The subordinates were a little hesitant, but how dare these subordinates disobey Cao Cao's order.

Soon, Chen Lin's article entered Cao Cao's field of vision.

Cao Cao's expression froze when he saw Chen Lin's call for appeal to Cao Cao.

"Cao Cao must be angry and stupid, right?"

Seeing Cao Cao's stupefied look, the students only found it interesting for a while, and they also widened their eyes, wanting to see how furious Cao Cao would be next.

In a fit of rage, would he execute his subordinates to death?

"My headache is cured! This article can cure the disease! This Chen Lin is really a wonderful person!"

Cao Cao's face was full of joy, but he didn't see a burst of anger.

The students who watched the video were dumbfounded.

Damn it!

They clearly wanted to see Cao Cao's jokes, but they actually saw such a scene.

Can articles cure diseases?
This... is too much nonsense!

"Yuan Shao, when you write this article, you are also afraid that if the name is not right, the words will not be right! Since you want to fight, then fight to the end!"

Immediately afterwards, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yuan Shao wanted to fight him, but he was not afraid!
Guys like Yuan Shao, he wanted to deal with them a long time ago.

The video screen flickered on and off.

Many people participated in the anti-Cao and wanted to destroy Cao Cao.

Among them is Liu Bei.

Cao Cao led the army to fight, and he captured Xuzhou and Xiaopei without any effort, but Liu Bei and Zhang Fei had already escaped.

Guan Yu was the only one left stationed in Xiapi City.

Guan Yu led the army to fight, but how could he be the opponent of Cao Cao's army, so he was directly trapped on a small hill.

"Who wants to persuade Guan Yu to surrender to me?"

Cao Cao, who was in the tent, spoke.

He didn't want to kill Guan Yu, he wanted to take Guan Yu for his own use.

"My lord, I would like to go."

Zhang Liao stepped forward.

"it is good!"

Cao Cao nodded.

In the blink of an eye.

Zhang Liao and Guan Yu met face to face.

Zhang Liao also explained his purpose.

"I don't want to surrender!"

Guan Yu shook his head, but his gaze was firm.

"Don't be confused, Yun Chang. At this time, you still don't want to surrender. Are you not afraid of death? Even if you are not afraid of death, you still have two sisters-in-law? Don't you care if they live or die? ?”

Zhang Liao said sincerely.

Speaking of the two sisters-in-law, it really touched Guan Yu's heart.

These are my brother's two wives.

Now, he and his brother are temporarily separated.

If something happened to the two sisters-in-law, what face would he have to meet his elder brother?

"If you promise me three things, I can surrender."

Guan Yu said suddenly.

"The three things?"

Zhang Liao asked hurriedly.

"The first thing is that I will surrender to the Han but not the Cao. The second thing is to treat my two sister-in-laws with respect. The third thing is that if I know the whereabouts of my brother, I will immediately leave with the two sister-in-laws."

Guan Yu collected himself and said with a serious expression.

"It's easy to say! Easy to say! I agree to these three things!"

Before Zhang Liao could speak, someone appeared, and it was Cao Cao.

He even held a maroon horse in his hand.

This horse is not a red rabbit horse.

His appearance also surprised Zhang Liao and Guan Yu.

This is a battlefield where swords are ruthless, and Cao Cao dares to come here.

"I know Yun Chang, you are not a villain, so why should I be afraid when I come here?"

With a smile on his face, Cao Cao also gave the horse in his hand to Guan Yu.


Guan Yu could tell at a glance that this was Lu Bu's mount Chituma!

This is a thousand-mile horse.

Although he wanted it very much, he was unwilling to accept Cao Cao's gift.

"This red rabbit horse should belong to Yunchang. If Yunchang refuses this horse, then I will cut off his head!"

Cao Cao opened his mouth and said, while he was speaking, he directly pulled out the saber in his hand, intending to chop the red rabbit horse with one blow.

"Prime Minister, I accept this horse."

Guan Yu quickly said that he didn't want Chituma to be injured.

He fell in love with it at the first sight, and fell in love with the red rabbit horse.

After that, Guan Yu directly surrendered.

Cao Cao also agreed to the three things Guan Yu said.

after that.

Cao Cao, Guan Yu and others returned to Xudu.

After returning to Xudu, Cao Cao only arranged one room for Guan Yu on purpose or not.

The second day, in the morning.

It was just dawning.

Cao Cao also just got up not long ago, and stretched his waist.

A subordinate appeared before his eyes.


He narrowed his eyes and said.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, Guan Yu has been standing outside the house since last night, and has been standing all night."

The subordinate replied.

"It is so!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao was very surprised.

However, the students who watched the video didn't react for a while.

"If you have a room and don't sleep? This Guan Yu still stands outside all night. Is there any eccentricity?"

"It's not that Guan Yu has any eccentricities, but that Prime Minister Cao is really bad! Guan Yu has two sister-in-laws beside him!"

"That's right! It's impossible for Guan Yu to share a room with two sister-in-laws, right? One on the floor and the other on the bed?"

"As far as Guan Yu's character is concerned, it's no wonder Cao Cao values ​​it so much!"


All the students were amazed by Guan Yu, and also looked forward to what kind of wonderful performance Guan Yu will have next.

But Ye Xiao also thinks Cao Cao is really wicked.


Cao Cao arranged another room for Guan Yu.

Guan Yu walked in, but walked out silently.

That night, Guan Yu was still outside.


The students were really confused by Guan Yu.

There is another room for you to sleep in, and you are not sleeping yet.

what is this?
It's impossible to have Guan Yu's sister-in-law in this room, right?

But soon the students realized something.

Two figures appeared on the video screen.

One is Cao Cao, and the other is Cao Cao's subordinate.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, Guan Yu is still standing outside the house."

The subordinate replied.

"This...there is the most beautiful woman in Xudu in the house, and Guan Yu is not tempted? Guan Yu doesn't want this opportunity to kiss a beautiful woman like Fangze?"

Cao Cao was dumbfounded.

Only then did the students who watched the video fully understand.

Dare to feel that there is also the number one beauty in Xudu in this room.

Who is the number one beauty in Xudu?What do you look like?

All the students are very curious.

At this time, a beautiful figure flickered in the video.

It's just a glimpse, but one can see that this is definitely a figure of a peerless beauty.

Could it be that this figure is the most beautiful woman in Xudu?

Before the students figured it out.

Cao Cao arranged a third room for Guan Yu.

However, this time Guan Yu took a direct look, and stood silently outside the door, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife and began to close his eyes and meditate.


The students felt that there must be something extraordinary in this third room.


Cao Cao was surprised again when he heard his subordinate's reply.

"There are countless priceless gold and silver jewels in this house, even I have a lot of treasures in my collection. But Guan Yu is still not moved?"

Cao Cao's expression was unbelievable.

after that.

Cao Cao directly sealed Guan Yu as Tinghou of Yicheng.

Guan Yu wanted to refuse this reward, but he couldn't.

this day.

Cao Cao directly asked Guan Yu to meet him.

"I have seen the Prime Minister."

Guan Yu showed a polite side.

"Yun Chang, I don't treat you well. Why do you want to leave me in your heart? Is there anything I can't do well?"

Cao Cao asked.

He valued Guan Yu very much, and wanted to regain Guan Yu for his own use.

"The Prime Minister has treated me very well, and I am very grateful. But I am thinking of my elder brother, and I don't know where my elder brother is now?"

Guan Yu sighed, he only thought of Liu Bei.

When he mentioned Liu Bei, Cao Cao's face darkened involuntarily.

Afterwards, after a few polite words, Guan Yu took his leave and left.

"Hateful! This Liu Bei knew Yun Chang earlier than me, otherwise I would have taken Yun Chang for my own use!"

Cao Cao beat his chest and stamped his feet, sighing again and again on his cheeks.

He even summoned counselor Guo Jia to talk about it.

"My lord, I'm lucky if I get it, but my life is lost. Why do you have to force it so much?"

Guo Jia persuaded Cao Cao.

It's just that Cao Cao kept persuading him.

"I don't believe in fate."

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, "Yun Chang will definitely be of use to me."

Hearing this, Guo Jia felt very helpless.

But he seemed to have remembered something, and his expression became a little dignified.

"My lord, Jia recently heard a strange thing."

"Oh, let's hear it."

Cao Cao spoke in a perfunctory tone.

"It is said that Lu Bu is not dead."

Guo Jia said cautiously.

On the spot, Cao Cao's expression turned cold, "Nonsense! Last year Lu Bu died in the building of the White Gate, and he was stabbed to death by a sword. How can he not die when a sword is stabbed in the heart?"

His tone paused, and he also blamed Guo Jia, "Feng Xiao, don't listen to the rumors in the market, you can't believe it! These rumors also say that I like mature women the most? Is there any? Is there?"

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Guo Jia's expression was a little unnatural, but he also nodded silently, and stopped talking about Lu Bu's death.

After Guo Jia left, Cao Cao, who had always been suspicious, touched his chin, "Could it be that Lu Bu is still alive? Then who did he take refuge in? Yuan Shao? But why haven't I heard any news?"

Such a video picture also made all the students take a deep breath.

"Lu Bu is really alive!"

"This Lu Bu is a ticking time bomb. It always feels like it's about to explode!"

"During the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, will Lu Bu appear?"

"It's just that there is only one person in Lu Bu today, and his personal bravery won't change the situation of the battle!"


All the students discussed enthusiastically.

However, there was still no result of the discussion.

Even Ye Xiao had an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

What is Lu Bu planning?

She has been refusing to show up for so long, is she planning some terrifying conspiracy?
(End of this chapter)

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