National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 236 Zhang Fei, the Playful Man, Two Letters from Zhuge Liang

Chapter 236
At this time, the camera also turned to the thatched cottage where Zhuge Liang lived.

This is really a very ordinary wooden house, at most there are some calligraphy and copybooks.

Other than that, there are no other bright spots in this wooden house.

Moreover, the wooden house was also empty.

That Zhuge Liang's book boy did not lie.

Zhuge Liang really went out!
Liu Bei and others had to live in Xinye temporarily, and often sent people to inquire about whether Zhuge Liang had returned.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang finally returned home after inquiring on the third day.

The three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei came to Zhuge Liang's residence again.

This time, I still saw the book boy.

Moreover, snowflakes are falling from the sky, and winter is coming.

Liu Bei's whole body was also a little stiff, as if the snowy winter was too much for him.

On the contrary, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei faced this cold winter with the same performance as usual. Obviously, they were not afraid of the freezing weather at all.

"Brother, I've already told you that Zhuge Liang is just a countryman, so why do you need to visit him personally!"

Zhang Fei raised his voice loudly, with a dismissive expression on his face, as if he didn't despise Zhuge Liang at all.

On the other hand, Guan Yu, whose face was as red as jujubes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't say much.

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense! Mr. Zhuge is a well-known celebrity in Jingzhou, how can he be a villager? How can I show my sincerity if I don't visit such a celebrity in person?"

Liu Bei blamed Zhang Fei.

For a moment, Zhang Fei also closed his mouth tactfully, but his face was full of dissatisfaction, as if he still looked down on Zhuge Liang from the bottom of his heart.

What celebrities!
Zhuge Liang is just a countryman!

"This time, Mr. Zhuge is at home, right?"

Liu Bei showed an expectant expression on his face. He was looking forward to seeing Zhuge Liang's true face in Mount Lu, and also wanted to have a good communication with Zhuge Liang.

This is a great talent recommended by Mr. Sima Hui!

Known as Crouching Dragon!
This Zhuge Liang must be extraordinary!

"Sorry, dear guest, my husband just went out on business."

The bookboy looked apologetic.


Liu Bei's expression froze. He really didn't expect him to come this time, so he missed it.

His luck is too bad!

"This Zhuge villager has a lot of things to do, and he's not at home all the time!"

Zhang Fei's face was as black as charcoal, and he said something angrily.

"Third brother, don't do this! Mr. Zhuge is not a villager, but a great talent!"

Liu Bei was very helpless, his third brother's temperament really couldn't be changed, always so irritable, always so impatient.

Even the students who watched the video were a little stunned.

Zhuge Liang hasn't shown up yet?

"Perhaps, this is Zhuge Liang's test of Liu Bei's sincerity."

Old Professor Yang said.

When he said this, all the students couldn't help showing strange expressions on their faces.

These counselors are all like this, they all seem to like to test a person's patience and sincerity.

After a while.

Liu Bei wanted to bring Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to visit Zhuge Liang himself.

This time, even the calm Guan Yu was a little unhappy.

Even he could tell that Zhuge Liang seemed to be deliberately not seeing their eldest brother.

Otherwise, how could Zhuge Liang not be seen twice?
The first time can be said to be a coincidence, but the second time I visited the hut and saw no one, was it still a coincidence?
Zhang Fei was completely angry.

Even, his big, swarthy eyes were still staring round.

"Brother, don't be in a hurry to see this Zhuge villager... Ahem, it's Mr. Zhuge, but I have a plan to ensure that elder brother will definitely meet Mr. Zhuge!"

Suddenly, Zhang Fei seemed to have thought of some shocking plan, and said with confidence.

He said so.

Both Liu Bei and Guan Yu were surprised.

Even the students watching the video in front of them were surprised.

In their impression, Zhang Fei has always been a big and rough boss.

But now Zhang Fei is going to offer advice.

Could it be that Zhang Fei is not some reckless and reckless man, but a subtlety in his roughness and a deep secret?
The students pricked up their ears, and they all wanted to hear from Zhang Fei what Zhang Fei's strategy was!
On the contrary, Ye Xiao seemed to think of something, and there was a wonderful expression on his face.

"Third brother, what's the plan?"

Liu Bei hurriedly asked, his expression solemn.

He is very serious about Zhuge Liang.

Even Guan Yu pricked up his ears, wanting to hear Zhang Fei's strategy.

However, what Zhang Fei said next made the faces of Liu Bei and Guan Yu darken.

"Brother, my strategy is to tie Mr. Zhuge with hemp rope. If he is tied up with hemp rope, Mr. Zhuge will never be able to escape!"

Zhang Fei said seriously.

"How can this be! How can this be! This is Mr. Zhuge, a celebrity!"

Liu Bei got a little angry, so he said directly, "Third brother, you don't have to go, I will go with Yun Chang to find Mr. Zhuge."

"Brother, I want to go too!"

Zhang Fei said quickly.

In this way, the three brothers visited the hut for the third time.

I still saw the young bookboy again.

The book boy was still in the hut, as if waiting for the arrival of the distinguished guest.

"Three distinguished guests, my husband said that you will come back at noon today, and you really came at noon."

The book boy was very surprised and said, with a confident expression on his face as he spoke.

Mr. Zhuge from his family is really powerful, he is really unparalleled in resourcefulness, and he is even more ingenious. He knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom!

Liu Bei and the other three also seemed surprised.

But after being surprised, Zhang Fei also muttered, "It's absolutely blind."


Suddenly, Shutong showed a very embarrassed expression on his face.

"what happened?"

Liu Bei was puzzled.

"It's just that my husband also said that you came at a very bad time. Because of this, my husband has to take a nap."

Only then did the book boy speak.

"I see."

Only then did Liu Bei show a suddenly realized expression.

"If you want to see my husband, you have to wait outside until my husband wakes up, and then you can see him."

The bookboy said again.

"Okay! Let's wait!"

Liu Bei replied.

To be honest, he was still quite excited.

Finally, I was able to meet Zhuge Liang, a celebrity from Jingzhou.

Soon, the three began to wait.

Just after waiting for a while.

Zhang Fei became impatient, scratching his head and pacing back and forth outside the thatched cottage.

"Why haven't you woke up yet, why haven't you woke up yet."

He even poked his head into the thatched hut, but there was still no movement in the thatched hut, which made him anxious.

He even said to Liu Bei and Guan Yu suddenly, "Brother, second brother, why don't I set a fire secretly, so that Mr. Zhuge thinks it's on fire, and Mr. Zhuge will definitely wake up immediately."

Hearing that Zhang Fei offered another plan, and he also offered such a shocking plan, which made Liu Bei and Guan Yu's faces black.

"Third brother, don't mess around."

Guan Yu said helplessly.

"Third brother, wait patiently, be patient."

Liu Bei also said something.

Such a scene almost made the students who watched the video almost burst out laughing.

"There are a lot of flying scenes in this one!"

"It's not just that there are too many dramas, this bad idea is one after another, and even set fire to wake Zhuge Liang up!"

"This strategy is really feasible, but Liu Bei won't adopt it!"

"It's really hard, Zhang Fei is so smart!"


Some students even gave Zhang Fei a new nickname—Big Clever!

The strategies I have thought of seem to be feasible, but if they are really implemented, I am afraid that there will definitely be big problems.

I waited for another two or three sticks of incense.

Finally, the book boy came to inform Mr. Zhuge that he had woken up.

"Take me there quickly, and meet Mr. Zhuge."

Liu Bei was full of anticipation.

The bookboy takes the lead.

Even Guan Yu and Zhang Fei followed, and they also wanted to see if Zhuge Liang was a man of real ability.

Sure enough, as soon as the three of them entered the room, they could see a young man with a mature appearance.

He is Zhuge Liang.

"Sit down, three honored guests are here, but I'm still taking a nap, I'm really sorry."

Zhuge Liang apologized, and motioned for Liu Bei and the other three to sit down.

The three of them took their seats carelessly.

After sitting down, Liu Bei also sighed, "Mr. Jiuwen's name. The last two times I came to visit, but I didn't have the chance to meet him. This time, I can finally meet my husband."

"I am ashamed that I was not able to greet the distinguished guests in time."

Zhuge Liang was ashamed.

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei also began to drink tea and communicate after being courteous.

While sipping tea, he was talking about major events in the world!
"I don't know, what do you think of the general trend of the world?"

Liu Bei asked.

Asking such a question, he seemed to want to test Zhuge Liang.

Take a look at how talented Zhuge Liang, a famous scholar from Jingzhou, is.

Don't let him down.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei didn't speak, but they also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear Zhuge Liang's opinion.

"In the future, this world will be divided into three parts, and the world will be divided into three parts!"

Zhuge Liang said it, but what he said was a little unpredictable.

"Three points in the world?!"

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, and said quickly, "Please tell me clearly, sir!"

He wanted Zhuge Liang to speak clearly, otherwise he really couldn't understand.

"At present, Cao Cao is the most powerful force in the world. He takes the emperor to command the princes, occupies the Central Plains, and has a stable position. This is one side of power. The other side is the Sun family, Sun Jian."

"The Sun family has ruled Jiangdong for several generations, and their foundation is solid, so don't be careless. And this third-party force is Liu Zhang. The three-party forces will form a situation where the world will be divided into three parts."

Zhuge Liang said, although his words were still not straightforward, but it made Liu Bei more and more bright.

Three points in the world!

This is three points in the world!
Even the students who watched the video became somewhat enlightened.

"Could it be that Cao Cao will divide the world into three parts in the future? Sun Jian? Liu Zhang? These three people will establish three countries. This is the Three Kingdoms?"

The students showed excitement. Is this the meaning of the Three Kingdoms?

And when the Three Kingdoms is really formed, does it mean that the investment world "Three Kingdoms" has come to an end?
Ye Xiao also had a serious expression on his face.

This time the Three Kingdoms is really different.

At least, Sun Jian is still alive and well.

Moreover, this Jiangdong tiger is still recruiting troops in Jiangdong.

"Sir, if the world is really divided into three parts, wouldn't there be no room for me in this world?"

Liu Bei was still a little nervous.

Cao Cao thought of him all the time.

If he doesn't quickly increase his strength, he absolutely believes that Cao Cao's butcher knife will be aimed at him.

At that time, his head will definitely fall to the ground.

"How could there be no place for you, General! Your place of shelter is in this Shu land, in this Jingzhou. You want to use this to strengthen yourself, and you want to seize the territory of Liu Zhang in this Shu land."

Zhuge Liang continued, his words also fully demonstrated his extraordinary strategic vision.

After hearing this, Liu Bei felt that this was indeed the case.

Whether it's Cao Cao or Sun Jian, he can't move their territory for the time being.

It can only move Liu Zhang's Shu land.

"Sir, do you have a plan to break Cao?"

Liu Bei asked curiously again.

Cao Cao seems to have become his heart disease.

Especially in today's world, no one knows that Cao Cao is not a Han Xiang at all, but a Han thief!

It is a thief who steals the country!

"If you want to deal with Cao Cao, you can only unite with Jiangdong Sun Jian. Only in this way can you defeat Cao Cao. Cao Cao has destroyed Yuan Shao, and now the general situation has been established. It is not easy to destroy him."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang also showed a very dignified and cautious side.

He seemed to have a premonition that Cao Cao's power would become his lifelong enemy!

After another conversation.

Liu Bei also said directly and loudly, "Sir, you have the talent to know the world, I don't know if you can come out and help me to help the Han Dynasty!"

After all, there was an expectant expression on his face.

But in anticipation, he was still a little nervous, as if he was afraid that Zhuge Liang would reject him.

Even the hearts of the students present were suspended.

Can Liu Bei really invite Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain?

"I can! Liu Bei is so sincere! Zhuge Liang will definitely come out!"

"Sure enough, it's Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang!"

"Yes! This is not a countryman at all. Although he lives in this small thatched hut, the general situation of the world is under Zhuge Liang's control!"

"Zhuge Liang will 100% come out to help Liu Bei!"


Those students who entered Liu Bei's investment stock also showed joyful expressions on their faces.

With the help of counselors like Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei will definitely be able to develop better in the future.

Maybe, in this three-point world, Liu Bei also has a share!
Back then, Liu Bei was still a straw sandal seller.

I really can't even think about it, Liu Bei will have today!
Moreover, now Liu Beike has another identity, the uncle of the current emperor.

Nicknamed Uncle Liu Huang!
Ye Xiao is also full of confidence, Zhuge Liang will definitely follow Liu Bei.

Unexpectedly, there was a new incident in the video screen.


Zhuge Liang actually showed a hesitant expression.

"Could it be that sir is not willing to help me?"

Liu Bei seemed a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were also a little unhappy.

Their eldest brother is so sincere, but this Zhuge Liang is so ignorant of flattery!
It's irritating!

Zhuge Liang remained silent, but took out two letters from his sleeve.

Liu Bei looked confused, but still scanned the two letters under Zhuge Liang's gesture.

All of a sudden, Liu Bei's expression was stunned, a little surprised, and a little surprised.

 Today's condition is not good, so there is only one update. Currently, we owe a total of 5+7 12 updates... Tomorrow it will start to explode, and we will guarantee a minimum of 4 updates every day!
(End of this chapter)

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