National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 252: You Can Make Thousands of Arrows in 3 Days!

Chapter 252 One hundred thousand arrows can be made in three days!
"Let's listen to Jia's analysis. Why did Zhou Yu forge the letters of Cai Mao and Zhang Yun? Isn't it because he is afraid of Cai Mao and Zhang Yun's familiarity with Jiangdong and water warfare?"

"However, we can let the wind out that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are dead, making Zhou Yu think that we have fallen into his trick to kill people with borrowed swords. At that time, Zhou Yu will take it lightly when he engages in a water battle with my army. My lord, do you think Ziyi is meritorious or not? Pass?"

Guo Jia spoke slowly, and asked Cao Cao back.

"Following Xiao's plan is to follow the plan! It's wonderful! It's wonderful!"

Cao Cao clapped his hands and praised Jiang Gan on the spot, and even summoned Cai Mao and Zhang Yun.

"A good one will do the trick!"

The students once again marveled at Guo Jia's strategy.

The video screen flashes.

There were actually two figures.

The two are in the tent.

These two people are Zhou Yu and Lu Su.

"Gongjin, can the scheme really work?"

Lu Su was very worried.

"Don't worry, Zijing, my plan to kill with a knife will never fail!"

Zhou Yu said confidently, "Jiang Gan stole the book—he was fooled! Hahaha!"

After all, he laughed out loud.

Last night's plan, everything went according to his imagination.

"Cao Cao was too suspicious. When he saw that letter, he would immediately kill Cai Hao and Zhang Yun. By the time he realized it, it would be too late! Ziyi was able to come last night, it was God's help. I!"

Zhou Yu grinned.

"hope so."

Lu Su nodded.

It's just Zhou Yu's high-spirited side, but the students who watched the video couldn't help mourning for him.

"The scheme is perfect, but it's a pity that when I met the genius Guo Jia, I was seen through at a glance."

They sighed for Zhou Yu.

as predicted.

Soon Jiangdong spies came to report.

Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were beheaded by Cao Cao.

The reason for beheading is very simple, the two neglected the military law, and the captain of the navy was replaced by Mao Jie and Yu Jin!
"Cao Cao, Cao Cao, you, Prime Minister Cao, are really conceited and suspicious. You fell into my trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone, and you have the nerve to say that the two of you are negligent of military law!"

Zhou Yu's face was full of contempt, and he seemed to despise Cao Cao.

"The governor is unparalleled in strategy, and he will definitely be able to defeat Cao Cao!"

Lu Su spoke out in praise.

"Cao Cao wants to annex our Jiangdong, just dream!"

Zhou Yu showed a ferocious side.

When he thought that Cao Cao seemed to be thinking about his wife Xiao Qiao, he was furious.

【End of video playback】

At this moment, the video also stopped abruptly.

"Zhou Yu is so proud this week!"

"It can't be said that he is proud, the scheme is successful, can he not be proud?"

"It's a pity that Guo Jia's tricks fell into place!"

"If Zhou Yu knew that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were alive, how would he react?"


The students all had curious expressions on their faces.

While discussing, they also want to know about another investment stock.

That is the most popular Zhuge Liang in the entire Zhongdu and the entire Dragon Kingdom!
Zhuge Liang!
Like a god!

What kind of performance will he make in the next big battle?
Professor Yang also started to observe Zhuge Liang as everyone wished.

【Writing Observation Zhuge Liang】

【Zhuge Liang talks and laughs happily】

[Zhuge Liang issued a military order]

[Zhuge Liang reproduces his conspiracy]

"Sure enough, Zhuge Liang, the investment stock, has found another plan! I knew that Zhuge Liang would never lose!"

The students were in high spirits, and their entire cerebral cortex was in a very excited state.

But Ye Xiao felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhuge Liang's straw boat borrowed arrows or succeeded?
No way?
After using so many rare card types, it has not been able to achieve any effect?
If Zhuge Liang's scheme is really successful, he will lose 8000 billion red crystals!

In an instant, a few beads of sweat appeared on Ye Xiao's forehead.

Hold on, don't panic, he has to trust Guo Jia, Jia Xu, and Cao Cao's advisers!
Xun Yu, Xun You, and Cheng Yuke also have extraordinary strategies!

[Video observation of Zhuge Liang]

[Something is wrong, is the bright plan about to fail? 】

The sudden appearance of the video title also made the students feel like a roller coaster. They were in a good mood at first, but in the next second, they were really in a bad mood.

"Don't be fooled by the title of this video, Zhuge Liang is like a ghost, can this plan fail?"

"Yes, if the plan fails, can it still be regarded as a conspiracy?"

"The title of the video is nothing but sensationalism!"

"And Zhuge Liang is very self-effacing. He knows everything, but he always says he understands a little bit!"


The students smiled, not panicking at all, and their mood was very calm.

【Video playback】

As soon as the video was played, it was actually Zhou Yu and Lu Su.

"Zijing, Kong Ming is very knowledgeable, go test him and see if he knows the trick I used to kill with a knife!"

Zhou Yu paced back and forth in the tent before saying something.

Lu Su nodded his head.

After Lu Su left, Zhou Yu muttered to himself, "There is always a feeling of restlessness, why is that?"

When the video screen changed, it was Lu Su who saw Zhuge Liang on a boat.

He was sitting opposite Zhuge Liang in the boat.

"Kong Ming, Japan is busy with military affairs these days, so I don't have time to visit you. I hope you can forgive me."

Lu Su spoke very politely.

"Even if you don't come to see Liang, Liang also intends to ask Zijing to take Liang to meet the governor. Liang wants to tell the governor something very bad!"

Zhuge Liang sighed.

"Kong Ming, you are..."

Lu Su was stunned, and didn't understand what Zhuge Liang meant by these words.

"Zijing, do you think that the trick fooled Jiang Gan and caused Cao Cao to fall into it? If so, it is a big mistake. Don't forget that Cao Cao has a very trusted advisor by his side—the ghost Guo Jia."

"Cao Cao doesn't listen to the words of other counselors, but Cao Cao may not listen to the words of the ghost Guo Jia. Let's take a look, I am afraid that Cai Hao and Zhang Yun are not dead, and Jiangdong's worries have not yet been relieved. Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao This is a scheming plan!"

Zhuge Liang was like holding a pearl of wisdom, slowly speaking out the thoughts in his heart.

He said so.

The students who watched the video were really shocked and horrified.

"Zhuge Liang is really extraordinary. We can know all this from the perspective of God, but Zhuge Liang, I'm afraid I can guess the truth of the matter just by guessing!"

"Zhuge Liang is still stronger than Zhou Yu!"

"Another performance like a god-man, you say that Zhuge Liang is not the Son of Destiny, I don't even believe it!"

"Fortunately, I chased after Zhuge Liang, otherwise I would regret it to death!"


The students all put on a beaming face.

The more shocking and extraordinary Zhuge Liang's performance is, the more profits they make and the happier they are!

At this moment, Lu Su was a little surprised.

Obviously it was their governor Zhou Yu who plotted against Cao Cao.

But in the end, in the end, it was their governor Zhou Yu who fell for the trick.


But Zhuge Liang's words are also very reasonable.

He has also heard of the name of ghost talent Guo Fengxiao, he is a genius in this world.

For a while, Lu Su couldn't speak for a long time, so he could only bid farewell to Zhuge Liang in a hurry.

After leaving, Lu Su also quickly found Zhou Yu, and said Zhuge Liang's words again.


Zhou Yu's eyes widened, and her body trembled slightly.

"How could this be so! Is this Guo Fengxiao so powerful?"

He muttered to himself, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

He still didn't want to believe that Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao could see through his scheme.

But there was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"Perhaps, what Kong Ming said is correct. The two generals Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are still alive, and it is due to the governor's carelessness!"

Zhou Yu swayed slightly, almost unable to stand still.

This is probably the uneasy feeling in his heart.

His strategy was perfect, but Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao suddenly fell in.

"Why, Guo Fengxiao is still alive, so he didn't die of illness on the road to Karasuma. If so, how could my plan fail!"

All of a sudden, Zhou Yu was a little annoyed.

Having a Zhuge Liang here is already uncomfortable enough.

It's all right now.

Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao in the enemy camp seems to be a difficult guy to deal with.

"Kong Ming is resourceful and resourceful. If we don't get rid of him, Jiangdong will be in serious trouble!"

Finally, Zhou Yu let out a long sigh.

He originally thought that after the battle with Cao Cao, he was getting rid of Kong Ming.

But now it seems that this is absolutely impossible.

Kong Ming should get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Captain, this..."

Lu Su felt embarrassed.

"Kong Ming, sooner or later it will be my Jiangdong disaster! I have to think about Jiangdong! Tomorrow, you let Kong Ming come to see me!"

Zhou Yu said.

Lu Su could only bite the bullet and nod.

the next day.

Zhou Yu summoned all the generals, and even Zhuge Liang to discuss important matters.

"Nowadays, our army is short of arrows. I don't know if you can supervise the manufacture of [-] arrows?"

Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang straight to the point, and also handed over the task of supervising the manufacture of arrows to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang's expression was calm, and he was talking and laughing.

"I don't know the governor, how long will it take to produce [-] arrows?"

Zhuge Liang asked.

"The war is tense right now, the sooner this arrow can be finished, the better. Normally, it takes one to two months to make [-] arrows, but right now..."

Zhou Yu seemed very embarrassed.

The intention he wanted to express was already obvious.

Time is too tight right now.

That's two months to make arrows.

"How about, sir, for a period of one month. Make one hundred thousand arrows in one month."

Zhou Yu spoke.

As he sees it.

It is almost impossible for Zhuge Liang to make hundreds of thousands of arrows in a month, even thousands of arrows.

But Zhuge Liang shook his head.

"Sir, is this a resignation? This is..."

Zhou Yu said quickly, also in a hurry.

"Captain, Liang doesn't want to refuse, but thinks that soldiers are very expensive. Right now, Cao's army may attack aggressively anytime and anywhere. This month is too long. It doesn't need a month, it only needs three days, and Liang can do it." Make one hundred thousand arrows!"

Zhuge Liang replied with a smile, showing a confident side.

The pupils of the students who were watching this video suddenly contracted, and a series of unbelievable gazes flickered in their eyes.

"Did you hear that right?"

"One hundred thousand arrows will be made in three days!"

"In modern society, let alone a hundred thousand arrows, even a million arrows can be completed in a month or so. But in ancient times, was three days enough?"

"In the era of backward productivity, one hundred thousand arrows in three days, is this bragging? Oh, by the way, this is Mr. Zhuge. Since Mr. Zhuge does this, he will definitely be able to do it."


Although the students all showed surprise, they still believed that Zhuge Liang could do it.

They also wanted to see how Zhuge Liang used his miraculous schemes!

Three days!

One hundred thousand arrows!

Zhou Yu was also so surprised that his jaw almost dropped.

"There is no joke in the army. Don't joke, sir!"

Zhou Yu's expression was unnatural.

"Liang is willing to issue a military order!"

Zhuge Liang replied.

Soon, Zhuge Liang's military order was issued.

"Sir, sorry to trouble you."

Zhou Yu was overjoyed.

This time, Zhuge Liang was really looking for death.

One hundred thousand arrows in three days, how can this be done.

At that time, if Zhuge Liang couldn't do it, he would be able to punish Zhuge Liang severely.

Zhou Yu thought about it.

"Captain, it's getting late today, and it's not suitable for making arrows. Liang will start making arrows tomorrow for three days. After the third day, the governor can send soldiers to Liang to carry arrows here."

Zhuge Liang said.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

A gentle expression appeared on Zhou Yu's face.

After some reservations, Zhuge Liang said goodbye and left.

"Captain, this Kong Ming..."

Lu Su frowned.

"Zijing, you are also on the sidelines, so you can see that the governor is magnanimous. He gave him a month, he said three days, and he even issued a military order."

"If he needs any military craftsman or any materials, just give him. The governor wants to see how he can make [-] arrows in three days!"

A bright expression appeared on Zhou Yu's face.

He thought Zhuge Liang was too arrogant and conceited.

One hundred thousand arrows in three days, Zhuge Liang will never be able to do it!
Moreover, Zhou Yu also sent Lu Su to visit Zhuge Liang and see how Zhuge Liang made arrows.


Lu Su met Zhuge Liang.

"Zijing, you don't need to worry about Liang. You just need to borrow some ships and some soldiers. After three days, you will have [-] arrows!"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly.


Lu Su couldn't figure it out, but still nodded.

Not only did he not understand, the students who watched the video were also confused.

Afterwards, Lu Su simply told Zhou Yu that Zhuge Liang only borrowed some ships and soldiers, and nothing else.

"Is this making arrows?"

Hearing Lu Su's words, Zhou Yu was also puzzled.

The first day has passed.

Zhuge Liang remained silent.

The students began to get a little anxious.

Is Zhuge Liang's conspiracy still up to the mark?
Another day has passed.

Zhuge Liang still didn't make any movement.

"This... the conspiracy is not going to fail, is it?"

The students began to worry about Zhuge Liang, and their palms were sweating coldly.

But at this time, the video screen changed.

Cao Cao, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xun Yu and other counselors gathered together.

"My lord, recently our military spies have inquired about an interesting thing."

Suddenly, Guo Jia spoke.

"What's the matter, let's hear it."

Cao Cao asked curiously while eating some sweet melons and fruits.

(End of this chapter)

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