National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 274 The crisis of all beings in the three worlds, the creation of the prehistoric sage faile

Chapter 274 All beings in the Three Realms are in crisis, and the creation of the prehistoric sage failed!
Qun Xian shook his head and had nothing to say.

Moreover, they are also preparing to welcome His Majesty to leave.

"call out!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a figure forcibly broke into the Lingxiao Palace!
who is it?

So impolite!

Is this looking for death?

But when the fairies saw the appearance of this figure, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Sharp mouth shrunk cheeks, hairy face, thunderous mouth!

This is not the Great Sage!
"Why didn't the great sage go to learn scriptures, but came to my Lingxiao Palace?"

The Jade Emperor was the first to ask, with a kind expression on his face.

The rest of the immortals in this resplendent and resplendent palace also had strange expressions on their faces.

They were all a little elusive about the purpose of the dark Monkey King in front of them.

This simple scene surprised the students watching the video.

"This Dark Monkey King still has such a cool nickname as the Great Sage?"

After being surprised, their eyes continued to stare at the video in front of them.

"This question, it's time for my old grandson to ask you, old Jade Emperor!"

Suddenly, the dark Monkey King shouted with his eyes, and a golden light seemed to burst out of his eyes.

The Jade Emperor, who was wearing nine-chapter robes and a crown of twelve rows of beads on his head, trembled slightly.

What is this monkey in front of me going to do?
"Great Sage, I am the Jade Emperor, controlling all beings in the Three Realms..."

The Jade Emperor's expression was solemn, and the meaning between his words was also very simple, that is, to make the Dark Monkey King speak more politely.


Unexpectedly, the Dark Monkey King didn't play cards according to common sense at all, and took out a weapon directly from his ear.

Dinghaishenzhen—Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

As soon as the weapon was released, the Jade Emperor was startled.

Even the surrounding immortals showed pale expressions on their faces.

"Great Sage, don't mess around!"

"Great Sage, this is the Palace of the High Heaven, an important place in the heaven!"

"The Great Sage has something to say!"


All the immortals persuaded the dark Monkey King.

"Great Sage, speak up if you have something to say!"

The Jade Emperor suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and could only speak quickly.


The dark Monkey King snorted coldly, "What happened to the Jade Emperor? Could it be that the Jade Emperor forgot what happened back then? Back then, you were scared by my old grandson and got under the table. Could it be that the Jade Emperor forgot about this?"


With this event that has passed through the years, the Jade Emperor's face turned green, and even turned black.

All the immortals present also had complex expressions, but they were very witty and did not speak.

"The Jade Emperor really got under the table!"

"Could it be that Tang Sanzang is not the son of destiny, but the son of destiny in Journey to the West is this monstrous monkey?"

"Dig! This is definitely a monster monkey with a story!"

"Great Sage! You really deserve to be a Great Sage!"


The students were amazed, and they were all very interested in the Dark Monkey King, but after using the national system to check.

The information that can be found is very little. At most, they can only find out the dark Monkey King, who is a stone monkey born with extraordinary strength.

Other than that, there is no other useful information.

"My grandson doesn't beat around the bush anymore. My grandson and master went to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, but do you know? What did my grandson and master notice along the way?"

"I noticed, you Taoist boys or mounts from the fairy family and Buddhist family have all gone to the lower realm to be demons and harm the world! So in the future, these monsters, my grandson and the master have decided that they are going to be cooked or roasted eat!"

The dark Monkey King has a grim expression.

Along the way, while studying the scriptures in the Western Paradise, I always encountered some troubles.

At first, he didn't pay much attention, but after being instructed by his master Tang Sanzang.

He also figured it out.

It is clear that these celestial beings, Buddhist bodhisattvas are embarrassing them!

The Jade Emperor's expression froze.

This is Journey to the West!
Journey to the West!

Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice are destined to go through ninety-nine and 81 difficulties!
This is murder!

Mantian gods and Buddhas have been planning for many, many years, and they all want to get through this murder as soon as possible!
But right now, the Dark Monkey King is such a moth.

This made the Jade Emperor feel embarrassed.

"My lord, I'm afraid..."

He spoke.

"My old grandson doesn't care about other things! In short, if Daotong's mount or something is turned into a monster in the lower realm, and it is a disaster, my old grandson and master will definitely eat it alive!"

Dark Monkey King said a word.

After saying that, he turned over and left directly with somersaulting clouds.

Only the immortals in the Heavenly Court with different expressions on the Lingxiao Palace were left.

How could the immortal family not know that this journey to the west has already begun!

But now this happened.

How good is this!

"This monkey is too presumptuous!"

"I am the Jade Emperor. I have practiced hard since I was a child. I have endured 750 kalpas, with 120,000 nine thousand, 600 years in each kalpa. I have transformed sentient beings, and only then have I become the Jade Emperor!"

"But what is this monkey! If it wasn't for Journey to the West, I would have tolerated him!"

The Jade Emperor said with a sullen face.

All the immortals in the Lingxiao Palace were silent.

On the contrary, the students who watched the video were already calculating the age of the Jade Emperor!
After this calculation, their eyes widened, and they fell into a state of shock and shock.

"The Jade Emperor is 2.268 million years old! This is too scary! Is this Jade Emperor a devil?"

It's just that, logically speaking, the Jade Emperor shouldn't have plunged in the value of his investment stocks!

Judging from the tone of the Jade Emperor, the strength of the Jade Emperor is clearly stronger than the Dark Monkey King!

"The teacher is well aware of your doubts. But according to the evaluation of the system, the Dark Monkey King is far stronger than the Jade Emperor."

Old Professor Yang said something quietly.

When he said this, the students were speechless in an instant.

But Ye Xiao knew it well.

Although the investors invested countless red crystals in the Jade Emperor, it also increased the strength of the Jade Emperor.

But what.

When he was first created, the strength of the Dark Monkey King far surpassed that of the Jade Emperor.

These two people are not on the same level as opponents at all!

"Yes! I can let Tathagata Buddha deal with this monkey!"

The Jade Emperor seemed to have thought of something, and he also planned to let the Tathagata Buddha take action to suppress the dark Sun Wukong.

【End of video playback】

In these waiting moments.

The video screen actually ended.

The students who watched the video on the spot really wanted to curse.

They also strongly demand to continue to observe the Jade Emperor to see if the Jade Emperor really invited the Tathagata Buddha to deal with Sun Wukong.

Old Professor Yang nodded, and also controlled the projection function of the real-time video screen.

[Real-time video observation of the Jade Emperor]

【Real-time video playback】

As soon as it entered everyone's field of vision, it was still the familiar Lingxiao Palace.

But there were only two people around.

The Jade Emperor with extraordinary temperament.

A majestic Tathagata Buddha with a single treasure.

Both of them had unprecedented dignified expressions on their faces.

Did something terribly wrong happen?

All of a sudden, the students became a little nervous, and their eyes were fixed on the real-time video screen in front of them.

"Da Tianzun, the world is in chaos! Journey to the West has become confusing and confusing, and even a catastrophe for all beings in the Three Realms is about to come!"

Tathagata Buddha has a serious expression, but his words are not shocking and endless.

His words also caused the Jade Emperor's eyes to widen.

Not only the Jade Emperor was surprised.

The students were also very surprised.

The catastrophe of all beings in the three realms is coming?

What exactly is this?
Rao Ye Xiao is also a little confused, but being the master of the world of "Journey to the West" does not mean that he is omnipotent and omniscient.

Another point is that the intervention of investors has caused countless changes in this world!
"Tathagata, all living beings in the Three Realms are thriving now, and Li Shimin, the emperor of the mortal world, is even a wise king. Where did the catastrophe of all living beings in the Three Realms come from?"

The Jade Emperor asked.

"A few days ago, I beheaded a one-eyed and one-horned alien creature."

The Tathagata Buddha narrowed his eyes and waved his hand casually, but the scene of that day appeared.

Could it be that the Tathagata Buddha easily beheaded that foreign god with the power of destroying the country in his palm.

"Could it be, Tathagata, that you are worried that the Immortal King of My Lord, a foreign land that this creature from outside the land speaks of, will come to our "Journey to the West"?"

The Jade Emperor also guessed the Tathagata Buddha's mind.

"Great Heavenly Venerable, that's exactly the case, Amitabha. And I also read some useful memories from the remaining limbs of the extraterrestrial beings."

The Tathagata Buddha continued to speak, but also raised his hand, and a picture appeared in front of the Jade Emperor.

This picture is filled with endless black air!
The breath of death is everywhere!
Moreover, one corpse after another can be seen everywhere.

Moreover, these bones all erupted with bright golden lights, which seemed to be telling that the owners of these bones had extraordinary strength in life.

And this time.

In the distance, an ancient chariot appeared.

Looking from a distance, one could see a stalwart and extraordinary figure on the ancient chariot.

This figure seemed to possess unrivaled divine power. Just looking at this figure, countless fine beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of the Tathagata Buddha and the Jade Emperor.


Not to mention them, even the students present were a little out of breath.

"This is the aura of a strong man! This figure is definitely very strong, and even compared to the eight transcendental beasts, it is not so weak!"

Old Professor Yang also exclaimed, but he was also a little strange.

It stands to reason that "Journey to the West" cannot have such a powerful figure.

Just then, the image disappeared.

But the Jade Emperor was still in a dazed state.

He still couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After a long time, he couldn't help but asked, "Tathagata, is this figure the Immortal King of a foreign land?"

"That's right! The crisis of the Three Realms has arrived! Perhaps, I shouldn't have killed that one-eyed and one-horned monster that day!"

Tathagata Buddha sighed, "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful!"

The two were also discussing how to deal with this Immortal King of a foreign land and save all beings in the Three Realms!

But there is still no clue.

[End of real-time video playback]

The real-time video footage also ends quickly.

The students were also a little worried.

When the Immortal King of the foreign land descends, it definitely means that "Journey to the West" will welcome a higher level of cold wave!
Can "Journey to the West" survive this cold wave?

If they really can't make it through, they really have to leave in time.

Some students are already pondering whether to exit.

The entire Zhongdu, the entire Dragon Kingdom, countless investors are also paying attention to "Journey to the West", and these investors are also familiar with some of the latest information about "Journey to the West".

Let's just talk about the Three Realms Crisis!
This matter has also aroused heated discussions among countless investors.

"Journey to the West is probably coming to an end!"

"That's right, that figure sitting in the ancient chariot, just looking at it, I'm so scared that I'm going to pee!"

"It's more than that! I always feel that figure is much more terrifying than the hunting king Ao!"

"It is said that this is the disadvantage of taking the route of Gods and Buddhas in the sky! The high-level cold wave is coming, and the world can't resist it, and it will collapse directly!"


Investors are regretting "Journey to the West" and feel that "Journey to the West" is likely to be delisted.

When the Immortal King of the Foreign Land arrives, it will be the day when "Journey to the West" will be delisted!
But before that, they still don't need to panic too much.

When the cold wave is coming, the system will give a reminder.

At that time, they really can only say sorry.

You must sell all the investment shares in "Journey to the West" in your hand!

The outside world is full of negative voices, but Ye Xiao also understands this.


He has figured out a way to get through the crisis.


This is a thing that sneaks into the eyes of money, and if you want to survive a higher level of cold wave, it is nothing more than throwing money!

Drop more and more funds!

If you can't make it through, it only proves that the money you spent is not enough!
At noon, Ye Xiao checked the current revenue of "Journey to the West" just after lunch.

["Journey to the West" revenue status]

[Currently absorbing investment funds: 12574 trillion red crystals]

[Current profit and loss situation: Profit 110000 Amethyst]

[The current investment world: the crisis is approaching]

"It's so terrifying! The inhaled funds have actually reached trillions of red crystals!"

Ye Xiao was surprised again and again, which made him feel even more crazy.

In this wave, he actually made a profit of 11 amethysts!
Are investors going crazy?
Do you all feel that his "Journey to the West" can't survive the high-level cold wave, so you want to go crazy for the last time?
But before he had time to be happy, Ye Xiao noticed the words "The crisis is approaching".


It really is coming!

Could this immortal king of a foreign land really have no tolerance for sand in his eyes?

Isn't it just that an insignificant subordinate died, and he wanted to take revenge on his "Journey to the West"!
Up to now, Ye Xiao is also mostly sure that this immortal king of foreign land is An Lan who is invincible in the world with Tianyuan on his back and the original imperial city in his hand!

He doesn't panic, not at all!
He also quickly checked the source of these amethysts.


["Journey to the West" investors continue to invest wildly, the total investment has exceeded trillions of red crystals, with a profit of 100000 amethysts]

["Journey to the West" investors are in a state of loss, with a profit of 5000 Amethyst]

"not bad, very good!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

Next, he wants to create more powerful prehistoric characters.

At that time, use this to deal with the crisis that is coming!

An Lan VS Great Desolate Saint!

It is really unknown which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

But after manipulating the investment interface of Journey to the West, Ye Xiao was stunned by the appearance of a system message.

[Unfortunately, due to the insufficient level of the current "Journey to the West" world, the host cannot create the prehistoric sage]

I was a little panicked!

The prehistoric sages are not able to create, so should Buddha Tathagata, Tang Sanzang, and the dark Monkey King be allowed to deal with this exotic immortal king Anlan?

There is no chance of winning at all!

Suddenly, Ye Xiao seemed to understand something.

He directly invested funds, making the Jade Emperor lose face and imperial prestige, and cut the investors' leeks.

And now.

The system is going to cut his leeks!
The more he thought about it, the more Ye Xiaozhen felt the urge to scold others.

But he still didn't believe in evil, and continued to fiddle with the creation panel.

[Sorry for the host, Hongjun, the prehistoric sage, failed to create]

[Sorry for the host, the creation of the prehistoric sage Nuwa Empress failed]

[Sorry for the host, the creation of the primordial sage Yuanshi Tianzun failed]


Now, Ye Xiao really wanted to curse.

 今天先2更……缓缓……明天三更!下个月每天都要三更!这个月有些懈怠了!更新字数就33万多字,上个月42万多字!感谢lc彩虹5000起点币打赏!感谢小鬼11234 100起点币打赏!感谢大家推荐票、月票!!!
(End of this chapter)

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