National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 277 Death Is Liberation, Death Is The Beginning!

Chapter 277 Death Is Liberation, Death Is The Beginning!
But gradually people found out.

Although these flames have been burning all the time, they are slowly getting smaller.

The fire seems to be getting smaller and smaller!


The flame is not shrinking, but slowly forming a figure!
To be more precise, this is a skeleton covered in flames!
Investors in Zhongdu Plaza just thought this was a ghost hit?
But they seem to be able to understand even if it's a ghost encounter.

The world is already grotesque enough.

"Hello, people of Dragon Kingdom!"

This skeleton, covered in flames, spit out words.


Countless investors in Zhongdu Square retreated subconsciously.

This is too crazy, too bizarre!
"Are you ready? After I come, I will use flames to purify your souls!"

"Don't be afraid! Let go of your worldly troubles! Death is relief, death is the beginning!"

The skeleton figure burning with raging flames also uttered two sentences.

Wait until the two sentences are finished.

The flames contracted and contracted rapidly, in just a split second.

The flames are gone!
The skeleton figure also disappeared!
Investors in Zhongdu Plaza just feel that all this is like a dream.

Nothing happened.

what flame?
It seems like a dream!
Similar scenes happened all over the Dragon Kingdom!
This matter quickly became a hot search on the Internet.

The major media are frantically reporting this incident.

"In Zhongdu Square, an unknown will-o'-the-wisp happened? What caused it?"

"What is the true identity of this skeleton figure?"

"Is the skeleton figure related to the alien beast?"

"According to statistics, there are a total of ten cities in the entire Dragon Kingdom. This inexplicable and bizarre flame appeared. However, the flame did not cause any casualties."


The media scrambled to cover it.

But Ye Xiao knew it right away.

He didn't read the report.

From the first moment when that ball of flame descended, he had captured it.

And according to what the skeleton figure said, Ye Xiao decided in his heart that this must have something to do with the anger of the king of hell.

Could it be that the skeleton figure is the anger of the king of hell?
Does this also mean that the powerful human race in the foreign space of Raging Flame Hell can no longer defend it?

To be more precise, it should be the Dragon Kingdom powerhouse!
According to his understanding.

There are eight similar exotic spaces in the Dragon Kingdom, and other countries also have them, but the number varies, either five, six, or seven.

Only the Dragon Country and the Beautiful Country have eight exotic spaces.

"This world is really restless."

Ye Xiao sighed.

And, he had the feeling that he was the culprit.

To be precise, it was he who became the master of the world of "Journey to the West", and the world began to be restless!
Do not!
It's those transcendental beasts that are starting to get restless!
Could it be that these transcendent beasts are ulterior motives who care not about drinking, but about the mountains and rivers!

The people of the Dragon Kingdom, the massacre of the city by the Dragon Kingdom, these are just the superficial purpose, the deeper purpose is to deal with him, the master of the world of "Journey to the West"?
Ye Xiao touched his chin and began to guess.

However, his guess seemed a bit absurd.

No way?Was he really being targeted by alien beasts?
Thinking so much, it's better to improve your strength as soon as possible!
It was just dawn after a night.

Ye Xiao's qi cultivation progress reached 100%!

Moreover, he also received two messages from the system.

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully comprehended the energy source, and the current energy source cultivation progress is 0%]

[Qiyuan cultivation progress reaches 20%, promoted to four-star extraordinary investor]

So you understand?
Ye Xiao felt that he didn't seem to do anything.

Or is it that he, as the master of the world of "Journey to the West", doesn't have any bottlenecks in his cultivation?

It has to be said that the Lord of this world really has a lot of benefits.

In the morning, military training was suspended.

Professor Yang Lao will talk about some important things that have happened recently for [-] freshmen.

This made the students in Class Seven very happy.

Yesterday's fight with the dead porcupines had exhausted them and made them even more miserable, and it also made them eager to improve their strength as soon as possible.

And to improve strength, rely on training?By fighting with strange beasts?

Not at all!
If you want to improve your strength quickly, you can only rely on investment!

The freshmen did not dare to delay and rushed to the multimedia classroom.

But he also saw the familiar figure of Professor Yang all at once.

But today's old Professor Yang has deep eye sockets and a full head of silver hair. He seems to be much older than usual.

That is, Professor Yang can see a lot of wrinkles around his eyes and forehead.

"Everyone is here, so let's get into the topic."

Professor Yang's weather-beaten face showed a dignified expression.

He spoke first.

"Have you heard about what happened last night?"

It's just that the topic he talked about at the beginning seemed to have nothing to do with the investment world.

"What happened last night?"

The students sitting in the seats of the multimedia classroom looked at each other, and suddenly there was an expression of enlightenment on their faces.

They finally figured it out.

Last night, that skeleton and that flame!
And those two sentences!

This matter really has something to do with strange beasts!

The students nodded in unison, eagerly looking forward to Professor Yang's analysis of this incident and his unique insights.

"You can also imagine that the skeleton figure is the hell of the flames of anger - the king of hell! This is one of his many abilities! Unleash flames in the entire Dragon Kingdom!"

"But due to the limitations of the system, the flame only has the function of transmitting information and cannot hurt people. If it is not protected by the system, but it is in the beast area, I am afraid..."

The more Professor Yang said, his face became more serious.

In the end, although he didn't speak directly.

But the students can also figure it out with their toes.

If you encounter such a flame in the beast area.

I'm afraid it is absolutely certain to die!

Rage Flame Hell - Fury, the King of Hell!
This is another transcendent beast!

This is really an eventful year, this is not a good year!

"Nu, the king of hell, is an ally of Ao, the king of hunting. So, you should know what this means!"

Old Professor Yang had a complex expression. Some things were coming, and they couldn't avoid them even if they wanted to.

For the first time, the students all had expressions of enlightenment on their cheeks.

Among them, the beautiful and temperamental Leng Yixuan was the first to speak, "Teacher, last night the mysterious flames burned in the ten cities of the Dragon Kingdom, and Ao, the king of hunting, claimed that he wanted to slaughter me in the Dragon Kingdom." Ten cities."

"This probably means that these ten cities will face these two transcendent beasts! And the city that burned last night was our Zhongdu!"

"That's right! All of us are likely to be the target of the attack of the Transcendence Beast!"

Old Professor Yang's expression turned cold, and he asked in a cold voice, "Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

The students straightened their backs and replied.


Unexpectedly, they were greeted by Old Professor Yang's sneering expression, "Are you even afraid of the teacher? Are you not afraid?"

The students all bowed their heads.

They stopped pretending and showed their real side.

Two supernatural beasts are coming, so they can't be afraid!
Don't be afraid, it's fake.

But among the [-] freshmen, there are some students who still hold their heads high, and still have no fear on their faces.

Leng Yixuan, Hua Ling, Li Min and other freshmen are just that.

The same is true of Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao also admired Leng Yixuan and other freshmen.

He is not afraid of surpassing a strange beast because he is the master of the world in "Journey to the West".

As long as "Journey to the West" is not destroyed, he will not die.

So, not to mention the two supernatural beasts, even if all the supernatural beasts come together, it is impossible for him to frown!
"It's not shameful to be afraid. As far as the teacher knows, countless people in Zhongdu bought plane tickets, train tickets, and train tickets to escape from Zhongdu last night."

"Just now, the entire Zhongdu airport, railway station, train station, and major traffic arteries are full of people. They all want to escape! Escape, this city of Zhongdu!"

Professor Yang said calmly, "What about you? Do you want to escape too? If you want to escape, you can escape now! Leave the classroom and leave Zhongdu as soon as possible!"

The students were silent, they understood a truth better than ordinary people.

Who can be alone in this world?

I escaped once, what about next time, will I continue to escape?
always have to face.

"Continue to talk about the Fury of the Hell King. He can control the flame of death and use it to attack the target. Moreover, his flame of death strike has a particularly wide range, and can carry out a comprehensive death flame strike on the entire territory of the Dragon Kingdom."

"However, there is a prerequisite, that is, the Dragon Kingdom becomes the Alien Beast Zone. For example, Liucheng, if the Central Capital falls like Liucheng, and it also becomes the Alien Beast Zone, the king of hell will do it himself!"

When Old Professor Yang spoke, he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Strike all over the world!

Is this a big move?
Fortunately, only by becoming an alien beast area can we carry out a full-scale strike.

As long as Zhongdu can hold on, the anger of the hell king can only stare blankly!
Although the students felt uneasy, they felt a little more at ease when they thought of the clouds of strong people in the Dragon Kingdom.

"The subordinates of the King of Hell, including him, are all immortal. Even if we smash him into slag, they can be resurrected. It's just that it takes time, and this time may be long or short. "

Old Professor Yang continued.

There are some things that these students still need to know after all.

At least, one must know how to die.


Are you sure this isn't a joke?

The students really felt panic and suffocation.

It is undeniable that there are many strong people in the Dragon Kingdom, but there are more strong beasts.

It seems that, in order to intuitively show what immortality is, Professor Yang also used the projection function of the system to play a top-secret video.

【Video playback】

In an instant, a majestic and extraordinary city entered the students' field of vision.

At the same time, there was a dark shadow.

This black shadow obviously has the outline and appearance of a human being, although the video camera seems to be far away.

But the students were still determined at a glance.

This is a strong human being.

"Crash! Crash!"

In this strong human being, the surroundings are filled with scalding flames.

The flames are burning crazily!

But this strong human being was unmoved.

"Crack! Crack!"

Four weeks or even no time, you can still see a little bit of flame.

"Humans, get out of here, this is Rage Flame Hell—Rage Flame City, the capital of the king!"

At this time, a figure covered in flames appeared, his voice was hoarse.

But the words that came out of his mouth surprised the students.

"This is a burning man!"

"Is this the point of concern? Rage Flame City, the capital of the King of Rage Flame Hell!"

"Shouldn't the alien beasts be guys with well-developed limbs, and they also have their own cities and their own capitals?"

"When the alien beast has culture, is this the scene?"


The students were amazed again and again, and now they gradually understood why the strange beasts couldn't be eradicated no matter what.

Alien beasts have their own cities, their own cities.

I'm afraid!

In the eyes of alien beasts, their humans are alien races!

"Strange beast, is it strange to have a city? We humans are developing, and they are also developing! If anyone stagnates, he will not be far from death!"

A strange look flickered in Old Professor Yang's eyes, and he explained.

in the video screen.

That strong human race spoke.

"I come whenever I want! What can you do to me?"

Say it.

A spear appeared in the hands of the strong human race.

The whole spear was black, but one could see dragon spirits around the spear.

Counting carefully, but able to count, there are twelve dragon souls in this jet-black spear.


The strong human race stabbed away with a spear, and the whole spear turned into a flying dragon, instantly killing Burning Man on the spot.

But something weird happened.

The burning man was annihilated in the air, but gradually reorganized and reorganized.

Pyro appears!
It has reappeared!

【End of video playback】

The video was short, but it ended in no time.

"Immortal body? How can I deal with this!"

"This spear is too cool and flamboyant!"

"Twelve dragon souls! Where did this dragon soul come from?"

"Who is this strong human race?"


Students have different concerns.

And some places that the students were paying attention to almost made Professor Yang faint.

"This weapon is called the Dragon Soul Spear. Do you think that everyone can own this weapon? In terms of your wealth, even the drizzle of this weapon can't compare to it!"

Old Professor Yang said angrily, his face turned ashen.

The students also looked a little unnatural when they heard this.

Sure enough, it was still the same.

This weapon must be related to the system.

As long as krypton gold!

It can become stronger, this melody really has never changed!
Ye Xiao, on the other hand, had a calm expression. He already understood what this system looks like.

As long as there are enough funds!

The system can even kill these eight transcendental beasts!
But unfortunately, he does not have so much money.

I'm afraid, even the behemoth Dragon Kingdom official can't come up with it!
"If you think about it, you also understand that if you want to become stronger, you have to rely on investment! You must keep this sentence in your heart!"

Old Professor Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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