National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 283 The Tathagata Buddha passed away, the most powerful Emperor Huangtian in the heavens and

Chapter 283 The Tathagata Buddha passed away, the most powerful Emperor Huangtian in the heavens and worlds!

They all felt that "Journey to the West" was about to be played.

Ye Xiao, who was surfing the Internet, also noticed these remarks.

This made him feel a little speechless.

"Are these people not optimistic about "Journey to the West" just like that? Aren't they afraid of being slapped in the face?"

Ye Xiao muttered something in his mouth.

However, his mentality is quite good.

Instead of fighting wits and courage with these keyboard warriors, he began to enter the state of cultivation.

Only by becoming stronger can we live well in this chaotic world!

It's all about being alive!

The next day, in the morning.

Having just had breakfast, Ye Xiao thought he was going to gather in the playground, but three hundred freshmen were going to gather in the multimedia classroom again.

At first, he was quite puzzled, but soon there was an expression of enlightenment on his face.

This must have something to do with "Journey to the West".

The cold wave of "Journey to the West"!

This time it's level 7!
All three hundred freshmen arrived without landing.

At the same time, you can also see Professor Yang who has been waiting for a long time on the podium.

Although Old Professor Yang's eyes showed cloudy eyes, his mental outlook was quite good.

"Have you all received the system message about Journey to the West?"

He opened his mouth.

The students nodded in unison.

Nowadays, some students are in a state of entanglement.

Whether or not to sell the investment shares in your hands.

But if it is sold, the tax rate will be deducted, which really makes them feel very distressed.

But if they don't sell it, then if "Journey to the West" really can't stop this [level 7 cold wave], wouldn't they have to lose everything.

The students can only turn their attention to Professor Yang for help, and hope that Professor Yang can give some advice.

"Whether to sell or not, you know. Investing is your business, not the teacher's business."

However, this time Professor Yang did not give any advice.

This made some restless students finally couldn't help but sell the Westward Journey investment shares they held in their hands.

However, many students did not sell their investment shares, as if they were very confident about Journey to the West, and believed that "Journey to the West" would definitely be able to overcome this difficulty!
Professor Yang didn't say much nonsense, and directly observed "Journey to the West".

The object of observation is the Tathagata Buddha, the supreme Buddhist.

[Real-time video observation of Tathagata Buddha]

【Real-time video playback】

As soon as they entered their field of vision, it was not just the Tathagata Buddha who sat cross-legged on the golden lotus platform with a majestic treasure.

There is also a dignified and beautiful Guanyin Bodhisattva standing on a lotus platform with a suet jade bottle.

There is even Maitreya Buddha holding an acquired human race bag and smiling all over his face.

There is also the Jade Emperor who rules the heavens and has extraordinary momentum!

There is also a silver-haired, narrow-eyed Taishang Laojun, the ancestor of Taoism!

What's more, Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice are indispensable.

"Buddha, the crisis of the three realms is coming, what can you do to deal with it? Let's put aside the matter between my grandson and you for now!"

The dark Monkey King scratched his ears and cheeks, and stared at Buddha Tathagata with his eyes.

What he said made Buddha Tathagata angry and funny.

"The crisis of all beings in the Three Realms cannot be resolved by me alone. We need to gather the strength of all of you! Only in this way can we overcome this crisis!"

Tathagata Buddha has a dignified expression, but to be honest, he also feels a little guilty in his heart.

This crisis is unprecedented.

It seems to be related to the one-eyed and one-horned monster he killed last time.

This is karma!Karma!

There is a cause and effect!


The Tathagata put his palms together, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

"A troubled autumn!"

The Jade Emperor sighed.

Next, the immortals continued to discuss how to meet the enemy.

During this period, Tang Sanzang did not speak.

This makes Dark Monkey King seem a bit strange.

"Master, why doesn't my old grandson see you talking? Does the master have any tricks to deal with the enemy?"

Dark Monkey King looked forward to it.

"Wukong, the enemy is coming, just hit him with a pair of iron fists for the teacher, and it's over."

"What's the joy of life, and what's the pain of death?"

Tang Sanzang uttered two sentences in succession.

The dark Monkey King fell silent.

All the immortals present did not discuss any more.

They are all waiting for the enemy to come!
While they waited anxiously, students watching the live video were also curious.

Who is the sacred enemy that "Journey to the West" will come this time?
"Chila! Chila!"

At this time, in the world full of gods and Buddhas in "Journey to the West", there is a gap in the sky.

This gap became longer and longer, and it was as long as ten thousand zhang!
A cow also appeared from the gap!

This is a golden-backed reckless ox bursting out with bright golden lights!

Its body is as huge as mountains.

Even, the Tathagata Buddha, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened them suddenly.

The appearance of this golden-backed bull terrified him.

He is no match!
He is far from an opponent!

The expressions of all the immortals present changed abruptly.

They are afraid, they are terrified.

This time, is the Three Realms really coming to an end?

It's not over yet.

What surprised the immortals even more was that this golden-backed bull with a body like a mountain was actually pulling an ancient chariot.

Mottled marks such as knife marks and arrow holes can be seen on this chariot.

The terrifying atmosphere permeated the entire "Journey to the West" in an instant!

Facing this terrifying chariot, the terrifying golden-backed bull, the Tathagata Buddha's knees were actually weak, and he couldn't help but kneel down.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but kneel down too.

Only by kneeling, as if they could feel at ease.

Even the Taishang Laojun knelt down without disappointment.

Only Tang Sanzang and the dark Monkey King stand alone, one man and one monster stand upright, and they don't mean to kneel down.


But their bodies were bleeding non-stop, the seven orifices were bleeding, and their appearance was horrible.

"My grandson doesn't kneel to the sky or the ground! I only kneel to my grandson's master!"

Dark Sun Wukong's eyes were red.


Tang Sanzang didn't speak, but he also sprayed blood from his mouth and nose.

Feeling the immortal aura emanating from this battlefield, he was startled.

But he is not afraid!
Die or die!
Life is life!
It seems that he has already seen through everything!
At this moment, the students watching the real-time video were completely stunned.

"Did the Tathagata Buddha kneel? The Jade Emperor also kneeled?"

"Don't say it, I also have the urge to kneel because of this terrifying breath!"

"This seems to be a car of the immortal king of a foreign land. The cow pulling the cart alone seems to be more terrifying than a foreign beast!"

"Journey to the West is coming to an end!"


The faces of the students were ashen, and their faces were pale.

"Journey to the West" is over, and they will lose a lot of blood.

But suddenly these students also thought of one thing.

That is divestment!
Still available for sale now!
Sell ​​"Journey to the West" investment shares!

The students' eyes were red, and they kept manipulating their national system investment panels.

"Journey to the West" is a dead stock, so bad!

Soon "Journey to the West" will collapse the world, the world will collapse!

However, there are still very few students who are very confident about "Journey to the West", thinking that a turning point will definitely occur.

It seems that they believe that "Journey to the West" can have miracles!

Ye Xiao also put on a dumbfounded look, this is An Lan, the immortal king of foreign lands.

It's just that he didn't know if An Lan showed up in person, or if it was just a projection of divine thoughts or something.

Sure enough, An Lan was still the same An Lan.

Every time he plays, he is always full of cards like this!
At this time, the immortals in "Journey to the West" also discovered that the terrifying beast in front of them was a cart puller.

Moreover, there is an ancient atmosphere in the car.

These immortals didn't dare to look up to find that ancient breath, they only dared to kneel down.

Obviously, kneeling means surrender!

"There are actually two ants who are not afraid of death."

The golden-backed mang ox pulling the cart actually spoke out, and its eyes also fell on the dark Monkey King and Tang Sanzang.

However, it did not take any action.

It seems that it is a cart puller, and everything depends on what its master does.

"The king cannot be humiliated!"

A deep voice sounded from the ancient chariot.

"One of my subordinates was killed by you, you should kill yourself!"

At this moment, Tathagata Buddha only felt that there was a supreme murderous intent locked on him.

"This benefactor, I am the Venerable Sakyamuni in the Western Paradise..."

"Do I need to repeat what I said?"

That ancient voice was still so cold.


The Tathagata Buddha sighed lightly, knowing very well that he can only pass away by himself.

If this great terror is allowed to make a move, I'm afraid he will be completely out of his wits!

For an instant.

The Tathagata Buddha passed away on the spot.


The light of relics appeared in the entire sky!

You can also see 42 white rainbows in the sky!
This time.

The expressions of the Shuguang Academy students who were watching the real-time video screen froze.

Especially those students who were full of confidence in "Journey to the West" before, their faces were completely darkened.

Tathagata Buddha is gone now?

Passed away?
Don't even have the courage to fight this terrifying figure?

Even Ye Xiao was a little anxious.

Emperor Huangtian, we can't be dishonest, but you showed up?
Or, did Emperor Huangtian feel a little dissatisfied with the kneeling behavior of the Tathagata Buddha?

That's why you didn't make a move?

Ye Xiao began to guess in his heart, and he was also a little anxious.

"Whoever sings my true name will see eternal life in reincarnation!"

"I am An Lan, the Immortal King of Foreign Lands!"

The ancient voice said two more words that made the immortals tremble.

Is the Three Realms really about to be destroyed?

Is there really no hope for the sentient beings in the Three Realms?
Who would have thought.

next second.

Mutation appeared.

A stalwart figure descended!
No one can see his face clearly!

Fiery golden light erupted from his whole body!
Shine the sky!

Even the golden-backed ox pulling the cart couldn't help shrinking its neck, it seemed frightened too.

Who is this person in front of him?

"Who are you?"

Anlan, the Immortal King of Foreign Lands, was still sitting in the carriage, and he also panicked inexplicably. The figure in front of him seemed to have an invincible will, as if he would be blasted to pieces as soon as the opponent made a move!
"The one who killed you!"

This stalwart figure, after saying a word, was about to make a move.

"Hmph, can't deceive my real body to come?"

"If you want to kill me, you can come and try..."

The figure of Wei An made a move.

He just threw a punch!
This is a very common punch!
But this punch seemed to possess unrivaled divine power, it actually penetrated the entire world, the entire sky!

With just one punch, An Lan, the immortal king of foreign lands, and his ancient chariot were directly turned into smoke and dissipated into the air.

All the immortals present were shocked.

Who is this person?

The power of one punch seems to blow this piece of world to pieces!

Even the students who watched the real-time video were trembling for a while, and they were as if they had fallen into an ice cave, their faces were pale, and their livers and gallbladders were split.

For some reason, this stalwart figure made them feel inexplicably terrified.

It seemed that their every move was also seen by this stalwart figure.

Do not!
This is absolutely impossible!

No matter how strong this stalwart figure is, can it detect investors like them?

At this time, the real-time video screen has changed.

It is no longer "Journey to the West", but a battlefield!
Here is another terrorist battle taking place!
The human race is fighting against other powerful alien races!
It seems that there is a human sword master, splitting the sky with a single sword!

There is also a human god of war, blasting through the stars with one punch!
You can even see countless human races who are fighting bloody battles!
And at this time, that stalwart figure appeared again.

"The eight great transcendent beasts of the Dragon Kingdom? They look like ants in my eyes!"

"It's a pity, if I make a move, your world will collapse, and I will be a sinner!"

"The only ones who can help you are you!"

"Birth and death, reincarnation is endless! Strange beasts, heh, are just the devils in your hearts!"

[End of real-time video playback]

this moment.

The students were dumbfounded.

Dragon country!

This mysterious existence actually knows about Dragon Kingdom!

And it will surpass the alien beast and become an ant!

Even, what he said was somewhat incomprehensible.

Birth and death?
More than reincarnation?

What does this mean?
Strange beast, the devil in their hearts?


At this moment, the brains of the students seemed to freeze.

All dumbfounded.

Are they not investors?

These investment stock characters in the investment world should not be able to sense their existence, right?
Who is this stalwart figure?

It wasn't just the students of Shuguang Academy who came up with such an idea.

Including, investors in the entire Zhongdu, and even Longguo.

Even, the eight transcendent beasts in the eight exotic spaces are all paying attention to this mysterious figure?
Who is this person?

Why can sense their existence?
"I am Emperor Huangtian!"

"I am destined to be invincible!"

"I will never be defeated!"

At this time, not only the investors, but also Yishou, three sentences echoed in their minds.

Moreover, they once again saw that stalwart figure in their minds.

This stalwart figure is fighting!

Defeated powerful enemies one after another!

Moreover, each of these powerful enemies is countless times stronger than the Transcendence Beast!
Suddenly, the students of Shuguang Mansion came back to their senses.

But even so, they still had wonderful expressions on their faces.

Who is this Huangtian Emperor?
He actually knows everything about their dragon country and strange beasts!

Moreover, Emperor Huangtian seems to be of the same race as them.

When did such a terrifying powerhouse appear in the human race?
This is completely outrageously powerful.

A nine-star extraordinary investor, even in front of Emperor Huangtian, is afraid that he can only be killed in seconds!

Even Professor Yang's whole body trembled slightly.

He too was terrified.

After the panic passed, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"This is a strong man from the heavens and ten thousand realms! This must be a strong man from all the heavens and ten thousand realms! It is definitely one of the very few powerhouses!"

 Four more completed

(End of this chapter)

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