National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 291 Mysterious Gluttony, Enter "Seven Hegemons"!

Chapter 291 Mysterious Gluttony, Enter "Seven Heroes Contest"!
Does this No. 10 character card set the place of birth in Youzhou?
Ye Xiao pondered in his heart.

Suddenly, Ye Xiao's eyes lit up.

Hello, Youzhou!

As long as he went out of the city gate, he could go to that ruined temple.

Then, you can find out!

But the belly began to growl again.

Hungry, really hungry.

Ye Xiao touched the cuff of his sleeve subconsciously.

Sure enough, his body was empty, and he couldn't find a single copper coin.

Hold on, it's important to find out the origin of that black shadow first!
After a lot of effort, Ye Xiao finally left Youzhou City.


He was panting, this physical fitness was too bad and too bad.

After walking so far, beads of sweat kept coming out on his forehead, and even his lips were slightly pale.

Stop, we will soon find the ruined temple.

"Monster! Monster!"

But at this moment, he saw a few figures running from a distance.

These figures, dressed simply, seem to be some ordinary people.

They run very fast.

But in the blink of an eye, he ran to Ye Xiao's side.

"Run! The monster is coming!"

Among them, a bearded man also reminded him.

"Da Zhuang, run quickly, if you don't run, we will die!"

Some other ordinary people looked terrified.

Just a few dazzling efforts.

The figures of these ordinary people disappeared.


Maybe it really has something to do with that mysterious black shadow!
Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

He can run!

He wants to find out!
Otherwise, the 9600 million red crystals would have been wasted!
"Da da!"

Ye Xiao's pace was fast, and he sped up again.

It's just that he hadn't walked very far, but he couldn't help subconsciously stopping.


Because he saw the grass in front of him, it seemed that there was something running around all the time.

He had already made up his mind a little.

That is definitely the monster in the mouth of those common people!


This monster seems to be getting closer and closer to him!


In the next second, a black shadow rushed towards him from the grass.

This black figure bared its teeth and claws, with a ferocious face.

This time.

Ye Xiao finally saw clearly.

This figure has a big head and a small body, with eyes in the armpits, teeth like a tiger, and its claws look like humans, and its voice is like a baby.

On the spot, two words, one kind, popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.


The monster in front of him is clearly the Taotie in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!
But isn't Taotie a fiction?

How could it appear in the investment world "Three Kingdoms"?
Before Ye Xiao could think about it, the glutton in front of him had already bit Ye Xiao's head into pieces.

Ye Xiao also received a system message.

[I regret to inform the host that the character you created - the refugee, Li Jiu, has died]

When blinking again.

Ye Xiao is still in the bedroom.

It was as if everything was just a dream!

A bizarre and weird dream!

But Ye Xiao dared to be sure that it was definitely not a dream!
"Three Kingdoms" really has a big change!

Just then.

Ye Xiao received another warm reminder from the system.

["Three Kingdoms" invests in the world and is about to be completely closed]

[Investors please enter the market as soon as possible, or leave the market as soon as possible]

[Countdown 3 minutes]

In the last 3 minutes, it was completely sealed.

But how dare he enter the arena!
"Three Kingdoms" appeared gluttonous!

This is definitely a bad sign!
At least in his impression.

What gluttony is there in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms!
Ye Xiao chose not to enter.

But the entire Longguo investors don't think so.

They are all desperately entering!

The young teachers who had just finished class also gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing the investment world "Three Kingdoms".

"It's about to close, which investment stock do you invest in?"

"There is no need to ask, investing in Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, you can make a profit without losing money!"

"Jiang Wei seems pretty good too! He's Zhuge Liang's apprentice!"

"Enter! Enter quickly!"


The teachers talked and laughed, and they were all looking forward to it.

This time, how many red crystals can they earn?
This investment in the world "Three Kingdoms" really made them a lot of money!

Profitable from the start to now!
Never lost money!
Even the passengers on the bus couldn't help discussing in twos and threes.

"It's almost over! The last 2 minutes! Which investment stock did you invest in?"

"Cao Zhi! Liu Bei! Sun Jian!"

"Enter! Enter quickly!"

"Time waits for no one!"


The shareholders who were attending the general meeting of shareholders no longer discussed the company's affairs.

Nothing is more important than investing.

They discussed the investment world "Three Kingdoms"!
"It's the last 1 minutes, hurry up!"

"Sima Yi! This is definitely an unfathomable old man, invest! Hurry up and invest!"

"Right! Sima Yi is brilliant and good at hiding his clumsiness!"

"Sima Yi, the future is bright!"


The shareholders' eyes were red, like crazy gamblers.

They don't care anymore.

Just invest!
This "Three Kingdoms" investment world is too fragrant!

Earning, earning land is full of money, earning land is really comfortable, really comfortable!

Similar scene after scene is also being staged all over the Dragon Kingdom!

Investors are doing the final madness!

Non-stop admission to the Three Kingdoms!
Because, the Three Kingdoms will be closed soon!

And the biggest reason is that investing in the world of the Three Kingdoms is like picking up money. Investing in Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang is all profitable, especially profitable!

Ye Xiao, who was in Yancheng, had already gathered together with the freshmen in a trapezoidal classroom.

In this trapezoidal classroom, he once again saw Ling Shuangxue's cold face.

"Have you all followed up?"

She spoke the first words.

The students present all nodded in unison.

"Investment has always required rational investment. This time, the teacher also hopes that you can invest rationally and pursue investment rationally."

Ling Shuangxue said some commonplace things.

It's just that the students have heard her words countless times, and they are almost calloused.

After rambling for a while, she continued to talk about the current situation in Raging Flame Hell.

The situation is stable!
"Furthermore, our dragon country powerhouse has come, ready to suppress the anger of the king of hell."

At this time, Ling Shuangxue uttered another piece of important news.

As soon as this news came out, the students were surprised and stunned.

who is it?

Which dragon country powerhouse wants to suppress the anger of the king of hell?
"Li Shenzhou, the leader of the Dragon Guards of the Dragon Kingdom."

Ling Shuangxue continued.

This time, the students present were all surprised.

They had all been recruited by the Dragon Guards before.

Longguo Longwei, this is a mysterious organization that monitors the world and looks for potential stocks.

It turned out that the leader of this organization was named Li Shenzhou.

It's just that Li Shenzhou has reached the level of an extraordinary investor?
The students couldn't help guessing in their hearts.

Even Ye Xiao was amazed, he really didn't expect that the leader of the dragon guard would be dispatched to suppress the anger of the king of hell.

But, can this suppression be successful?
Everything is probably unknown!

The students set their eyes on Ling Shuangxue one pair after another, hoping that their mentor Ling Shuangxue would give an answer.

"Whether the suppression can be successfully suppressed, the teacher is not sure."

Ling Shuangxue shook her head, "But the strength of the leader of Dragon Guards, Li Shenzhou, is absolutely beyond doubt. He has reached the level of an eight-star extraordinary investor, and he is only one step away from a nine-star extraordinary investor! Maybe, maybe he has already become a nine-star investor. Extraordinary investor!"

Say it.

There was also a look of admiration in her pair of piercing eyes.

It can be seen that she admires Li Shenzhou, the leader of the Dragon Guards.

It was at this time.

The students started to get excited again.

Started to feel anticipation again.

Even, it seems that the blood is burning and boiling.

Because, as investors, they all received a message from the system.

[Tonight at eight o'clock sharp, the new investment world officially opens! 】

How can this make the students unhappy.

The new investment world is about to open again.

Even Ling Shuangxue was surprised.

However, she was still calm.

Longguo was able to open so many new investment worlds this year, which is related to Guozhan Investment.

But, what will the new investment world be like this time?

She thought silently in her heart.

The students have already started talking in a hurry.

"What do you think the new investment world will be?"

"Will it be a majestic dynasty?"

"Is it the end of the dynasty?"

"I can't tell!"


The students were guessing and chattering non-stop.

But Ye Xiao couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

Is the investment world "Seven Heroes" coming?

He is looking forward to this!
In this investment world.

He must earn more and more red crystals, and more rare card types!
And in this new investment world of "Seven Heroes".

The first voter is definitely Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, also known as Zhao Zheng!

Could it be Wang Jian!

Wang Jian made great military achievements in Qin's destruction of the six kingdoms!


Although he was born as a commoner, he is very talented!
Li Si contributed a lot to Yingzheng's ability to rule the world by making suggestions for Yingzheng!
When the Qin Dynasty was established, Li Siguan was the prime minister!
Li Si's life is a history of grassroots counterattacks!

The new investment world is about to open, and the students are delighted, but they are also somewhat puzzled.

"Teacher, does this mean that the investment world "Three Kingdoms" has entered the final stage? It's just who among the three kingdoms can rule the world?"

Many students are looking forward to the answer from Ling Shuangxue tutor.

"It's impossible to tell."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue shook her head.

Invest in the world "Three Kingdoms", who can win the world!
This matter is really impossible to tell!
After that, Ling Shuangxue Investment also led the students to watch the investment stocks of the investment world "Three Kingdoms" one after another.

Cao Ang established the Wei State and is handling business!
Liu Bei is also tremblingly striving to be a good emperor!

Sun Jian is no exception. He is also in the position of emperor, and he works hard. It's just that Sun Jian is not young. I'm afraid he won't live for a few years.

It seems that nothing big happened in the investment world "Three Kingdoms".

But Ye Xiao felt that "Three Kingdoms" was very bad!
Let's say he used the number 10 character card, but witnessed that terrible monster—— Gluttony!
But in these real-time video observations, there is no Taotie at all!

Is this the system playing tricks in the dark?
Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart, and he was also thinking about what kind of wishful thinking the system was planning?
Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was half past seven in the evening.

Time is still passing by.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath.

He has also used two hidden card types.

No. O unlimited card, select a designated investment stock, no investment quota limit, and No. K admission card, you can enter the investment world 3 minutes in advance, but you can only lock one investment stock in advance.


When the time came to 57:[-] in the evening.

Ye Xiao has received one message after another from the system.

[Congratulations to the host, enter the new investment world "Seven Heroes" 3 minutes early]

[Welcome to "Seven Heroes Contest", investment king Zhongwang enters! 】

Entering the venue 3 minutes in advance is refreshing!
It's a pity that this entry card with number K can only lock up one investment stock in advance!

Ye Xiao also quickly manipulated the system investment panel with ease.

【Enable investment function】

[Investment World "Seven Heroes"]

【Enable the search function】

[Search for Ying Zheng, also known as Zhao Zheng, born in Handan, Zhao State]

Ye Xiao typed in information about Ying Zheng.

This information was also something he had racked his brains for a long time before he came up with it.

Sure enough, the system responded immediately.

【Search Successfully】

[Ying Zheng, born in Kuocheng, Handan, Zhao State, is the son of Ying Yiren and Zhao Ji]

For an instant.

Ye Xiao's eyes brightened.

After checking his eyes, this is the Ying Zheng he wants to invest in!

There is nothing wrong with it!
Do not hesitate.

This time, Ye Xiao really spent all his money.

Thousands of billions of red crystals fell on Ying Zheng!
A system message also appeared quickly.

[Congratulations on the successful investment, investment target: Ying Zheng, investing 1000 trillion red crystals! 】

The appearance of this system message also made Ye Xiao feel that he was a little too crazy!

This is 1000 trillion red crystals, just in case history played a joke on him.

Ying Zheng died suddenly, what should we do?
Or Yingzheng encountered some accidents!

For a moment, Ye Xiao seemed a little uneasy.

But he also secretly warned himself in his heart.

But please don't scare yourself.

He even quickly checked the number of Ying Zheng's current investors.

The first vote should be fine, right?

[Current investment stock: Ying Zheng, investor: Ye Xiao, current number of investors: 1]


It was easy to win the first vote of Yingzheng!

He is Yingzheng's first vote No.1!
This time, I will definitely make a lot of money again!

Investing in 1000 trillion red crystals, if you make money, how much can you make?

How many billions of red crystals?

How many trillion red crystals?

ten trillion?



And even more and more!


In an instant, Ye Xiao's head was full of red crystals.

He felt as if he had a red crystal that he could never spend in his lifetime.

Do not!
With that astonishing amount of red crystals, ten lifetimes would not be enough!

 2 updates today... 3 updates tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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