National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 296 You are the monarch and I am the prime minister, Ying Zheng was born!

Chapter 296 You are the monarch and I am the prime minister, Ying Zheng was born!
In Ye Xiao's view, Bai Qi's time is numbered, but in the eyes of investors, what is Bai Qi doing!
In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi killed 400,000 soldiers!
He became famous in the first battle, and even according to their calculations, Bai Qi continued to lead his troops to attack the State of Zhao, and it was really possible to win the State of Zhao in one fell swoop!
In this battle, Zhao Guo's vitality was seriously injured!

The Seven Heroes' struggle for hegemony in this world may soon come to an end!
The one who will unify the world must belong to King Ji of Qin!
After learning about Bai Qi, the God of Killing on the battlefield, the students happily cared about Ying Yiren, who was the proton in Zhao Guo!

Is Ying Yiren worth the investment?

Judging from the information currently available.

There are more than 20 sons of An Guojun!
Ying Yiren is just one of them!
Moreover, Ying Yiren was not favored by An Guojun at all, not even Ying Yiren's mother.

That's why he was sent to Handan, the capital of Zhao State, as a hostage!

Instructor Ling Shuangxue also quickly manipulated the system panel to observe Ying Yiren!

[Written Observation Ying Yiren]

【Ying Yiren with simple food and simple food】

【Unwelcome Ying Yiren】

【Ying Yiren meets Lu Buwei】

From the observation of these three lines of text, it can be seen that Ying Yiren's situation seems to be very grim.

And who is this Lu Buwei?
Will it be Ying Yiren's nobleman?
"I just found out that this Lu Buwei is from Wei, but he is a merchant. Is it good for Ying Yiren to know such a merchant?"

The students felt that the future of Ying Yiren, an investment stock, was bleak.

It seems that it is not worth entering, but some students are also holding a wait-and-see attitude.

Whether Ying Yiren is worth the investment depends on the performance of Ying Yiren in the video.

[Great businessman Lu Buwei! 】

Big businessman?
Is it really a big businessman?
The students all harbored a kind of dubious attitude.

【Video playback】

As soon as it entered everyone's field of vision, it was a young face.

This person is Ying Yiren, and he is eating food.

As a proton, he should live a life of luxury and luxury.

Maybe you can even sing and dance.

But what.

The food in front of Ying Yiren's eyes was not big fish or meat.

It's a bowl of corn with shells, and a bowl of boiled vegetables that are not oily.

Such dishes are clearly the meals of the common people.

But what about him.

He is the grandson of Qin Wangji and the son of An Guojun.

Seeing the food in front of him, Ying Yiren was also out of breath, feeling unappetizing.

But even though he has all kinds of complaints in his heart, there is nothing he can do. Who made him a proton?

"Eat or not? If not, I will take these meals away!"

The one who was in charge of delivering food to Ying Yiren was a burly-looking man from Zhao country. Seeing that Ying Yiren didn't intend to touch the dishes, this Zhao country man's face darkened.

"Although I am the proton of Qin, I am also a prince and nobleman. These meals..."

For a moment, Ying Yiren couldn't help saying some complaints.

"Qin State! Qin State! Believe it or not, I will kill you, the proton of Qin State right now! Do you know what your Qin State general Bai Qi has done? He actually killed me in Changping Pit with 400,000 soldiers from Zhao State! Pawn!"

All of a sudden, the eyes of the Zhao Guo man turned red and his face was full of anger.

His eyes were fixed on Ying Yiren even more.

It seemed that anytime, anywhere, he might strike and end Ying Yiren's life.


For a moment, Ying Yiren had a look of surprise on his face. He never expected such a battle to happen on the front line.

The 400,000 soldiers of Zhao State were all killed by Bai Qikeng.

White up!

What a ruthless person!
All of a sudden, Ying Yiren also put on an honest and fawning look.

He didn't dare to speak anymore, and ate his meal in silence.

Although these meals taste very unpleasant, there is nothing he can do about it.


After seeing Ying Yiren eating food obediently, Zhao Guo's man showed a satisfied expression on his cheek.

Although, he really wanted to kill Ying Yiren's life.

But that doesn't work.

Ying Yiren is still of value to the current state of Zhao.

that night.


The house where Ying Yiren lived was also unrepaired for a long time, and the windows fell directly.


A gust of cold wind gushed out of the window, making Ying Yiren tremble all over.

Usually, there are still people who take care of his daily life.

But now.

There is no one around to take care of him.

That night, Ying Yiren survived with difficulty.

But the next day, just after dawn, when they got up together, Ying Yiren sneezed continuously.


He was cold, his hands and feet were cold.

Seeing such a video, the students all felt that Ying Yiren's life was too miserable, too poor and destitute!
Look at the place where Ying Yiren lives, it's dilapidated, like a beggar's house!

After that, they also saw that Zhao Guoren was really beating and scolding Ying Yiren, and often made Ying Yiren lack food and clothing.

Eat two meals today.

Have a meal tomorrow.

No meal the day after tomorrow.

Ying Yiren's life can only be described in one word: miserable!

And this day.

Ying Yiren went out and visited Handan City.

It's been a rough day.

It seems that he can feel more comfortable after visiting Handan City.

It was just such a trip to Handan City that made him meet the big businessman Lu Buwei.

"I don't know, which country are you from?"

Lu Buwei has a mature appearance and an extraordinary bearing, with a kind smile on his cheek.

Just now, in the crowd, he could tell at a glance that Ying Yiren in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Qin people."

Ying Yiren answered honestly.

Qin people!
These three simple words made Lu Buwei capture the unusual meaning in them.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi killed 400,000 Zhao soldiers, but he had heard of it.

Also, this is not a rumor.

Because of this incident, Bai Qi was called Rentu by the world, and he was also named Wu'an Lord.

However, right now there are people from the state of Qin boldly coming to Handan City of the state of Zhao.

This is courting death!

"Dare to ask, how do you honor your honor?"

Lu Buwei asked again.

"It's just a down-and-out person!"

Ying Yiren shook his head and smiled wryly, as if he didn't intend to tell Lu Buwei his real identity.

Lu Buwei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't continue to ask questions. Instead, he invited Ying Yiren to drink in this restaurant in Handan City, so as to relieve the unhappy emotions in his heart.

"it is good!"

Ying Yiren agreed straight away, life in Zhao country these years is too uncomfortable.

He is a prince and aristocrat!
But living a life is no different from common people!
Soon, the two sat down in a restaurant and chatted happily.

During the chat, the shrewd Lu Buwei also learned of Ying Yiren's identity by side-stepping.

Ying Yiren is the grandson of King Ji of Qin and the son of An Guojun, but he came to Zhao State with a heavy responsibility, and this heavy responsibility is to be a hostage!

"It's really an honor for Buwei to know Mr. Ying!"

Lu Buwei raised his wine glass and respected Ying Yiren.

"Praise me, lift me up."

Although Ying Yiren was happy in his heart, his face was full of polite expressions.

During the conversation just now, he learned one thing.

Lu Buwei, this is a wealthy businessman.

But he, although he is the grandson of King Ji of Qin, is very down and out.

Want to turn over?

is it possible?
I'm afraid, there will be no chance to stand up in this lifetime!
The two exchanged glasses and drank one after another, and their relationship became better and better.

In the next few days.

Ying Yiren has frequent contacts with the big businessman Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei also showed the heroic side of a big businessman!
What does Ying Yiren want!
He just bought it with one word!
Buy and buy!
In this way, it also allowed Ying Yiren to live a prosperous life.

Today's Ying Yiren doesn't need to eat those simple meals anymore.

For him now, life is really enjoyable.

But this day.

Lu Buwei even invited Ying Yiren to be a guest in a mansion in Handan City.

After entering the mansion, Lu Buwei has also carefully prepared drinks, food and delicacies to entertain Ying Yiren.

"Buwei, your mansion is really not that big!"

When he came, Ying Yiren saw that the mansion was really big, and he had to walk through several corridors before he found Lu Buwei.


But Lu Buwei laughed loudly, "If you like it, my lord, I will give you this mansion, so what's the matter?"

"No, no, no."

Ying Yiren shook his head quickly.

Although he wanted it very much, he controlled his greed.

Soon, the two continued to drink.

Glass after glass of wine went down.

However, Lu Buwei suddenly said something that made Ying Yiren feel inexplicable.

"My lord, although I am a merchant, I have an earth-shattering idea in my heart."

"What is this earth-shattering idea?"

Ying Yiren asked curiously while drinking fine wine.

Even the students who watched the video were curious, what earth-shattering idea did Lu Buwei have?

"My son, I want to support you, pave the way for you, create a bright future for you, and let you become the monarch of Qin! You are the monarch, and I am the prime minister!"

Lu Buwei spoke out the thoughts in his heart without any concealment.

a time.

The scene fell into a deathly silence.

Ying Yiren was dumbfounded.

Immediately, Ying Yiren shook his head again and again.

"No Wei, don't say these words! How can I become the monarch of Qin! I am just an unfavored prince and grandson! This world is too far away from me!"

"But son, if..."

Lu Buwei still wanted to continue talking.

"Buwei, drink, drink, don't talk about these things!"

Ying Yiren shook his head, he had no intention of being a king at all.

Lu Buwei nodded, and stopped talking about those topics.

After drinking a lot of wine, Lu Buwei called out his concubine Zhao Ji.

dance for them!

Zhao Ji appeared in a red tulle dress and began to dance her water snake waist.

She is very good at dancing.

Even when she danced, Ying Yiren couldn't take her eyes off her. Moreover, Zhao Ji was so beautiful, her skin was as white as snow, and her facial features were delicate and charming.

Don't say that Ying Yiren was dumbfounded.

Even some male students who watched the video felt a burst of heat in their hearts.

This Zhao Ji is so charming!
In particular, Zhao Ji would suddenly wink at her every now and then.

This is completely awesome!
After dancing, Zhao Ji saluted Ying Yiren even more.

"I've seen Mr. Win."

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite."

Ying Yiren said quickly, but his eyes were always dishonest, and he kept staring at Zhao Ji all of a sudden.

"If Young Master likes Zhao Ji, then Zhao Ji will give it to Young Master."

However, Lu Buwei saw through Ying Yiren's mind at once, and also actively wanted to dedicate Zhao Ji to Ying Yiren.

He is putting a long line to catch big fish!

Just like what he said before.

He wanted to support Ying Yiren.

Ying Yiren is the king of Qin, and he is the prime minister of Qin!
"Really? Seriously?"

Ying Yiren, who had drunk quite a few glasses of wine, was very excited when he heard Lu Buwei's words.

"How could Buwei deceive the young master?"

Lu Buwei said with a serious expression.

That night, Ying Yiren and Zhao Ji shared the same bed, burning firewood.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

In the video screen, the figures of the two were not seen, but the movement of wooden beds shaking one after another could be heard.

This made many students feel very itchy, and they all felt that this Ying Yiren was really lucky, to get such a beautiful woman like Zhao Ji for no reason!
But at this time, the camera turned around and looked at Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei was sitting in the hall, closing his eyes and meditating.

"Ying Yiren, Ying Yiren, I will definitely make you the King of Qin!"

He muttered to himself.

After all, he opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a shrewd gaze.

It's just that what he said surprised the students.

Lu Buwei, a big businessman, really wants to support Ying Yiren to become the king of Qin, but will it succeed?

Lu Buwei is gambling!

If you win, you will be successful and famous, and you will have endless glory and wealth in your life.

But if you lose, you will lose a little money at most!
Lu Buwei's behavior is not the same as theirs. They are also gambling when they invest!

Gambling on investment stocks can be profitable for them!Make money for them!
Since then.

Zhao Ji became Ying Yiren's wife as a matter of course, and gave birth to a son in Handan ten months later.

This son was named Zheng, for Ying Zheng!
Ying Zheng?

Ying Yiren's son?
The students were very surprised, this Ying Yiren was really hardworking, which made Zhao Ji pregnant and have a child.

As for Ying Zheng, they didn't pay attention either.

Ying Zheng, this is just a baby, what can he do?

"Is this Ying Yiren worth the investment?"

"It's hard to say! Everything is unknown!"

"It's just that Ying Yiren wants to become the king of Qin, it's too difficult! According to the system, this An Guojun has more than 20 sons! Ying Yiren is just the most unfavorable son!"

"Lu Buwei's investment is doomed to fail!"


The students continued to discuss, and they all ignored Ying Zheng.

On the contrary, Ye Xiao was very surprised, he did not expect that Ying Zheng would appear in such a situation.

Although Yingzheng came out, it is almost impossible for investors to invest in Yingzheng.

Who would have expected that this newly born Ying Zheng would rule the world in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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