National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 302 Congratulations to the host, get 1 glory crystal randomly!

Chapter 302 Congratulations to the host, get 1 glory crystal randomly!

If it's not human, provide him with a steady stream of jealousy!

He had already died in the hands of that figure!

Thinking of this, the King of Ghost Domain also felt inexplicably terrified, and he didn't have the demeanor of a king at all.

"The Lord of the World in "Journey to the West"! If I can descend in person, King Yama of the Underworld will never be my opponent!"

The King of Ghost Domain muttered to himself, his white face looked extremely ferocious and distorted.

Soon, his face calmed down, but there was a sinister look in his eyes.

He seems to be brewing some unknown plan.

It seems that he wants to continue to use his shadow to do evil.

that night.

Ye Xiao has already returned to the dormitory.

Moreover, this time there was an extra figure in his dormitory.

This figure has an extraordinary bearing and a deep face.

He is the king of hell.

"You did a good job this time, King Yama, and you deserve praise."

There was an approving expression on Ye Xiao's face.

"It's my honor to be praised by the lord. However, my lord is not strong enough. I am far from being the opponent of that ghost shadow deity. In the end, I was even escaped by those two ghosts."

Yan Luowang sighed softly.

Ye Xiao would not understand that the two fierce ghosts that Yan Luowang said were the red wedding dress and Bai Wugou!

That ghostly shadow is really extraordinary, really powerful!

I am afraid that the real king of the ghost domain is definitely better and more terrifying!
"The strength is not enough, spend money to make up!"

Ye Xiao said.

And his words baffled King Yan Luo of the underworld, because he couldn't understand what the Lord said at all.

However, King Yan Luo quickly echoed, "My lord is wise."

When he said this, Ye Xiao blushed all of a sudden.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly opened the "Journey to the West" investment panel.

He wants to enhance the strength of King Yama.

He also quickly found an option.

[Customize the strength of investment stocks]

This option is also similar to [Customized Investment Stock Fortune].

No more hesitation, Ye Xiao clicked directly.

With one click, a system box appears.

[Please enter the role of investment stocks]

【King Yama of Hell】


After some manipulation, system options appeared one after another.

[Investing 100 billion red crystals can increase the strength of King Yama of the underworld in a short period of time]

[Investing 1000 billion red crystals can greatly increase the strength of King Yama in the underworld in a short period of time]

[Investing 10 orange crystals can make the strength of King Yama of the Underworld skyrocket in a short period of time]

【Injecting 1000 amethysts will allow King Yama of the Underworld to comprehend the mysterious laws of heaven and earth】

Sure enough, the system was as virtuous as ever.

As long as you spend money, the role of investment stocks can increase your strength.

Red crystal, orange crystal, amethyst!
Three choices, if it was normal, he would definitely just drop 10 orange crystals.

But now it's different.

He has as many as 129 million amethysts.

1000 Amethyst is really a trifle.

After Ye Xiao paid the 1000 Amethyst, a system message appeared.

[Congratulations to the host, investing 1000 amethysts, so that King Yama of the underworld will understand the mysterious laws of heaven and earth]

For a moment, King Yan Luo of the underworld seemed to have some insight.

He quickly showed a gesture of worship to Ye Xiao.

"Thank you Lord for the reward!"

King Yan Luo of the underworld was full of awe, and there was even an uncontrollable ecstasy on his face.

He seems to have vaguely realized the laws of heaven and earth.

"It's just a trivial matter!"

Ye Xiao showed a very calm look, but his eyes were also flickering with curiosity, "I don't know, what laws of heaven and earth have you comprehended?"

"Reporting to the Lord, the law I have comprehended seems to be the law of death, but at present I am still a little elusive, and I need to continue to ponder."

King Yan Luo of the underworld replied truthfully.

"Go! Go and understand your law of death!"

Ye Xiao waved his hand, indicating that King Yan Luo of the underworld can leave.

"My lord, I take my leave."

King Yama of the underworld nodded.

After all, his figure also gradually dissipated into the air.

Ye Xiao also sensed it immediately.

Hell Lord Yama left the real world and returned to the investment world of "Journey to the West"!
"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Ye Xiao is very strange, who would suddenly look for him at night?
Could it be Ling Shuangxue's instructor?


There are clearly several auras outside the door.

And these breaths are very familiar.

Could it be Li Min, Zhang Jin and other classmates.


The bedroom door was quickly opened by Ye Xiao.

"Brother Ye, I didn't bother you at night, did I?"

The tall man, Li Min, asked softly.

Zhang Jin and the others also showed worried expressions, as if they were afraid that they would come to Ye Xiao at night and make Ye Xiao unhappy.

"It didn't bother me."

Ye Xiao shook his head, showing an understanding look.

Next, he also wanted Li Min and a few others to come in and sit down.

Stayed in the house.

Li Min and the others also quickly explained their intentions.

"Brother Ye, not long ago, did you hear the sound of suona after another? There were also women's laughter, and even crying..."

Thinking of what happened before, Li Min felt inexplicably horrified.

The rest are not much better off.

They all shrank their necks, and there were one after another frightened colors on their faces.

"This's nothing, it's all settled."

Ye Xiao shook his head with a calm face.

"Solved? What the hell is going on?"

Li Min and the others widened their eyes, becoming even more curious.

It is always said that curiosity killed the cat, but they just couldn't restrain their curiosity.

Ye Xiao also succinctly explained what happened before.


He spoke in a very calm tone, but the faces of Li Min and others turned green and pale with fright.

The expressions of Li Min and the others changed.

If it was just a strange beast or something, they wouldn't be afraid.

But now even ghosts have emerged.

Still a ghost!

"I just said, I really encountered a ghost hitting the wall just now, but you don't believe me!"

At this time, Li Min blushed even more, and said to Zhang Jin and others.

After some understanding, Ye Xiao realized that Li Min had also tried to find out why the siren suddenly sounded in Yancheng.

Who knows, who knows, walking around in Yancheng, turning around, they are all in the same place.

This is definitely a ghost hitting the wall!

But when he told Zhang Jin and others about it later, Zhang Jin and others didn't believe it.

"I believe it, I believe it!"

"It's really thanks to the master of the world in "Journey to the West" who sent the Underworld King Yama to take action. Otherwise, our lives would be lost!"

"Isn't it? As far as I know, these ghosts are the most terrifying, killing people invisible!"

"This world is chaotic, really chaotic!"


Zhang Jin and the others showed a look of rejoicing, and they felt even more afraid for a while.

In addition to being afraid, they also tightly held the Chinese zodiac horse charm in their hands.

It seems that holding such a horse charm can increase their courage.

After chatting with Ye Xiao for a while, Li Min and the others didn't bother too much, and left directly.

Once they leave.

Ye Xiao is also practicing stealth, and he is close to becoming a four-star extraordinary investor!

The next day, it was just dawn.

Ye Xiao then received a prompt from the system, and was able to open the treasure chest of wealth keys.

Recently, he opened this treasure chest every day, every day.

But in the end, it was either red crystal or orange crystal.

Amethyst really won't give it to him.

I don't know, what will happen to my luck today?
Ye Xiao was looking forward to it.

A picture also appeared on his national system interface.

In the picture is a big treasure chest that is shining with light.

This big treasure chest is the wealth key treasure chest.


Ye Xiao quickly clicked on the big treasure chest.

Sure enough, the big treasure chest opened in response.


A system message popped up suddenly.

[Congratulations to the host, you will get 1 glory crystal at random]

Just when Ye Xiao thought that this day was going to be the same as usual, he didn't panic, so he said that it was impossible to give any good things when opening this treasure chest.

Amethyst at most.

There can be no more Amethysts!

Unexpectedly, today is different!
He actually got 1 Glory Crystal!

Is he European?
Is Ou Huang possessed?

A series of happy expressions appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

Although, he also understands that this glory crystal is extremely precious, but what is the use of this glory crystal?

According to past practice, the system will not give any explanation for this.

But today is different.

The system gives an explanation.

[Glory Crystal: Items that can be exchanged in the Glory Crystal Store]


After owning 1 Glory Crystal, Ye Xiao also noticed an extra mark in his national system.

This is a brilliant crystal that exudes endless light.

Is this the glory crystal?
He clicked the mark subconsciously.

【Welcome to the Glory Crystal Store】

[One Billion Combat Power Experience Card: 1 Glory Crystal]

[Rare card type spree: 1 Glory Crystal]

[Hidden card gift package: 1 Glory Crystal]


[Mythical Beast Azure Dragon Soul Stone: 100 Glory Crystals]


[Qualification for the draw of the Godly Clothes Obsidian God Ring: 10000 Glory Crystals]

【? ? ? 】

In this glory crystal store, Ye Xiao could really see a lot of items in the store.

Even the rare and hidden cards are on sale in the Glory Crystal Store.

As for these soul stones such as the divine beast Qinglong and the divine beast White Tiger, Ye Xiao was completely bewildered.

However, after some inquiries, he was able to understand that it was some strengthening materials for equipment.

In the end, the eligibility to draw the divine outfit Black Glory God Ring required 1 Glory Crystals.

He thought he had lost his sight.

Zhenzhen is not mistaken, Zhenzhen needs 1 Glory Crystals.

This system is simply another money grab.

Moreover, question marks appeared one after another.

It seems that because he has no right to inquire, or because he has too little funds, not all of the glory crystal stores are displayed.

For a while, Ye Xiao was even more eager to try.

He just looked at those big card gift packages.

There is a chance to draw a card type!
But there is also a chance of getting air!
Must pump!
Today's luck is so good, if you don't draw cards, your luck will be in vain!
Ye Xiao also decided to draw the hidden card type directly!

Hidden card types can have a lot of cards are very effective very good!
For example, the investment world card with the hidden card type number A can collect information about the next investment world.

There is also a hidden card type number Z wealth combat power card, and the assets in the account can temporarily provide combat power points.


Wait, if these hidden cards are used properly, they can have amazing effects.

No longer hesitating, Ye Xiao directly spent 1 glory crystal to buy the gift pack of hidden card types.

Two system messages also appeared instantly.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully bought the hidden card gift package]

[Hidden card type gift pack: Open the gift pack, there will be a certain chance to get a hidden card type, and there is also a certain chance that the gift pack will be empty and get air]



At this moment, Ye Xiao couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and quickly manipulated the interface of the national system.


The hidden card gift package interface flashed, and the gift package was opened.

A hidden card also appeared in Ye Xiao's vision.

This is a hidden card with a "W" printed on it.

In just a split second, the effect of hiding the card type number W appeared in Ye Xiao's mind.

Number - W
Name - Reward Card
Explanation—Once this card is used, investors can get multiple rewards for initial investment shares
Get rich!
This time he is trying to make a fortune!

He has won many first votes in the "Seven Heroes" investment world.

However, only the investment stock Yingzheng can trigger the first investment reward.

But now with the Number W Rewards Card, everything is different.

Ying Yiren, Lu Buwei, Wang Jian, Li Si, and Li Mu can all trigger the first vote reward!

No more hesitation, Ye Xiao also directly used this numbered W reward card in the collection card book.

[Congratulations to the host, the number W reward card has been successfully used]


It was such a joy!
From now on, he will be able to get the rewards of these six initial investment stocks!

It's really a beautiful feeling.

This 1 glory crystal is really worth spending.


Ye Xiao thought he could be more relaxed, but tutor Ling Shuangxue called the students together in the trapezoidal classroom again.

The reason seems to be that something happened in the investment world "Seven Heroes".

Three hundred freshmen quickly gathered in the trapezoidal classroom, and most of them felt uneasy.

Did they know that mentor Ling Shuangxue could receive the latest first-hand information.

I don't know if their investment stocks are losing money or making a profit?

In the blink of an eye, the figure of tutor Ling Shuangxue appeared.

She was wearing a very plain black dress, but even so, there was a distinctive charm from her.

"You all may have missed a potential stock in "Seven Heroes"."

She spoke.

It's just the first sentence, but the students can't help cheering up.

Missed that potential stock?

Who is he?
who is it?

Puzzling thoughts popped up in the minds of the students one after another.

Even Ye Xiao is very curious, who is the potential stock that Ling Shuangxue is talking about?
(End of this chapter)

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