National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 304 There's always someone to stay, isn't it, isn't it?

Chapter 304 There's always someone to stay, isn't it, isn't it?
"What's next?"

Mrs. Huayang was confused for a while.

Lu Buwei can only explain things clearly.

"Ma'am, those who use sex to deal with others, the color fades and the love relaxes..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Buwei's words were astonishing.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Madam Huayang was furious on the spot.

"You—you are so courageous!"

Faced with Mrs. Huayang's sudden exposure, Lu Buwei also considered it.

But there are some things he has to say.

"Sister, don't get angry, just listen to what he has to say."

Mr. Yangquan bit the bullet and stood up to speak.


Mrs. Huayang's pretty face turned frosty.

What Ruo Buwei said made her unsatisfied.

Then, Lu Buwei won't have to see the sun of tomorrow!
"Today, Mrs. Huayang, you can be favored by Mr. An because of your beauty. But in the future, Mrs. Huayang, when you are old and decrepit? At that time, will Mr. An still favor you?"

"Even, as far as I know, Mr. An is very fond of Young Master Xi. Once Mr. An inherits the throne and becomes the King of Qin, then Young Master Xi will definitely be crowned Prince. At that time, what will you do, Mrs. Huayang? You have no heirs! "

Every word of Lu Buwei was like a long thin needle, piercing into Mrs. Huayang's heart.

Especially the last sentence.

You have no children!

Madam Huayang was extremely angry, and felt inexplicably sad in her heart.

She also worked hard.

But this stomach just doesn't live up to expectations, and she can't help it.

Mrs. Huayang is definitely a very smart woman.

She also understood why her younger brother, Mr. Yangquan, brought this fortune teller here.

Everything is planning for the future!
at the moment.

The brothers and sisters in this city of Xianyang want the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain.

But what about the future?

I'm afraid I won't be able to tell in the future!

"Fortune teller, tell me, tell me what's on your mind!"

Mrs. Huayang's beautiful eyes flickered sharply.

"From what I see, Mrs. Hua Yang should adopt one of Mr. An's many sons as her own son. Then, she is supporting this son to become Mr. An's legitimate son."

"Then, in the future, even if An Guojun gets old, Madam Huayang and even Lord Yangquan will not lose their power, and they can still call the wind and rain!"

Lu Buwei also expressed his thoughts.

Madam Huayang nodded silently.

But she sighed again, "This method may be feasible. But they all have their own mothers, who would like to be adopted by me?"

Lu Buwei's method is quite good.

But not realistic enough.

It's that easy to adopt someone as your own son.

"I have a candidate in my heart."

Lu Buwei said.

"tell me the story."

Madam Huayang asked.

"This person is Gongzi Yi. He has been a hostage in Zhao State for eight years. Because King Zhao wanted to harm him, he fled Handan and returned to Xianyang. Moreover, Gongzi Yi is diligent and eager to learn, and he has the style of a gentleman."

"If madam can adopt him as an adopted son, he will be established as the crown prince in the future. Then, in the future Qin State, everything will be decided by madam?"

Lu Buwei also spoke out his carefully prepared plan.

He said so.

The students watching the video finally figured it out.

"So this is Lu Buwei's plan!"

"Lu Buwei is looking for a big backer for Ying Yiren!"

"It just so happens that Mrs. Huayang has no children!"

"Everything is so seamless!"


All the students were amazed and felt that if they recognized Mrs. Huayang as their mother, then Ying Yiren might really be able to become the king of Qin in the future.


Ying Yiren is about to counterattack!

"Is he willing to recognize Ben Gong as his mother?"

Mrs. Huayang is a little moved, if she can control the government, how can she not be moved!
Even if she doesn't think about herself, she also needs to think about her brother and her family.

"Young Master Yi is naturally willing. His mother passed away early, and these years he was in Zhao Guo, isolated and helpless. It is an honor for Young Master Yi to recognize you as his mother! He is willing! He is willing!"

Lu Buwei said quickly.


Unexpectedly, Madam Huayang's complexion suddenly turned cold.

Her behavior made Lu Buwei feel inexplicable.

Did he say something wrong?
Even Mr. Yangquan was at a loss, not understanding why his sister's complexion changed so quickly.

"What fortune teller, you must be Lu Buwei! It is you, a merchant, who helped Yingyiren's family of three escape from Handan of Zhao State to Xianyang City of Qin State!"

Mrs. Huayang said with a half-smile.

His identity was exposed all of a sudden, and Lu Buwei was caught off guard.

But he still quickly replied, "I didn't hide Madam on purpose, I hope Madam won't take offense!"

While speaking, he also had a panicked expression on his face.

He was really scared.

If Madam Huayang is really upset, his life will be in danger!

He really doesn't want to continue to be a businessman!

He wants to climb high!

The higher you climb, the better!

He wants to be the prime minister of Qin!

Master the fate of others, not let others master his destiny!
Lu Buwei was roaring and shouting in his heart.

Mr. Yangquan did not speak.

No matter what Lu Buwei's status is, he agrees with Lu Buwei's idea and plan very much.

If his sister can be in charge of the future state of Qin.

Then, he will definitely be able to live happily ever after.

"You go!"

Mrs. Huayang suddenly said something.

Did the plan fail?

In an instant, Lu Buwei's heart fell to the bottom, very uncomfortable.

"It's ma'am."

However, he didn't dare to complain.

However, he had just walked a few steps, but Mrs. Huayang's words came from behind him.

"Tomorrow, let Young Master Yi come to see me."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Lu Buwei's face was full of joy, and he quickly bowed respectfully and saluted.

After all, he left quickly.

"Sister, this is a wise move!"

Mr. Yangquan's face was full of joy, and it was a completely laughing expression.

"It's not easy to support Young Master Yi to become a prince."

Madam Huayang shook her head.

"Brother Yu doesn't understand what sister means?"

Mr. Yangquan looked like he was protecting his body.

In his eyes, as long as Mrs. Huayang blows the pillow wind.

Isn't it a certainty that Young Master Yi will become the prince in the future?
"Young Master Xi, will you make Young Master Yi the crown prince?"

Madam Huayang asked back.

On the spot, Mr. Yangquan was at a loss for words.

"It's a strange thing to say. This young master Xi, according to my conjecture, he will not let young master Yi return to the country so easily. Young master Yi has been a hostage in Zhao country for eight years, which is a great contribution. In the end, when Young Master Yi returned to Xianyang, the whole process was extremely smooth."

Mrs. Huayang murmured to herself.


Finally, she took a deep breath.

No matter how difficult it is, she will support Young Master Yi to become the future prince!

But there is a prerequisite, the young master is willing to recognize her as his mother!
The next day, in the morning.

Wearing Chu clothes, Ying Yiren came to meet Mrs. Huayang and recognized Mrs. Huayang as her mother.

【End of video playback】

until this moment.

The students' heads were buzzing.

Ying Yiren admits his mother!

She really recognized Mrs. Huayang as her mother!

This Ying Yiren is about to stand up!

"But having said that, didn't you notice in the last scene of the last shot? Ying Yiren is actually wearing the costume of Chu State! He is a Qin man!"

"That's right, what's the matter with this little detail? Qin people wear Chu clothes?"

"All of this must have something to do with Lu Buwei! This Mrs. Huayang is an aristocrat of the Chu Kingdom. In this way, it must be Lu Buwei who ordered Ying Yi to wear Chu clothes!"

"Any investment is risky, and in order to reduce the risk, Lu Buwei will not lose everything, so he lobbied Mr. Yangquan and Mrs. Huayang. In this way, Ying Yiren will have a backer in the future!"


Every student is praising Lu Buwei. In their eyes, Lu Buwei is a successful investor.

Just say the first time.

They all despised Lu Buwei, a merchant.

I don't know, it's today.

They only admire Lu Buwei.

Even couldn't help giving Lu Buwei a thumbs up.

However, it still seems difficult for Ying Yiren to become the future King of Qin.

After all, his opponent is the son Xi who is most favored by An Guojun!
"Do you really think that Ying Yiren's chance of becoming the king of Qin is very slim? Yes, it is indeed very slim, but that was at the beginning. Now, Ying Yiren has two big helpers joining him. One is Yangquan Jun and the other is Huayang. lady."

"This also makes Ying Yiren's chances of becoming the king of Qin in the future much, much higher. As long as Young Master Xi makes a big mistake, the future prince of Qin will definitely belong to Ying Yiren."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue said, "Whether it is Ying Yiren or Lu Buwei, it is worth investing in! However, it is indeed a bit late to enter the market now, even if it is profitable, it will not make much."

Early entry and early profit!
When thinking of this, the students present felt inexplicably regretful.


I am so sorry!

Ying Yiren and Lu Buwei should enter the arena as soon as possible!

"Did you ignore someone?"

All of a sudden, Ling Shuangxue's mentor said something out of nowhere.


The students all asked subconsciously.

Who are they ignoring?
It seems not!

"Ying Yiren's son—Ying Zheng! If Ying Yiren really becomes the future King of Qin, then, does Ying Zheng still need to consider it? He will be the next King of Qin!"

Instructor Ling Shuangxue explained, and added at the end, "Your students of this year are really not good! Compared with the students of the previous year, you are far behind!"


Although Ling Shuangxue's words were not very harmful, they were extremely insulting, and many students couldn't help but blush.


Enter Yingzheng!

Yingzheng is likely to be another king of Qin in the future!
Just, when you are ready to invest.

Many students have already shown a dumbfounded expression.

[Investment stock: Ying Yiren, current number of investors: 3141 million]

[Investment stock: Lu Buwei, current number of investors: 4213 million]

[Investment stock: Yingzheng, current number of investors: 1081 million]


Investors are frantically entering the market again!
The number of people who entered Ying Yiren has exceeded 30 million!

Lu Buwei's attendance exceeded 40 million people!

Even the boy Yingzheng, who was only a few years old, had more than 10 million people in attendance!
"Opportunities are always for those who are sure and prepared. When you are not sure, you are not prepared. Sorry, opportunities will just slip away from you quietly."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue's face was calm, and she also gave a warning.

The students nodded silently.


Opportunities must be seized!

But Ye Xiao is in a good mood.

He should have received a system message just now.

[Trigger special rewards—Investment stock Lu Buwei, step by step, support Ying Yiren, help Ying Yiren, recognize Mrs. Huayang as his mother, reward rare card number 56 deadly card]

Really good!

Relying on Lu Buwei's step by step, he harvested a rare card.

However, Ying Yiren did not trigger any special rewards.

Ye Xiao also figured this out.

Acknowledge Mrs. Huayang as her life.

The whole thing was led by Lu Buwei, and Ying Yiren didn't put in too much effort, so no special rewards or special achievements were triggered.

But don't worry.

In the future, if Ying Yiren becomes the prince of Qin, or even the king of Qin, there will be no rewards, right?

Maybe he doesn't care much about Hongjing or something.

But this rare card type, he must get it, the more the better!
At this moment, Ye Xiao was attracted by the system messages that popped up one after another.

[Three days later, members of the Hundred Billion Club will hold a meeting]

[The venue for this meeting is the venue provided by the system—the Nether Space]

[It is absolutely safe in the Nether Space, and its identity is absolutely confidential]

[Conference content: Exploring the reasons for the collapse of the "Three Kingdoms" investment world]

【If the host should be interested, choose to participate when the time comes】

The appearance of these system messages instantly revived Ye Xiao's spirits.

I really didn't expect that the Hundred Billion Club would hold another meeting.

So, can he witness the demeanor of Ma Jieke and others again?

Moreover, this time these bigwigs are actually exploring the reasons for the collapse of the "Three Kingdoms" investment world.

Could it be that why the "Three Kingdoms" suddenly collapsed, these bigwigs have already learned the reason and the truth?

All of a sudden, Ye Xiao showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

without hesitation.

This meeting was held three days later.

He must be there!

At the same time, Ling Shuangxue, who was standing on the podium, announced a big news.

"At noon today, you can pass through the gates of hell and return to the central capital."

"Is it true, teacher? Can you finally leave this ghost place?"

For a moment, the students' faces were full of joy, and they were almost dancing.

"Really, the teacher will not deceive you."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue smiled.

"Teacher, let's leave the first battle line of the Raging Flame Hell, so what about you, teacher, will you also leave with us?"

Leng Yixuan, who was beautiful and had a sweet voice, suddenly asked.

When she asked this question, one pair after another of her eyes couldn't help but fall on Ling Shuangxue's teacher.

Unexpectedly, Ling Shuangxue shook her head.

"No, I want to stay, stay on the first battle line of the Raging Flame Hell."


The students looked worried.

"There's always someone to stay, isn't it, isn't it?"

Ling Shuangxue asked rhetorically, "So, don't get entangled, you just need to be yourself and invest well."

(End of this chapter)

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