National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 307 Strength comes first, wealth comes first!

Chapter 307 Strength comes first, wealth comes first!
Ye Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly allocated 100 billion red crystals to the student union's asset account under the signal of the student union president, Long Yanli.

As the president of the student union, Long Yanli also received the tens of billions of red crystal accounts from Ye Xiao's allocation for the first time.

On the spot, only the word surprise remained on her pretty face.

Even Jiang Xuan was surprised and ashamed.

Surprised that Ye Xiao was able to take out tens of billions of red crystals, and ashamed that she thought Ye Xiao couldn't take out these tens of billions of red crystals.

"So, president, am I the vice president now?"

Ye Xiao shrugged his shoulders with a calm expression, thinking that it would be too easy to get the position of vice president.

Long Yanli nodded with a dull expression.

"So, how many red crystals can you donate to become the president of the student union?"

When Ye Xiao questioned, it seemed that he was also addicted to donating red crystals.

As soon as these words came out, Long Yanli's face darkened.

"Student Ye Xiao, you can leave now."

She said with a cold face.

Ye Xiao smiled mischievously, but left the president's office without stopping.

After he leaves.

Jiang Xuan blinked her bright eyes, "Master President, this Ye Xiao is quite rich, I really can't tell."


Long Yanli nodded.

"Master President, why do you have such a bang? This bang completely covers your left eye! The left face!"

Jiang Xuan said.

"You don't know this question?"

Long Yanli said something angrily.

She also gently flicked the bangs on her forehead, but it also revealed the left side of her face.

Her left face is still very delicate, so delicate that no one can pick out any faults.

But compared to her delicate left cheek, what is more attractive is her left eye!

That's a gray eye!

However, the appearance of the pupil of this eye is very strange and special.

That eye was actually a gray clock!
"Master President, every time I see your left eye, it makes people dazzled and intoxicated..."

A sweet smile appeared on Jiang Xuanqiao's face.

"At the beginning of school, there are still many things to do, so hurry up! Don't be a nympho here!"

Long Yanli covered her forehead with a pair of small white hands, she felt very helpless.

Jiang Xuan, the vice president, has a certain orientation that is different from ordinary people.

Jiang Xuan pursed her lips and smiled, but she did not refute Long Yanli's words, and she even communicated with Long Yanli.

Exchange investment world "Seven Heroes Fight for Hegemony"!
at the same moment.

Ye Xiao, who had just walked out of the president's office, noticed several seniors.

He can recognize the leader among them, isn't it Zhao Liangfei who invited him to join the student union not long ago?
"Student Ye Xiao, no one can violate the will of the president of the student union, and neither do you. How about it, don't you want to join the student union in the end!"

Zhao Liangfei straightened his back, feeling very proud.

He really didn't believe that Ye Xiao didn't join the student union.

"Yes, I joined the student union."

Ye Xiao replied.

"Student Ye Xiao, I am one of the cadres of the student union. You just joined the student union..."

Zhao Liangfei straightened his back and spoke with confidence.

He is a member of the cadre!
Ye Xiao is just an ordinary member of the student union.

In other words, he is still Ye Xiao's immediate boss!

There are strict rules in the student union, and no one can violate them!
"Cough cough!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiao suddenly coughed twice in his throat.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

Zhao Liangfei looked suspicious.

The rest of the students around also had different expressions.

However, what Suo Yexiao said next surprised them.

Surprised to the point of dumbfounding.

"I'm sorry, I'm the vice president of the student union now. The vice president should have a higher status than you, a member of the cadres, right?"

Ye Xiao said with a half-smile.

Up to now.

He has gradually understood the Shuguang Mansion.

This is definitely a place where people eat people.

it's here.

Strength comes first!

it's here.

Wealth comes first!



Zhao Liangfei was surprised, and so were the seniors around who wanted to see Ye Xiao suffer.

They stared in surprise.

Did they all think they heard it wrong?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to hear such an unbelievable intelligence message.

Ye Xiao suddenly turned around and became the vice president of the student union.

Are you kidding me?
What the hell!

Zhao Liangfei thought he heard it wrong.

"Student Ye Xiao, have you become the vice president?"

His eyes widened, and he spoke with a strange expression.

"Good. Is there a problem with that?"

Ye Xiao asked back.


Zhao Liangfei frowned, and wanted to say something.

"Donate 100 billion red crystals and become the vice president. If you don't believe me, you can ask the president yourself."

Ye Xiao added another sentence.

This time.

Zhao Liangfei and the others were a little stunned.

100 billion red crystals donate as soon as you say donate.

This must be too rich!
At this time, the campus radio sounded a sweet and beautiful female voice.

"Thank you Ye Xiao for donating 100 billion red crystals to the student union asset account!"

"After careful consideration by the president of the student union, Long Yanli, student Ye Xiao has become the honorary vice president of the Shuguang School's student union!"

For an instant.

Not only Zhao Liangfei and others were surprised, but even the entire Shuguang Academy students were also surprised.

Ye Xiao is really rich and powerful!

100 billion red crystals are donated directly!

Just for the title of honorary vice president?

"Meet the vice president."

Zhao Liangfei and the others restrained their contemptuous attitude, and quickly straightened their backs.

Ye Xiao also noticed the change in their attitudes.

Regarding this, Ye Xiao smiled, but didn't say much.

Soon, Ye Xiao left the scene.

However, the discussion in the entire Shuguang Mansion could not stop.

"Brother Ye, you really give us new face!"

"Is this the honorary vice president?"

"I don't even have the qualifications to join the student union. This person is really mad at me!"

"I can't even accept it! 100 billion red crystals are really inhumane!"


Shuguang Mansion continued to discuss.

As for the number of these red crystals like sesame and garlic skin, Ye Xiao didn't take it to heart at all.

He even received messages from the system just now.

[Congratulations to the host, becoming the honorary vice president of the Shuguang University Student Union]

[Become the honorary vice president, and the host will enjoy a [-]% discount on the expenses spent in Shuguang Mansion]

[Become the Honorary Vice President, the speed of the host's cultivation of Qi source is slightly increased]

[Become the honorary vice president, the host will be able to participate in every important meeting held by the student union]


One power after another dazzled Ye Xiao.

He was also very surprised. He really didn't expect that the student union would be included in the national system.

But the 100 billion red crystals are worth a fortune.


Ye Xiao thought he could take a good rest.

Unexpectedly, he received an order from Professor Yang.

The freshmen rushed to the multimedia classroom to assemble.

The specific content, but did not say much.

Presumably it is to discuss about the investment world "Seven Heroes".

And, this time it was different.

He also received two message prompts from the system.

[Dawning Academy adopts the credit system for assessment, the initial credit is 0]

【Participate in the course, you will get a small amount of credits】

After receiving these two system messages, Ye Xiao also immediately realized that Professor Yang's course is definitely an investment course!
Participate in investment courses to get credits!
It's just a blink of an eye.

Ye Xiao followed the flow of freshmen to the long-lost multimedia classroom.

Just after arriving in the classroom, many freshmen took the initiative to say hello to him.

"Vice president!"

The title of the vice president also made Ye Xiao feel a little uncomfortable.

But he still had a polite smile on his face.

Not long after, all three hundred freshmen arrived.

Professor Yang's figure also appeared.

He still looks a little thin, with thick white hair.

Although Old Professor Yang looked very old, his cheeks were full of vigor, and he seemed to be a very energetic old man.

"You all performed very well in Fury Hell."

Old Professor Yang, who was standing on the podium, scanned everyone with scrutiny.

Speaking of Raging Hell.

The sweltering city of Yancheng couldn't help popping up in the students' minds.

Also, that beautiful figure.

Instructor Ling Shuangxue.

Although they didn't get along with this mentor for a long time, the students still miss Ling Shuangxue's mentor inexplicably at the moment, and wonder if Ling Shuangxue is safe and sound in the first battle line of Raging Flame Hell?
I think it will be safe.

Some students prayed silently in their hearts.

"It's just that you can perform better! Even better! And thanks to the "Journey to the West" world lord dispatched black and white impermanence, hell king Yama, otherwise your lives may be ruined in Yancheng. Moreover, the entire Yancheng All extraordinary investors are going to die!"

After all, Professor Yang's pupils tightened.

He was also extremely fortunate, fortunately, the Lord of the World in "Journey to the West" dispatched the Underworld King Yama at that time.

Otherwise, all consequences are unpredictable.

It's just that he doesn't understand.

Why such a coincidence?
It happened that black and white impermanence appeared.

King Yan Luo of the underworld appeared.

Could it be that the master of the world in "Journey to the West" has been paying attention to this exotic space of Raging Flame Hell?

A series of associations developed in Professor Yang's mind.

Speaking of this matter, the freshmen present also showed a look of lingering fear.

What happened that night, they also explained a lot through hearsay in Yancheng.

Understand that they are really at the moment when their lives are hanging by a thread.

Two fierce ghosts, Red Wedding Dress and Bai Wugou, are out!
Even the shadow of the ghost domain, the king of the ghost domain, is here!Also dispatched!


"Journey to the West" King Yan Luo of the underworld held the book of life and death, the most powerful magic weapon, which destroyed the shadow of Huangquan.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the grass on their graves is already very tall now.

"So, you must quickly improve your strength and make rational and correct investments as soon as possible."

Old Professor Yang said earnestly, "Tonight, the teacher will lead you to continue to observe the investment world "Seven Heroes"!"

The eyes of all the students burst into bright light.

Tonight, which investment stock is Old Professor Yang going to observe again?

"Let's take a look and observe the investment stock Ying Yiren first!"

he opened his mouth to speak.

The students nodded and looked forward to it.

I don't know what's going on with Ying Yiren now?

[Written Observation Ying Yiren]

[Ying Yiren angrily reprimands Lu Buwei]

[Lu Buwei offers another suggestion]

[Ying Yiren participates in the crowning ceremony]


In an instant, all the students couldn't help but round their eyes.

Why did Ying Yiren scold Lu Buwei angrily?
Are they right?
Isn't Ying Yiren always friendly and grateful to Lu Buwei?

Even, without Lu Buwei's help, how could Ying Yiren successfully escape from Handan of Zhao State and return to Qin State.

Ying Yiren's family of three was able to escape back to Qin, thanks to Lu Buwei's contribution.

But now, is Ying Yiren avenging his kindness?

For a moment, everyone had a thoughtful expression on their faces.

[Video Observation Ying Yiren]

[Winning a foreigner is crowned and becomes the son of An Guojun! 】

This short video title made everyone realize that investing in Ying Yiren is going to make money again!
Ying Yiren has become the son of Mr. An!


After all, Ying Yiren recognized Mrs. Huayang as his mother, and it was reasonable and reasonable to become the son of An Guojun.

【Video playback】

Everyone stared at the video screen in front of them with eager anticipation.

In the video screen, the figure of Ying Yiren appeared first.

Ying Yiren was wearing a Qin suit, but his eyes were full of anger.

Moreover, his eyes were fixed on Lu Buwei in front of him!

"Buwei, why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me? My mother obviously didn't die, why did you lie to my mother that she died?"

Ying Yiren's face turned livid.

"No Wei, this is all for your son's sake. Back then, you hesitated whether to recognize Mrs. Huayang as your mother. If Buwei didn't say that, how could your son really recognize Mrs. Huayang as his mother."

Lu Buwei explained, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Even so, you can't lie to me! That's my biological mother! My biological mother!"

Ying Yiren trembled all over.

"Young master, Mrs. Xia Ji is not favored by An Guojun. If it weren't for this, how could the young master be sent to Zhao Guo as a hostage..."

Lu Buwei could only speak patiently.

"no no!"

Ying Yiren shook his head, his face full of pain.

"Go! Go!"

Immediately afterwards, he roared like an angry tiger.

Although Lu Buwei felt very helpless and innocent, but at this juncture, he didn't want to anger Ying Yiren, so he left silently for the time being.

As soon as he left, Ying Yiren sat slumped on the spot with a distorted and painful expression.

At this moment, the students had suddenly realized expressions on their faces.

It turned out that Lu Buwei had lied to Ying Yiren, saying that Ying Yiren's mother had passed away.

Who knew that Ying Yiren's mother was still alive!still alive!

"You can't blame Lu Buwei either. Lu Buwei is here to make Ying Yiren recognize his mother! If he doesn't recognize his mother, Mrs. Huayang, how can Ying Yiren become the son of An Guojun?"

The students sighed again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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