National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 316 Snow Drinking Knife, Ice Giant!

Chapter 316 Snow Drinking Knife, Ice Giant!
Facing Teacher Ji Xueji's words, the students present had different thoughts, and various thoughts popped up in their heads.

But Ye Xiao's expression was quite calm.

As far as the four investment stocks he entered the market, there will be variables, and they will definitely make money without losing money!

Hold on to win!

At this time, the real-time video screen was frozen on Xiong Ba's mighty and extraordinary face.

Xiongba's face was pensive, as if he was thinking about something important.

[End of real-time video playback]

"This is the end of the real-time video? Is it too short and weak?"

The students couldn't help but vomit.

Some students' faces turned black, and they felt that they were really unlucky.

"Because the Mud Bodhisattva was seriously injured and comatose, the 1000 orange crystals just cast on him directly lost 500 orange crystals! This is too bad luck!"

Is this because I didn't read the almanac when I went out?
"You guys are too impatient!"

Regarding the loss of these students, Ji Xue's exquisite face showed no sympathy at all.

I just think these students really deserve it.

So what are the clay bodhisattvas doing in a hurry?

Although Mud Bodhisattva's reputation as the world's number one physiognomy teacher is particularly extraordinary.

But investment has always been to be cautious!

It must be careless!

"Have you forgotten? Take the four-star world "Fengyun" as an example. Before the opening, there is no way to obtain information. But once the opening, you can use funds to obtain information!"

"Red crystal information card, orange crystal information card, and even amethyst information card, and each information card is priced at 1!"

Ji Xue said, "So, don't be impatient. You can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient. Although the benefits of entering the market early are high, the risk of entering the market early is not small."

She spoke earnestly, and she also hoped that the students would remember it in their hearts.

She has said similar words [-] times if not a thousand times.

The students present all nodded their heads, as if they took Ji Xue's words to heart.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, looked very calm. To him, the four-star world "Fengyun" was just picking up money, so what's the risk?

"Take control of your mind."

Ji Xue said something long-winded again.

After all, her expression gradually turned solemn, "Next, the teacher will use the 1 orange crystals allocated by Shuguang Mansion to buy orange crystal information cards for you."

When she said this, the students showed expectant expressions.

They are very eager to get more information about the four-star world "Fengyun".

I didn't buy an Amethyst information card, so it seems that this Amethyst is really precious.

Ye Xiao grumbled in his heart.

for him.

What kind of information card is this, there is no need to buy it at all.

He knows all the information about the four-star world "Fengyun" like the palm of his hand, and even more so.

Soon, Ji Xue successfully purchased an orange crystal information card.

In an instant, an extra card with orange light appeared on Ji Xue's flawless white palm.

Is this the orange crystal information card?

Some freshmen who saw this orange crystal information card for the first time all put on an attitude of looking forward to it, and even Ye Xiao widened his eyes with great interest.

He also seemed to want to see what kind of information this orange crystal information card would provide.

next second.

The orange crystal information card turned into dots of orange light, and disappeared from the air without a trace.

Instead, a sentence emerged.

[The fire is fierce on the top of the southern mountain, and the cold is drunk in the north with knives and snow! 】


Such a sentence made everyone present puzzled.

But Ye Xiao understood the meaning of these words very well.

Only he can understand.

Can other people understand.

Just such a piece of information would cost 1 orange crystals?
Ye Xiao was full of astonishment, thinking that buying this orange crystal information card, was he being taken advantage of?
"Don't worry, the orange crystal information card, the system will give you an accurate analysis. Analyze the meaning of this sentence."

Ji Xue said.

The students all nodded, but they were not surprised by this scene.

What the red crystal information card provides is some words.

But the orange crystal information is not just text, but also a series of analysis.

As for the specific effect of this amethyst information card, they don't know.

At this time, the projection screen in front of him began to project a series of text analysis.

"Huolinlie and Xueyinhan represent two peerless magic weapons——Huolinjian and Xueyinknife!"

"The Huolin Sword is a magic weapon passed down from generation to generation! The sword body is red and coquettish, the blood is soaring to the sky, exuding intense heat, it is a peerless magic weapon! It is the most handsome weapon of the Nanlin Sword!"

"Snow Drinking Knife, the knife is three feet and seven inches long, the knife will see snow, killing people will not see blood, because the blood has not yet splashed out, it has already been condensed by the cold of the knife! It is the weapon of King Nie Ren, the North Drinking Crazy Knife!"

Just three lines of text also allowed the students present to understand the general meaning of the previous sentence.

Nan Lin's sword head is broken and handsome!

The King of Nie Ren, Beiyin Crazy Sword!
These are definitely two investment stocks worth entering!

Many students couldn't hold back and entered the arena to bear the brunt of the North Drinking Crazy Sword Nie Renwang!
With such a cool nickname, the absolute strength is extraordinary.

I'm afraid.

In this four-star world "Fengyun" has a place!

Many students inquired about the origin of King Nie!

It doesn't matter if you don't check.

After checking, they were all surprised.

Nie Ren Wang is actually a long-established figure in the four-star world "Fengyun" martial arts, and he is as famous as Duanshuai.

What's more, this Nie Renwang actually married Yan Ying, the number one beauty in martial arts, as his wife, and gave birth to a son, Nie Feng.

Now, King Nie Ren is retreating into the world.

But even so, there are legends about him everywhere in the Jianghu!
"Whether it's Nie Renwang or Nie Feng, it's worth entering!"

When the students communicated, they all felt that the orange crystal information card was really powerful, allowing them to learn so much information in such a short period of time.

Moreover, this Duanshuai also has a son named Duanlang!

Nie Feng and Duanlang are both worth investing in, they are all potential stocks!
Ye Xiao could hear their discussions.

This made him feel inexplicably nervous.

Fortunately, the information card can only be purchased after the market opens.

Otherwise, it is really impossible for him to grab the first shot of Nie Feng and Duanlang.

He had also inquired before.

Xiongba, Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Duanlang!
Of the four investment stocks, he was the No.1 first-time investor.

This time, it's definitely going to be all the way!

"Soon, when you finish investing, the system will send a message, but what do you want to convert the invested money into? Is it cultivation base, luck, martial arts talent, martial arts skills, martial arts comprehension, etc. .”

Ji Xue began to explain.

Students manipulate their individual investment panels.

Because just now they all received messages from the system.

Even Ye Xiao received four system messages.

[The host of the four-star world "Fengyun" invests 100 million orange crystals in the investment stock Xiongba, which can convert 100 million orange crystals into luck, cultivation, martial arts talent, martial arts skills...]

[The host of the four-star world "Fengyun" invests 100 million orange crystals in the investment stock Bu Jingyun, which can convert 100 million orange crystals into luck, cultivation, martial arts talent, martial arts skills...]

[The host of the four-star world "Feng Yun" invests 100 million orange crystals in the investment stock Nie Feng, which can convert 100 million orange crystals into luck, cultivation, martial arts talent, martial arts skills...]

[The host of the four-star world "Fengyun" invests 100 million orange crystals in the investment stock Duanlang, which can convert 100 million orange crystals into luck, cultivation, martial arts talent, martial arts skills...]

This time, Ye Xiao didn't hesitate too much, and directly chose to cultivate all of them!
Convert 100 million orange crystals into cultivation!

Cultivation matters!

Naturally, others are also important.

However, it is difficult for him to influence the overall situation with 100 million orange crystals.

The ones who can really control the overall situation are probably those consortiums who have a large amount of orange crystals.

The number of his orange crystals is too small.

And he tried this Amethyst just now, but he couldn't invest in it.

The four-star world "Fengyun" can only invest in red crystals or orange crystals!
"Come and observe the investment stocks. Take a look at what changes have been brought to these investment stocks by the entry of investors. Isn't there no change at all?"

Ji Xue said with a calm expression.

What she said also made the students very interested.

The investment stock that Ji Xue observed first was Xiongba!
"Currently, we can see from the investment panel that the number of Xiongba's audience is rising steadily, and it has become a popular investment stock in the four-star world "Fengyun"."

After all, she has already controlled the national system.

[Real-time video observation of Xiongba]

【Real-time video playback】

As soon as they entered their field of vision, it was actually Xiong Ba wearing a kung fu in a practice room.

Xiongba was still dressed in black.

Dressed to still be so mighty and extraordinary.

Wave after wave of majestic internal energy emanated from Xiongba's body!

"My strength has improved again! And the speed of this increase is unbelievable!"

Xiong Ba frowned, feeling that this matter seemed a bit mysterious.

Now, he can increase his cultivation even after eating a meal.

This thing is too evil!

Investors who watched the real-time video knew it well.

Huge amounts of assets have been thrown at Xiongba, can Xiongba not take off?
that night.

Xiongba actually met Ni Bodhisattva, the number one physicist in the world.

"Meet the helper."

Today's mud bodhisattva is full of smiles, but he still looks like he was suddenly seriously injured that day.

"Nud Bodhisattva, it seems that many strange things have happened recently."

Xiongba's face was full of doubts.

But after only two or three days, he felt that the world was a little different.

"Guard Master, what you said is true. There are many rumors in the Jianghu. It is rumored that some people in the Jianghu who have been famous for a long time, their cultivation base strength has increased, and their strength has increased even if they do not practice. Eating and sleeping can actually improve their strength."

"There are also some people from the Jianghu who were lucky enough to obtain many precious martial arts cheats. Some people from the Jianghu directly created their own martial arts tricks. I told the leader of all this on the same day. The fate has changed, and the secrets are chaotic. gone."

The mud bodhisattva said calmly.

For a moment, Xiongba was lost in thought.

This arena is really messed up.

However, he still benefits a lot.

The cultivation base soared!

It made him start to brew a terrifying plan in his heart!
He wants to make the world dominate the world!

He wants to be the overlord who moves the world!
"Master, do you want to make a name for yourself quickly?"

Suddenly, the clay bodhisattva spoke.

"That's right! This guild leader already has a target candidate in mind, so he just wants to defeat this Nie Renwang! Take away Nie Renwang's Snow Drink Knife!"

Xiongba directly revealed his ambition.

What he said made the students present suddenly become alert.

He just invested in Nie Renwang, so now Xiongba will target Nie Renwang?

Can this King Nie beat Xiongba?

"Nie Ren Wang is about to end!"

The students started to get nervous.

Ye Xiao was not so surprised.

In Fengyunli, Nie Renwang is no match for Xiongba at all.

And now.

Investors can influence the investment world, and the money invested can also make investment stocks return.

In this case.

Xiongba can definitely take down King Nie easily!

"Judging from the current situation, Xiongba may lose King Nie Ren. But what if those consortiums spend a lot of money on King Nie Ren? Will King Nie still lose to Xiongba? The funds invested by investors, Can affect the investment world. So, until the last moment, nothing can be said for sure."

Ji Xue smiled, "If you want to make money in the four-star world, you must be cautious."

The students nodded and began to think about themselves.

Will those wealthy capitalists of the consortium give a helping hand to King Nie?

Hard to say!

It's really hard to say!

Ji Xue's words also made Ye Xiao frowned slightly.

Money is really important.

In other words, if you have enough financial resources, you can easily dominate the direction of the four-star world "Fengyun"!

Three days later.

When Xiongba set off, he also came to find King Nie in a bamboo forest.

Moreover, there is a beautiful woman beside King Nie Ren.

This woman is Yan Ying, the wife of King Nie Ren.

"King Nie! Hand over your Xueyin knife!"

As soon as they met, Xiongba immediately asked Nie Renwang to hand over the ancestral sword without saying a word!

Nie Renwang squinted his eyes, although he has sealed his sword and retired, he still knows many things in the Jianghu.

Let's just say that the person in front of him is Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui.

And Xiongba's Tianxia will have an extraordinary reputation in the entire Jianghu.

"The Xueyin knife not only represents my honor in Jianghu, but also the ancestral treasure knife of my Nie family. Can it be handed over easily?"

Nie Renwang said with a cold face.

While speaking, he even took out a treasured sword from his bosom.

This precious knife is three feet and seven inches long, and it is exactly the Xueyin knife!

King Nie Ren's true energy poured into Xueyin Dao.

A terrifying chill erupted from the Snow Drinking Knife!


The cold air blew around.

And this cold air was directed towards Xiongba.

At this moment, Xiongba showed surprise.

The power of the Xueyin knife in his impression is not so powerful!
This kind of chilly air hit, also made the corners of his mouth tremble a few times.

He was even more able to see that the surrounding air condensed into snow, and his vision was somewhat disturbed.

What's more, to Xiongba's dumbfounded, the snow condensed by the snow knife turned into a giant covered with layers of frost and snow.

This is—the ice giant!

The ice giant let out a deafening roar towards Xiongba.

For a moment, Xiong Ba felt dizzy.

 Short and powerless to update...reasonable ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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