National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 329 Obtaining [Tianlong] Bronze Level Investing World Purchase Right

Chapter 329 Obtaining [Tianlong] Bronze Level Investing World Purchase Right

[Congratulations to the host, investing in the bronze-level world [Tianlong], earning No. 1 profit, and getting a special skill to summon Xuzhu]

【Summon Xu Zhu: You can summon Xu Zhu to fight for the host. The longer the summoning time is, the more orange crystals you will spend】

[Congratulations to the host, investing in the bronze-level world [Tianlong], investing in Xu Zhu, good luck, becoming a winner in life, the host has obtained the power to summon and strengthen]

[Summon strengthening power: the host summons Xu Zhu, summons Dongfang Bai, etc., and the combat power of the summoned characters is qualitatively improved and strengthened]

[Congratulations to the host, in the bronze-level investment world [Tianlong], the profit exceeds one trillion orange crystals, and the host will get the right to purchase the [Tianlong] bronze-level investment world]

This piece of reward information made Ye Xiao's face appear satisfied and joyful.

Summoning Xu Zhu, summoning power, etc., maybe in his eyes, it is just ordinary.

May be able to get the right to buy the world!

This is really, really good!

One "Journey to the West" really can't satisfy him!

And now, he wants to buy this 【Tianlong】!

If he buys these investment worlds, he will have a golden hen that keeps generating profits.

I just don’t know the price of this [Tianlong] Bronze Rank Investment World?

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart, and also quickly inquired about the price of [Tianlong].

Soon, a line of system text information appeared in his field of vision.

[Bronze Level Investment World [Tianlong]——Price: 10 trillion orange crystals]

Although, Ye Xiaoxin has already prepared in his heart, and he understands that the price of this bronze-level investment world is definitely not low, and it will definitely not be cheap.

But when the price appeared in his field of vision, he was so shocked that his expression froze instantly.

How can he not be shocked!

This is 10 trillion orange crystals!

If it's just 10 trillion red crystals, he can take them out easily.

But 10 trillion orange crystals, he really can't get them out!
Moreover, he seemed to understand.

The last time "Da Tang" was a special price of 10 trillion red crystals!

That's really a special price!

But now, it is the price of this [Tianlong] bronze-level investment world.

The selling price is really too expensive!
But thinking of the understanding of this system, Ye Xiao understood a little bit.

You can make a down payment, first pay 1 trillion orange crystals, and return the remaining 9 trillion orange crystals later.

At this time, the system popped up two messages one after another.

[Bronze-level investment in the world purchase right, does not support down payment]

[Unable to buy the bronze-level investment world [Tianlong] within one year, the host's right to purchase will be cancelled]

The appearance of these two pieces of news made Ye Xiao's face darken.

Still don't support down payment?

This is too impersonal!
He muttered in his heart.

He even noticed that he still has the right to purchase on the system interface, and he seems to be able to enjoy many benefits if he buys [Tianlong].

[When the host successfully purchases [Tianlong], he will enjoy the following benefits]

[Bronze-level investment world [Tianlong] will generate orange crystal income every moment, and all the profits generated will belong to the host]

[Bronze-level investment world [Tianlong] will be rebranded and listed on the bronze-level investment world again]

[Bronze-level investment in the world [Tianlong] will provide the host with a combat power bonus]

[Bronze-level investment world [Tianlong] The world is immortal, the host is immortal]


Sure enough, the benefits one after another are really irresistible.

In particular, this generates orange crystal income every moment, and [Tianlong] can also be re-listed in the bronze-level investment world again.

At that time, he will definitely earn countless orange crystals!
It's a pity that he can't get out 10 trillion orange crystals now!

"Don't panic, absolutely don't panic! Let's set a small goal first, earning 10 trillion orange crystals first!"

Ye Xiao smiled, but also full of confidence.

Steady and steady, earning 10 trillion orange crystals is definitely the same as playing!
Immediately afterwards, he began to think about the silver-level investment world [Midnight].

"In this silver-level investment world, the investment method seems to be a bit different."

He muttered to himself, and also communicated with the system for feedback.

But the system ignored him.

Come on.

This system is actually pretending to be dumb!

Today, afternoon.

Ye Xiao rushed to the smart classroom on the third floor of Shensi Building!

A smart classroom is different from other classrooms.

It's full of science fiction here!
In other words, the process of entering a classroom requires a face scan to see if it is a student in the classroom.

Moreover, the height of the desks and chairs in this classroom can also be adjusted freely.

Even, the background of the classroom can be transformed.

Or the magnificent rivers!
It's like being able to see rivers swimming by your side.

Or the endless prairie!
The whole person seems to be in the grassland.

Or the sun goes down.

It's like watching the sunset.

This smart classroom is really strange.

I don't know which subject teacher it is this time?

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart, based on his understanding.

This time the class he took was an investment class!

He didn't know which subject teacher's investment class it was.


He sucked the air deeply, and waited for the teacher's arrival.

"Jingle Bell!"

Soon, the bell for class rang.

Ye Xiaohuai felt a sense of anticipation, and also felt that the air in this classroom was particularly fresh.

At this point, he was not too surprised.

Because, there is an air purifier on the ceiling of the classroom.

Purifying the air all the time.

It is really comfortable to be in such a classroom.


The sound of slow footsteps resounded in everyone's ears.

Sure enough, a thin, tall old professor with gray temples appeared in everyone's sight.

This old professor was well dressed and had a serious expression on his face.

"Students, it's good to see some familiar faces and some new faces among you. Because the students who can listen to my course must have assets of over [-] million red crystals!"

Old Professor Zhang said with a smile on his face, "Those new students, you can call me Old Professor Zhang, and my name is Zhang Ying."

As soon as the words came out, Ye Xiao was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect that he would have to have assets of more than [-] million Hongjing to come to listen to this old professor's course!
He looked around, and there were as many as a thousand students in the entire wisdom classroom!
In other words, these thousands of people have assets of more than [-] million Hongjing!

Moreover, there was a familiar face among them.

That person is not the beautiful Leng Yixuan.

Leng Yixuan, a girl who is also a freshman like him, has assets of over [-] million Hongjing, which is pretty good.

Ye Xiao applauded in his heart, and he pricked up his ears even more, wanting to listen to this old professor's course carefully.

In this course, what will Professor Zhang talk about?
"I think you have all received a system message from the system! It reminds you that you have more than [-] million red crystal assets, and you can enter the bronze-level investment world!"

Suddenly, Professor Zhang said with a smile on his face.

The students present nodded heavily. They had indeed received such information.

"Being able to enter the new investment world means that you may be able to earn more and more funds, but it is also possible that you will lose everything! The starting investment amount of the bronze-level investment world is [-] million red crystals! Therefore, Have you entered yet?"

Old Professor Zhang spoke with a meaningful tone.

The students present either nodded or shook their heads.

Some of them can't wait to directly choose to enter, and some still hold a wait-and-see attitude.

It seems that they are still hesitating and worried about the bronze-level investment world.

"Although, the teacher has said some things more than once or twice, but I still have to mention them. The bronze-level investment world is one martial arts world after another! And in this martial arts world, don't you want to invest in the destiny Son! It is very difficult to choose the Son of Destiny!"

"Also, only one person can enter the market for each investment stock! Therefore, in the bronze-level investment world, you need to be stable, and strive for success! Don't always think about getting rich overnight, and don't always think about making a lot of money! Keep the money in your hands! Funds, this is the most important thing..."

Old Professor Zhang Balabala spoke a lot of words.

Many students present listened with gusto, but Ye Xiao found it a bit boring.

Because, due to his excessive assets, he can only enter the silver-level investment world.

This bronze level investment world has nothing to do with him.

"You know [Tianlong], a bronze-level investment world, right?"

Suddenly, Old Professor Zhang spoke.

"Teacher, of course we know about this investment world! Especially this Xiao Feng is definitely a person who values ​​love and righteousness! He is a great hero!"

"Yes! I thought Xiao Feng would end in a tragic scene, but Xiao Feng's second younger brother Xu Zhu actually rescued Xiao Feng with force! He prevented Xiao Feng from committing suicide!"

"Xu Zhu's strength is too strong, it's almost like cheating!"

"I don't know who the investor of this Xuzhu is? Is it the wealthy family of the consortium?"


Many students present knew something about [Tianlong], the bronze-level investment world, so when they talked about [Tianlong], they also spoke clearly and enthusiastically.

But Ye Xiao's mouth twitched unconsciously several times.

Because, the guesses made by the seniors and sisters of Shuguang School are simply too outrageous. They even speculate that Xu Zhu's investors are some kind of mastermind behind the scenes, the head of a consortium, the head of a big family, etc. It's hard to say how outrageous it is. Just how outrageous.

"It seems that everyone is quite familiar with [Tianlong], the bronze-level investment world. Then, do you know how much the Xuzhu investor has earned in [Tianlong] because of Xuzhu's investment stock?" Orange crystal?"

Professor Zhang continued to question the students.

Regarding this information, the students shook their heads, they didn't know.

But that didn't stop them from showing suspicious expressions on their faces.

"Hundreds of millions of orange crystals?"

"One billion orange crystals?"

"Billions of orange crystals?"


The students guessed again and again on their faces.

However, the answers that came out of their mouths were all rejected by Professor Zhang shaking his head.

Rao Ye Xiao also pursed his lips and smiled, these seniors really underestimated his earning ability.

Billions of orange crystals?
That's so little!
"According to the information disclosed by the system, this Xuzhu investor has earned over one trillion orange crystals!"

Old Professor Zhang sighed quietly.

When this information is received.

He was also shocked.

More than him.

Those high-level extraordinary investors in the entire circle were shocked.

Just one investment in the world has earned a profit of over one trillion orange crystals!

It is completely impossible for anyone to believe this.

If it wasn't for the systematic disclosure.

Professor Zhang felt that this was fake news.

"What?! Teacher, are you kidding us?"

Immediately, the students stared wide-eyed, and a look of being struck by lightning appeared on their cheeks.

They were really surprised, so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

Trillions of orange crystals!

What kind of concept is this, they are almost unable to understand.

This is terrible, which big boss is this?
Did Xu Zhu earn orange crystals like this?
Xu Zhu, this is definitely the son of [Tianlong]'s destiny!

It would be great if they could also earn so many orange crystals.

Not to mention trillions of orange crystals, but tens of millions of orange crystals, they might wake up laughing from sleep!
"Earning trillions of orange crystals is indeed an astonishing amount. But do you know how many billions of red crystals he invested?"

Old Professor Zhang sighed.

"How many?"

The students' lips were slightly chapped, and they also asked tremblingly.

"1000 trillion red crystals!"

Old Professor Zhang replied.

After saying such a number, his body trembled slightly.

Which top wealthy consortium is this? It's too amazing!
Whatever you take out is 1000 trillion red crystals!

Aren't you afraid of losing money?
this moment.

The students only had the word numb in their minds, and they all had a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

1000 trillion red crystals!

Which investor is this? This asset is too scary!
"Teacher, who is this person?"

The students asked hurriedly.

Ye Xiao is in a calm mood. The system should have released some data, but the information about him is still kept in a state of absolute secrecy.

"I don't know, due to privacy issues, the system did not publish the name and taboo of the investor."

Professor Zhang explained, "So, should you understand? In this bronze-level investment world, it is not an easy task to earn money. Because investing money will increase the strength of investment stocks and other aspects. "

"Let's just talk about Xu Zhu, who invested 1000 trillion red crystals! Tell me, can this be invincible? Perhaps, investors with 1000 trillion red crystals, there are definitely many people in the entire Dragon Kingdom. But you think they have Do you have the guts to invest so much money? In case, the car overturns..."

The students nodded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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