National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 336 Ruthless Lu Buwei, the world belongs to Qin!

Chapter 336 Ruthless Lu Buwei, the world belongs to Qin!
"Husband, this is a concubine, made for you..."

Zhao Ji couldn't help crying, her eyes were full of tears, and the tears kept streaming down like broken pearls.

At this moment, she was extremely wronged.

And her words made Ying Zichu's heart tremble.

He was wrong, he shouldn't have lost his temper with his wife.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with your finger?"

Immediately afterwards, Ying Zichu noticed that Zhao Ji's left hand was red, even the fingers were red and swollen.

"It's okay, my concubine is fine."

Zhao Ji shook her head again and again.

Under Ying Zichu's questioning.

Only then did he learn that Zhao Ji accidentally burned her left hand when she was helping him make medicinal soup.

"The concubine is too clumsy."

Zhao Ji blamed herself all over her face.

"No! Ma'am, you're not stupid! It's me who treats you badly."

For a moment, Ying Zichu blamed himself again and again, and even hugged Zhao Ji tightly in his arms.

The performance of this couple made the students who watched the video look a little unnatural.

"Dare we come to eat dog food this morning? Isn't there too much dog food?"

They all muttered, the performance and interaction between Zhao Ji and Ying Zichu caused hundreds of thousands of tons of critical damage to single dogs like them!
Let them feel fortunate to belong to a point.

Such a show of affection did not last long.

Lu Buwei appeared!

The appearance of the big businessman Lu Buwei this time brought even more good news!

He invited a genius doctor with superb medical skills!

This miracle doctor said that he is 100% sure of curing Ying Zichu's condition!
"No Wei, really? Seriously?"

All of a sudden, Ying Zichu began to feel joyful, but he couldn't help showing anxiety on his face.

Does he always feel that this genius doctor is really feasible?

He had a broken leg, so he invited many famous doctors in Xianyang City to come for consultation and treatment, but in the end, these famous doctors were helpless.

An answer was also given.

He can't be cured.

He will be a lame all his life!
How could Ying Zichu bear this in his heart!

Even his mother, Mrs. Huayang, doesn't want to see him anymore!

The future king of Qin and the future prince of Qin must not be a cripple!
"My lord, that miracle doctor is already waiting outside."

Lu Buwei said.

"Invite him in quickly, that will allow him to wait outside."

Ying Zichu said quickly.

Lu Buwei nodded, and also went to invite the genius doctor in.

The students who watched the video were quite curious about the origin of this genius doctor. Seeing Lu Buwei's performance, he seemed to take this genius doctor very seriously.

Could it be that this miracle doctor really has superpowers?

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, had a calm expression, as if he had thought of something.


next second.

The miracle doctor appeared.

And the shape of the genius doctor will definitely brighten the eyes of blind people!
This is a middle-aged man with an extraordinary temperament, with a Chinese character face and a cold face, wearing a white coat, a white shirt and a white collar, and a simple medical kit in his hand!
This is not a modern doctor!
Just a moment.

An idea also popped up in the minds of the students present.

This is definitely a rare card type number 79 white angel card!
Sure enough, there are really investors helping Ying Zichu!

"Sir, can you cure my condition?"

Ying Zichu spoke very politely, because the man in front of him was dressed too strangely.

The person in front of him didn't seem to be from Qin, or even from the Six Kingdoms.

Such a person is unknown, is the medical skill really reliable?
"Your condition is trivial."

"Cure or not, or I will go."

The middle-aged man's expression was cold and serious.

"Cure, cure."

Ying Zichu said quickly.

The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction, and he also ordered everyone to leave.

He wants to treat Ying Zichu!

Most of the people in the house chose to leave tactfully, but Zhao Ji stayed.

She said, "He is my husband, and I am his wife, could it be..."

"You—leave too."

The middle-aged man said coldly.

For a moment, Zhao Ji's face was a little stiff, but she could only choose to leave.

As soon as she leaves.

The middle-aged man in the house also quickly launched treatment methods!
He opened the medical box.

In an instant, reagents of different colors appeared one after another in the field of vision of Ying Zichu and everyone watching the video.

There are many of these reagent test tubes, and the liquids filled in them are even more different.

The middle-aged man quickly selected a reagent containing red liquid, and quickly opened it.

"Drink it."

He opened his mouth.

But Ying Zichu smelled a bloody smell. Is this red liquid really drinkable?

"Could it be that your broken leg doesn't want to heal?"

The middle-aged man urged, "If you want to be cured, drink it quickly!"

"Okay! Drink it!"

Ying Zichu is also not afraid, if he just drinks some weird things, there is absolutely no need to be afraid.


He drank the red liquid directly, but when he drank it, he felt very strange.

It obviously smells like blood, but it is fragrant and sweet when you drink it in your mouth.

Moreover, he felt an inexplicable surprise!

His broken right leg seemed to be recovering quickly.

"It's moving! My right leg can move! No fracture, no fracture!"

All of a sudden, Ying Zichu's face was full of excitement and joy.

The doctor in front of me is really a miracle doctor!God doctor!

The students who watched the video were also very curious.

Previously, the system dispatched angels in white to cure Guo Jia's condition, using life reagents.

So, what kind of reagent is this red liquid this time?


The students set their curious eyes on Professor Yang.

Professor Yang explained patiently.

"This is a therapeutic reagent, and the liquid filled inside is some red blood cells with therapeutic capabilities, and this therapeutic reagent is also an existence that our current medical technology cannot analyze."

It turned out that this was actually a therapeutic reagent!

Sure enough, the effect is amazing!
As soon as the medicine was administered, Ying Zichu's broken leg recovered immediately.

Ying Zichu even wanted to thank the middle-aged man with a lot of money.

But the middle-aged man shook his head and left decisively.

until after he left.

Lu Buwei and Zhao Ji still couldn't believe it.

That's how Ying Zichu's broken leg got better!

This is simply saying that no one will believe it!

"My lord, I have one more important matter to discuss with you."

Suddenly, Lu Buwei seemed to have thought of something important, and his expression was solemn.

"it is good!"

Ying Zichu nodded.

But Lu Buwei didn't say it in a hurry, but looked at Zhao Ji.

"Husband, take good care of your wounds, and I will go see Zheng'er first."

Zhao Ji didn't want Ying Zichu to be embarrassed, and said with a smile.

After that, she left silently, and when she left, Ying Zichu deliberately closed the door again.

She knew very well that what Lu Buwei discussed with Ying Zichu was absolutely important.

"No Wei, if you have anything to say, it's okay to say it straight! Now there are only you and me in this room!"

Ying Zichu said with a serious expression.

"My lord, I've already found out that the murderer who made the horse you ride mad is definitely Ying Xi!"

Lu Buwei narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Is there any evidence?"

Ying Zichu asked.

But Lu Buwei shook his head, "What evidence is there? Young Master, we can't be passive like this and wait for death like this. We have to fight back, fight back against Ying Xi! Ying Xi also wants to seize the position of the future Prince of Qin , and even the position of the king of Qin!"


Ying Zichu hesitated.

"My lord, don't delay any longer. Yingxi must die! Don't you want me in this world?"

Lu Buwei began to seduce him carefully, "Does the young master still want to live an aggrieved life like being a proton in the Zhao country? Don't you want to sit on the supreme position of the monarch? Doesn't the young master have any ambitions in his heart? "

Lu Buwei's question after question stunned Ying Zichu.

Perhaps, in the past, he only wanted his wife and children to live a simple and happy life.

But now, his ambition has changed.

Ying Xi's ambition is in the world!

Why isn't he also aiming at the world!

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Ying Zichu took a deep breath.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

He hurriedly asked.

"My lord, you don't need to do anything, continue to lie at home and pretend to be sick for the time being, and I will get rid of Ying Xi for you, my lord!"

Lu Buwei said.

His words were full of treason.

Even Ying Zichu's heart trembled when he heard it.

Ying Xi, this is his half-brother!

He doesn't want to do that either.

But on the road to becoming a king, either you die or I die!

Immediately afterwards, Lu Buwei also revealed the way to get rid of Ying Xi.

He took out a red stone from his arms.

"Young master, don't underestimate the power of this stone, but if it is ground into powder and then taken every now and then, then the time of death will not be far away!"

Lu Buwei smiled, and he was able to get the red stone because he had been in business for many years.

And the merchants he has dealt with are all merchants from various countries, even some foreign merchants.

Therefore, he also learned many tricks to kill without blood!
The students present were also quickly guessing what kind of poison the red stone in Lu Buwei's hand was!
Soon, some knowledgeable students blurted out.

"This is Hedinghong! It is a natural red mineral! Commonly known as arsenic!"

The students and their expressions couldn't help rounding up.

Lu Buwei is really a ruthless person, and even a bold businessman!

As a merchant, he actually wants to intervene in this battle for the heirloom!
After that, Lu Buwei no longer disturbed Ying Zichu's rest, but chose to leave silently.

And very considerately closed the doors and windows for Yingzi Chuguan.

"Calculate the time, it's almost time."

Lu Buwei murmured to himself, with a meaningful smile on his face.

【End of video playback】

At this moment, the video also stopped abruptly.

The students were all puzzled, and some didn't quite understand why Lu Buwei would say such words in the end.

"Perhaps, Lu Buwei has already made a move! He has already launched a poisonous attack on Ying Xi!"

Leng Yixuan, who is very talented in investment, was the first to express her judgment.

Her voice was clear and pleasant, and what she said made the students present couldn't help thinking.

It seems that this is the truth!
From the beginning to the end, Lu Buwei never forgot his goal.

He wants to support Ying Zichu to become the king of Qin!
"This Lu Buwei really does not forget his original intention!"

All the students couldn't help feeling emotional on their faces.

After that, Professor Yang also continued to conduct a fierce analysis of the situation in "Seven Heroes".

And in this analysis.

It also directly came to a conclusion.

Qin State!

In the end, it will be possible to rule the world!
"Sure enough, the world belongs to Qin!"

The students nodded repeatedly.

Time always flies so fast.

Unknowingly, the get out of class bell rang.

The students also showed a very satisfied expression.

This class is really comfortable.

You can also watch the video, understand the situation of "Seven Heroes", and get credits!
Although the credits obtained in class are not many, it can add up to a great deal!
Professor Yang did not leave in a hurry, but said with a smile, "Today will be a different day. Just today, Shuguang Mansion will welcome the students and tutors from Western Aslante College. I think they should has arrived."

Say it.

Professor Yang also chose to leave.


Today is certainly different.

Ye Xiao grumbled in his heart.

Except at midnight today, he will participate in the silver-level investment world [Midnight].

He still wants to participate in the meeting held by members of the Hundred Billion Club!
And the content discussed in this meeting is to explore the reasons for the collapse of the investment world of "Three Kingdoms".

Up to now, the collapse of the investment world of "Three Kingdoms" still feels very strange and unimaginable to him.

In such a perfect investment world, gluttons appear one after another!

That horrible gluttony started eating up investment stocks one after another!
However, don't worry.

Everything that comes to mind will soon be able to reveal the answer.

Not long after, Ye Xiao left the ladder classroom.

Wandering around Shuguang Mansion, they are also waiting for the opening of the next class.

At the same time, he also noticed that there were quite a few blond figures in the Shuguang Mansion.

These people all looked very young, and they were probably students of Western Aslante Academy.

However, he didn't care about these people.

Just ignore it!
It's just that he doesn't care about the other party!

The other party cared about him very much.

This is not.

In his field of vision, three young men with blond hair and blue eyes appeared.

The young man in the lead was quite handsome, and his blue eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

He spoke in a fluent Dragon language.

"You are the strongest freshman in Shuguang Mansion——Ye Xiao?"

While talking, the leader, the young Mevid, was still looking around at Ye Xiao, but he didn't think Ye Xiao was so extraordinary.

He even scanned Ye Xiao's combat power points.

There are only a few million points, and this combat power is not very strong.

Are the freshmen of Shuguang Mansion this year so weak?

The other party obviously means that those who come are not kind and those who don't come don't come!
Ye Xiao was too lazy to respond to this.

Now, he just wants to make money!

So, he just ignored Mayved and passed by Mayved directly.


Suddenly, Mei Weide widened his eyes, he was ignored by Ye Xiao like this, as if he was still regarded as air.

"Is this the way you Long Kingdom people treat guests? What kind of etiquette country does Dragon Kingdom call itself!"

he said angrily.

"Do you still need to use hospitality when dealing with barbarians?"

Ye Xiao shrugged, pretending to be helpless.

Mayweed's face darkened, and the two friends beside him also had unkind faces.

(End of this chapter)

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