Chapter 338 Ghost Calls!
The more he thought about it, Ye Xiao felt that he was very lucky.

And at this time, he was even more curious in his heart, if there were not only Sadako Yamamura as the only ghost in the silver-level investment world [Midnight], then what other ghosts were there?
He was thinking about this question in his heart.

And the old professor Zhang on the podium also started to play the video, so that the students present could intuitively see the horror of the ghosts in the silver-level investment world!
"Let's all come and see this ghost! In the future, maybe you can also own 1 million orange crystals, and then you will also enter this silver-level investment world!"

Old Professor Zhang had a dignified expression. While speaking, he also quickly manipulated the national system.

Soon, a video clip emerged.

【Video playback】

This time, it was a burly man who came into everyone's view. He was staying in his room, typing on the keyboard.

And on the computer monitor in front of him, lines of text flashed.

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Apparently, the man was looking for news of the mysterious tape.

"Look! A white video tape actually appeared on his computer desktop!"

"Obviously not just now!"

"Could this be the mysterious video tape?"

"What is in this mysterious video tape, it really makes people curious!"


Soon, the students watching the video noticed a small detail, a white video tape that appeared out of thin air on the computer desktop.

The appearance of this white video tape is too weird and bizarre.

Even Ye Xiao felt a feeling of sympathy in his heart.

This must be the work of ghosts!

This ghost is not Sadako!
Sure enough, the man in the video was also interested in the white video tape on the desktop.

"I just remembered that there was no such white video tape. Could it be that I remembered it wrong?"

The man was muttering words, and his eyes were filled with strands of curious gazes.

He was a little curious and interested in the white video tape.

So, without hesitation, he found the video tape player in the living room and played it.

In an instant, little by little snowflakes appeared on the TV screen.

next second.

A scene that made Ye Xiao feel familiar appeared.

Probing his head, he couldn't see the man clearly.

Attractive woman is combing her hair in front of the mirror.

A girl in white with long hair covering her face.

News coverage of volcanic eruptions.

Many people crawled on the ground with faces of pain and fear.

A man covered with a white cloth points his finger to the side of the sea.

There is a huge pupil, and there is a word "Zhen" in the pupil!
Also, that last picture.

A dilapidated ancient well!

Then, the TV screen ended.

It was not the first time Ye Xiao saw this scene after another, so he was able to maintain a stable mentality.

But it was the first time for many students present to witness these extremely weird scenes, which made their hearts beat faster and felt inexplicable panic in their hearts.

"This is definitely the power of ghosts! There is a big problem with this mysterious video tape!"

The students spoke tremblingly, and felt that this burly man might end badly.

"Ring Ling!"

At this time, the burly man had a dull expression on his face, but the phone at his house rang suddenly.

"Who will call?"

He muttered something, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Soon, he subconsciously went to pick up the phone.

"Hello? Who is it?"

He opened his mouth.

But there was a brief silence on the other end of the phone.


After the ground was silent, a creepy woman's laughter suddenly sounded.

The woman's laughter not only made the burly man feel extremely panicked, but even the students who watched the video felt goosebumps all over their bodies, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"People who do not belong to this world will go back to where they should go!"

The woman spoke, her voice was so strange, and it had a sharp taste.

"Beep beep..."

The man still wanted to talk, but who knew that the phone had already been hung up.

He even wanted to call back, but he couldn't get through.

"It's really pretending to be a ghost!"

The man smiled disdainfully.

"I'm afraid this guy is going to die! He's going to die!"

The students said in a firm tone.


The screen flickers and time speeds up.

The burly man was walking on the street with people coming and going, as if he was looking for something.

But soon, with a painful expression on his face, he clutched his chest, twitching all over his body, and then fell to the ground with a thud.


He just died!

【End of video playback】

By the end of this brief video, the students were baffled.

Is this dead?

What about ghosts?

Obviously no ghosts!

Shouldn't ghosts kill people?

Why haven't I seen any ghosts, it's really weird!

"This is the first act of [Midnight], the ringing bell at midnight! And the second act is the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts! The sequence of this scene continues to improve, and this silver-level investment world [Midnight] will be even more dangerous. If you survive in the silver-level investment world [Midnight], you will get more and more profits!"

"Just said that there is a small detail in the video just now. The man watched the mysterious video tape at around [-]:[-] in the morning, and when he fell down and died, the time on his watch was frozen at It's five-thirteen in the afternoon!"

Old Professor Zhang said in a slow tone.


After what he said, the students also thought carefully and were terrified.

In other words, watching that mysterious video tape, life has already entered the countdown!
Only seven hours to survive!

It must be too difficult!
Do not!
There is definitely a solution!

The students began to ponder in their hearts.

"Of course, there may or may not be a way to crack it. No one can say for sure. And... as the prologue progresses, the way to crack it may become invalid."

Old Professor Zhang reminded him.

His reminder made Ye Xiao's heart tremble involuntarily.

Prologue upgrade!

The solution fails?

Could it be that the method of copying the video tape to escape the catastrophe will be invalid?

Fail to fail.

In [Midnight], he was protected by three thousand Yin soldiers, so there was no need to panic!

"It's hard to live through scene after scene."

Old Professor Zhang sighed, "This silver-level investment world [Midnight] is very, very dangerous!"

Is it...

Not only is there a mysterious video tape, but is there anything more weird?
The students began to think in their hearts.

Professor Zhang showed another video clip.

【Video playback】

In the video, several college students brimming with youth and vitality are eating delicious spicy barbecue in a food stall.

Across the screen, many students present seemed to smell a spicy smell, which made them subconsciously swallow mouthfuls of saliva in their throats.

But at this time, one of the college students, Zhang Hang, had a mobile phone ringing in his pocket.

"When I return I shall not be greeted... Weeds caress her, the air is sick, crowds flee like beetles... I am the dead and you are the living..."

Zhang Hang also felt baffled by the ringing of bells.

It didn't seem to be his cell phone ringtone in memory.

But he also took out the phone from his pocket.

He subconsciously glanced at the caller ID.


For a moment, he was a little stunned.

This was actually a call three hours later.

"Zhang Hang, you want to lie to us? That's so easy!"

The college students present all showed a playful smile, they didn't believe Zhang Hang's words at all.

Future calls, how is this possible!

On the contrary, the students who watched the video felt a little nervous.

Is it a ghost this time?

It doesn't seem to be the case, there is a call from the future!

Can this be outrageous?

On the contrary, the name of a movie quickly popped up in Ye Xiao's mind - Ghost Call!

A ghost call, this is clearly a death call!
The content of this film is very simple, as long as the call is made on the mobile phone, the owner of the mobile phone must die, and there is no escape no matter what!

Compared with the midnight bell, this ghost call is even more vicious!

There is no way out at all!

Ye Xiaoxin was also very fortunate that he didn't receive this ghost call, otherwise, he would have died a long time ago!

In the video screen, Zhang Hang still connected to the phone.

"Is this elevator broken? Why don't you just take the stairs!"

Once connected, Zhang Hang was stunned when he heard the voice coming from the phone. It was clearly his voice.

Before he could recover.

A miserable scream came from the phone!
That was his scream!

Beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on Zhang Hang's forehead. He seemed to realize that his situation was not good.

"Zhang Hang, stop playing pranks!"

Several college students around were also drinking wine and eating barbecue, and said casually.

Obviously, they also recognized the voice on the phone.

It's Zhang Hang!

Therefore, they judged that Zhang Hang was playing a prank.

"I do not have."

Zhang Hang explained.

But no one believed his words at all.

Before I knew it, it was 11:42 in the evening.

Others want to sing and dance and go to bars.

But Zhang Hang didn't have that thought, he was still thinking about that weird call.

So, he left early.

It didn't take long for him to return to his apartment building.

As usual, he also pressed the elevator.


However, the elevator panel was beating with a series of red garbled characters.

"Is this elevator broken? Why don't you just take the stairs!"

Zhang Hang said subconsciously.

After saying this sentence, his expression froze.

This sentence really seemed familiar to him!

Moreover, he also quickly took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

But now, the time is precisely at 9 o'clock on September 13th.

this moment.

Zhang Hang only felt creepy, and his face was full of horror.

"Bang bang!"

Suddenly, the elevator door in front of him opened by itself.

But there was no light at all inside, it was pitch black.

Suddenly, a terrifying magic hand appeared and grabbed Zhang Hang into it.

The elevator door closed again, and Zhang Hang's painful scream could be heard!

In the next second, the screen flashed.

Zhang Hang's unrecognizable corpse appeared.

But Zhang Hang's mouth suddenly revealed a red maltose.

【End of video playback】

Until the moment the video ends.

The students were still in a state of extreme panic.

This is the death call!
It is even weirder and more bizarre than that mysterious video tape!

"Did you see it? There is Zhang Hang's mobile phone in the elevator corridor, and the mobile phone seems to be dialing the phone number by itself!"

"I saw it! I saw it! This is clearly looking for the next victim!"

"You say you don't answer the phone and turn off the phone, is that okay?"

"I'm afraid... no way! The power of this ghost is beyond what we can imagine!"


The students couldn't help discussing, and they refreshed their understanding of ghosts again.

Very scary!
It is even more frightening!

"This is the silver-level investment world! Ghosts are rampant, and you never know if you will die suddenly, or die suddenly! But if you can survive, the profits you can get are quite amazing. Some investors even They will also form gangs and form teams in this silver-level investment world, just to live longer and longer!"

"I really don't know how many investment stocks will die in this silver-level investment world [Midnight] Act II Hundred Ghosts Night Walk?"

Old Professor Zhang had a pondering expression on his face.

"Teacher, according to this method of death, if this scene continues, the number of deaths will exceed one million, or even more. Are there so many people entering this silver-level investment world?"

The students frowned and asked questions in their hearts.

"If you're dead, can't you come back to life?"

Old Professor Zhang smiled, "The peculiarity of this silver-level investment world is that the investment stocks are dead. As long as you pay a certain amount of money, the investment stocks can be revived!"

After he explained it like this, the students suddenly realized.

Ye Xiao was still spinning his mind.

Ghost call!
Is there a way to crack it!

But no matter what he thought, he couldn't think of it.

No matter what, as long as you are chosen as the victim by this ghostly calling Mimiko.

Then, she will call you in various ways, let you hear the voice, and let you hear your future death message!

"Don't be too burdened and panic. There are very few of you who can enter the silver-level investment world, so there is no need to worry about yourself. The most important thing you should care about is the bronze-level investment world!"

On Old Professor Zhang's old face, there was a kind and warm smile.

 Today is still one update...the computer problem has been solved...the third update will start tomorrow! !12 update at 1:8 am... 2 updates at [-]:[-] pm! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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