National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 355 The Heaven and Earth Are Unkind, Treating All Things as Straight Dogs!Immortal Execution

Chapter 355 The Heaven and Earth Are Unkind, Treating All Things as Straight Dogs!Immortal Execution Sword Formation!

the next moment.

The real-time video screen appeared again.

The picture that can appear is unacceptable to the audience.

Countless dragon warriors were spitting blood, they were all struggling, they were covering their brains, their faces were full of fear, as if they were experiencing something terrible!

"Be afraid! Be afraid of me! I will let you suffer darkness forever!"

Wang Ao, the hunting king, continued to speak, with a smug smile in his words.

"The current situation of our Dragon Kingdom fighters is very bad! But our Dragon Kingdom can win, and we can win this battle!"

The commentator Liu Jing's voice was a little choked up. She didn't expect that in just a moment, the millions of extraordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom would lose their combat power in pieces.

Can this battle really be won?

The audience's faith began to waver.

The hunting king Ao didn't know what method he had used to make so many dragon warriors fall into pain.

This is incredible!
They are also completely confused.

But they all understand one thing.

Dragon Kingdom warriors are suffering!
"Ao the King of Hunting! Your ability seems to be ineffective against me."

At this time, a figure appeared on the real-time video screen, and he was walking slowly towards the front of the castle.

This figure is "Reaper" Aizen.

Not only blue dye appeared.

There is also a bald figure "One Punch" Saitama.

There is also General Lu Lanlu who has mastered the seven-star sword-style sword formula.

There are also other Long Kingdom soldiers in military uniforms.


Obviously, King Ao's attack had no effect on them at all!

Moreover, the expressions of those Dragon Kingdom soldiers who were full of pain gradually eased up.

They came out of pain!
Out of despair!
"Our Dragon Kingdom fighters will always be the best. In this battle, victory will belong to our Dragon Kingdom!"

When the commentator Liu Jing saw such a scene, she also spoke with joy and excitement.

"I! I have come! Fear me!"

Ao the King of Hunting seems not to be playing tricks anymore.

He finally revealed his real body.

this moment.

A huge black shadow also appeared in front of everyone.

Moreover, this huge black shadow has a pair of cold eyes.

"Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water... Puff Chi!"

Aizen also held the Zanpakuto at his waist, ready to use his ability.

However, before his ability was fully activated, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

His eyes widened, as if the scene in front of him made him unbelievable.


Immediately afterwards, groups of black shadows appeared around Aizen, and the black shadows swallowed them completely.

Aizen is gone.


The audience was a little confused.

This "Reaper" Aizen had shown himself to be so powerful before, but now, he has no power to fight back against Wang Ao, the hunter.

Is Aizen too weak, or King of Hunting is too strong?

The audience began to get a little nervous.

Even Ye Xiao's palms were slightly sweaty, and a thought popped up in his heart, was it because Lan Ran's mirror image was not effective against the King of Hunting, or Lan Ran was hiding his strength.

"It's your turn!"

That group of black shadows and those cold eyes also focused on Qiyu.

"Come on! I will definitely block you! Because I am a hero, I have the responsibility to protect everyone!"

Saitama, a young man with a bald head, has no fear in the face of Wang Ao, the hunter.

He even took the initiative to attack.


He punched out a punch, which seemed ordinary, but it shattered the surrounding space and cracked it apart.

"Bang bang!"

However, an amazing scene happened.

Saitama's fist slammed on the black shadow, but it didn't cause any attack on the black shadow.

"Heroes, you have to pay with your life!"

Ao the King of Hunting spoke.

He opened his mouth.

As before, clusters of black shadows appeared around, and the black shadows swallowed Saitama in an instant.


The audience was stunned and began to fear.

Obviously, the hero Saitama from the investment world "One Punch" is so powerful that no beast can defeat Saitama in one punch.

Why did Qitama lose?

The defeat is too complete!

"Is the Dragon Kingdom about to be defeated?"

The students in the auditorium used to be full of confidence in Longguo, but now they are all starting to hesitate.

Ye Xiao also stared at this scene with astonishment on his face. Aizen and Qiyu are among the best strong men, but such strong men have no power to parry in front of King Ao of the Hunter.

The arrogance of the king of hunting is too terrifying!
Will the Buddhist Supreme Tathagata Buddha be an opponent?
Wouldn't Tathagata die again?
For a while, Ye Xiao's mood became a little complicated.


On the contrary, the students of Western Aslante burst into laughter. They felt very happy that Longguo encountered such a predicament.

"Transcendental beasts have always been indestructible!"

"Long Guo's move is too reckless!"

"Totally overestimate one's abilities!"

"Dragon Kingdom's millions are extraordinary, I'm afraid they will all die in this hunting forbidden zone!"


These blond and blue-eyed Western students grinned and grinned.

What they said also made the teachers and students of the Shuguang Academy furious.


Principal Hua, who was standing on the big stage, spoke, his eyes were red, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

And his speech was obviously very intimidating. At least those Western students shut up and didn't dare to continue biting their tongues.

"I - I am destined to be the object of your fear! If you want to encircle and suppress me, you can't do it!"

Wang Ao, the hunting king, was very proud. These opponents in front of him were too weak, too weak.

"now you!"

His pair of cold eyes also focused on General Lu Lanlu.


The young, beautiful, and extraordinary General Lu Lanlu, holding a long sword, was the first to use the Seven Star Sword Style.


Seven big stars appeared in the blood-colored sky!

The seven big stars are like the seven stars of the Big Dipper, they actually descended one after another.

"Boom! Boom!"

The huge and terrifying power of the stars formed seven attacks one after another, and these seven attacks were all directed at the huge black shadow.

But unbelievable scenes.

It happened again.

General Lu Lanlu's seven-star sword-style swordsmanship also did not cause any harm to King Ao of the Hunter.


Lu Lan's face was full of astonishment. Is the hunting king Ao in front of him dead?
"Fear me! I, immortal, immortal! Next, you will all fall into darkness! You will all suffer forever!"

The King of Hunting roared angrily, "On my land, kill my compatriots and fellow clansmen, you deserve to die! You should be doomed!"

Say it.

A group of black shadows surrounded Lu Lan.

The darkness swallowed Lu Lan instantly.

"How could this be!"

The audience seemed to be bleeding from their hearts.

Such a scene was not what they wanted to see at all.

The arrogance of this hunting king is too outrageous!
Also, is there no other backup in Longguo?

But even if there is a backup, is it really useful?

is that useful?
Many people in the Dragon Kingdom have despair in their hearts!

Ao, the king of hunting, is so strong that they feel desperate!
The voice of the narrator Liu Jing already had a crying tone, which is easy to imagine, and now Liu Jing is afraid that tears are streaming down her face.

"No matter how difficult we encounter, we must have confidence in Longguo!"

"In this battle, we must have the belief that we must win! If the belief is not extinguished, we will not be defeated!"

"The soldiers of our Dragon Kingdom will never be defeated!"

Her words also made many people couldn't help crying.


They have to keep their faith!

Judging from the current situation, will a miracle really happen?

"Long Kingdom, want to destroy me, dream! Dream!"

The King of Hunting spoke coldly.

"In this battle, I want to keep all the millions of extraordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom in this hunting forbidden area. Since we are here, don't even think about running away!"

He was also surprised when he said this sentence.

Among the millions of dragon warriors present, not a single figure appeared to escape.

It seems that even in the face of death, they regard death as home!

Death, they are not afraid!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just when King Ao of Hunting was about to start his next move, countless thunderbolts appeared in the blood-red sky.

Thunder flashes!

The thunder and lightning seemed to tear the bloody sky apart.

The raging lightning also surprised King of Hunting Ao Weiwei.

"Is Long Guo going to play some tricks again?"

However, Wang Ao, the hunter, didn't pay attention at all.

He is very arrogant, this is his temperament, and he has always been like this.


next second.

Seven huge colorful beams of light rushed directly to the sky.

Moreover, these seven colored beams of light also represent different directions.



The west!



Colorful beams of light surrounded the hunting restricted area!

The King of Hunting smiled proudly, "Long Kingdom, there are quite a lot of tricks to play. But it is absolutely impossible for these little tricks to deal with me!"


The colorful beams of light gathered in the sky to form a ball.

Sparkling, colorful, very strange.

Such a scene made the people of Long Kingdom watching the real-time video screen really unpredictable.

"What are the Dragon Kingdom officials doing?"

"What is this colorful beam of light?"

"Look! The light group formed by the seven-colored beams of light actually gathered into a huge ancient sword!"

"Could it be that you want to use this ancient sword to deal with Ao the King of Hunting? Is this possible?"


Countless people were feeling uneasy, and they were also looking forward to the success of the Dragon Kingdom this time, but they didn't have much hope.

It's just a joke that such an ancient sword can deal with King Ao of Hunting!

Ye Xiao, who was in the auditorium, felt vaguely familiar with the real-time video in front of him.

What is this mysterious ancient sword standing across the sky and earth?
Ye Xiao quickly used his brain.


His breathing gradually tightened.

He seemed to understand.

This time, the Dragon Kingdom used the most powerful formation in Jade Immortals—the Jade Immortal Sword Formation!
Compared with the original book, this Jade Immortal Formation seems to have been weakened by two or three points.

But even so, Ao the King of Hunting may not be able to stop him!
Ye Xiao calmed down completely.

Wang Ao, the hunting king, this time, he will surely die!

This Immortal Execution Sword Formation is the real trump card of Dragon Kingdom!
this moment.

A row of huge golden characters also appeared on the blood-colored sky.

Each word is as high as a hundred feet in size!

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!
Such large characters also made the millions of Dragon Kingdom soldiers present feel spectacular!

"Heaven and earth are not are just playing with this little trick, do you think I will be afraid? Will you be afraid?"

The king of hunting Ao smiled very coldly, he had no fear at all.

He didn't pay attention to this line of big golden characters.

He was so confident from beginning to end.

Dragon Kingdom plans to imprison him and destroy him, but this plan can only end in failure in the end!

Countless audience members also became uneasy.

The big golden characters are really shocking, but can it deal with King Ao, the hunting king?

Soon, the line of golden characters dissipated.

But the ancient sword hanging above the blood-colored sky revealed two eye-catching blood-colored characters - Zhu Xian!
"Zhu Xian?"

The audience was bewildered.

Wang Ao, the hunting king, still had a nonchalant attitude.


The huge ancient sword in the sky began to move.

Gu Jian went straight towards the huge black mist that was King Ao of Hunting.

Soaring into the sky!

Like a streamer!

One blow directly hit the body of King Ao of Hunting.

"No! No! No!"

Ao, the king of hunting, let out a hissing and screaming scream, he was completely frightened, the power emanating from this ancient sword actually made his vitality keep passing away.

This ancient sword can really hurt him!
But it's not over yet.

Surrounded by hundreds of millions of small ancient swords.

And these small ancient swords all hit the hunting king Ao!

Ao, the hunting king, wailed in pain.

At this moment, he was completely afraid and frightened.

This ordinary ancient sword could actually hurt him.

Even, black blood flowed from the eyes of King of Hunting Ao!

"It can actually hurt me! How is it possible!"

He muttered to himself.

Moreover, there was only one thought left in his mind.

That is escape!
Don't run away!
I'm afraid he's going to die!
He could clearly feel that not only the vitality in his body was passing away, but also his strength was too passing away.

Originally, he was so strong, but now he is weak and weak.

"We won! We won!"

The commentator Liu Jing was completely tearful and her tone was excited. She never expected that happiness would come so quickly, so that she became a little incoherent when she spoke.

Victory is coming before you know it!

The countless people of Dragon Kingdom who watched the real-time video of this scene were also completely stunned.

"This ancient sword is too awesome!"

"Heaven-defying! Ao the King of Hunting has no ability to resist this ancient sword at all!"

"It's a pity that the colorful beams of light on the bloody sky have disappeared. If you can continue to use the power of the ancient sword, King Ao, the hunter, will definitely be beheaded on the spot!"

"Even if King Ao of Hunting is not dead, he only has half his life left!"


(End of this chapter)

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