National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 361 Poppies are beautiful, but deadly poison!

Chapter 361 Poppies are beautiful, but deadly poison!

But Ye Xiao understood very well that it had changed.

Definitely changed.

Definitely something has changed.

What does this mysterious black ball mean?
What kind of harm will it bring?

Ye Xiao began to think in his mind.

Even, he had an idea.

Perhaps, the system knows the origin of this mysterious black ball.

He also quickly started communicating with the system, but this time he was about to be disappointed.

The system remained silent and did not respond.

Is the system really ignorant, or is it pretending to be deaf and dumb, or is there some other reason?

At this moment, he also noticed the people around Zhongdu. From the beginning when the mysterious black ball appeared, they felt fear and inexplicable panic, but gradually these people in Zhongdu no longer hesitated and were no longer so afraid. .

Even some people in Zhongdu showed a smiling face.

"This black ball looks quite beautiful."

"Yes! Under the night sky, there is still a faint black light!"

"Perhaps we are overthinking it. This black ball has nothing to do with any strange beasts. This is a very strange astronomical phenomenon that is rare in a hundred years and a thousand years!"

"There is really such a possibility, this is an astronomical phenomenon!"


From the initial anxiety, the people of Zhongdu have gradually accepted the mysterious black ball in the night sky.

What's more, they took pictures one after another of the mysterious black ball, as if they wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

Ye Xiao dare not agree with these words.

For this mysterious black ball in the night sky, he still maintains full vigilance.

As everyone around said, this black ball looks beautiful and mysterious, especially the black light it emits is also very unique and different.

However, Ye Xiao felt that the mysterious black ball was somewhat different from the poppy flower.

Although poppies are very beautiful, they are deadly poison!
Ye Xiao didn't stop at the Zhongdu Night Market, so Ye Xiao was about to leave.

It's just that he didn't go far, when he saw two familiar figures at a snack stall that was very lively and crowded with people.

These two figures are the president of the student union, Long Yanli, and the vice president, Jiang Xuan.

The two women looked very low-key in their attire, both wearing simple chocolate-colored plaid skirts, but even so, the two women sitting on the barbecue stall became a beautiful sight.

At least, there were quite a few pairs of men at the surrounding barbecue stalls looking at the two women.

It's just that those people are always lustful but not courageous, and they don't dare to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with the two women and say hello.

Long Yanli and Jiang Xuan also noticed Ye Xiao's figure.

Among them, Jiang Xuan blinked his big eyes that were as bright as jewels, and the words that came out of his mouth seemed very surprised.

"Ye Xiao! I was able to meet you!"

She was indeed a little surprised, she didn't expect to see Ye Xiao on the big street of Zhongdu.

"What a coincidence!"

Ye Xiao also stepped forward to greet the two women carelessly, and he also directly pulled up a seat, and sat down very familiarly.


His behavior of sitting down like this made Jiang Xuan a little unhappy, a small snort came out of her small nose, and a pair of beautiful eyes glared at Ye Xiao angrily.

"Who made you sit down!"

"Jiang Xuan, your attitude of speaking is a bit aggressive! You must know that I am no longer an honorary vice president, but an honorary president! So, I am the president of the student union, and you, as the vice president of the student union Chang, shouldn't you be more respectful to me?"

Ye Xiao's tone was full of playfulness.

Once this word is taken away, it really makes people feel refreshed.

"Ye Xiao, are you acting arrogant in front of me? If this is the case, you are going to be very wrong. This is not a school. Do I need to be polite to you, the president? Besides, I There is also the support of the chairman!"

Jiang Xuan snorted softly, showing a little chili side.

From her behavior, it is not difficult to see that she doesn't take Ye Xiao seriously at all.

This made Ye Xiao feel helpless, this woman is really unreasonable!
On the contrary, Long Yanli showed a very helpless look, but he didn't continue to stay on this topic, but set his eyes on Ye Xiao.

"Ye Xiao, do you want to eat barbecue?"

She said so.

Jiang Xuan muttered, as if she wanted to say something to complain about, but she didn't say it in the end.

"No, I ate a lot not long ago."

Ye Xiao politely refused.

"If you don't eat, don't eat, we will eat by ourselves!"

Jiang Xuan murmured, and the skinny white man picked up a piece of roast lamb.

This mutton is also roasted to a yellowish brown on the outside, and you can see that the mutton is not only completely cooked, but also has a small layer of oily shine. In addition, you can see large pieces on the surface of the mutton. Chili Sauce.

Jiang Xuan ate the roast lamb, not to mention the taste is really good.

Look, in just a few tens of seconds, she ate one piece of roast lamb after another.

A lot of chili sauce was added to these roasted lamb, and it was not ordinary spicy, it was super spicy, so spicy that her red lips were slightly red and swollen.

"So spicy! So spicy!"

She gasped again and again.

"What a glutton!"

Seeing this ridiculous side, Ye Xiao couldn't help but say something.

Compared with Jiang Xuan's voracious eating, Long Yanli, the president of the Shuguang School's student union, looked much more refined.

Long Yanli was eating a sea oyster.

The sea oyster exudes a sweet aroma, and there are various ingredients such as chopped green onion and pepper on this piece of sea oyster.

She ate the sea oysters slowly, showing a very ladylike side.

During the period, she also discussed with Ye Xiao the mysterious black ball above the night sky.

"Ye Xiao, did you find anything?"

Long Yanli asked.

Up to now.

Ye Xiao's impression in her heart is also completely different.

From the very beginning, she had heard that Ye Xiao was the strongest freshman in this year's Shuguang Academy.

At the time, she didn't care much.

I also think that Ye Xiao is just lucky.

Fortunately, among the vast crowds in the investment world, Zhu Yuanzhang was selected as an investment stock.

Only in this way can Ye Xiao rise.

Ye Xiao, this is one lucky guy!

But think about it now.

I'm afraid Ye Xiao is not just the lucky one.

Let’s just say that Ye Xiao’s current assets actually own trillions of red crystals!
This number is too astonishing, too astonishing!

Even the number of orange crystals Ye Xiao has hundreds of millions!

Moreover, this is only the funds shown by Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's real funds are probably only a lot more than the displayed funds!
So, Ye Xiao's success is not just luck!
There is still strength!

"Master President, I'm afraid it's useless for you to ask Ye Xiao this question! What can he find out?"

At this time, Jiang Xuan was eating a bunch of kebabs in her mouth, and she also muttered something.

While speaking, she continued to stuff these kebabs into her mouth.

It was delicious!

Mouth full of the aroma of meat skewers!
This skewer is really a very happy thing!
"Jiang Xuan, eat carefully, don't be greedy, beware of choking."

Ye smiled and reminded.

"How come...cough cough!"

Jiang Xuan said angrily, and quickly refuted Ye Xiao's words.

But who knows, at this moment, she really choked on the meat skewer in her mouth.

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, the food seemed to block her esophagus, causing her to cough repeatedly.

"Are you okay?"

Long Yanli became concerned, and quickly poured a drink for Jiang Xuan.

Ye Xiao didn't say much, but there was a gloating expression on his face.

Jiang Xuan could see Ye Xiao's performance like this, which made Jiang Xuan completely angry.


However, she also drank that glass of drink in a hurry, and only then did she feel that her throat was much more comfortable.

And, she also hastily snorted.

"It's all Ye laughing at you crow mouth!"

"As an extraordinary investor, you can choke on food, don't you know how to use Qi?"

Ye Xiao asked back.

This rhetorical question also made Jiang Xuan's expression stunned.


Why didn't she think of using Qi just now!
Think about it, she acted just now as if she was stupid like a pig!


In an instant, her face also flushed red.

Her beautiful eyes also stared at Ye Xiao viciously.

However, this time she seemed to be well behaved, and did not get angry with Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao didn't continue talking to Jiang Xuan, but answered the question Long Yanli asked earlier.

"I didn't find anything."

Such a question from him made Long Yanli's eyes flicker with disappointment.

She thought that Ye Xiao could discover something, but it turned out that she was overthinking.

"What about you, President, did you find anything?"

Ye Xiao showed a curious look on his face.

"It's the same as you, I got nothing. Even if I use my three-pointed jade writing sharing eye, I can't see through this mysterious black ball. It still looks very ordinary, and it still doesn't change at all, as if it doesn't exist at all. "

"Could it be that this is really a very strange astronomical phenomenon? But, this is definitely not an astronomical phenomenon! Danger is approaching!"

Long Yanli said seriously.

While talking, she also drank the wine on the barbecue table.

She drank a glass of beer in one gulp, but her expression didn't change at all.

"Da da!"

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

It turned out that a middle-aged man with a somewhat obese figure appeared in the field of vision of Ye Xiao and others.

This middle-aged man had a fat head and big ears, and his face was flushed. It was obvious that he must have drunk a lot of alcohol.

There was even a strong smell of alcohol on this middle-aged man.

Also, around the man's neck was a gold chain.

"Two beauties, are you interested in getting to know each other? My friends in Jianghu gave me the nickname Brother Hu. In fact, what kind of Brother Tiger am I? I'm really not imposing at all!"

Brother Hu, a middle-aged man, was also reeking of alcohol as he spoke.

How could Ye Xiao, Long Yanli, and Jiang Xuan not notice his actions like this.

Brother Hu is clearly here to strike up a conversation!
Ye Xiao also mourned for Brother Hu in his heart.

This Hu brother is really a top iron, and he is looking for death.

Who is not good to strike up a conversation with, insisting on striking up a conversation with Long Yanli and Jiang Xuan, isn't that making a fuss?
But Long Yanli didn't look at Brother Hu directly, obviously completely ignoring Brother Hu.

Even Jiang Xuan ignored Brother Hu and continued to eat her delicious barbecue.

"Add some cumin powder to this barbecue, it tastes really good!"

Jiang Xuan spoke.


Long Yanli lightly tapped the head of the gnat.

Brother Hu was even a little annoyed by the communication between the two.

I ignored it!
He was ignored like this!

After drinking a lot of wine, he became more and more angry!

"I strike up a conversation with you to give you face. You must not give face to shame. Or do you think this kid can be a hero to save the beauty?"

Brother Hu cast his disdainful eyes on Ye Xiao.

He even went on to say, "Why, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty? If you want to, you can ask the brothers behind me if they agree!"

talking room.

Behind Brother Hu, there are also more than one big man with a thick back and a waist.

These big guys are all looking forward to Brother Tiger.

Even, there are nine of these big men!
"Are you afraid?"

Brother Hu pouted, with an indescribably smug expression on his face, and felt that he is really majestic and majestic now!
"I didn't think about being a hero to save the beauty, because I don't need to make a move against you ten flies."

Ye Xiao shrugged and said.

He understands.

He doesn't need to shoot.

Because, he has already seen Long Yanli's right eye, which is as bright and bright as a black jewel, with streaks of blood appearing one after another.

Obviously, Long Yanli, the chairman, is going to use the illusion of Xuelunyan to deal with this group of hooligans.

"Ten flies, you boy, you are so bold, we are ten tigers..."

Brother Hu gritted his teeth, looked around, found a beer bottle, and held the beer bottle firmly in the palm of his hand.

The nine men behind him also followed suit, imitating Brother Hu to hold a beer bottle in his right hand.

Obviously, these beer bottles are all for Ye Xiao.

"This kid, I'm afraid it will be over!"

"That's not right! This kid actually said they were ten flies!"

"I'm afraid something will happen!"

"I'm afraid I have to call the police quickly and let the police deal with it!"


The actions of Brother Hu and others completely deterred the surrounding guests.

Even the owner of this barbecue stall, a thin uncle in his forties, also realized that the situation was not good.

Just when everyone thought something big was going to happen, the next scene was horrifying and unbelievable!
only because.

"Crack! Crack!"

Brother Hu and the others, as if their brains had become redundant, threw beer bottles towards their respective heads.

(End of this chapter)

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