National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 375 There are ghosts in this world!

Chapter 375 There are ghosts in this world!
Moreover, in Ye Xiao's field of vision, there is still No. 1 Road, Death Street, a dead zone.

There are only Heping Districts, and there seem to be not many residents in this Heping District.


Ye Xiao is also facing a new problem.

Although this death bar was eradicated by him.

But it's just a death bar in Kamigawa City.

According to Hongdie, the owner of the death bar, this death bar is not only in Kamigawa City, but in every country, all over the world!
If you really want to eradicate all these death bars.

This is definitely a tough question!
The most important thing is that now he has been targeted by the master of this kingdom of death.

I am afraid that his situation is precarious and very bad.

But when he saw the four gods of the underworld, the bull-headed horse-faced black and white impermanence, he felt a little more at ease.

At this time, the time unexpectedly came to the early twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

There are also a lot fewer pedestrians on the streets of Kamikawa City. It seems that Kamikawa City is not so lively at midnight.

Ye Xiao also hailed a taxi and returned to the star hotel with Asakawa Reiko.

Just arrived at the hotel shortly after.

Ye Xiao lay on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep without knowing it.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Ye Xiao opened a pair of slightly dazed eyes.

Moreover, he could still hear rustling sounds one after another in his ears.

"You're crazy! I'm crazy again!"

"Qi Ye, your luck is getting better!"

"Qiye actually has seven tricks!"


He could hear these voices in an instant, but they were the black and white voices of bull-headed and horse-faced people.

Moreover, these four hell gods are really powerful.

A whole night passed, and he was still playing mahjong.

Is mahjong really so addictive?

Ye Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, he also quickly washed his face.

Just after washing his face, he noticed that Reiko Asakawa had woken up.

He also carefully prepared a bottle of milk and a few pieces of bread for him.

"Thank you."

Ye Xiao thanked him politely, and unceremoniously ate the breakfast prepared for him by Reiko Asakawa.

"It's just a small matter, no need to thank you."

Reiko Asakawa responded with a smile, but her eyes were still flickering with worry, "Ye Xiao, you said that the world is so chaotic and there are so many ghosts, would it be..."

"Don't worry, the number of ghosts has been decreasing and decreasing."

Ye Xiao gave Asakawa Reiko a reassuring look.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that he sent tens of thousands of Yin soldiers and several Yin gods in the underworld, so he was able to receive reward messages from the system every now and then.

It's nothing more than how many ghosts the Yin soldiers have killed.

In other words, how many ghost generals have been beheaded by the Yin gods of the underworld.

and many more.

Therefore, there will be fewer and fewer ghosts in Kamigawa City!

Reiko Asakawa still had some doubts about Ye Xiao's words, and still felt inexplicable panic in her heart.

"Let's take a look at the morning news of this Kamikawa city together later. With such a rampant ghost, I believe the Kamigawa officials will definitely take action!"

Ye Xiao said.

When he said this, it also made Asakawa Reiko's eyes shine.


So many people died!

So many innocent citizens were killed by ghosts one after another.

It can't be that there is no reaction from the Shenchuan official, right?
According to Ye Xiao's conjecture, he dispatched Hell Yin Soldiers and Hell Yin Gods to eradicate the ghosts in Shenchuan City.

However, there are so many ghosts and ghosts that they cannot be eradicated in a short period of time.

If his expectations are correct, the number of people killed by ghosts will definitely reach thousands, or even more!
This is definitely an astonishing and terrifying number!

According to Kamikawa City, a large city with millions of people, the daily number of normal deaths should be around a dozen, while the number of abnormal deaths should be around dozens.


Thousands of people die in one day, is this scientific?Is this reasonable?

The relevant departments of Kamigawa City will definitely make big moves!

Ye Xiao was very determined in his heart.

After a hasty breakfast, he took Reiko Asakawa to use the TV in the hotel room to watch the morning news of Kamikawa City.

Being held by Ye Xiao's little hand, Reiko Asakawa's exquisite face blushed slightly, but she didn't say much.

Soon, the eyes of the two also fell on the news channel in front of them.

The hostess of this morning news is a hostess with a beautiful and sweet face.

"Hello everyone, I am the host Deng Wei. I will bring the morning news about today's Kamigawa City to the audience friends."

"Recently, our Kamigawa police have uncovered many murders..."

"A fire broke out near Siming Street in Kamigawa City, but the fire was quickly brought under control by our Kamigawa firefighters..."

"In the next few days, Kamigawa City will continue to experience high temperature weather. In the face of such weather, we must pay attention to heatstroke prevention, drink plenty of water, and take sun protection measures..."


This sweet-looking hostess Deng Wei, who even has a pair of slender legs, broadcast one news after another.

And with her broadcast.

Both Ye Xiao and Asakawa Reiko had incredible expressions on their faces.

Recently, ghosts and ghosts are rampant in Kamigawa City, and the horrific death video is also played in every corner of Kamikawa City.

But the result.

There was nothing in the morning news about these stories.

From the mouth of this hostess Deng Wei, it is not difficult to hear that Kamigawa City seems to be thriving today, full of youth and vitality.

What kind of ghosts are simply non-existent things.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Asakawa Reiko cast doubtful eyes on Ye Xiao's face.

Ye Xiao was also confused.

Could it be that something new has happened?

"Boom! Boom!"

It was at this moment.

In the hotel room where Ye Xiao was, there was a knock on the door.

This suddenly came early in the morning?


Ye Xiao showed a look of surprise and uncertainty on his cheeks.

Although he felt extremely puzzled and puzzled in his heart, he still subconsciously opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw several police officers in standard police uniforms.

There were many police officers, and all of these officers had serious expressions on their faces.

"I have seen Mr. Ye."

The leading police officer, Cao Bing, has a face with Chinese characters, his skin is slightly dark, and his expression is full of respect.

"you are?"

Ye Xiao frowned.

Why did the police officer find him again?

He seems to have done nothing wrong!
"I am Cao Bing, the leader of the special operations team that the Shenchuan City Police has just secretly established."

Cao Bing introduced his identity.

Special Operations Team Leader?
Ye Xiao was even more confused when he heard it.

However, he also invited these police officers to enter the house and sit down.

He didn't commit any crime, and he was not afraid of the shadow.

The police officers also took their seats one by one, but apart from their serious expressions, they could also see the fear flickering in their eyes.

"Mr. Ye, earlier, Police Officer Li Mao mentioned you to me, and also told me about ghosts. But at that time, not only me, but also other colleagues in the bureau thought it was a genius. What absurdity! How can there be ghosts in the world?"

"But... what happened recently has completely broken our imagination. There are really ghosts in this world."

Cao Bing's expression was dignified, and after he finished speaking, he felt a lot tired.

Moreover, he also showed Ye Xiao one document after another, as well as investigations one after another.

These documents also omit one supernatural event after another.

The little boy who slapped the little ball died strangely...

Passengers on the ghost bus died collectively...

A bloody head popped out of the toilet...

Many people in the elevator lost their lives unconsciously...

Ye Xiao quickly flipped through the supernatural events.

And, he saw it too.

There are supernatural events and death videotapes in it.

The death toll was the highest due to death tapes.

Thousands of people have died so far, and the number is rising exponentially.

Even Ye Xiao was astonished.

The speed at which Sadako Yamamura harvested heads was too fast.

Just for a city like Shenchuan, thousands of people were harvested.

If you look at each country, look at the whole world.

The number of people who died tragically at the hands of Sadako Yamamura is definitely an astronomical figure!
"Now, this matter has been fermenting all the time. I'm afraid we can't suppress the public opinion. What's more terrifying is..."

Speaking of this matter, Cao Bing clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

"The more terrifying thing, what is it?"

Ye Xiao quickly asked.

"Mr. Ye, you know it when you think about it. Kamigawa City is a special city. It was jointly built by many countries in the world. But with so many things happening right now, these countries have also issued a strategy for our Kamigawa City .The city of Kamigawa is blocked, and the citizens of Kamigawa City are not allowed to leave Kamigawa City."

Cao Bing frowned, very helpless and a little annoyed.


Ye Xiao was very surprised that the silver-level countries investing in the world [Midnight] directly blocked the city of Kamigawa.

But is this blocking strategy effective?

Can you stop the ghost?

"In our eyes, this is a supernatural event, a ghost event. But in the eyes of those scientists, they suspect that there are no ghosts in our Kamigawa City, and there have never been any supernatural events. The reason why ghosts appear, there are The supernatural event is that a special virus has appeared in our Kamikawa City, which scientists call phantom poison."

"Once the body is parasitized by phantom poison, the parasitized person will have various hallucinations. What death video tapes, ghost buses, heads in toilets, etc. are all due to phantom poison. Phantom poison, this is a A new type of terrible virus that will cause the rapid death of the parasitized person. These scientists are still investigating the transmission route of the phantom poison. "

Cao Bing was helpless.

Is this really phantom poison?


Kamigawa City really has ghosts!
He has seen it!
He has seen it!

It seemed that Cao Bing's jet-black pupils constricted as he recalled some terrible memory.

For these scientists, Ye Xiao is really convinced.

What phantom poison is that!
What a ghost!
He muttered to himself.

But... this silver-level investment world [Midnight] is complicated, why are there so many ghosts?
What is the source of these ghosts?
Ye Xiao guessed in his heart, he always felt that Shenchuan City was a special city.

He also had a better understanding of Shenchuan City in the past.

Kamikawa, this is a big city with millions of people!

But this city is neither controlled by Xia Country, nor by Sakura Country, nor by Pretty Country.

and many more.

This is a city!

A city built by many countries!

The purpose of construction is also to declare to the outside world that countries communicate with each other to develop their economies and so on.

However, these words sounded a bit too nonsense to Ye Xiao today.

So, what secret is Kamigawa hiding?
Ye Xiao began to think in his heart, he faintly felt that he seemed to have caught some important clues.

"So, Ye Xiao, our special operations team would like to invite you to join us to investigate the truth behind this supernatural incident, and most importantly, eliminate those ghosts!"

Cao Bing took a deep breath and said the purpose of the trip, "I don't know, Ye Xiao, would you like it?
"it is good."

Ye Xiao nodded. With the power of the Shenchuan police, it is more convenient for him to do things.


On the spot, Cao Bing was full of joy.

Even the rest of the police officers were beaming.

However, when they were happy, they were also full of anticipation, as if they were looking forward to whether Ye Xiao could show his hand.

"Officer Li and his colleagues were killed."

Suddenly, Ye Xiao spoke.

"This... En."

Cao Bing's face was pale, but he nodded heavily.

The rest of the police officers looked a little unhappy.

"Don't worry, I've already avenged Officer Li and the others!"

Ye Xiao grinned, also signaling the appearance of Black and White Wuchang.


Black and white impermanence revealed its true body in front of these police officers!

Bai Wuchang, tall and thin, with a pale face and a long tongue.

Hei Wuchang has a fierce face, a wide body and a fat body, and a small black face.

"This this this..."

This time, Cao Bing and other police officers were shocked.

They were speechless.

what did they see.

I saw the black and white impermanence of the underworld that only existed in the myths and legends of Xia Kingdom!

There are ghosts in this world!
But there are more ghosts in this world!

Maybe, even gods exist!

"Mr. Ye, who are you?"

Cao Bing couldn't help asking.

After saying this, he quickly added another sentence, "I'm sorry, Ye Xiao, I take the liberty, I was abrupt..."

At this moment, Cao Bing couldn't speak easily.

"It's okay, you just need to understand that I can help you deal with ghosts."

Ye Xiao replied.

"Mr. Ye, are they really the legendary hell?"

Cao Bing's lips trembled. Although he had known Ye Xiao's extraordinary ability for a long time, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes, and his whole soul was hit by an unprecedented shock.

As for the other police officers around, they were already stunned and stunned, completely speechless.


Ye Xiao nodded.

"Why, are you questioning the identity of Seventh Master and Eighth Master?"

The bull head and horse face also jumped out, and they snorted, showing their dissatisfaction.

Human body bull head!

Human body and horse face!

Cao Bing and other police officers were almost completely insane!

Sure enough, they really came to find the right person this time!

Mr. Ye, this is definitely a great person!

Could it be...Mr. Ye is the King of Yama in this underworld?
But it doesn't look like it!

Associative associations began to form in the minds of the officers, and they felt flustered and completely bewildered.

 Short and powerless update... I can only continue to work hard tomorrow... The plot has not been figured out yet

(End of this chapter)

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