National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 377 Faceless Nurse, Slay the Ghost King Yamamura Sadako!

Chapter 377 Faceless Nurse, Slay the Ghost King Yamamura Sadako!

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the appearance of the female nurse in front of him.

He thought, this must be a rare beauty!

If she is not a great beauty, she must have good looks.

If the looks are ordinary, that's fine, just looking at the hot figure of the other party is enough to make him feel excited.

But the next second.

Arthur was completely stunned.

His expression was also stunned.

Now, what kind of monster is this!

What caught Arthur's sight was a face without a face!
No nose, no eyes, no mouth on the other side...

Nothing at all!

This is no face!

"Monster, this is a monster!"

Arthur panicked, he finally believed what Mr. Ye said earlier, and he was not deceiving him.

He will be unlucky!
The person who wanted his life was a monster!

It is definitely the monster in front of me!

Arthur tried to escape.


The monster in front of him wrapped his hands tightly around Arthur, preventing him from escaping.

If Ye Xiao was present, he would definitely be able to recognize this faceless monster at a glance. Isn't this the faceless nurse in Silent Hill!

This faceless nurse can definitely leave indelible trauma to people's hearts!


The faceless nurse grabbed Arthur tightly.

There seems to be a strange energy around.

It was actually devouring the faceless nurse quickly, and it was devouring Arthur even more.

But in the blink of an eye.

This alley has been restored.

There was no faceless nurse at the scene, let alone Arthur.

Do not!
There was a wallet that Arthur accidentally dropped on the ground left behind!
Ye Xiao was still sipping the tea brewed by Cao Bing, but he also learned from Chu Renmei that Arthur might have been killed.

As for the monster that killed Arthur, she didn't know who it was.

Chu Renmei's words also made Ye Xiao feel very wrong.

This annoying Caucasian Arthur died just like that?

But, what kind of ghosts are in broad daylight?

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

It's a pity that the bull-headed horse-faced black and white impermanence has been sent to deal with Yamamura Sadako, otherwise, with the ability of black and white impermanence, he would definitely be able to find some clues.

"What's wrong with Mr. Ye? Could it be that the tea I brewed doesn't suit Mr. Ye's taste?"

Seeing Ye Xiao frowning, this made Officer Cao Bing Cao, who was sitting directly opposite Ye Xiao, feel extremely uneasy.

It can be said that he is always paying attention to Ye Xiao's every move.

He was also extremely worried that he didn't serve Ye Xiao well.

If this is the case, his crime will be serious.

Ye Xiao, this is a big shot!


On the surface, Ye Xiao is a reporter from Shenchuan TV, but in fact, Ye Xiao is the spokesperson of this underworld in the world.

It has to be said that Cao Bing's brain association ability is very rich.

"Officer Cao, don't panic. The tea you brew has a strong flavor and a very good taste. I was just thinking about one thing just now."

Ye Xiao replied.

"what's up?"

Cao Bing replied subconsciously.

As soon as he said it, he regretted it. He seemed a little talkative.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I shouldn't be so talkative."

He hastily added a sentence.

"It's okay, what I'm thinking about has something to do with your bureau. If my predictions are correct, you, Arthur, the deputy leader of the special operations team, may have been killed by ghosts."

Ye Xiao said unhurriedly.


This time, Cao Bing was really a little stunned.

How long had it been since he was about to meet Arthur, at most two or ten minutes.

Arthur was killed?

This is impossible!
However, he believed 100% in the words of Mr. Ye in front of him.

Mr. Ye's ability is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like him!

Soon, Cao Bing quickly sent his subordinates to look for Arthur.

As a result, Arthur was not found in the bureau.

If you don't find it, then keep looking.

I have to say that the efficiency of the Shenchuan police is really high.

It only took about a quarter of an hour for the Shenchuan police to find the wallet left by Arthur in a dark alley.

As for the disappearance of Arthur, it seemed that he had disappeared.


Cao Bing also tried to make phone calls one after another.

There was also a reminder on the phone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area."

Called again and again, still the same.

Arthur couldn't get through the phone at all.


This made Cao Bing feel a burst of panic.

Sure enough, there really are ghosts and ghosts in this world, otherwise, how could Arthur just disappear and disappear.

But when he thought that he had Mr. Ye's help, Cao Bing's mood eased a lot.

"To deal with ghosts, there is Mr. Lao Ye."

Cao Bing said in a respectful tone.

Ye Xiao nodded.

When the two are chatting and talking.

There was one after another cold cloudy air around him.

Facing the sudden change in the atmosphere at the scene, Cao Bing couldn't help but shudder.

"Mr. Ye, this is..."

His body trembled and his expression twitched unnaturally.

"It's just that the black and white impermanence of the bull's head and horse's face has returned."

Ye Xiao replied.

Four shadow gods also appeared in his field of vision.

It is black and white impermanence.


The black and white impermanence, the two great ghosts of the underworld, directly tied up a woman in white with long hair and shawls with iron chains.

This woman in white, Ye Xiao couldn't see his true face.

But only for a moment.

He can judge it in his heart.

This is Sadako Yamamura!

Even as a ghost king, as long as black and white impermanence is dispatched, you will not be able to escape from the ghost king!
"why why!"

Sadako Yamamura was muttering something, she wanted to struggle with the iron chains that bound her body.

It's just that these iron chains and shackles seem to have a magical power, which makes her unable to use any strength, and her various abilities are also completely unable to use.

"Stop struggling!"

Bai Wuchang's expression was indifferent, in order to catch this ghost king Shancun Sadako, it took him and Hei Wuchang a lot of effort, and therefore, facing this ghost king Shancun Sadako, he didn't have a good face at all.

Hei Wuchang has a dark face and a completely silent attitude.

But he didn't say a single word.

However, he made a move.

Use the ecstasy lock to torture Yamamura Sadako.

Suddenly, a sharp pain spread all over Sadako Yamamura's body.

She gritted her teeth in pain, but she didn't make any screams.

Hei Wuchang felt that such torture seemed meaningless, so he could only put back the ecstasy lock.

"My father abandoned my mother... My mother died because of this. Even, my father wanted to kill me. Why?"

"Why would I be intersex again?"

"Why did I get raped by a smallpox patient when I went to visit my father in the hospital, and I was eventually thrown into that dilapidated ancient well."


Sadako Yamamura was muttering something, and she was complaining.

Complain about the injustice of this society.

Complaining about her misery.

Why is it her and not someone else!
When she said these words, she also looked up at Ye Xiao.

She understands.

Her life and death seemed to be in the hands of the man in front of her.

this moment.

The long black hair in front of Sadako Yamamura also fluttered.

In this way, her eyes were also revealed.

These are a pair of bloodshot eyes!

These eyes are full of hatred for this world!
She hates this world, and she wants to destroy it even more!

She wants revenge on the world!

"Sadako Yamamura, I sympathize with what happened to you. However, you should not hurt those innocent people."

Ye Xiao's tone was cold. Although he had sympathy for Yamamura Sadako, he absolutely couldn't let go of such a ghost in front of him.

Sadako Yamamura must die!

He didn't come to this silver-level investment world [Midnight] to be a saint, and he didn't come to show mercy.

He never forgot his purpose.

Earn Orange Crystals!

Profit, this is the ultimate goal, and this is also the fundamental goal!
"You want to kill me?"

Sadako Yamamura stared at Ye Xiao with blood-colored eyes.

She wants to rebel.

I want to fight back even more!
However, the shackles completely bound her feet and hands.


Ye Xiao answered truthfully.

Sadako Yamamura stared and rounded her blood-red eyes, which kept blinking.

Blink and blink.

The frequency of blinking is very fast.

He blinked dozens of times or hundreds of times in almost a second.

What is she doing?
Ye Xiao was puzzled by the strange behavior of Sadako Yamamura.

However, there was no fear at all.

Suddenly, Yamamura Sadako's eyes stopped blinking strangely.

"In the beginning, I shouldn't have let you go, I shouldn't have let you go!"

Suddenly, she spoke in a quiet tone.

She seemed a little regretful.

When Ye Xiao came into contact with the death video tape for the first time, she should have taken Ye Xiao's life.

And Ye Xiao could understand her words.

If it was the first time, Sadako Yamamura would have followed him.

Then, in this silver-level investment world [Midnight], he really has no choice but to exit.

After all, although he can be resurrected again and again.

But if it is revived a dozen times, dozens of times, it will consume a lot of orange crystals!

The price of resurrection keeps rising exponentially!

Fortunately, at that time, he dubbed the death videotape and escaped unharmed.


At this moment, Sadako Yamamura smiled, the smile was so creepy and puzzling.

"what are you laughing at?"

Ye Xiao asked.

"Don't play tricks in front of our lord!"

Niutou Mamian also spoke out and angrily reprimanded Yamamura Sadako.

For the ghost king in front of them, they might still feel tricky and difficult at the beginning.

But now that the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master are in charge, the two of them will still be afraid.

"You want to kill me—but, you can't kill me! I was born out of resentment, my resentment will never go away, and I will never die!"

A pale smile appeared on Yamamura Sadako's face.

Undying resentment?

She will not die?

When Ye Xiao heard this, he also faintly felt that he seemed to be involved in a bigger trouble and whirlpool.

This silver level investment world [Midnight] is not as simple as he imagined.

Suddenly, four words popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.

Kingdom of death!

"Are you related to the kingdom of death? Do you know the kingdom of death?"

Ye Xiao asked.

But this time, Sadako Yamamura's black hair covered her face again, and she turned a deaf ear to Ye Xiao's question and refused to answer it at all.

This made black and white impermanent angry.

Ignore the Lord.

This ghost is so presumptuous.

Even the ghost king is not qualified to be so presumptuous!

"Bang bang!"

They began to torture Sadako Yamamura with the ghost claws, soul locks, and other sharp weapons used by the underworld to torture ghosts.

But after being tortured over and over again, Sadako Yamamura remained silent.

"Send him on his way!"

Ye Xiao has a calm expression.

This ghost king Shancun Sadako is really tough enough.

"Yes, my lord."

Black and white impermanence responded quickly.

Soon, Black and White Impermanence exerted terrifying magic power.

Mana surrounded Sadako Yamamura, and quickly formed a fatal attack on Sadako Yamamura!


There seemed to be one after another mysterious spells shrouded around Sadako Yamamura.

The mysterious charm fluttered with strange characters one after another.

The black and white impermanence, the two Yin gods of the underworld, muttered words, and they were all saying some obscure words.

"call out!"

But for a moment.

The figure of Sadako Yamamura was completely swallowed up by the mysterious spell.

Obviously, she ended up in a distraught end.

And all this is her own fault.

Ye Xiao, who witnessed all this, also had a calm expression, without changing his face.

"Is it finally over? This Ghost King Yamamura Sadako is dead!"

Ye Xiao muttered to himself.

Almost the next second.

He also received a system message from the system.

[Summon black and white impermanence, kill ghost king Yamamura Sadako (clone), profit 2000 billion orange crystals]


At this moment, Ye Xiao's breath was a little suffocated, and just beheading the ghost king Yamamura Sadako brought him 200 billion orange crystals in profit!

This amount is too amazing!

However, soon, his expression froze.


This Yamamura Sadako is actually just a clone!
And this avatar has the strength of a ghost king!


Ye Xiao only felt that his happiness was in vain.

So, what is the true strength of Sadako Yamamura's body?
Ghost emperor?

Ghost Emperor?

The more he thought about it, Ye Xiao was already certain.

He has been involved in the whirlpool.

As long as he is a little careless, his life will definitely be lost.

But it doesn't matter.

He can also have the means of resurrection!

Moreover, in the third act of Death Kingdom, his total profit has already exceeded 800 billion orange crystals!

It's not far away from trillions of orange crystals!

Would he be satisfied with just trillions of orange crystals?

Ye Xiao asked himself from the bottom of his heart.

Do not!
Absolutely can't be satisfied!

His appetite started getting bigger and bigger!

"Ye Xiao...what's the matter, did something happen?"

On the side, Reiko Asakawa, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Ye, that Ghost King Shancun Sadako is dead?"

Officer Cao Bing couldn't help asking, his tone seemed a little nervous, but also a little excited.

 Short and powerless... two more

(End of this chapter)

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