National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 389 Successfully Washing the World, Profiting 1 Trillion Orange Crystals!

Chapter 389 Successfully washing the world and making a profit of 1 million orange crystals!
In this way, it also makes the whole scene look particularly spectacular.

The mysterious black mist seemed to feel fear as well.

The strength of the ghost god in front of him is too terrifying.

It started to get scared.

However, the mysterious black mist soon calmed down.

"You can't kill me! Even if you kill me, I can come back to life! I am the source of this world, I am the resentment of this world! I will never die, never die!"

Ye Xiao frowned, wondering if he could be resurrected many times after listening to the other party.

Unlimited resurrection?


Hundreds of Fengdu Great Emperors spoke again.

Moreover, Ye Xiao was completely stunned by the actions of these Fengdu Great Emperors.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

I saw that these Fengdu great emperors rushed into the surrounding mist unexpectedly.

Is this looking for death?

You know, these fogs are invincible.

Whoever breaks into the mist will die instantly.

In such a scene, investors also started a heated discussion after another.

"This Emperor Fengdu is looking for his own death!"

"That's right, whoever breaks into the mist will die instantly. This is a bloody lesson, and I have lost more than a billion orange crystals for this!"

"You only lost more than one billion yuan, so what's the point, I lost more than one billion orange crystals!"

"The invincible existence of the mist, the intruder will die!"


There was a long sigh on the faces of the investors. They all felt that the highest god in the underworld, Emperor Fengdu, was too arrogant and arrogant.

Thinking about it, Emperor Fengdu will die soon.

Wait until Emperor Fengdu dies.

Ye Xiao, the investment stock that survived to the end, is about to die.

At the beginning, Ye Xiao was also a little helpless, and even a little anxious.

He wanted to tell Emperor Fengdu not to break into the mist.


This Emperor Fengdu actually broke into the mist without saying a word, and more than 100 clones of Emperor Fengdu also broke into the mist together.

This is the rhythm of the calf.

Even Ye Xiao could hear a message from the system soon.

And the content of this news is very simple.

The underworld Emperor Fengdu whom he summoned was killed in battle.

But soon, Ye Xiao's brows tightened.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.


Several breaths passed, but he did not receive the news of the death of Emperor Fengdu.

Not only that.

He also saw a pass through the mist.

This pass is shrouded in mist, and it is also faintly visible.

But what.

But I can vaguely see seven more big gilt characters written on the city gate of this pass - Pylori Difu Ghost Gate Pass!

This time, Ye Xiao was extremely surprised.

How could the ghost gate of the underworld appear here?
Not only was he surprised, but countless investors had noticed this scene.

But it's not over yet.

Another bluestone road about two meters wide and fifty meters long appeared in the mist.

The entire bluestone road is uneven, and exudes a ghostly atmosphere, and one can see fiery red flowers of the other shore around the road.

Just for a moment.

Ye Xiao guessed it was clearly Huangquan Road!

At this time, he heard the sound of running water again and again in the mist.

Looking intently, although it was covered by the mist, he couldn't see clearly, but he could still see that the river water was blood-yellow, and the river water was full of insects and snakes, and the wind was blowing against his face, and he could also see the lonely souls in the river water. The painful cry made by ghosts.

These waters are Nai River water!
This river is the Wangchuan River!

In addition, you can also see a flickering ancient bridge appearing in the mist.

On this ancient bridge, there is an old woman with a rickety figure.

Ye Xiao couldn't see the figure of this old lady very clearly.

But two words popped up subconsciously in his mind.

This old woman is Po Meng!

And this ancient bridge is Naihe Bridge!
It must be Po Meng, look at Po Meng still holding a bowl of soup in her hand.

This soup must be Mengpo soup.


Ye Xiao even saw a strange stone, the Sansheng Stone.

The three life stones can reveal the cause of the past life, the fruit of this life, the cycle of fate, and the origin and extinction of fate!

And he also saw a city.

The city of vain death where people who died wrongfully lived.

Hades Palace, Nie Jingtai, [-] layers of hell...

One after another, the unique buildings of the underworld also appeared in the foggy world.

Ye Xiao believed that this must have been done by Emperor Fengdu.

Emperor Fengdu is the Son of Heaven!

It was even said that Emperor Fengdu possessed a treasure of the Three Realms.

And this treasure of the Three Realms is none other than the underworld.

The entire underworld is controlled by Emperor Fengdu.

"No! No! How could this be!"

Sensing the changes in the misty world, the mysterious black mist began to let out a painful howling sound.

It can feel that its strength is being weakened rapidly.

Power is draining!
It keeps leaking!

Not only that.

It is the resentment and resentment in this part of the world that have been washed away by a mysterious force!

It's over!

It can't go on like this anymore, it wants to stop all this!
"You can't stop me! I want to cleanse this world!"

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside the mysterious black mist.

The person who came was Emperor Fengdu.

"So, give up struggling!"

After Emperor Fengdu finished speaking this sentence.

The figure of the mysterious black mist began to disintegrate and collapse.

Just three breaths.

The mysterious black mist no longer exists.

Not only that.

It is the surrounding foggy world, this piece of world, that is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Ye Xiao was also full of shock.

He realized that he had won.

He relied on the power of Emperor Fengdu to win.

This Emperor Fengdu is too strong, his strength is completely inconceivable.

If he could summon Emperor Fengdu early.

I'm afraid, it must be sweeping this silver-level investment world [Midnight]!
So, how many orange crystals can he get this time?
Ten trillion?
Or 200,000 billion?

300,000 million?


Ye Xiao's mood began to become a little nervous.

The rewards must be rich!

But, how rich will it be?

next second.

A system message appears.

[Reminder, this real-time video playback of the host has ended]

The news made Ye Xiao's face darken.

This is not the news he wants.

The news he wants is profit!

Sure enough, he finally received the profit news.

Only, when he took a closer look.

He was completely in a state of suffocation.

[Summon the Emperor Fengdu of the underworld, successfully cleanse the world, and make a profit of 1 million orange crystals]

1 million!
This is actually 1 million orange crystals!
Moreover, it is still washing the world!
Great Emperor Fengdu, this is awesome!

Successfully wash the world!

You fucked up the plug-in!

Still, this is great!
This silver-level investment world [Midnight], he really has a bumper harvest!

He will definitely be the biggest winner!

Soon, the figure of Emperor Fengdu left.

Moreover, it took Ye Xiao a blink of an eye.

He thought he would leave this side of the world.

Who knows.

A blink of an eye.

He actually noticed that he was sitting on a familiar staff office chair, and in front of him was a clean and tidy desk and a desktop computer.

He is very familiar with such scenes.

This is not Kamigawa TV.

Moreover, he also noticed the current time from the lower right corner of the desktop computer.

October 9st at 12:9 am.


Ye Xiao suddenly rounded his eyes.

He has returned to the original starting point of [Midnight]!

Looking around, you can also see familiar colleagues.

And - that beautiful and innocent Asakawa Reiko.


He even tapped on the computer keyboard.

Obviously, he wanted to use a desktop computer to search for news about the mysterious video tape of urban legends, but after searching, he found nothing.

"Miss Reiko, about the death tape?"

It seemed that Ye Xiao realized something, and got up and asked Reiko Asakawa, who was processing some documents.

"What? A death tape? What is this?"

Reiko Asakawa's beautiful and delicate face was full of doubts.


Emperor Fengdu successfully cleansed the world!
Moreover, it seems to bring this side of the world back to the beginning.

Is this because of Emperor Fengdu?

Or is it another reason?

Followed by.

Ye Xiao received two messages in a row.

[The silver-level investment world [Midnight] ends, and the host will exit this world in three seconds]

[Silver level investment world [Midnight] is permanently offline]

When he opened his eyes again.

But he found that he was actually in the crowd of people.

This seems to be [Midnight]'s exclusive investment space.


All investors focused their attention on the large screen projected by the system in front of them.

Just because there is a very attractive sentence on this big screen.

[Silver Level Investment World [Midnight] is about to start climbing the ladder! 】

"It's finally here!"

"I don't know how many steps we can climb this time!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"Set a small goal and climb the [-]th ladder first"


The voices of people chatting around continued incessantly.

Ye Xiao also gradually revealed a look of awakening on his face.

I really didn't expect that the silver-level investment world [Midnight] would be over.

But there are still such activities as climbing the ladder and crossing the gate of heaven.

And ah.

And finally the King of Silver will be chosen!

The king of silver is absolutely none other than him!

In this [Midnight] investment world, he has made a lot of money!

Ye Xiao also quickly checked the total profit of the third act of "Midnight" in the kingdom of death and the final battle in the final act.

[Real-time settlement of investment stocks - [Midnight] Ye Xiao]

[Investment amount: 11111 million orange crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]

[Summon the ghost king of the underworld, kill the terrifying and resentful ghosts, and earn 100 billion orange crystals]

[Summon the ghost king of the underworld, kill the ghost general Shutendouji, and earn 1000 billion orange crystals]

[Summon the ghost king of the underworld, kill the ghost general and kill the ghost, and earn 1000 billion orange crystals]


[Summon Zhong Kui from the underworld, supersede ghost general Junxiong, earn 2000 billion orange crystals]

[Summon Zhong Kui from the underworld, super save the ghost king Jia coconut, earn 5000 billion orange crystals]


[Summon King Yama of the underworld, kill hundreds of resentful ghosts, earn 1000 billion orange crystals]


[King Yama of Hell was killed in battle, losing 5000 billion orange crystals]

[Summon the Jizo Bodhisattva of the underworld to save the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao before earning 10 trillion orange crystals]

[The Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva died in battle, losing 20 trillion orange crystals]

[Summon the Emperor Fengdu of the underworld, successfully cleanse the world, and make a profit of 100 trillion orange crystals]

[Live to the end, become the last survivor, earn 50 trillion orange crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 150 trillion orange crystals]

Under this look.

Ye Xiao showed a satisfied expression on his face.

The final result.

Earn 150 trillion orange crystals!

What a wonderful wife!

It's just that.

Thinking carefully, he couldn't help frowning.

The death of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the underworld actually brought him a loss of 20 trillion orange crystals.

Then, if the Emperor Fengdu he summoned could not deal with the mysterious black mist.

Does that mean that he is about to have a liquidation situation?

Once the position is liquidated, is it going to go bankrupt?

For a moment, the more Ye Xiao thought about it, more and more beads of sweat came out of his palms.

Come to think of it, he was really a little nervous.

I was so nervous that my palms were dripping with sweat.

He also communicated with the system on this liquidation issue.

The system also responds quickly.

[The host does not need to worry about liquidation, once the host liquidates, it will not face bankruptcy]

[Because at that time, the host will take out the world "Journey to the West" under his control for mortgage]

Seeing such a system message, Ye Xiao's face darkened.

He also wants to rely on "Journey to the West" to expand his strength and funds.

How can "Journey to the West" be mortgaged?

Afterwards, Ye Xiao also summed up this round of silver-level investment in the world [Midnight] The funds he earned were as high as nearly 3 million orange crystals!

This number was not made up by him.

Isn't it just that you can get double rewards for killing ghosts!
Moreover, even Emperor Fengdu successfully cleansed the world, he got double rewards for this one!
In other words.

Just one Emperor Fengdu earned him 200 trillion orange crystals!

He never dared to imagine that he could have so many orange crystals!

200 trillion!
This is 200 trillion!


The rewards are not over yet!

There are also activities such as climbing the ladder and crossing the gate of heaven.

Shortly after.

Investors began to climb the ladder!

One step after another, it is very easy for investors to climb up.

It's just that, not long after they started climbing, some investors were sweating profusely on their foreheads and panting like cows.

It's not that their physical fitness is not good.

And this climb to the top of the ladder is not based on one's own physical fitness, but on the profit of [Midnight].

For those who make more profits, climbing the ladder is as easy as eating and drinking.

this moment.

A figure wearing a white kimono and a pair of clogs has attracted the attention of countless investors.

There was no white mist coming out of this person's body, obviously he did not hide his identity.

And the origin of this person also caused some investors to quickly break through.

"It's him! The young and strong Mizusawa Kotaro of Sakura Country!"

Many investors exclaimed again and again.

This is less than ten breaths of effort.

Kotaro Mizusawa just rode Juechen, far ahead of everyone, and climbed the 99th step!
too fast!
enough to prove.

Kotaro Mizusawa definitely earned an astonishing amount of money in the silver-level investment world [Midnight]!

 Two updates today...the third update will start tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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