National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 394 Thank you for your generosity!

Chapter 394 Thank you for your generosity!
The investors present all widened their eyes, and they all wondered if they heard it wrong?
Otherwise, how could it be possible to hear such incredible words!

Actually think that the lottery of ten trillion orange crystals is too small to gamble, and it's not enough?

Ten trillion orange crystals, what a gamble!

Even An Lunde was a little stunned when he heard it.

But soon, he came back to his senses.

"As much as you want to bet, just say it, and I will accompany you to the end!"

An Lunde was full of confidence.

The mysterious Dragon Kingdom man in front of him hides his head and shows his tail, not even daring to show his true face.

Therefore, against such a character, he will never lose!
He has confidence.

He has more confidence!
The combat power he can explode.

Break through one billion combat power points!

Although he is not yet a seven-star extraordinary investor, but he already possesses the strength of a seven-star extraordinary investor.

Therefore, in a fight with the opponent, he will only win, not lose!

At this moment, An Lunde's eyes flashed with the belief of victory.

Countless investors present held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

They also want to listen carefully to how big a lottery this mysterious Longguo man is going to bet on?
Ten trillion orange crystals are too small.

Could it be that they are going to bet 200,000 billion orange crystals?
Or 300,000 billion orange crystals?

Many investors stared wide-eyed, reluctant to blink, for fear of missing a wonderful scene.

Such a gamble as before.

They have never seen it!
"How many orange crystals do you have in your asset account?"

Ye Xiao suddenly asked a question out of nowhere.

His question also made Ye Xiao's intentions somewhat unpredictable to the investors present, but some of the investors vaguely guessed something.

This also makes the faces of this part of investors look very unnatural.

"150 trillion orange crystals!"

An Lunde said bluntly, but he didn't hide it.

"I planned to bet you with 200 trillion orange crystals, but you couldn't even get 200 trillion orange crystals. Do you think it is necessary to bet?"

Ye Xiao's expression was half a smile but not a smile, and there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

He could see that the strength of An Lunde in front of him was absolutely extraordinary, absolutely extraordinary.

But what.

He is not afraid of each other.

In an instant.

The scene fell into silence again, like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless at all.


Investors feel that their brains are a little messed up, and they are a little out of control.

It's just because the King of Silver, who was born in the silver-level investment world [Midnight], speaks outrageously and exaggeratedly.

To bet 200 trillion orange crystals!

"Do you really think I can't get out 200 trillion orange crystals? I can't get them out?"

An Lunde's face was livid, Ye Xiao's words made him feel looked down upon.

Behind him is the Western Coria Consortium.

He can take out 200 trillion orange crystals.

However, taking out 200 trillion orange crystals quickly would also make him feel tricky.

in this way.

He also set his sights on the investor at the top of the [Midnight] profit list.

"There is still a gap of 50 trillion orange crystals, I think you can help me raise it! When the time comes, I will win, and I will definitely not treat you badly! Invest 1 trillion orange crystals, and it will soon become 2 Billion Orange Crystal, aren't you tempted?"

Anlunde said with a smile.

Don't really say it.

Many people were really moved.

Kotaro Mizusawa, Amy Trier, Ken Kaneshiro...

All the investors with extraordinary strength were moved.

They also used the system to sign an agreement directly with An Lunde.

in this way.

Less than 2 minutes.

An Lunde easily raised 50 trillion orange crystals.

Many investors cast admiring glances at An Lunde.

It didn't take long to raise 50 trillion orange crystals, and An Lunde did it easily.

This is because everyone has confidence in An Lunde's strength.

Everyone believed that investing in An Lunde would definitely win An Lunde.

This is like picking up money.

"Hey! It's a pity, it's a step too late!"

Investors who did not invest in Orange Crystal also had expressions of remorse on their faces.

It's such a pity that they missed such a good thing.

"Now, you have nothing to say! Let's fight!"

An Lunde was full of confidence, his eyes were cold and fierce, and he was full of fighting spirit.


Ye Xiao responded.

In his eyes, An Lunde in front of him was no different from a boy who gave away money.

Moreover, he doubted that An Lunde could have the status he has today because of the Western Corea Consortium behind An Lunde.

As long as the Western Coria Consortium wants to support it.

Even if you are a pig, you can go to heaven!

Both parties sign the contract agreement provided by the system.

this battle.

The winner wins 200 trillion orange crystals!

As for the outcome, it is up to the system to judge.

Of course, the system will also provide security guarantees.

Every investor present received a message from the system.

[Welcome to the training scene: Flame Plain]

In a blink of an eye.

Investors are also in a plain.

Looking around, this is a vast plain, and it is endless.

At the same time, the plain land under their feet seemed to be very fertile.


But they noticed something unusual.

However, he could see flames burning in the plain for some reason.


The flame was very small at first, but in an instant it became a prairie fire, and even the crimson flames were running around, devouring everything recklessly.

And there are two figures, but they are also surrounded by the flames that burn like raging fire.

These two figures are Ye Xiao, who is still shrouded in mysterious white mist, and An Lunde, the future heir of the Western Coria Consortium.

"This newly-promoted King of Silver will probably be defeated by An Lunde!"

Most of the investors are whispering a word in their mouths.

They seemed very confident about An Lunde.

An Lunde has become the Silver King many times!
He also won countless rewards!

in this way.

How could An Lunde be a weak person?
But there are also a small group of people who think that the mysterious and unpredictable Dragon Kingdom people are likely to win.

However, the chances of the Dragon Kingdom people winning are very slim.

What people around you think.

Ye Xiao didn't know.


Ye Xiao understood very well.

this battle.

He absolutely must make a quick decision, and even give An Lunde a fatal blow in an instant!
Otherwise, if the battle dragged on for a longer period of time, the situation might not be good for him.

Don't have to say.

It is said that An Lunde is called the silver king by those investors.

In this way, An Lunde must also have a lot of unique and precious exclusive cards in his hands.

and so.

this moment.

Ye Xiao immediately exploded with one billion combat power points!
Not only that.

He also used the legendary Qiyuan martial arts-the dark cage!
Now, the dark cage has reached the level of master proficiency, but don't let him down!

in an instant.

The source of energy erupting from Ye Xiao's body turned into a pitch-black cage, directly trapping An Lund.

"What kind of Qiyuan martial art is this?"

Seeing this, the faces of countless investors were full of surprise, and they were all very surprised.

Because, in their field of vision unexpectedly appeared a dark cage.

And Anlunde, whom they called the King of Silver, was trapped in the cage.

Can such means be able to deal with An Lunde?
Investors all showed a suspicious expression.

But soon, some investors exclaimed.

"He - billions of battle points! This!"

"how can that be!"

"This newly-promoted silver king has one billion combat power points?"

"My God! With such combat power points, it is impossible to be unknown in the Dragon Kingdom. So, who is his real identity?"


Many investors at the scene were still scratching their heads and wondering about Ye Xiao's identity.

And Anlunde who was trapped in a dark cage.

I just felt that he was surrounded by darkness.

Look around.

It was dark all around!
"Damn it, darkness, trying to trap me, dreaming!"

He said something cursing.

He also used his power quickly.

I signed a contract with the ice elf, asking the ice elf to lend me its power!
Elf of the sea, obey my call and show your amazing power!
O great elf king!Answer my call!Be here!Help me destroy the enemy!

Anlunde began to chant the spell in his mouth.

The mantras chanted are also related to the elves.

He wants to call the powerful Elf King to break through the darkness and the cage.


When calling those elves, An Lunde's expression gradually became bewildered.

He felt incredible.

Why did he say the spell.

But even if you can't summon the ice spirit, you can't summon the sea spirit, and you can't summon the great spirit king!
"Why is this! Why is this!"

An Lunde muttered words, he felt his power and was imprisoned.

He even noticed that his hands and feet were unknowingly locked in black shackles.

I can't move my hands and feet.

The combat power points on him kept decreasing and decreasing.

More than one billion battle points!

Hundreds of millions of battle points!
Tens of millions of battle points!


Breath after breath passed.

His combat power points were directly cleared.

Today, he is not even as good as an ordinary person.

"How could this be!"

An Lunde's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that such a thing could happen before his eyes.

But soon, he understood.

It was definitely because of this dark cage.

The dark cage limited his combat power points.

damn it!
He's going to fight back!

He wants to use his hole cards!

But just when An Lunde was about to use his trump card.


The entire dark cage detonated directly.

Even he seemed to have been blown to pieces by the dark cage, blown into powder.

Waiting for a blink of an eye.

An Lunde returned to the [Midnight] exclusive space.


However, he was shocked by what happened just now, and broke into a cold sweat, and his feet were even a little unsteady.

What made him almost dizzy was.

Right at this moment.

He received a system message.

[The sparring is over, the host, you lost]

At this moment, he felt that his brain was not getting enough oxygen.

He lost!
If this is an ordinary sparring competition, it will lose.

But what.

This is a big gamble.

A gamble of 200 trillion orange crystals!
He was full of confidence.


The development of things is beyond his expectation.

The more he thought about it, the more dizzy An Lunde felt.

The countless investors around were also in a trance, and they also felt as if they were in another world.

"Lost, An Lunde lost?"

Many people even muttered to themselves.

Such a result is unacceptable to them.

Especially those investors who want to make money by investing Orange Crystal in An Lunde are even more heartbroken.

"I lost! Impossible!"

Kotaro Mizusawa had a mournful expression on his face.

"How can this be! God, no, it shouldn't be like this!"

Amy Trier's handsome and temperamental face, with three-dimensional features, was also pale, so pale that there was no blood.

Moreover, his body was also precarious, as if he was about to fall to the ground in the next second.

The rest of the investors who invested in An Lunde didn't look much better.

None of them were willing to accept what was happening in front of them!

At this time, pairs of eyes also fell on Ye Xiao who was shrouded in mysterious white mist.

The owners of these eyes all had complicated expressions on their faces.

Because, this mysterious and unpredictable Dragon Countryman in front of him has become the biggest winner.

He earned nearly 3 million orange crystals before, but now, he has earned another 2 million orange crystals.

As the party involved, Ye Xiao was also very happy in his heart.

Earning 2 million orange crystals all of a sudden for no reason, this feeling is simply too comfortable and enjoyable.

Moreover, he also understands very well.

The reason why he can win.

Not only because of the strength of the dark cage of the legendary Qiyuan martial arts, but also because of An Lunde's underestimation of the enemy!
Isn't it just underestimating the enemy!

If An Lund hadn't been so arrogant and arrogant, he might not have won so easily, and he might even lose.

Maybe, An Lunde still has hole cards that he hasn't used yet, if he does.

Who will win and who will lose is uncertain!

Ye Xiao thought to himself.

And he also received a system message that arrived as scheduled.

[The sparring is over, you, the host, have won]

At the same time, he also noticed that there were 2 million orange crystals in his asset account.

The current number of orange crystals.

Nearly 5 million!

That's definitely a staggering amount!

"Thank you Mr. Anlunde for your 2 million orange crystals, no, no, you only took out 150 trillion orange crystals, and the remaining 500,000 billion orange crystals were taken out by others."

Ye Xiao smiled all over his face, and also set his eyes on Kotaro Mizusawa and the others, "Thank you for your generosity!"

Give generously!

These four words, neither salty nor bland, made An Lunde and the others feel that a mouthful of blood was suffocating in their hearts.


It seemed that An Lunde couldn't bear the stimulation, and actually spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Kotaro Mizusawa and the others behaved differently, either their faces were as pale as paper, or they sat slumped on the ground. What's more, they were exactly the same as An Lunde, spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao smiled slightly.

"Who the hell are you? At this point, are you still hiding your head and showing your tail like this?"

An Lunde's eyes were red, and he was staring at the mysterious dragon figure in front of him.

He also regarded the Dragon Countryman in front of him as an enemy.

But the result.

He still doesn't know the other party's last name.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more exposed he became.

Moreover, his heart is also regretful and painful.

This time he lost 150 trillion orange crystals, how should he explain to the Coreia consortium?
Perhaps, it is very likely that his identity as the future heir will be deprived.

Thinking about it, his heart was pierced like a knife, and his heart ached.

"Want to know my identity? But, I won't tell you! I won't tell you!"

Ye Xiao smiled all over his face, and had no intention of revealing his identity.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

With his superficial identity, he will definitely be missed by An Lunde, and even Kotaro Mizusawa, Amy Trier, Ken Jincheng, etc., who have bad intentions for Long Guo, will definitely bear the brunt of dealing with him.

Therefore, it is still necessary to keep a low profile and keep a low profile.

Ye Xiao muttered to himself.

However, his behavior has nothing to do with being low-key at all.

Shortly after.

Countless investors at the scene were directly forced to leave the [Midnight] exclusive space.

When Ye Xiao opened his eyes.

He has already returned to No. 302 luxury dormitory.

He also noticed the time on the wall clock in the room.

It's neither too early nor too late, seven o'clock in the morning.

Soon, Ye Xiao washed up and ate breakfast leisurely.

But he didn't know.

The outside world is brewing a storm because of him!
 Today's second update... Tomorrow's fourth update... Today's third update has not been finished yet

(End of this chapter)

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