National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 540 Profiting [-] million amethysts, with the help of nobles!

How many zombies are coming!
How much will he destroy!
In this regard, Uncle Jiu is full of confidence, he is not fighting alone, there is hell and heaven behind him!

With the help of ghosts and gods in these myths and legends, mere zombies are nothing!
"Oh, senior brother, don't be foolish, be careful to put your own life in it!"

The four-eyed Taoist hopped his feet anxiously, because he also felt that Uncle Jiu must not be so stubborn, he must learn to be flexible and know how to advance and retreat.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Uncle Jiu will die in Lijia Town tonight.

"Brother, don't try to persuade me anymore, brother has his own plan."

Uncle Jiu waved his hand with a firm expression on his face.

His thoughts were unwavering.

Zombie, he's dead!
"Senior Brother, I was saved by the Patriarch not long ago, but now..."

The four-eyed Taoist had a troubled expression on his face. He might not be able to help Uncle Jiu at the moment, and he didn't even have the strength to protect himself.

"Don't worry, brother can handle it."

Uncle Jiu replied with a serious expression.

His confident appearance also made the four-eyed Taoist very puzzled, where did his senior brother get his confidence from?

Uncle Jiu began to swing the mahogany sword in his hand, and started to do tricks.

He used mysterious and mysterious Taoism.

At the same time, he did not forget to burn yellow talismans one by one.

Others may not be able to see some doorway, but Taoist Master Simu, who is also a disciple of Maoshan School, can see the clues.

"Senior brother, what you are doing is too dangerous. You are actually doing it to attract zombies! You know, there are tens of thousands of zombies in this Li family town. Senior brother, you can't handle it, you can't handle it!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest was in a hurry, and his forehead was dripping with sweat, and a strong sense of crisis spread in his heart.

He can feel it clearly.

A strong yin qi wafted out from the Li family town.

This cloudy energy comes from the zombies.

The zombies are on the move.

The direction of action is exactly where Uncle Jiu and the others are.

However, Uncle Nine continued regardless, and also ordered Wencai and Qiusheng to arrange a formation to help him destroy the zombies.

Wencai and Qiusheng nodded again and again, and got busy quickly.

They have also restrained their sloppy side long ago, and they understand very well that dealing with zombies cannot be sloppy.

Once negligent, I am afraid that my life will be lost.

The four-eyed Taoist priest who turned around anxiously also noticed Ye Xiao and others.

Wencai and Qiusheng, even if he understands them, he also knows a lot.

It's just that Ye Xiao and the other three made him feel unpredictable.

Especially the beautiful woman in black, for some reason, the four-eyed priest can always feel a sense of crisis coming from her.

That beautiful woman seemed to be a very dangerous person.

Could it be... is this beautiful woman some kind of top expert?
It seems to be, and it doesn't seem to be.

The four-eyed priest guessed in his mind.

Without waiting for him to think about it.

Footsteps sounded one after another from within the Li Family Town.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

The sound of footsteps was extremely chaotic, enough to tell how many people were coming.

Look around.

However, on the long street in Lijia Town, one after another, zombies wearing navy blue official uniforms and crimson official caps appeared one after another, with hideous and terrifying faces.

These zombies were bouncing towards Uncle Jiu and the others.

This is obviously one purple stiff after another.

They have just become zombies, so their movements are extremely slow.


Seeing these zombies again, the four-eyed Daoist's face turned pale as paper, "Brother, don't be confused! Let's run for our lives! Don't look at the number of these zombies is less than a dozen now, but this is only It's just the tip of the iceberg in Lijia Town!"

He couldn't help persuading Uncle Jiu again.

"If you want to escape, escape yourself!"

After Jiushu said a word, he concentrated on doing the exercises again.

He swung the mahogany sword in his hand, and the more he swung it, the faster he swung it.

Soon, his mahogany sword was stained with black dog blood.


He stared coldly, and let out a soft drink.

But he could see a bright blood-colored light rushing out of the mahogany sword in his hand.

And this ray of bright blood also rushed straight to the body of a purple zombie tens of meters ahead.


When the blood light fell on that Zizhi's body, it caused the unlucky Zizhu to let out a scream of pain, and it was even possible to see a series of black smoke rising from Zizhi's chest.


Immediately afterwards, the unlucky purple zombie with a blue face and fangs fell heavily to the ground.


already dead.

Uncle Jiu used the mahogany sword, combined with black dog blood and Taoism, to kill him powerfully!


Such a scene also caused a strange color to flicker in the pair of jet-black eyes of the four-eyed priest.

He understood a long time ago that his senior brother's Taoism is absolutely unfathomable.

But the result.

Take a look now.

His senior brother's ability is far beyond his imagination.

It seems that the world has begun to change now.

His brother's Taoism has also improved a lot, even the power of Taoism is not the same as before!

"Little zombie, why be afraid!"

Uncle Jiu said calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

His Taoism is indeed much stronger than before!
"Master, it's amazing!"

Wencai and Qiusheng praised Uncle Jiu again and again. You must know that it is a zombie, even though it is only purple, it is definitely not easy to deal with.

But the result.

Their master is just a light touch.

Zi Zong died on the spot!
Zombies are not immortal, and when they meet a Taoist priest as powerful as their master, they can only die with hatred!

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Next, Uncle Jiu followed suit and used Taoism non-stop.

But he could see streaks of blood rushing towards the zombie in front of him.

Head and head purple stiff kept falling.

But nonetheless.

The number of zombies is still increasing.

More and more zombies are coming.

Now look at the past again.

But I could see hundreds of zombies jumping out of Lijia Town!

Dense zombies, all in official uniforms and hats, with hideous faces.

All this made Qiusheng and Wencai's previously smug smiles gradually stiffen.

There are so many zombies, can their master really withstand it?

"Brother, listen to me, retreat quickly!"

The four-eyed Taoist said earnestly, sweat dripping down his forehead anxiously.

The appearance of so many zombies also created a sense of oppression for him, and he was almost out of breath.

"No retreat!"

Uncle Nine's face was stern, and he continued to practice, and continued to eliminate zombies.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Even though Uncle Nine had also dealt with many zombies, his face was already a little pale.

The zombies seemed to be endless, densely packed, in groups, and they all came towards the direction where Uncle Jiu and the others were.

Moreover, due to the large number, the zombies are crowding each other, like ants, innumerable.

This time.

Uncle Jiu also felt the pressure.

He can also perform Taoism.

But...there are too many zombies in Lijia Town!
He wiped out hundreds, even nearly a thousand.

It seems that there are really tens of thousands of zombies in Lijia Town.

In the current situation, I am afraid that they can only retreat temporarily, and they are coming to recuperate.

"Taoist priest, I see that you are struggling too, and you have reached your limit, so let me deal with these ugly evil spirits!"

Suddenly, the beautiful woman spoke.

Hearing this, Uncle Nine was overjoyed, and cupped his hands respectfully and said, "My lord, please take action."

grown ups?

The four-eyed priest on the side was also very surprised by his title.

This beautiful woman seems to have a lot of background, and, as a girl like her, is it possible to deal with these zombies?
The four-eyed priest still has doubts about the strength of the beautiful woman.


Suddenly, the figure of the beautiful woman flashed, but she was standing in mid-air.

Such a scene lifted the spirits of Uncle Jiu and the others, but when they thought of the identity of the beautiful woman, they calmed down.

"'s unbelievable...Is this the Taoist technique of flying through the ground?"

The Taoist priest with four eyes widened his eyes and adjusted his white-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, feeling that everything in front of him was incredible.

However, he saw a black flag raised in the hand of the beautiful woman without knowing when.

The majestic Buddhist Bodhisattva is painted on the black banner.

But she saw her lightly throwing up the black flag, and she seemed to be chanting some mysterious spells.

It caused the black flag to float in the sky above Lijia Town.

At the same time, a mysterious black light erupted from the black banner.

The black light seems to have an invisible magic power, and it expands and expands rapidly!

It took only three breaths of effort.

The mysterious black light completely enveloped the entire Li family town.


The beautiful woman's red lips moved slightly, and she uttered a word lightly. This word seemed to have a mysterious power, which made everyone see an incredible scene.

However, he could see that Lijia Town was shrouded in black light, and the zombies with hideous faces were falling to the ground one after another, becoming a complete dead body.

Not to mention purple stiffness, even black stiffness, white stiffness, and even green stiffness, they all fell to the ground and died on the spot.

It seemed that these zombies died peacefully, and they didn't make any screams before they died.

And it's even more frightening.

For every zombie that fell to the ground, its corpse started to spontaneously combust.

But for a moment.

The corpses of every zombie turned into ashes, floating in the surrounding air.

Uncle Jiu and the others were very quiet, and they were completely dumbfounded.

In their eyes, it would definitely take several days to get rid of the tens of thousands of zombies in Lijia Town, even more than ten days.

But the result.

The beautiful woman made a move.

In just a blink of an eye.

The zombies are all dead.

One after another died.

Moreover, the corpses of the dead zombies spontaneously combusted into ashes.


The most shocking thing was the four-eyed Taoist priest. He really didn't expect that there was such a skilled woman beside his senior brother. Where did this woman come from?

He is an expert of that sect, such a method is truly astonishing!

Even Ye Xiao, who summoned Shihei Rakshasa, had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Shihei Rakshasa is amazing, she really saw it tonight.


He also received several system messages.

[Summon the underworld Shihei Rakshasa girl, kill the old ghost on the roadside, and earn 10 billion amethysts]

[Summon the Heihe Rakshasa girl from the underworld, kill the little ghosts on the roadside, and earn 10 billion amethysts in profit]


[Summon the black Rakshasa girl from the underworld, kill tens of thousands of zombies in Lijia Town, and earn 1000 billion amethysts in profit]

The previous old ghosts, little ghosts, and other ghosts also brought him billions of purple crystal profits.

But none of these profits can compare to this moment!
Take a look at the tens of thousands of zombies in Li's town, they actually brought him 1000 billion amethyst profits!
And all this is just the beginning!
In the future, his Amethyst's profits may be astonishing!

There are many zombies, but he will eliminate them one by one!

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

After a while, Uncle Jiu was also the first to come back to his senses.

"Thank you, my lord, for your help!"

On his mature face, there was a very grateful expression.

If it weren't for the help of the adult in front of him, the zombies in Lijia Town would have really troubled him.

The quantity is simply too much.

For Uncle Jiu's thanks, the beautiful woman didn't pay any attention to it, but stepped back and returned to the ground.

"Brother, what is the background of this adult?"

The Taoist priest with four eyes whispered in Uncle Jiu's ear.

He was really curious.

The strength displayed by the other party is outrageous.

Even if he uses the spirit-invoking technique and asks the patriarch to help him, I'm afraid he won't be able to hurt the opponent even a single hair.

Uncle Jiu didn't hide anything, he just told the whole story about what happened in Renjia Town recently.

Underworld, Yin soldiers, Drought Goddess Ba, generals, Shihei Rakshasa girl...

The four-eyed Taoist priest felt his scalp tingling for a while after hearing these words.

The worldview is completely shattered.


There really are ghosts and gods in this world.

The underworld and heaven are watching them from a certain corner.

And the troubles encountered in the world.

The underworld and heaven are not just sitting idly by, they have also taken measures.

For example, the use of Yin soldiers from the underworld, and the dispatch of this Rakshasa girl from the underworld.

"Senior brother, the Heavenly Court of the Underworld didn't even send anyone to help me. It seems that you have a lot of good fortune, senior brother, and you are here to help me!"

The four-eyed priest said something envious.

Your help!

This made Uncle Jiu realize that his noble person is probably his distant relative Ye Ze.

Because of this, Uncle Jiu also briefly mentioned Ye Ze.

The four-eyed Taoist priest nodded, seemingly calm on the surface, but his heart was still shaking the underworld.


If you have the opportunity, you really have to see it well!

Shortly after.

Uncle Jiu and the others entered Li's Town with great strides, but they could see that there was really no one in Li's Town.

"And what living people are there? The living people have become food for zombies!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest's eyes were slightly red, and he sighed. He seemed unwilling to witness this scene, but there were some things that he didn't want to face, but he had to face them bravely.

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