National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 580 Ye Xiao gets married, the groom gets on the sedan chair!

"It's a bunch of corpses."

Uncle Jiu directly said what Qiu Sheng wanted to say in his heart but dared not say it.

"These ghosts are too presumptuous! They dare to come out and wander around in broad daylight, they are looking for death!"

There was an expression of righteous indignation on the face of the four-eyed priest, and he was ready to pinch the seal and recite the spell.

Use the magic trick!
Please master the upper body!

His combat power is bound to explode!

It is bound to be able to deal with these ghosts easily.

But just when he was about to take action, Uncle Jiu quickly grabbed the Taoist priest with four eyes, "Junior brother, don't be impulsive, they are not ordinary ghosts, they are zombies! And they all have thousands of years of Taoism, and a terrifying body Fiendish Qi, they are Zombie Kings above Flying Zombies!"

After being reminded by Uncle Jiu.

Everyone also gradually realized the extraordinaryness of the welcoming team in front of them.

Moreover, they also saw that this welcoming team did not step on the ground, but stepped on the air, as if there were steps one after another in the air.

They were clearly flying.

Flying, this is the ability that only flying zombies have.



The more they thought about it, the more creepy they felt, and fear filled their eyes.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai turned pale with fright, they counted and counted, and there was a huge welcoming team not far away, with hundreds of people.

This means that there are hundreds of Zombie Kings!

With so many Zombie Kings, if they face each other, their lives will definitely be lost.

The four-eyed Daoist priest narrowed his eyes, "Everyone who welcomes the bride is surrounded by a strong purple evil spirit, and they all have red-green pupils, which are the characteristics of the Zombie King!"

After all, he was also apologetic, and thanked Uncle Jiu again and again, "Thank you, senior brother, for stopping me in time, otherwise, I would definitely cause a catastrophe!"

He is still self-aware.

Even if he used the technique of inviting the gods, at most he could only deal with one zombie king.

But he can't deal with the hundreds of zombie kings in front of him. If he uses the magic trick, he can predict that he will definitely be sucked dry of the blood in his body by these hundreds of zombie kings in the first place.

Uncle Jiu didn't speak, and a pair of jet-black eyes stared at the approaching wedding party.

at first.

The welcoming team was only a few hundred meters away from them.

But now there are only less than 200 meters left.

"Master, they're coming soon. What the hell is going on here! The welcoming team, are they going to pick up the bride, Miss Ren's family? But now, hasn't the bride been picked up a long time ago?"

Qiu Sheng was confused.

Regarding this question, Ye Xiao was also at a loss.

What is the purpose of this welcoming team coming to the door?
On the contrary, Uncle Jiu's eyes gradually became brighter.

"Can't they find a bridegroom?"

Uncle Jiu said slowly, his eyes fell on Ye Xiao involuntarily.

Ye Xiao only felt a sense of crisis when he heard it.

"Looking for a groom? Is it appropriate to pick him up with eight sedan chairs?"

Qiusheng felt quite confused.

"In the traditional wedding ceremony, the eight-carried sedan chair indicates that the matchmaker is getting married. But if the eight-carried sedan chair is used to pick up the groom, it may mean that the groom's identity is the son-in-law of a married woman."

Uncle Jiu explained patiently.


Everyone was stunned, and they all cast suspicious eyes on Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's mood was more complicated than ever before.

Who did he provoke?
Unexpectedly, he became a door-to-door son-in-law out of nowhere!

He doesn't want to be that!

Who likes to go!whoever goes!
He was complaining in his heart, but he knew very well that he couldn't do it if he didn't want to go through this muddy water.

"Oh, oh, I see, no wonder the wedding banquet was held in Ren's mansion! It turns out, Brother Ye, you have become a son-in-law!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also had a look of enlightenment on their faces.

Among them, Qiu Sheng couldn't help teasing Ye Xiao, "Brother Ye, don't be too nervous, it's still very good to be a groom. Although she is a son-in-law, Miss Ren's appearance is really beautiful Extremely……"

"You guy, don't you have itchy skin? You are still talking sarcasticly. Or, are you going to be the bridegroom?"

Ye Xiao said something angrily.

Qiu Sheng's head was like a rattle, shaking his head non-stop.

I don't want to!
He really doesn't want to be that!
Being the groom's official, I'm afraid it will be short-lived!

And this time.

The guard of honor, which was neatly blowing suona and clattering, was getting closer and closer to them.

Right now only 100 meters!

"Uncle Jiu, I..."

Ye Xiao asked Uncle Jiu, wanting to hear Uncle Jiu's opinion.

"Don't worry, the wedding banquet hasn't started yet, so you should be fine for the time being."

Uncle Jiu said something.

He had already guessed the accident and it was at the wedding banquet!
Whether she can live or not will be known at the wedding banquet!
Ye Xiao nodded, but agreed with Uncle Jiu's words.

But let him go like this.

He can be willing.

He even secretly contacted the Yin Gods of the underworld and the gods of the Heavenly Court, hoping that they would stop this wedding party that was close at hand.

But in the end, the news came through Zhong Kui, the celestial master of the underworld.

Ye Xiao was dumbfounded.

Celestial Master Zhong Kui has led Hei Wuchang and other Yin Gods of the underworld to Renjia Town.

But in Renjia Town, what they saw was that the whole town was empty.

The street was desolate, without a single soul.

Even Yizhuang is also extremely desolate.

There was no sign of anyone.

It was as if Renjia Town had become a dead city, exuding a lifeless smell.

This made Ye Xiao feel his scalp go numb.

He has made up his mind a bit.

Maybe without knowing when, including him and the others, they have already fallen into the tricks of ghosts.

Entered a space controlled by ghosts.

Could it have something to do with the wedding invitation?
Touch the wedding invitation, and then you will be brought into this mysterious space without knowing it?

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

He took a deep breath.

This ghost was indeed more difficult to deal with than he expected.

But fortunately, he is not afraid of life and death.

Even if he is dead, he can still use funds to revive him.

Another blink.

The welcoming team is 50 meters away from the cemetery!

Everyone began to breathe heavily.


They could feel a gust of wind blowing in the air around them.

Even though this is a welcoming team in front of them, they should be beaming, but they feel lifeless.

Especially the leading woman, a woman in her thirties, with pale skin, and drops of blood dripping from her red-green eyes, she looked particularly frightening.

And those who beat the gongs and drums also revealed a strange aura.

Let's just say that the gong and drum player who was beating the big gongs and drums was actually crying, tears kept falling from his eyes, and he was crying miserably.

The rest of the drummers either smiled miserably, or showed strange smiles, or were chewing something in their mouths. Those things seemed to be human flesh, or they seemed to be human fingers.

Take a closer look at this welcoming team.

Qiusheng and Wencai became even more flustered.

"The suona hand, he..."

Qiu Sheng pointed to a big suona player, but was speechless in shock.

But he could see the suona holding the suona in his hand, which was clearly a bloody human leg.

A suona made of human leg bones.


Wen Cai swallowed mouthful after mouthful of saliva, and his feet trembled unavoidably.

"Don't panic."

Uncle Jiu said something.

After he said this, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai calmed down a lot.

And this time.

The welcoming team has come to the front of the crowd.

Let everyone smell a strong smell of blood, and feel a creepy smell.

The woman in the lead with pale skin and a red dress still had crimson blood dripping from her eyes.

Her blood-red eyes moved around, staring at everyone.

In the end, it also fell on Ye Xiao.

"It's time for the groom to put on his groom's clothes."

The woman in red said with a smile.

Her smile made everyone's hair stand on end.

When everyone heard this, they frowned.

Uncle Jiu realized something, and quickly signaled Ye Xiao to go back to the house and put on the groom's clothes.

"Master, what kind of groom's clothes do we have here..."

Qiu Sheng looked puzzled.

"There will be, hurry up, hurry up, otherwise, we may all die."

Uncle Jiu's tone of voice seemed very hasty.

"It's time for the groom to put on his groom's clothes."

The smile of the woman in red gradually became stiff, and she repeated her previous words.

Ye Xiao has already hurried back to the house to look for the groom's clothes.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also followed.

About less than 10 minutes.

Ye Xiao, dressed in festive groom's attire, also appeared at the gate of Yizhuang.

Wearing such a groom's suit, he just felt weird, because the groom's suit gave him an ominous feeling.

He is very understanding.

The appearance of the groom's suit in Yizhuang is definitely related to ghosts.

This is a space that only belongs to ghosts.

If you want to escape from it, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

At this time, Ye Xiao also noticed Uncle Jiu who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and his face was as pale as a sheet of paper, which made him speak out in concern, "Uncle Jiu, you..."

He is very strange.

He just left for a while.

What the hell is going on here!

Wencai and Qiusheng also exclaimed.

"As a teacher, it's okay!"

Uncle Jiu said with a smile, but the smile seemed a little stiff.

"Ask the bridegroom to get on the sedan chair!"

The pale woman spoke again, and the bearers with strange faces behind her also put down the big red sedan chair.

"Get on the sedan chair!"

Uncle Jiu urged.

Ye Xiao nodded, but rather neatly, he strode directly into the big red sedan chair.

"Get up!"

The pale woman shouted.

Eight bearers were in place and quickly lifted the sedan chair.


The ceremonial guards were all in full gear, and the suona players, gong and drum players... were all playing suona, drums, etc. with all their strength, and they didn't dare to relax at all.

Ye Xiao, who was sitting in the big red sedan chair, was not too flustered.

He has experienced life and death many times.

However, he was wondering why Uncle Jiu was injured suddenly?

It should be a conflict with those ghosts!
But why did Uncle Jiu do this?What is the purpose?
He thought silently in his heart.

"Master, after all this..."

Qiusheng and Wencai were very puzzled.

"If you don't cooperate with this wedding ceremony, all of us will die."

Uncle Jiu said.

"Senior brother is right, that ghost just now was too ferocious, it hurt senior brother with just one finger."

Thinking of the scene that happened before, the four-eyed Taoist priest felt extremely astonished, and his eyes were also full of fear.

Hearing what he said, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai showed a confused expression on their faces.

"Qiusheng, Wencai, hurry up and inform the people of Renjia Town. Every door-to-door must be informed. No one can be absent from the wedding banquet tonight! Absence means death! This ghost does not kill people without blinking an eye. As long as you cooperate, There will be a chance of survival!"

Uncle Jiu opened his mouth and ordered.

He has gradually figured out the ghost.

Ghosts seem to want to kill people, and they must meet certain rules.

As long as you don't meet the ghost's law of killing, you can survive.

The previous wedding invitation was also very straightforward.

Don't be absent!

What if you are absent?
There is absolutely no way to survive!

"it is good!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai nodded heavily.

The two also left in a hurry.

"Brother, you were too irrational just now..."

The four-eyed priest looked worried.

"It's okay, and it's fortunate that I have improved my Taoism recently, otherwise, my fate would have been explained."

Uncle Jiu let out a foul breath.

The two also had a brief exchange.

during the exchange.

They also came up with a common answer.

At present, they seem to be in Yizhuang, the western suburb of Renjia Town, but in fact, they may have fallen into the world of ghosts!
"Ghost, this is the world of ghosts!"

Uncle Jiu's tone was firm. His temptation just now and Ye Xiao's groom's attire made him come to such a conclusion.

"If you want to escape, I'm afraid it's completely impossible."

The four-eyed Taoist priest said, his eyes flickered with a look of loneliness.

The more he came into contact with this ghost, the more he felt insignificant.

Let's just say that the welcoming team, now that it's down, still makes his back feel chills.

Those ghosts welcoming the bride, my wife is terrifying!


The huge welcoming team is rushing towards the Ren Mansion in Renjia Town.

They were still beating gongs and drums all the way.

Such a huge support has attracted many people from Renjia Town to watch.

The people of Renjia Town did not go out, but climbed up the walls of their houses to watch this scene.


"Ghost! This is a group of ghosts!"

"No eyes! No hands! No head!"

"It's scary! It's scary!"


Every citizen of Renjia Town who was watching secretly felt their scalps tingling with fright, and what's more, they all screamed and cried bitterly in fright.

Can be for all this.

The welcoming team seemed to turn a blind eye and continued to move forward.

In a blink of an eye.

They are also very close to the Ren Mansion of Ren Family Town.

Ye Xiao has already pulled up the curtain on the big red sedan chair, but he also saw that the destination is almost there.

not far away.

It is Renfu.


The outside of this mansion is decorated with lights and festoons, but the inside is so dark that you can't see your fingers.

There seemed to be some great horror inside.

He thought silently in his heart.

"Ask the bridegroom officer to put down the car curtain."

Suddenly, a face appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision, that face was pale and bloodless, and drops of blood were still dripping from the eye sockets of that face.

"Tick! Tick!"

Faced with this sudden pale face, Ye Xiao was really taken aback in his heart.

However, he still nodded and obediently chose to cooperate.

If he doesn't cooperate with this pale woman, he will definitely have no way out!

Shortly after.

Finally arrived at Ren's Mansion in Renjia Town.

The big red sedan chair was lowered.

The car curtain has also been pulled open.

Ye Xiao got out of the sedan chair.

Under the guidance of that pale woman.

He walked on thin ice and walked into Ren's mansion cautiously.

Ren Fu couldn't see his fingers.

Step into it.

In his ears, there were female voices giggling and laughing.

"Sister, tonight, the slave family will take good care of you, and you will be the 850th and [-]th minister of the slave family!"

"May my family and my husband stay together for a long time!"

1 second to remember the net:.

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