National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 583 Listening to the music, a white-clothed woman in sackcloth and filial piety!

Chapter 583 Listening to the music, a white-clothed woman in sackcloth and filial piety!
So, are these servants of ghosts still considered human beings?

An idea popped up in Ye Xiao's heart.

It seemed that his idea coincided with Uncle Jiu's.

"Those people have become ghost slaves. Even if they are alive, what is the difference between dead and dead?"

Uncle Jiu has a complex expression, he really wants to save the people of Renjia Town from suffering.

No matter what.

His ability is really limited.

After a blink of an eye.

The wedding banquet has officially begun!
A graceful woman in a red cheongsam holds a plate of dishes in her hand.

Although the figures of these women are very exquisite and iconic, their appearance scared everyone in Renjia Township.

These women's skin is pale, their faces are bloodless, and they don't even have eyeballs.

This is clearly a woman who has been dead for a long time!
Adults are afraid.

The children were also frightened, and they were so frightened that their livers and gallbladder were split apart, and they didn't dare to open their eyes.

But there are also some daring people who stretch their necks to see what the first main course will be.
Could it be another horrible dish?
Think about these.

Many people in Renjia Town became more and more uneasy.


And when they noticed the first main course, their eyeballs were all round.

This is actually a plate full of sea cucumber dishes.

Moreover, they all already smelled the tangy aroma of sea cucumbers.

That scent almost made the mouths of many people in Renjia Town drool.

Sea cucumber.

This is a rare commodity.

In the inns and restaurants in Renjia Town, there are almost no sea cucumbers.

There is no other reason.

The price of sea cucumbers is too expensive, and the people in Renjia Town can afford it!

That small plate of sea cucumbers costs a few dollars, even a dozen silver dollars!
And now.

There are hundreds of dishes of sea cucumber dishes.

The handwriting of this wedding banquet is too amazing!

Do not!
Do not!
This is definitely not a sea cucumber, they must not be deceived by ghosts.

For a while, every citizen in Renjia Town was in a very complicated mood, and they had no intention of using chopsticks at all.


Pair after pair of eyes stared at the banquet table where Uncle Jiu was sitting.

They were all waiting for Uncle Jiu to see if Uncle Jiu moved his chopsticks.

If you move your chopsticks, they will follow suit.

Everything depends on how Uncle Jiu does it.

Uncle Jiu frowned slightly. He stared at the plate of sea cucumbers with a strong fragrance on the banquet table, but he looked at it several times, but he didn't see anything weird about the sea cucumbers.

Could it this really a sea cucumber?

But... so many sea cucumbers, where did these ghosts come from?

"Master, is there something wrong with this sea cucumber?"

Qiu Sheng asked, he also felt thirsty.

The delicacies such as sea cucumbers were right in front of his eyes, and they exuded a strong fragrance, which made him a little bit unbearable and wanted to eat them.

"Uncle Jiu, don't be too suspicious, maybe there is nothing wrong with this sea cucumber."

Ye Xiao's expression was very calm. He didn't receive any notifications from the system about this sea cucumber.

This means that this is really a plate of delicious sea cucumbers!

"I'll try it first."

Uncle Jiu spoke first, but he also planned to put himself in danger.

Say it.

He had already picked up a mouthful of tender and juicy sea cucumber, put it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully, the more he chewed, the more delicious it tasted.

"Delicious! Not bad!"

Uncle Jiu praised him.

He said so.

The surrounding people also started to move their bowls and chopsticks.

Everything is like a butterfly effect.

One after another, the common people moved their bowls and chopsticks, and then ate sea cucumbers. Many of the common people had their mouths full of oil, and felt that this weird wedding banquet, maybe, was not so scary!
Uncle Jiu sits in town.

The sky cannot fall.

Even if the innocence has collapsed.

Uncle Jiu is responsible for everything!
"Delicious! This sea cucumber dish is really delicious!"

The people began to praise the dishes, almost forgetting that they were in a weird wedding banquet.

Shortly after.

Another dish appeared.

The dish that appeared this time was a baked lobster in soup!

This is a traditional famous dish. This dish is made with lobster as the main ingredient and served with broth. It is a rare seafood delicacy!

Everyone was still waiting for Uncle Jiu, who would taste it first before they dared to touch the bowls and chopsticks.

Wencai, who was honest and fawning, was also a little angry about the scene in front of him, but he didn't say it out loud.

On the contrary, Qiu Sheng showed a blunt side, "Master, are these people testing you for poison? They are too..."

"Don't make any noise."

Uncle Jiu reminded me.

Qiu Sheng quickly shut his mouth tightly, not daring to speak anymore, he almost forgot that the previous people in Renjia Town turned into ghosts because of the loud noise!
Thinking about it, he was inexplicably afraid and inexplicably terrified.

Uncle Jiu also tasted this dish of baked lobster in soup.

Lobster meat is white and delicate, tastes refreshing, and has very good nutritional value.

"Not bad! Very suitable for nourishing food!"

Uncle Jiu seemed to be an expert in appreciating dishes, and commented on the dishes.

Through what he said.

The common people began to rave and gobble up the food again.

Ye Xiao was also eating that piece of lobster meat with a very good taste.

It's just that when he was eating the lobster meat, he still felt very strange in his heart.

This weird wedding banquet is going on so smoothly?

Do not!
Absolutely not!

If it is so smooth.

The divine beast Qilin uses its supernatural powers to predict bad luck, how could it predict such a terrible future-everyone is dead!
Died of what?
He must have died at the wedding banquet!

It has a great relationship with the wedding banquet!
Afterwards, the dishes were brought up one after another.

There is a big red suckling pig platter that symbolizes good luck!
There is also braised shark's fin with snow clams, which symbolizes great ambitions!


All kinds of expensive delicacies, the people ate very well and were very satisfied, and they did not regret coming to such a wedding banquet.

"Everyone, are you satisfied with this dish?"

Just after everyone ate a few dishes, a female voice with a strange tone and a bit of mockery sounded in the air.

The appearance of this female voice made the people tremble all over, and fear seemed to be sweeping through their hearts again, but fortunately, the blessing of Uncle Jiu's previous "Song of Righteousness" was still there.

Even though they were afraid in their hearts, they were still able to stabilize their mentality and not get confused.

At the same time, everyone could clearly see that right in front of the wedding banquet, there was a festive stage covered with a red carpet.

Its appearance is extremely strange.

And on this big red stage, there is also a pale woman.

That woman's eyes were dripping blood continuously, and her face was pale, a face that only dead people have.

And for this woman, many people can recognize it.

Isn't this woman the leader of today's wedding team?

What does her appearance represent?
Is it...the unlucky person will change from a living person to a lifeless ghost again?

The more they thought about it, the more uneasy and frightened everyone became.

"I think you are satisfied with this dish. Because this dish is very rich, there is a saying: It is better to be a ghost than a ghost!"

The pale-faced woman spoke in a quiet tone.

This made all the people of Renjia Town present scared to shit.

Could it be... This is their last meal?

So, when the meal is done, they're on their way?
It's the same reason to eat the beheaded meal with the death row prisoner!
"Just kidding, don't take it to heart, because you are not dead yet, and you can still live on."

The woman spoke again.

Say it.

Her figure disappeared like a ghost.

But she left a word coldly.

"Start listening to the music!"

Listen to music?

What does this mean?
Is it like listening to music on the hook?
All the common people are pondering.

Ye Xiao and their thoughts are somewhat different.

He already had some guesses in his mind.

All of this must be related to ghosts.

But ghosts can't make people into ghosts.

Only when certain rules are met can a person become a ghost.

And that woman is like a guide, she will gradually guide the guests present from human beings to ghosts!

Listen to the song, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this song!
The more she thought about it, the more Ye Xiao frowned.

Also at this time.

On the big red stage, which symbolizes the festival, there appeared a woman in white clothes dressed in sackcloth and filial piety.


She bowed her head, crying bitterly, crying heart-piercingly.

This is listening to music?

All the people were dumbfounded.

How to hear a woman crying.

But for some reason, hearing this cry, the people present also had the urge to cry.

The table closest to the stage.

But they got up involuntarily, and they all walked onto the stage, crying.


There were ten people at a table, men, women and children, all crying bitterly, tears kept falling from crying.

Such a scene made Ye Xiao's heart tremble involuntarily.

A word popped up in his mind involuntarily—weeping grave ghost!

Is there any connection between this silver-level investment world [zombie] and the national war investment world "Mystery"?


The national war investment world may affect other investment worlds?


After thinking about it, Ye Xiao couldn't figure out why.

But he understood that he couldn't let this woman in sackcloth and filial piety continue to cry.


None of them survived.

However, what surprised him most was that when he heard such a cry, there was no wave in his heart.

Is it the "Journey to the West" world master who is protecting him?

Do not!
The system does not have any reminders!
I'm afraid it's because of his current status - the groom!
But right now, the groom seems to be alive and not dead yet!
However, at midnight, if he enters the bridal chamber with the zombie bride, he is afraid that he will definitely die!

After wanting to understand these.

Ye Xiaoxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, he seems to have an immortal body, no matter what, he will never become a ghost.

Presumably this is the unique right of the groom.

But on the contrary, when it comes tonight, the bridegroom must die!
"Uncle Jiu, we can't let this cry continue!"

Ye Xiao has no way to stop the current situation, and can only ask Uncle Jiu for help.

However, Uncle Jiu had already noticed that the woman in white was crying strangely.

On the spot, he also directly recited the incantation and pinched the formula between his fingers.

"The sky is clear and the earth is bright, the yin is turbid and the yang is clear!"

He let out a loud drink.

But he could see a bright white light, like lightning, flying towards the woman in white clothes on the big red stage.

The woman's body was shaken back again and again, but the crying in her mouth also stopped abruptly.

"Stinky Taoist priest! You must die!"

All of a sudden, the woman in white clothed with sackcloth and filial piety stared at Uncle Jiu with a ferocious and pale face and a pair of eyes without eyes.

Say it.

This white-clothed woman in sackcloth and filial piety turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.

And those people who were standing on the stage and crying did not stop crying, they were still crying, and they were still in pain with tears streaming down their faces.

"Da da da!"

Although weeping, they silently returned to the original banquet table.

There were also many people at the scene with tears on their faces and crying continuously.

Both Uncle Jiu and Ye Xiao understood.

The number of ghosts has skyrocketed again!

That crying sound directly turned people into ghosts!
"Uncle Jiu, are you okay?"

Ye Xiao also noticed right away that Uncle Jiu's face was a little pale, and he seemed to have aged several years.

"It's okay, it's still too late for me to make a move. It should be done sooner."

Uncle Jiu blamed himself.

"Master, you have done a good job."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai said together that there were also tears on their faces, but not many.

Apparently, they almost turned from people into ghosts too.

Many people also realized that the situation was not good.

Even with the blessing of Uncle Jiu's "Song of Righteous Qi", they were still defeated by the fear in their hearts!

These people seemed to be crazy, crying and roaring.

One after another common people made similar moves.

Just a blink of an eye.

These common people calmed down, but every one of them was expressionless, and there was no trace of blood on their faces.

"damn it!"

Uncle Jiu clenched his fists tightly, and fear spread in the hearts of the people. If this continues, the situation will be very bad.


Now, the number of ghosts has increased again.

Ye Xiao's eyes showed worry.

The wedding banquet is still going on in an orderly manner.

Desert Wind Sand Chicken, Stir-fried Flower Branch Kernel with Colored Pepper...

A series of delicious and valuable dishes were also served on the banquet table.

But in the face of the delicious food, the people have already lost their appetite.

This feast is terrible!


Suddenly, a giggling child's voice sounded.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and they all subconsciously followed the prestige.


This look.

They were completely stunned.

That was the child of the Liu family, Liu Dashan, they all recognized this child, he was very timid and afraid of strangers.

But now.

This half-child Liu Dashan actually had a smile on his face, and was still gnawing some bloody things in his mouth.

It seems to be human flesh, and it seems to be human fingers...

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they all noticed that Liu Dashan was surrounded by his mother, but Liu Dashan's mother's face was dull, her eyes were dull, and her sleeves were empty.

Obviously, Liu Dashan's mother had lost both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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