National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 600 The 8 realms are coming, disaster is approaching!

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Xiao said something casually.

"Student Ye Xiao, have you seen Junfei and Changtai? They are the two male teachers when we met earlier."

The female teacher Zhong Yue stood up and asked.

While speaking, a look of anxiety appeared on her mature and fair face.

"I didn't see it."

Ye Xiao replied directly.

"Zhong Yue, they must have encountered some danger, or even been killed by a strange beast. Otherwise, how could we not be able to contact them!"

Li Xinran, the female teacher at the side, expressed her thoughts hidden in her heart with a pale face.

"No, no..."

The female teacher Zhong Yue was talking to herself, but her face became more and more ugly.

For all of this, Ye Xiao had a panoramic view, and also directly entered the crystal portal.

He wants to use the crystal portal to go to the middle-level area, the Flame Forest.

When he was in the crystal portal, two lines of system text also appeared in his field of vision.

[Teleportation location - Flame City]

[Teleportation fee - 1000 Amethyst]

Such a transmission fee also made him slightly stunned.

The Sea of ​​Fury was sent from Flame City, but it was also 1000 Amethyst, and when it was sent back, it was also 1000 Amethyst.

No hesitation.

Ye Xiao paid the transfer fee directly.

The next second the teleportation starts.

After opening and closing eyes.

He appeared in the southeast direction of Flame City.

To his surprise, Nu, the king of hell, was still by his side.

This surprised him, could the beast also use this crystal portal?
"Don't look at me with such surprised eyes. In this raging hell, I can go wherever I want!"

The King of Hell's angry tone was calm, and there was a deserted look on his beautiful face.

Shortly after.

Ye Xiao used the crystal portal again and came to the flame forest.

Looking around in the flame forest, one could still see clusters of flames burning.

During the period, they also met other extraordinary investors.

It's just that those extraordinary investors are not very strong, so they don't dare to play their ideas at all.

"It seems that the king's mission has been completed, Ye Xiao, are you going to meet up with your companions?"

Suddenly, a meaningful look flickered in the angry eyes of the King of Hell.

Ye Xiao nodded, "Yes, your bodyguard mission is complete!"


Hearing such words, a strange color flickered in the fiery red eyes of the king of hell.

But she was too lazy to argue too much with Ye Xiao.

"Since the mission is completed, it's time for me to leave."

The King of Hell stretched angrily, a sense of relief appeared on his delicate face.

It seemed that she was finally able to get rid of Ye Xiao, an annoying guy, and made her feel very comfortable and comfortable.

"For the sake of acquaintance again, this king will also remind you. Become stronger as soon as possible! Otherwise, in the words of you humans, maybe the next time this king goes to look for you, the grass on your grave will be dead. It's over a meter high."

The king of hell has a calm tone and a playful expression.


These words fell on Ye Xiao's ears, but they sounded very ironic.

How do you call it? The grass on his grave is more than one meter high.

Does he look like such a short-lived man?
"Are you cursing me? Or are you hurting me? Anger, don't worry, my life will definitely last a long time, maybe you will be surrounded and wiped out by our strong human race that day!"

Ye Xiao said something.

The king of hell was not angry at all. On the contrary, a strange smile appeared on his face, "The eight realms are coming, can you escape this catastrophe?"

The Eight Realms are coming?


The words spoken from the angry mouth of the king of hell are definitely some extremely important information.

However, Ye Xiao was a little elusive about this information.

"What do you mean by that?"

He frowned, still unable to figure out the meaning behind the angry words of the King of Hell.

"People who live in ivory towers are always carefree and live in a beautiful reality. They don't know how cruel and terrifying this world is!"

The king of hell continued to speak angrily.

Her words also made Ye Xiao fall into deep thought.

And when Ye Xiao came back to his senses.

The figure of Nu, the king of hell, has disappeared.

The Eight Realms Come, Is this the Eight Worlds?

It's just that these are the eight worlds again?


Could it be the eight mysterious buildings that appeared out of thin air.

They represent the eight worlds, and they will bring an unprecedented catastrophe to mankind?

In such a catastrophe.

No one can be alone?


When thinking about this, Ye Xiao couldn't help breathing a little fast, only felt that the words of the anger of the king of hell could not be alarmist.

He will continue to get stronger.

Especially the Fury of the King of Hell is definitely not just 10 trillion combat power.

10 trillion combat power is only her strength on paper.

Once, her strength will explode.

I'm's unimaginable!
What the hell!

So young, so amazing!
Ye Xiao thought secretly in his heart.


Just at this moment.

A figure came from a distance.

Ye Xiao took a closer look.

However, he was able to see the person who came, and it was the Minghui monk who was tall and burly, and born with a strong back and waist.

"Student Ye Xiao, it really is you who are back! My judgment is not wrong! It's just that there seems to be a breath, where is it?"

Monk Minghui was not surprised to see that Ye Xiao was safe and sound.

With Ye Xiao's strength, as long as he doesn't do anything wrong in the high-level area of ​​Flame City, he doesn't fight against those Flame defenders.

And that would be dangerous.

"Meet a friend, only she's gone."

Ye Xiao explained.

"I see."

Monk Minghui nodded, and also talked to Ye Xiao about many things in Flame City.

"The first time you entered Flame City, you were shocked by the walls of Flame City, right?"

"The majesty of the walls of the Flame City is something that people can't forget after just one glance!"

"Also, the flame defenders in Flame City must not be provoked. Seeing that you are unharmed, you obviously did not provoke the flame defenders."



Monk Minghui showed a talkative side, and also talked to Ye Xiao about big and small things in Flame City.

For example, the Lord of the Flame City, who lives in seclusion, is actually very powerful.

Flame City can also earn money by selling information, and in Flame City, investors can live in peace with alien beasts and so on.

Monk Minghui said that the ground was spitting and flying.

While talking, the two of them were also on their way.

Three hours had passed, but more than two hours had passed.

And every student also easily completed the task, easily killing 100 flame grasses!

But they also suffered injuries of varying sizes.

The injuries were more or less severe, but not fatal.

"You still have to keep working hard on your performance! Even a mere flame grass can hurt you?!"

Seeing that many students were still injured, some even had bruised noses and bruised faces, and many bruises on their skin, Monk Minghui also wanted to express some criticism.

However, when the words came to his lips, he didn't say them.

They are just students.

The demands on them cannot be too high.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Xiao remained silent.

The angry words of the king of hell may not be wrong.

People in ivory towers simply cannot see clearly how dangerous this world is.

It's not that they don't want to see clearly.

But strength does not allow it.


Monk Minghui pulled his palm, and the string of ordinary-looking Buddhist beads on his neck turned into a stream of light and floated into the air.


Such a scene also made the students feel very surprised and novel.


The string of Buddhist beads in mid-air actually emitted green lights one after another.

The green light spread to the surroundings, and even lingered around every injured student.

"This green light wrapped my wound!"

"The green light is actually healing the wound!"

"My goodness!"

"What a magical green light!"


All the students exclaimed again and again, because they also felt that the string of Buddhist beads by Monk Minghui was definitely not a simple thing.

"This is the teacher's weapon - Xuanwu Orb. It has defensive ability, recovery ability, and attack ability! And it is very simple to own such a weapon, just spend money to buy it!"

Monk Minghui said, with a serious expression on his face, "Tell me about your gains this time! Killing 100 flame grasses can always get a lot of materials, and these materials can be traded and sold in the system, and sold as assets!"

"Teacher, I'm really lucky. A precious material exploded out - flame grass seeds! It's worth a full 10 orange crystals!"

Hua Ling, a pretty long-legged beauty, had a cheerful smile on her pretty face.

after that.

The rest of the students were also scrambling to speak.

Flame essence, 8 orange crystals!
Flame dew, 12 orange crystals!
Flame sand, 20 orange crystals!

Every student is filled with joy, and they have gained more or less from this practical class.

Even though tens of thousands of orange crystals, hundreds of thousands of orange crystals are not too much for them today, they are also very happy to have such a harvest.


The obtained materials can all be sold into assets!

And among them.

The most amazing thing is Li Min, who has always been carefree.

Li Min's luck was so good that when he killed 100 flame grasses, he unexpectedly encountered a rare flame ice grass, killed it, and obtained flame ice water.

Flaming ice water is worth 100 million orange crystals!
"Good luck!"

The students all showed envious eyes without exception.

They can't wait to meet the flame ice grass.

"Yes, good luck."

Monk Minghui couldn't help sighing.

Flaming ice grass is extremely rare.

Not to mention meeting them, even if you visit this flame forest every day for a year and a half, it is almost impossible to meet them.


Li Min smiled, his face full of pride.


Unknowingly, the students also set their eyes on Ye Xiao, as if they wanted to see what Ye Xiao had gained this time.

They believed that Ye Xiao's harvest would definitely surprise them.

"There's nothing to gain, but I accidentally harvested a piece of debris."

Ye Xiao said, and casually took out a finger-sized fragment from the system.

The fragments were still faintly glowing with flames, and there were still dots of flames flowing on the fragments.


The students were also very surprised when they saw it. How much can such fragments be worth?
Could this be picked up casually on the ground?
"Shards of Raging Flame Stone! Worth 100 million amethysts!"

But Monk Minghui's eyes lit up, and there was a look of approval in his eyes.

He is also very satisfied with Ye Xiao's performance.

It is also good luck to have harvested the fragments of the Raging Flame Stone.

If compared with these students.

That's just luck, really, really good luck.

Do not!
It's definitely not luck, Ye Xiao must have obtained this fragment by relying on his strength.

Fragments of the Raging Flame Stone?
The students were dumbfounded, but subconsciously manipulated their respective national systems to make inquiries.

Once inquired.

They just felt that their hearts were trembling.

Fragments of the Raging Flame Stone, these are fragments left over from the Raging Flame Stone. Although it is only the size of a thumb, a group of people with 100 million amethysts are looking for it!

And if it is a complete Raging Flame Stone, it is worth 100 billion amethysts!
"Brother Ye, sure enough, you are still a bull!"

The students were amazed.

One million amethysts!
This is an astonishing sum for them!
Their exclamation, surprise, and praise also made Ye Xiao feel a little unnatural.

This fragment the size of a thumbnail was picked up casually by him earlier.

It's just picked up casually.

Because, when the king of hell was digging out this mountain range, many similar fragments appeared.

But he didn't care about those fragments.

Picking up such a fragment is purely for taking a look at it.

Unexpectedly, such a broken piece is actually worth 100 million amethysts.

Around the mountain range, there were still so many fragments, but he didn't pick them up.


He doesn't regret it.

He has harvested 1000 Raging Flame Stones and the precious Raging Flame Dragon Bone.


If these things are really taken out.

Presumably, these classmates, as well as this practical teacher, Monk Minghui, must go crazy!

Although they may not have his idea, but he also understands the principle of not revealing his wealth.

The raging flame keel is worth 1 trillion amethysts, and there is a price but no market.

This thing really can't be exposed casually.

He muttered silently in his heart.

Monk Minghui couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

Could it be that Ye Xiao obtained the pieces of the Raging Flame Stone in the special area, Raging Flame Sea?
How could Ye Xiao go to such a dangerous special area in the Sea of ​​Fury? It was obvious that he was going to die!

after that.

Monk Minghui used his glorious Teacher Medal teleportation ability.

Lead the students of Class [-] to the playground of Shuguang Mansion again.

The time seemed to be around five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sky was also getting a little groggy.

"This afternoon, your performance in the actual combat class was very good, and the teacher was satisfied."

Monk Minghui said.

The students beamed with joy.

"But... the fly in the ointment is that your actual combat experience is still too little! In the future, you must conduct a lot of actual combat training! Of course, if you enter the alien beast area, you have to be more careful. Just say, today's Combat class, you guys had a lot of fun killing those flame grasses, right?"

"But do you know how many troubles the teacher has solved for you secretly? But there are several waves of people who are eyeing you and want to do something to you!"

Monk Minghui's face gradually darkened.


In an instant, the faces of the students in class seven changed, and they also felt a chill in their spines.

It turns out that the danger is around them, but they don't know it.

Ye Xiao believed what Monk Minghui said.

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