National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 838 Brahma, God of Creation, promoted to 5-star world!

Chapter 838 Brahma, God of Creation, Promoted to the Fifteen-Star World!
"There is no medicine for regret in this world."

Ye Tiandi's pitch-black eyes cast a cold gaze.

Both Odin and Indra are dead in his eyes.

There is no way he will let it go!
Letting these two people go will only leave endless troubles for the prehistoric world!


Immediately, Odin, the king of the gods, and Indra, the emperor of heaven, looked very ugly.

They want to live, but right now Ye Tiandi doesn't seem to give them a way out.

"Ye Tiandi, if you let me go, I am willing to rule the Nine Realms with you, and you will be the second ruler of the Nine Realms!"

Odin, the king of the gods, clenched his teeth and said word for word.

It was painful for him to say these words.

But he had no choice.

"If Emperor Ye is willing to let me go, I..."

The god Indra is also ready to promise.


Ye Tiandi interrupted.

"You have only two choices right now. One is to die, and the other is to buy your life with secret techniques. However, I don't like the secret techniques you have mastered. So, after all you say, you can only die. Also, Don't talk to me about the Nine Realms, I'm not the ruler of that poor country in the stinking water valley."

Listen to these words.

Odin, the king of the gods, was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and he was about to faint on the spot.

He deeply felt that he had been humiliated by Ye Tiandi.

His Nine Worlds are magnificent, prosperous and magnificent.

But in Ye Tiandi's mouth, it is a remote place.

This damn Ye Tiandi is so arrogant and domineering just because of his strength!

Odin yelled at Ye Tiandi in his heart.

Even the Heavenly Emperor Indra looked very ugly.

He seemed to understand.

Ye Tiandi made it clear that he was unwilling to let them go.

after that.

Ye Tiandi started.


He just uttered a word.

But this word contains a power without God!
on the spot.

The body of Odin, the king of the gods, exploded like gorgeous fireworks, and then turned into specks of dust.

And so Odin fell.

The whole process is simple without any confusion.

Not even begging for mercy.

The Heavenly Emperor Indra on the side was stunned.

He couldn't imagine what kind of astonishing means Ye Tiandi had used to kill Odin with ease, even though he only said one word to die.

Ye Tiandi is too strong and terrifying!

In comparison.

He is not worthy of the word "Emperor of Heaven" at all!
"It's time for you to hit the road!"

Ye Tiandi smiled warmly, not too complacent, whether it was Odin or the emperor Indra, they were all like ants in his eyes.

If he hadn't agreed to Ye Xiao, he would definitely not have done it himself.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Heavenly Emperor Indra spoke hastily.

"Oh, still want to struggle? Is it necessary?"

Ye Tiandi shook his head.

"Ye Tiandi, my grandfather is Brahma! He is the god of creation!"

Indra, the emperor of heaven, moved out of the great backer of his grandfather Brahma.

But he also knew that even if he moved out of Brahma, Ye Tiandi would not let him go.


Ye Tiandi still didn't care about it.

Indra, he wants to kill!

Exactly at this moment.

From this vast and boundless prehistoric universe.

But a figure appeared.

This man has blood red skin all over his body, wears a white robe, has four arms, holds a scripture "Veda", and a very majestic ancient scepter.

He is Brahma, the god of creation!
"Grandpa, grandpa!"

When Indra, the emperor of heaven, saw the appearance of this figure, he wept with joy.

"Indra, you are such an incompetent grandson!"

Brahma shook his head, sensing that his grandson Indra was about to fall, which made Brahma quickly use secret techniques to find the location of Indra.

This quest.

Brahma came to the prehistoric world.

His appearance made countless Longguo investors look surprised.

"Is this another accident?"

"However, this Brahma looks absolutely inferior to Ye Tiandi in strength!"

"The God of Creation was instantly killed by Ye Tiandi with a single punch. This Brahma is also impossible, and will never be an exception!"

"There is really no one who can fight!"

"Emperor Ye Tian is too terrifying. I think only Huang Tiandi can fight Ye Tiandi!"


Facing the projection screen, investors showed a very calm attitude.

They always believe in one thing.

Ye Tiandi will definitely be able to laugh proudly until the end.

Any young people are ridiculous and funny clowns in front of Ye Tiandi.

At this moment.

In the picture, Brahma Neng stared at Ye Tiandi with his blood-colored eyes glowing red.

"My friend, my descendants have offended you, and I apologize to you for my face..."

Brahma didn't want to conflict with Ye Tiandi, he could feel Ye Tiandi's strength, so he spoke very respectfully.

He can only do so much.

To know.

in his world.

He is the god of creation!
No one can disobey his will!
There are countless powerhouses in the heavens and ten thousand realms!
Brahma sighed inwardly.

However the next second.

Brahma's complexion was not good.

"Your face? Hahaha it's ridiculous, do I need to show you face?"

Ye Tiandi didn't take it seriously, and didn't pay attention to Brahma at all.

Being so despised by Ye Tiandi.

Brahma's face turned ashen.

"My friend, when the universe was still dark and chaotic, it was I who created the four directions of east, west, north, south, the concept of time, and all living things. I am the greatest god, the ruler of the world— — Brahma!"

"Is my face so worthless?"

Say it.

Only then did Brahma's complexion improve.

Immediately afterwards, he suggested that he would fight Ye Tiandi!
Let's see how strong Ye Tiandi is?

"Fight with me? You are not worthy, and I can kill you in a flash. I have killed a lot of guys like you, and now I seem to have one more of you."

Ye Tiandi's expression was calm.

Brahma's face turned black.

He really felt that Ye Tiandi in front of him was unreasonable.

To despise him so much.

Said he was not worthy.

After all, he is the God of Creation!

Brahma decided to fight Ye Tiandi, but wanted to see how strong Ye Tiandi was.


Ye Tiandi shrugged, feeling very tired of all this, as if there were flies buzzing in your ears.

next second.

Ye Tiandi used the Heavenly Emperor Fist again!

The Heavenly Emperor punches out.

He easily killed Brahma, the god of creation.

By the way, he also sent the emperor Indra on his way.

All this happened very quickly, in the blink of an eye.

After dealing with all the enemies, Emperor Ye Tian looked up at the starry sky of the prehistoric universe, stood with his hands behind his back, and muttered to himself, "Invincible is so lonely!"

The Saiyan Sun Wukong was really surprised to the point of being dumbfounded.

He never expected that there would be such a terrifying strong man in the world.

It is Ye Tiandi's strength.

Stronger than God of Destruction Birus.

Even the most powerful god and king in his universe, he is definitely not Ye Tiandi's opponent.

But apart from being amazed, he also silently made a decision in his heart that he must surpass Ye Tiandi one day!
The flame of fighting spirit in his heart kept burning.

Chen Nan and the Saiyan Sun Wukong are generally in the same mood.

If ordinary people saw Ye Tiandi's strength, they would definitely be shocked, but they didn't.

"The power of the Emperor of Heaven is really powerful!"

Chen Nan expressed admiration.

Investors in Longguo watching the projection screen are already paralyzed.

Ye Tiandi's strength really refreshed their cognition again and again.

as well as.

More and more Longguo investors are remorseful in their hearts. If they don't leave the prehistoric world, they will definitely make money now.


Regret is too late.

Ye Tiandi did not continue to stay in the prehistoric world. After a few words with the Saiyans Sun Wukong and Chen Nan, he tore apart a corner of the prehistoric universe and left.

This is the end of the real-time screen.

Ye Xiao, who is in the luxurious dormitory at No. 302 of Shuguang Mansion, is in a particularly good mood.

The crisis in the prehistoric world was finally resolved.

Even lines of text appeared in his field of vision.

[Congratulations to the host, the current investment world "Prehistoric" has successfully absorbed the life energy of many powerful people from all heavens and myriad realms. Therefore, "Prehistoric" has reached the 10-star world. Will it cost [-] billion trillion amethysts to upgrade the world level?]

[Because the potential of the host's investment world "Prehistoric" is terrifying, in order to encourage the host, the amethyst fee for upgrading the world level this time will be paid by the system]

this moment.

Ye Xiao was too surprised.

The world level of the prehistoric world has been continuously promoted.

all of a sudden.

It became a fifteen-star world.

It's just that he was a little puzzled.

What is the end of this world level?
It can't be endless, can it?

Therefore, he communicated with the system.

I thought the system would play dead and not reply.

But this time the system responded.

[After the world level reaches the sixteen-star world, chances are needed to promote the sixteen-star world to the heavens and ten thousand realms]

[The heavens and worlds are the highest world level]

Seeing this, Ye Xiao showed a look of awakening.

Heaven and Myriad Realms!

We must let the prehistoric world become the heavens and the world!
If it was the prehistoric in his memory, it would definitely be the heavens and the worlds every minute.

However, the current prehistoric situation was created by the cultivation he invested in it.

It is completely different from the real prehistoric world.


Three system messages entered Ye Xiao's eyes.

[Congratulations to the host, the investment world "Prehistoric" has been promoted to a [-]-star world]

[Fourteen Star World, the chat group of the heavens and the world has been upgraded to a level 2 chat group]

[Fifteen-star world, the chat group of the heavens and the world has been upgraded to a level 3 chat group]

Other than that, there are no new features.

Regarding this, Ye Xiao was still slightly disappointed, but he also quickly inquired about the functions of the third-level chat group.

[Host, the level of the chat group currently owned by the Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds has been upgraded to level 3, and five more characters from the Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds will be invited, and the group owner can enjoy the functions of muting and kicking people. Group members can upload videos, send Red envelope, request for support]

Under this look.

Ye Xiao thinks that the group leaders are really good.

Is he incarnate as a permission dog?
As for the three functions of group members, they are pretty good.


Ye Xiao paid attention to the Tianwanjie chat group, but found that the group was very lively.

"Ye Tiandi: Our chat group has updated several functions, very good."

"Chen Nan: This group is really interesting."

"Sun Wukong: Ye Tiandi, I will become stronger, and then I will fight with you!"

"Ye Tiandi: OK, I'll wait for you."

"Chen Nan: Ye Tiandi, you are really stronger than I imagined. God, Brahma, Odin, and Indra are all powerful in the world, but in his hands, they are not even as good as chickens and dogs."

"Ye Tiandi: It's just a routine operation."

"Di Shitian: What are you talking about? What God Brahma?"


Everyone chatted.

In the world of Journey to the West.

Sitting on the throne, Di Shitian, who looked old and majestic, had a suspicious look on his face. He couldn't understand what the group members said at all.

If in the past.

He will definitely speak out the dissatisfaction in his heart.

But does he dare now?

Do not!
He dared not at all.

Ye Tiandi made him feel deeply afraid.

It's just that the soul is trembling.

Ye Tiandi is really scary.


A line of text appeared in Di Shitian's vision.

【Group member Ye Tiandi uploaded a video】

He was a little confused, and took a serious look at the group chat interface by the way.

"Ye Tiandi: I crushed a few ants to death not long ago."

"Chen Nan: Ye Tiandi, what you said made me speechless."

"Sun Wukong: Hahaha, keep talking, I'm going to practice hard."


For the chat group, the current Di Shitian has long been used to it. He quickly explored and found a video in the group file.

The video was uploaded by Ye Tiandi.

He directly and subconsciously clicked on this video.

For an instant.

A video screen appeared in his field of vision.

He found it all very surprising and unbelievable.

But he is very calm.

But after watching this video carefully.

He was completely numb.

He has completely reached the point where his scalp is numb.

Even the eyeballs are big and round.

He saw Ye Tiandi's majestic and invincible figure.

so horrible!

Not to mention him, even Sanqing, the most powerful man in his world, is definitely not Ye Tiandi's opponent.

Creator God!
God of Creation Brahma!

These super strong men with head and face one after another were vulnerable in front of Ye Tiandi, and were easily eliminated by Ye Tiandi.

This made him realize that he wanted to hug Ye Tiandi's thigh tightly.

If there is Ye Tiandi to help.

He believes that the dark side in his heart will definitely dissipate quickly.

Otherwise, according to the current trend, he will soon fall.

At that time.

He will become the dark soul he loathes.

"Di Shitian: Ye Tiandi, you are so powerful, I can't find any words to describe you!"

"Di Shitian: Emperor Ye Tian, ​​I have encountered difficulties, I wonder if you can help me a little bit?"

"Di Shitian: I am haunted by dark souls."


Di Shitian had the cheek to tell his troubles and his situation.

When he said these words in the chat group, he was very worried about being rejected by Ye Tiandi.

But what surprised him was that Ye Tiandi agreed.

"Ye Tiandi: It's just some minor troubles. Since I'm in the same chat group, I'll help you out, but I won't make an example."

"Di Shitian: Thank you Ye Tiandi! Thank you Ye Tiandi! I have a lot of treasures, if you are interested in Ye Tiandi, just take them!"

"Ye Tiandi: Treasure? I'm not interested, tell me about your world."

Di Shitian told the general situation of the world he was in without any concealment.

for example.

He is the Emperor of Heaven who rules the heavens.

And his enemy Mad King Luohou is particularly hateful.

It was because of the Mad King that he showed a dark side.

"Ye Tiandi: Four heavenly kings? Three-eyed general? Are you talking about "Journey to the West"?"

"Di Shitian: What Journey to the West? I don't understand what you are saying, Emperor Tian."

"Ye Tiandi:..."

"Di Shitian: Here, the Heavenly Emperor, did I say something wrong?"

Di Shitian, who was sitting on the throne, had no majesty on his face, and he was panicking right now, like a young daughter-in-law who has done something wrong.

Moreover, he was still very nervous, so nervous that his palms kept breaking out in cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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