National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 852 I am destined to be invincible!

Chapter 852 I am destined to be invincible!
After that, Ye Xiao wanted to ask the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

Whether the enemy is really the ultimate fear of the universe.

Or, is there an unknown mastermind behind the ultimate terror of the universe?
All the members of the group were very quiet and did not speak, they were all quietly waiting for Ye Tiandi to speak.

"Ye Tiandi: It may or may not exist. But I think he generally exists."

"Misaka Mikoto: Hiss, it's too scary, the world of the group leader!"

"Di Shitian: According to Ye Tiandi's words, there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, so how powerful and extraordinary is this mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Nobi Nobita: The leader's world is too scary!"


The group members spoke one after another.

Drops of sweat appeared on Ye Xiao's forehead from time to time.

According to Ye Tiandi's words, there really is a mastermind behind the scenes.

So, who is the black hand behind this scene?

He didn't understand.

The unknown enemy is really frightening.


Soon, Ye Xiao stabilized his mind.

Because Ye Tiandi said a very inspiring sentence.

"Ye Tiandi: Become stronger! If you are invincible in the world, what are you afraid of?"


He has to keep getting stronger.

The strong breaks all spells with one punch!


Ye Xiao started to practice without stopping.

This time.

The system displays the information.

[The progress of Xinyuan cultivation has reached 100%, and the profit is 1000 trillion amethysts. If these two conditions are met, he will be promoted to the ten-star extraordinary investment king]

This made Ye Xiao's eyes very hot.

He must become the ten-star extraordinary investment king as soon as possible!
Step into the kingdom of kings!

When he becomes stronger, Journey to the West and the Great Desolate World can provide him with more combat power blessings.

Didn't think much about it.

Ye Xiao is cultivating desperately in Fanjing.

He didn't know.

The cosmic void far away from the blue star.

There are strange black shadows floating everywhere.

In this side of the universe.

You can see a palace standing in the sky.

The palace was brightly lit, as bright as day.

At this time.

A strange black shadow floated into the palace.

There is a long red carpet in the palace.

And, in front of the palace, there is also a magnificent throne.

on this throne.

Sitting a figure.

This figure has no facial features, and its appearance is hideous and frightening.

His image is like a devil.

"My king."

The black shadow that floated in knelt down on the ground, showing a very pious and respectful appearance.

Facing the performance of the black shadow, the devil-like figure on the throne spoke extremely indifferently.

"How long will it take to destroy this piece of the universe?"

"In less than a year..."

The black shadow had a proud tone.

He thinks what he does is good enough.

This is a very large and boundless universe.

But in less than a year, he was able to wipe out the universe.

This is enough to prove that his ability is absolutely not bad, absolutely powerful.


The figure on the throne was extremely angry and dissatisfied.


The figure roared angrily.

The strange black shadow knelt down on the ground, not daring to refute, and even more incomprehensible.

His efficiency is enough, why is he still called a waste?
"It's too long, too long, can't we destroy this piece of the universe as soon as possible?"

"Could it be that you want to make this king difficult to deal with?"

"Or, even you are greedy, you want to occupy the two major investment worlds of Honghuang and Journey to the West!!!"

The figure's tone was extremely cold.

"My lord, how dare I take the Great Desolation and Journey to the West as my own."

The black shadow trembled, frightened to the extreme.

"Go away! Half a year, at most half a year, this piece of the universe must be destroyed!"

"That adult can't wait any longer."

The figure scolded angrily.

"But, but..."

Sombra felt extremely distressed.

"Can't do it? Or do you have any difficulties, just say it!"

The figure on the throne was particularly dissatisfied, thinking that this subordinate was too useless, and his ability to handle things was too slow and too poor.

"My lord, we can easily achieve the destruction of the universe. However, the master of Journey to the West is very likely to summon the most powerful person from the heavens and the world."

"As a result, now we still need to deploy a large number of people to block the world passage, and also isolate this piece of universe!"

Sombra said something that gave him a headache.


The figure on the throne fell silent.

"Do you know that he is the strongest person in the heavens and the world?"

The figure asked.

"It may be the famous Ye Tiandi and Huang Tiandi! We can't afford to provoke these two supreme powers, we..."

Soi Ying said with a firm scalp.

"Hahaha! I've heard their names before."

"Emperor Huang Tian arbitrarily ruled over the ages, and Emperor Ye Tian suppressed the enemies in the world. However, due to some special reasons, it is absolutely impossible for their real deities to visit this universe in person. This means that they are at most just descending in clones."

"Avatar? Do we need to be afraid?"

The figure laughed loudly, as if he didn't pay attention to Ye Tiandi and Huang Tiandi.

Available immediately.

His smile stopped abruptly.

"But one more thing is worse than one less thing. Block the world passage, isolate the universe, and do it as soon as possible."

The tone of the figure is complicated.

after all.

He was still scared.

The strongest of the heavens and the world are not joking.

That one after another can be so strong that it is unreasonable.

If you don't provoke me, if you don't provoke me.

Even though they are the ultimate fear of the universe, they are almost certain to lose against the strongest of the heavens and the world.

In the end, Sombra led the way.

"It took less than a year to destroy this piece of the universe!"

"It's okay, it's okay."

The figure sitting on the throne was very unwilling.

He is also very strange.

The ultimate terror of the universe has wiped out countless universes.

But it has never been seen that the most powerful people from the heavens and the world intervene.

"I guess it was an accident this time."

The figure muttered to himself.

"Da da da!"

At this moment, another figure appeared in this radiant palace.

The person who came was dressed in silver armor and held a big sword. His appearance was stern, and he looked like a human being.

But his appearance made Ying feel frightened.

"Dear Divine Kingdom Knight, why are you here?"

The strange figure did not continue to sit on the throne, but stood up to greet him, as if the honored guest in front of him was extremely honorable and he would never dare to offend him.

Seeing the figure getting closer and closer, the silver-armored figure yelled, "Ugly things, stay away from me!!!"

Suddenly, the figure acted as an elite, with an even more terrifying and ferocious face.

"Why, ugly things, you are not convinced?"

The silver-armored figure with ashen-faced face tightly gripped the cold and gleaming sword in his hand.

It was as if if the shadow was not convinced, he would swing the big sword in his hand and hack the shadow to death on the spot.

"No! Don't dare! Knights of the Kingdom of God, how dare I not be convinced!"

The figure's tone was very frightened, and it completely lost the previous king's demeanor.

"How long will it take to finish anything? I need you to give me an accurate answer!"

The silver armored figure replied.

"In less than a year, we will be able to destroy this piece of the universe, and we will also be able to win Journey to the West and the Great Desolation, these two investment worlds with amazing potential."

The figure replied respectfully.

This kind of promise made Yinjia figure frowned, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, I'll wait. I hope you don't disappoint me, otherwise, there is no need for the ultimate fear of the universe in this universe."

The silver-armored figure spoke indifferently.

The figure talked about the strongest person in the heavens and worlds again.

"The most powerful want to intervene? Don't worry about this matter, the Kingdom of God can solve it!"

The face of the silver-armored figure was full of confidence.

The Kingdom of God is absolutely powerful and terrifying!
He believed that even the strongest from the heavens and the world would never dare to provoke the Kingdom of God!

"Knights of the Kingdom of God, please wait for my good news. I will definitely take care of all these things properly."

With a restless heart, the figure finally felt relieved.


The silver-armored figure nodded, and then he disappeared.

Apparently, he's gone.

Not only left the palace, but also left this piece of universe.

All that remained was that figure that was becoming more and more hideous.

"Knight of the Kingdom of God, you are simply too arrogant! You are too presumptuous!"

"I am the king! I am the ultimate king of fear in this universe! But you don't pay attention to me like this!"

"In your eyes, am I just a running dog?"


The figure was talking to himself, showing a crazy side.

the end.

The figure sat slumped directly on the ground.

He also resigned to his fate.

In the eyes of the knights of the Kingdom of God, he is really a running dog.

Running dogs must be obedient.

Otherwise there is no need to exist.

"The Great Desolation and Journey to the West are really enticing investment worlds!"

The figure muttered to himself, if it devours these two major investment worlds, or occupies them.

Then, his strength will definitely skyrocket unprecedentedly.

However, he dared not do that.

Even though these two major investment worlds are extraordinary.

But he can't have it.

Because these two major investment worlds have been favored by the knights of the kingdom of God.

"No! He was favored by the prince of the gods!"

The figure muttered to himself, only feeling that this world has always been so unfair.

Some people are destined to be kings when they are born.

Some people are destined to be running dogs when they are born.


It seems that the fate of everything has already been doomed.

Just like this piece of the universe, no one can save it.

Destined to be destroyed! ! !

"Emperor Ye Tian, ​​Emperor Huang Tian, ​​you should know yourselves."

"If you help the Lord of Journey to the West, you will face the revenge of the Kingdom of God!"

"So what if he is the most powerful person in the heavens and the world?"

"The Kingdom of God also has the most powerful people from all the heavens and myriad realms, and there is not only one, but many, many!"

The figure showed a crazy side.

He believed that since the knights of the Kingdom of God had said those words.

Then, the most powerful people from the heavens and worlds dare not intervene in the affairs of this piece of the universe.

Even if they did intervene, at most it was just a way to save face.


On the spot, the figure laughed wildly, and the laughter sounded very weird, which made people feel creepy.

the end.

The bright and bright light in the palace disappeared.

and also.

This mysterious palace also disappeared into this cosmic void.

It was gray.

Before I knew it, the night had passed.

Ye Xiao was still staying in the luxurious dormitory No. 302, he did not choose to go to class.

To the point where he is now.

Classes or something, purely of little effect.

It can be said that he has become the strongest group of people on this planet.

"Thinking about it, the current me is weaker than the Dawn King, City Lord Hope, and Dragon King."

he thought silently.

The more he thought about it, the heavier his heart became.

The universe is going to be destroyed.

He must work harder as soon as possible.

Get stronger!

Ye Xiao, who took a short rest, opened the chat group of Heavens and Worlds.

Sure enough, as he had expected, the members of the chat group were all crazily pouring water, talking about unnutritious topics.

Ye Xiaoben also planned to quit the chat group.


He was attracted by Huang Tiandi's sudden bubbling and speech.

"Huang Tiandi: Do you know that I was threatened not long ago! It's really unbelievable!!!"

"Di Shitian: Who would dare to be so bold as to threaten Emperor Huangtian?"

"Evil Sword Immortal: Who dares to threaten Emperor Huangtian, I will be the first to express dissatisfaction, Emperor Huangtian, I will spare no expense for you!"

"Misaka Mikoto: Did something happen?"

"Nobi Nobita: This class is really boring! Hey, there seems to be something lively in the group to watch!"

"Misaka Mikoto: Nobita, you have to study hard, don't get distracted in class, and don't miss out!"


The group became lively all of a sudden.

Ye Xiao had a weird expression on his face.

I really feel unbelievable.

Who threatened Emperor Huangtian?
This is really a long time to see you!

But as far as he knows.

Emperor Huangtian has already fought deep above the sky.

Is it an enemy above the sky?

Ye Xiao thought about it, and said a word by the way.

"Ye Xiao: Emperor Huangtian, did that bastard threaten you?"

"Huang Tiandi: This matter is related to Ye Xiao, but it is also related to you. There is a cause and an effect."

The other group members, including Ye Xiao, were dumbfounded.

Especially Ye Xiao with a dazed look on his face.

How is it related to him?
He pondered.

Soon, he had the answer in his heart.

Those who threaten Emperor Huangtian must be related to the ultimate fear of the universe.

"Huang Tiandi: To put it simply, they threaten me and cannot help Ye Xiao. But, am I the kind of person who will be threatened?"

"Since they threatened me, I will make them pay a heavy price! I am destined to be invincible in this world. This is my eternal belief! I will kill until no one in the world dares to honor me!"

this moment.

Emperor Huang Tian showed his domineering and boundless side, and also showed his invincible belief that no one can beat me.

"Misaka Mikoto: Emperor Huangtian, mighty!"

"Di Shitian: Huangtian Emperor, domineering!"

"Evil Sword Immortal: Emperor Huangtian, do you still lack a follower?"

"Nobita Nobita: Wow! The members of the group are so amazing! So amazing!"


The group members crazily worship Huangtiandi.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao had a strange expression.

"Some guys really disliked that they didn't die fast enough, and they even went to threaten Emperor Huangtian. They have seen people who want to die, but they have never seen people who want to die like this."

Followed by.

Only then did Ye Xiao learn from Emperor Huangtian that the one who threatened Emperor Huangtian was the knight of the Kingdom of God!
"Ye Xiao: Emperor Huangtian, didn't you destroy that knight of the Kingdom of God?"

"Di Shitian: He is definitely dead without a place to bury him!"

"Evil Sword Immortal: I'm afraid I will end up in a disastrous end!"

"Misaka Mikoto: I'm trembling!!!"


The group members spoke one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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