National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 890 King-level investment in the world "Yellow Spring", all the wealth and wealth

When thinking about these.

Ye Xiao couldn't help recalling the unprecedented battle he experienced a long time ago.

In that battle.

A strong enemy is coming.

The ultimate fear king of the universe!

Prince of God!

God of time!


The prince of the gods destroyed Ye Xiao's universe at the cost of death.

Ultimately, the universe is headed for destruction.

Stars collapse, galaxies dissipate... everything is annihilated.

Thanks to Ye Tiandi and Huang Tiandi's actions, the universe was reborn, and all the dead people were resurrected.

Even now, when Ye Xiao recalls all of this, he finds it too unbelievable.

The power mastered by Ye Tiandi and Huang Tiandi is definitely related to time.

This power is terrifying and incredible.

After sighing for a long time, Ye Xiao let out a long breath of foul air.

He felt very lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, Ye Tiandi and Huang Tiandi are not enemies, if they are really enemies, everything is probably over.

Followed by.

With a feeling of anticipation, Ye Xiao inquired about the king-level investment world.

Even in the last timeline of the universe, he had never heard of the king-level investment world.

This made him curious and puzzled.

Upon inquiry.

As expected, the system did not disappoint him. Lines of information related to the king-level investment world world surfaced in his field of vision.

【King-level Investment World Rules】

[Cannot invest in the Son of Destiny and important characters, investors need to create investment shares by themselves]

[Once the investment is made, it will be closed immediately, and cannot be sold and bought, and the income will be settled in real time]

[Currently the starting investment limit is 1 king spar, and follow-up depending on the situation, 100 king spar, 10000 king spar and other follow-up investment quotas will be opened]

[The king spar invested will be transferred to investment stocks in the form of cultivation base, martial arts talent, kung fu, etc. Investors can choose the conversion content independently]

[Rare card types and other types of cards are completely banned]

[Investors will personally enter the king-level investment world to manipulate the created investment stocks]

【The right of final interpretation belongs to Quanmin System】

Faced with this long string of information texts, Ye Xiao was obviously stunned for a moment.

He has ten lines at a glance, but he can keep the rules of the king-level investment world firmly in his heart with a single glance.

However, he was also a little surprised.

This king-level investment world actually requires investors to create investment stocks by themselves.

It's fine to create it yourself, but you have to enter and control it yourself.

And, the injected funds turned out to be king spar.

He also has knowledge about funds.

Red crystals, orange crystals... supreme dragon crystals, and even extraordinary spars.

But he has never heard of this king spar.

Soon, he communicated his questions to the system.

[King spar, a rare and rare currency, the main purpose is to speed up cultivation]

All of a sudden, Ye Xiao showed a suddenly realized expression on his face.

If so, then this king spar is a good thing.


He asked about the system, if the investment stocks controlled by investors die.

Will investors die too?
[Host please rest assured, enter the king-level investment world, death will only lose part of the assets]

"I see!"

Ye Xiao showed a look of awakening.

It's just a loss of assets, so death doesn't seem to matter.

But he frowned again.

He felt that the system was playing word games with him.

What is the value of part of the assets lost due to death?
10% of assets? 20% of assets?

Usually the system doesn't seem to answer his questions one after another, but this time because of his enhanced system privileges.

Therefore, the system quickly solved the confusion for him.

【Investors enter the market to manipulate investment stocks. Once the investment stocks die, investors will lose 50% of their assets】

Seeing the system's reply, Ye Xiao suddenly widened his eyes, thinking that the risk of investing in the world of kings is too high!

Upon death, 50% of the assets owned will be directly lost!

So, doesn't it mean that if he enters the king-level investment world, he will die and his assets will directly shrink.

For example, "Journey to the West", "The Great Desolation" and other investment worlds, their scale and world level will be greatly reduced!

[The host's guess is good, please be careful to enter the king-level investment world]

The system responds again.

A pensive look appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

He is thinking about whether to enter the king-level investment world.

But I thought about it for a long time.

His heart was just about to move.

The higher the risk, the higher the return.

But he soon thought of a problem.

The current him doesn't have a king spar, so how can he enter the king-level investment world.

That thought.

A system message suddenly appeared in his vision.

[Because the king-level investment world is open to the host, the host will get a king spar gifted by the system. This spar can only be used for investment, not for cultivation]

In an instant.

The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth twitched slightly. He always felt that the system was trying to lure him into the king-level investment world.

Moreover, he also keenly noticed it from the system's reply.

The king-level investment world is open to hosts!
In other words.

If you want to enter the king-level investment world, you may need system authorization.

Or, he may meet some hidden conditions.

Therefore, he has the qualifications to enter the king-level investment world.

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart and quickly inquired about the king-level investment world.

He wants to know.

Find out what the king-level investment world really is.

If it's the world he's familiar with, he definitely has to invest!

But if you are not familiar with it, you need to wait and see how it changes!


After Ye Xiao took a deep breath, he started to investigate.

Once inquired.

A line of text appeared in his vision instantly.

[The king-level investment world that is about to open: "Yellow Spring"]

Faced with such a line of text, Ye Xiaozhen's eyes were darkened.

"Yellow Spring"?
He has no idea what kind of investment world this is.

He also tried to find out more information about "Yellow Spring".

Upon inquiry.

The system didn't let him down.

Lines of text were suspended in front of his eyes.

【"Yellow Spring"】

【World Introduction】

[Huangquan is eight hundred miles away from the sea of ​​sand, lonely and desolate, without flowers and leaves. 】

[For more information, please ask the host to buy it with king crystals]

[Each piece of information is priced at one hundred king crystals]

Suddenly, Ye Xiao shrugged his shoulders, his face full of helplessness.

Because he is really confused about the introduction to this world.

With just one sentence, he couldn't see anything at all.

But he was still quickly searching for the memories of his previous life in his mind.

Let's see if he is familiar with "Underworld".

It has to be said that due to the improvement of his strength, once he recalled, the memory fragments appeared one after another in his mind.

Even the scene of him going to kindergarten in his previous life appeared.

It's been a long time.

Ye Xiao's eyes were shining brightly.

His expression is even more wonderful.

Because, he finally remembered.

This "Yellow Spring" is related to "Soul", and it is a side movie of "Soul".

It tells the love story of the last "Meng Po" in the world on Huangquan Road for thousands of years.

more memories.

The memory in his mind became clearer.

The girl Sanqi will be the next Huangquan Mengpo.

Hades Acha.

The ghost sent Zhao Li.


Scene after scene flickered in his mind.

This made him decide to enter the king-level investment world!

He wants to earn massive king spar!
He had a premonition that if he got enough king crystals, his cultivation would skyrocket!

Moreover, he felt that "Yellow Spring" was very similar to the "Soul" in his hands.

After all, he is the master of the world of "Soul".

Maybe, entering "Yellow Spring", the investment world of "Soul" can come in handy.

The more he thought about it, the brighter Ye Xiao's eyes became.

Especially in "Soul" he had sex with Ah Cha, the king of the underworld.

The feeling and the taste are very special every time I think about it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Xiao directly chose to enter the king-level investment world "Yellow Spring"!
Once a selection has been made.

A line of text prompts appeared in his vision.

[Whether you confirm to enter "Yellow Spring", once you enter, you will be locked directly, you can't exit, and you can't participate in other king-level investment worlds for the time being]


He's going in!

He is very familiar with the movie "Underworld", with such an amazing advantage, wouldn't it be a blood loss if he didn't enter?
Soon, another line of system text appeared.

[Successful entry, this king-level investment world will open at twelve o'clock tomorrow night! 】

Ye Xiao pursed his lips and smiled, feeling particularly happy.

However, he also frowned slightly.

Who is the investor who entered the market with him this time?
As far as he knows, there are probably not many investors in the entire Blue Star who can enter the king-level investment world!
Once communicated.

The system responds.

[The host is the only investor in the universe who entered the king-level investment world "Yellow Spring"]


Suddenly, Ye Xiao stared and rounded his eyes, and there was an unconcealable horror in the eyes.

He originally thought that there are many people in Blue Star who can enter the king-level investment world.


None of them.

Even, he was the only one in the universe he was in.

When thinking about this, he was a little puzzled.

Jiang Xukong, Futu Monk, City Lord Hope, Dragon King... They are all unrivaled powerhouses, but even they are not qualified to enter the king-level investment world, which is a bit unreasonable!

Under his questioning.

The system gave the answer.

[Entrance to the king-level investment world requires investors to reach the ten-star extraordinary investment king and be under the age of 25]

In an instant, Ye Xiao showed a sudden realization expression.

"So the investors who compete with me on the same stage, don't they say that everyone has the cultivation base of a ten-star extraordinary investment king, or even stronger cultivation bases?"

He muttered to himself, only feeling that his worldview had suffered an unprecedented impact.

He can have the current strength because he is familiar with the plot, understands the history, and cheats all the way.

But what about investors from other universes?

They know absolutely nothing about the plot.

They can have such cultivation and strength, it is definitely because of their unique vision, they are genuine investment geniuses, and their backgrounds are absolutely extraordinary!
Ye Xiao thought silently, but his eyes were burning with high fighting spirit.

The next day, in the morning.

Ye Xiao did not continue to cut classes, but went to Longdu No. [-] Middle School.

He has just stepped into the classroom.

The students around are all discussing the investment world that is in full swing on the side of "Da Ming".

Among them, very few people pointed at Ye Xiao.

"Ye Xiao doesn't know what he's busy with, but he has asked for sick leave for several days in a row!"

"I guess he didn't take investment seriously at all!"

"The investment world of "Da Ming" is really exciting, especially the palace examination held by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is really interesting, and the topic is actually three baskets of rice!"

"Three small baskets of rice contain such a profound meaning, which is really an eye-opener!"


Facing the scattered gossip around him, Ye Xiao didn't pay attention at all.

After returning to his seat, he flipped through the books casually, and then waited for the morning self-study to arrive.

In a blink of an eye.

Early self-study ends.

The boring class has begun.

Every subject teacher is talking on the podium.

The students sitting in their seats were no longer as lazy as usual, and they all looked very focused.

Ye Xiao was very surprised by this, but he also understood that it all had something to do with the college entrance examination.

That fate-changing exam is getting closer and closer.

It is normal for students to take classes more seriously than before.

Waiting to get the third class.

The students showed expectant expressions.

Just because.

The subject teacher of this class is Zhang Guofei, the head teacher.

Today's Zhang Guofei was wearing a set of black casual clothes and entered the classroom.

He kept talking non-stop about information related to the investment world of "Da Ming".

He spoke eloquently.

The students' eyes lit up when they heard it.

Soon, Zhang Guofei focused the topic on Shen Wansan, the investment stock.

"The richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, Shen Wansan, known as the God of Wealth, may lose his life!"

Wait for him to say this.

The students all showed dumbfounded expressions.

How is it possible that Shen Wansan's life cannot be saved?

Could it be that Shen Wansan did something rebellious and offended Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming emperor?

Various conjectures emerged from the minds of the students.

But after much deliberation, they still couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Guofei didn't talk nonsense, and directly conducted a video observation of Shen Wansan.

[Video observation of Shen Wansan, consuming 10 red crystals]

[Scatter all the family wealth Shen Wansan! 】


Seeing such a video title, the students couldn't believe it.

Shen Wansan, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, is about to lose all his wealth.

What happened to Shen Wansan?
They couldn't figure it out, so they could only watch the video projection screen in front of them.

【Video playback】

It was the first to enter the field of vision of everyone, but it was a private room in a restaurant.

In this box, some well-dressed people are talking to each other.

Everything we talk about is related to business.

One of them is highly sought after by everyone.

This person is an old man who looks old and wears a black brocade suit.

This old man is Shen Wansan's elder brother Shen Waner!

"Mr. Shen, you can help my family's business!"

"Old Shen, I wish you a long life!"

"Old Shen, if you have a chance, please introduce Shen Caishen for me! How I wish I could see Shen Caishen in my lifetime!"

"Old Shen, a small gift is not a respect, please accept it!"


Everyone praised Shen Wan'er, and gave them expensive gifts from time to time. (end of this chapter)

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