National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 920 Empress Houtu appears, Emperor Li Xian of the Tang Dynasty!

Almost instantly.

When Ye Xiao came back to his senses.

He is already in the "Yellow Spring" of the king-level investment world.

Looking closely, the sky is clear.

At this moment, he was in a dilapidated town.

Wandering and homeless people can be seen everywhere.

Almost every citizen is unkempt, and walking on the streets is like a walking corpse.

I had to ask the people.

Only then did Ye Xiao know.

Today's world is no longer the world of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Now it is March of the fourth year of Jinglong. Floods are raging, there is famine in Guanzhong, and the people are naked and miserable.

The current person in power is Li Xian, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!

"It is hard to prosper the people, and it is hard to perish the people."

He sighed softly and sympathized with the people, but had no intention of helping.

He is not a kind person, he just wants to earn more King Crystals.

Previously, he owned nearly 200 million king crystals, but he used a lot of them in cultivation.

Currently, he only has a little over 100 million King Crystals.

Although he was on this desolate street, the people passing by seemed to have not seen him and regarded him as nothing.

Ye Xiao was not surprised.

Currently in "Yellow Spring", he possesses the cultivation level of an earthly immortal.

You're welcome to say.

As long as he wanted to, he could destroy this mighty Tang Dynasty with just a few moves!
But he doesn't have this kind of spare time.

He had a hunch.

This time, he definitely has many enemies, all of whom are investors from other high-level universes.

Just a thought.

Ye Xiao summoned the nine kings of hell!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Jiudao, wearing a top hat and the official uniform of the King of Hell, with an extraordinary appearance, appeared before his eyes like a bright stream of light.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The King of Chu Jiang and other nine powerful men of Hell looked respectful.

"Secretly pay attention to the changes in this world!"

Ye Xiao gave the order.

He firmly believes that as long as those investors take action, the world will be different, and he will be able to find clues to his enemies.

"Don't let the Lord down!"

The powerful voices of the nine great kings of hell were as loud as bells, and they spoke in unison with great tacit understanding.

Hearing this, Ye Xiao showed a look of satisfaction on his cheeks.

He even repeatedly warned these nine powerful men of Hell to work together and act secretly, and never to be left alone.

As far as the current situation is concerned.

The enemy will only get stronger and stronger!
"We must keep the enemy open and we covertly!"

"Go! If anything happens, come and report to me immediately!"

Ye Xiao said solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand.

The nine powerful men of Hell nodded heavily and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


He summoned two more stunning beauties with stunning looks!
A woman was wearing a black dress, with a cool and elegant temperament.

A woman is wearing a red dress, with a lively and playful temperament.

They are the clones of the saint Houtu and Pluto Chacha.

"I have seen the Lord."

Hou Tu saluted respectfully and did not dare to do anything overstepping Ye Xiao. It seemed that she knew very well that her life and death depended on Ye Xiao's thoughts.


She now vaguely understands.

Her birth is inseparable from Ye Xiao.


The entire prehistoric world was created by Ye Xiao.

Without Ye Xiao, there would be no prehistoric world where she lives.

Chacha didn't think as much as Houtu, and her face lit up with joy when she saw Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao had also told her before that they could still meet.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

On the spot, Chacha gave Ye Xiao a bear hug.

"You heartless man!"

She pouted.

"Don't slander me. I'm not a heartless person. Is the baby okay?"

Ye Xiao said angrily.

"If you say you are a heartless person, you are a heartless person."

Chacha is completely unreasonable.

Then, she added, "The baby is fine. Now, she always goes with the white cat to eliminate the weirdness. Or it can't be said to be destroying it, but to devour the weirdness and use the weird power for her own benefit. .”


The two flirted and talked about some interesting things from time to time.


A group of three people were walking in a small town.

Ye Xiao and Chacha chattered.

Hou Tu was observing the people along the way.

Looking at the skinny people, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Hou Tu, do you want to help them?"

Ye Xiao said casually.

"There are too many poor people in this world."

Chacha's tone was neither salty nor light, and she showed a hard-hearted side regarding the sufferings of the common people.

In other words, in her world, only Ye Xiao and Bao Bao were the most important, and she didn't want to pay attention to most of the other people.

What does his life and death have to do with her?

"Lord, I want to help them, let them have their own homes, prevent them from the suffering of war, and let them live and work in peace and contentment without having to leave their homes."

Houtu said.

Her words surprised Ye Xiao.

In an instant, Ye Xiao figured it out.

The sage is ruthless and treats all things as stupid dogs!

But Hou Tu, as a saint, was different.

Houtu is the mother of the earth, possessing compassion and great love.

If not, how could she sit through reincarnation!
"Okay, if you want to do it, just do it."

Ye Xiao has a calm expression.

"Thank you Lord."

Hou Tu's cold face showed a smile like a hundred flowers in bloom.

At this moment, Hou Tu was so charming that Ye Xiao couldn't help but take a second look.

"Does it look good?"

A sound of gnashing teeth suddenly sounded in his ears.


Ye Xiao answered subconsciously.

Then, he felt a hard pinch on his waist.

Although the force was not heavy, he still pretended to be in pain.

"Chacha, please be gentle, please don't murder your husband!"

Ye Xiao said hastily.

"Who asked you to eat from the bowl and look at the pot!"

Chacha glared at Ye Xiao fiercely with her beautiful eyes. She didn't look playful now, but instead had an extraordinary power condensed between her brows.

This power is the power of Hades!
Seeing this, Ye Xiao was amazed.

Chacha, this woman is really weird.

She can be a cute and innocent girl, or she can be the King of the Underworld who controls countless lives and possesses tremendous power!


Afterwards, the soil rises into the clouds and rides on the mist, flying to the sky.

There were words in her mouth.

"May all people in the world be free from illness and disaster."

When she finished speaking.

Dazzling golden light emitted from her whole body.

This golden light spread to the surroundings.

It spread to Guannai Road, Hedong Road, Shannan Road, Jiangnan Road...

Until it spread throughout the Tang Dynasty.

Ye Xiao, who was in a small town, also sensed an infinite power flowing between the world.

It was said that the critically ill and dying people in his field of vision were filled with vitality, and their empty eyes gradually gained color.

It's like coming back to life again.

After Ye Xiao’s judgment.

All kinds of diseases among the people seemed to be gone, and everyone seemed to have a healthy body.

"Is there really a god in this world?"

"Empress Houtu! It was Empress Houtu who saved us!"

"Empress Houtu! Help the poor!"

"My lameness is gone! It's gone!"

"Unbelievable! Incredible!"


Every citizen felt unbelievable, and they all instinctively knelt on the ground, clasping their hands together, showing an extremely pious look. "She is so amazing. Just one word affects the whole world."

Chacha showed an astonished expression.

"This is the Saint! Even a clone is ridiculously strong!"

Ye Xiao pursed his lips.

The day.

The world shakes!

The mysterious Empress Houtu saves the common people and saves countless common people!

Make people all over the world free from illness!
Datang, Chang'an City.

This is a majestic ancient city with towering walls.

Although it is night, the curfew in Chang'an City was canceled today under the order of Emperor Li Xian.


Tonight, Chang'an City is crowded with people and extremely lively.


Colored lanterns are hung in every house.

Today's day is so special.

For the first time, they witnessed how powerful the gods were!

It actually relieved all their ailments.


In the bustling city of Chang'an, you can also see various singing, dancing and music performances, not to mention various parties.

People gathered together to eat delicious food and drink fine wine. From time to time, dancers were invited to play music to add to the fun, and there were also talented literati who recited poems and composed poems!


Good sentences come out frequently.

It shows a scene of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Ye Xiao and the other three have arrived in Chang'an City, and they all find it very interesting to face this scene of empty streets.

"Hou Tu, you have changed the mental outlook of the people with just one word. You have made the people seem to be alive again. This is really a great merit."

Ye Xiao said casually.

Hou Tu's expression was indifferent, "Lord, I'm just doing something within my power. I want them to be free from illness and disaster, but they can only rely on themselves to determine how they will live in the future."

Today's emperor, Li Xian, is over fifty years old.

At this moment, he was in the palace, hugging two beauties on his left and right, drinking and having fun with the ministers.

"The arrival of the gods into the world and their manifestations definitely indicates that my kingdom can last for thousands and thousands of years!"

Li Xian, who had gray hair and was wearing a [-]-year supreme dragon robe, his face turned red and his face was full of joy.

Say it.

He was thinking silently in his heart.


Your virtue is lacking and you are not favored by the gods, but I am different.

I will definitely be able to bring all the kingdoms of the Tang Dynasty to come to court, and my great achievements will definitely surpass those of my mother and Emperor Taizong!

Even Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han... are not as good as me!

all of a sudden.

Li Xian's heart was extremely swollen.

Today the gods came to the world and performed great feats.

It made him feel incredible and also made him feel terrified.

The gods are too powerful.

Just one simple sentence changed the world.

Then he said that there were superb ascetics from various sects around him.

But the strength of those cultivators is hugely different from that of the Goddess Queen Earth Empress.


In this magnificent hall, various performances were staged.


The banquet is over.

Li Xian, who was extremely drunk, had also returned to the dragon couch to rest, and fell asleep under the service of his concubine.

Slept very sweetly.

When Li Xian opened his eyes in a daze, he looked around and saw that the surroundings were filled with countless white mist.

"Where am I?"

Li Xian looked around, his head feeling a little swollen and painful. He clearly remembered that he and the ministers drank wine and listened to music before returning to his palace and falling asleep under the service of his concubine.

But what is going on now?

"Come on! Come on!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs.

However, there was not a single human figure.

There is white mist all around.


Gradually, Li Xian's heartbeat accelerated, and he began to murmur, "A dream, this must be a dream, I am dreaming! When I wake up, everything will pass!"

When he said these self-comforting words, Li Xian's mood gradually stabilized.


The fog gradually dissipated in his vision.


A dazzling golden avenue came into his sight.


A slender figure was walking on this road.

The owner of this figure looks particularly old, in his 20s, with a fair face and an extraordinary temperament. However, his burgundy hair and blood-red eyes are particularly unusual.

He was approaching Li Xian step by step.

"Who are you?"

Although the other party looked mysterious and unpredictable, Li Xian, as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, also showed an astonishing imperial aura.

"Are you the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty? You can call me the Blood Emperor."

The mysterious man, the Blood Emperor, spoke very calmly, as if the aloof Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in front of him was like an ant to him.

Blood Emperor?
Li Xian was surprised when he heard this. He had never heard of such a person in the secular world or among ascetics.

"What do you want to do? I am the Son of Heaven, and I am ordered by Heaven to live forever..."

Li Xian's voice was like thunder, and he continued to display his imperial power.

But he wasn't finished yet.

The Blood Emperor interrupted Li Xian in a cold tone, "Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, do you feel loss of appetite, dizziness, palpitations, and lack of energy?"

His meaningless words made Li Xian's expression freeze involuntarily.

Just say that at the previous banquets and in these years, his appetite became less and less day by day.

Even in the face of all kinds of delicacies, he has no appetite.


He would also feel dizzy when reviewing memorials in court or in the imperial study.

As for the lack of energy, he also has it.

Let’s talk about sex.

As an emperor, he has three thousand beauties in his harem.

But as a result, it became increasingly difficult for him to have sex, not to mention once a month, but only a few times throughout the year.


All circumstances showed that his health was deteriorating, but the highly skilled doctors were helpless.

As for those cultivators, they would occasionally refine elixirs for him, but in the end they only treated the symptoms rather than the root cause.

"Yes, my dragon body is indeed not as good as before. Could it be that, senior, you can cure my illness?"

Li Xian spoke, his tone full of expectation, and his attitude towards the mysterious man in front of him became more and more respectful.

"You are sick and I can cure you! Without my help, you wouldn't have survived for a few months."

The Blood Emperor said in a leisurely tone.


In an instant, Li Xian felt like one after another earth-shaking thunder exploded in his head.

He heard something.

He only had a few months left to live.

Do not!
He is not reconciled!
He still wants to live.

I still want to be in charge of thousands of miles of land!

Finally, the queen mother died, and the power fell into his hands!
"Please help me, sir!"

Li Xian's face was full of anxiety, "If you, sir, are willing to help me, I will definitely reward you heavily!"

"I will help you."

The Blood Emperor simply said four words.

Hearing this, Li Xian was grateful.

But he said with some hesitation, "Sir, can you really cure my condition? Today, Empress Houtu appeared, and all the people in the world are free from illness and disaster, but my condition does not seem to have improved."

When it comes to the words that come out of your mouth.

Li Xian felt a little confused.

Why is his condition still there?

Everyone has been favored by Empress Houtu, but it seems that he has not.

"You are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and you rule the world. The blessings bestowed upon you by Empress Dowager Tu will not fall on you."

"Because, this is all fate. But I can change your fate!"

"As long as you obey my orders, you can survive!"

There is a sense of pride and deception in the words Blood Emperor.

Li Xian frowned slightly. Even though he was dissatisfied, he did not show it.

Talk to the Blood King for a while.

Only then did Li Xian learn about the Blood Emperor's intention.

The Blood Emperor wanted Li Xian to build [-] temples to Empress Houtu throughout the Tang Dynasty to express his gratitude for Empress Houtu's appearance today.

Suddenly, Li Xian became even more confused, thinking that this Blood Emperor was seeking his own interests, but it turned out that he was building a temple for Empress Houtu.

This made him really confused about the other party's true intentions. (End of chapter)

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