National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 929 Summons the demon god Rahu and makes a profit of 20 billion king crystals!

"Old man, you are quite capable. But there are some things you shouldn't get involved in."

Wu Zu's eyes were full of fierceness, and lightning flashed around him from time to time.

From what he said, it sounded like he didn't pay enough attention to Hongjun.

But only he knew it in his heart.

The old man with white beard and hair in front of him made it impossible for him to see any flaws.

This is enough to prove.

This old man is definitely an incredible strong man.

For such a strong person, he would never dare to be careless!

Facing the strong, he will use his strongest ability!

Hearing this, Hongjun grinned but did not speak.

"Thunder destroys the world!"

Wuzu groaned in his mouth.


A bolt of thunder erupted from Martial Ancestor's body.

The thunder danced in the air like a purple thunder snake.

When it appeared, a terrifying thunder spread across the entire place.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Because they smelled the smell of death from that thunder.

"Is this the true strength of Martial Ancestor?"

Wen Renbai and other investors looked at each other in shock.

As they spoke, they swallowed mouthfuls of saliva.

Just looking at the thunder, their bodies were shaking like chaff.

Their hearts were already occupied by endless fear.

However, they were still very happy in their hearts.

Martial Ancestor is their helper, not their enemy.

Otherwise, death will come to them.

"He is really strong and strong."

Master Tongtian's face turned slightly pale, and when faced with the thunder that appeared out of the sky, he actually felt like shrinking back.

"too frightening!"

Pluto's face was full of fear, and beads of sweat appeared on his palms.

Chacha nodded heavily, agreeing with Pluto's view.

Ye Xiao was unmoved.

Although the Martial Ancestor clone is strong, he believes that Hongjun's true body is even stronger!
next second.

The thunder that seemed to destroy the world landed on Hongjun's body.

Hongjun did not dodge.

Because this thunder contains the power of laws, and it also contains unknown power.

He can't escape!
But that doesn't mean Thunder can hurt him at all.

in a blink.

An unimaginable scene appeared.

The terrifying world-destroying thunder fell on Hongjun, but it didn't hurt Hongjun at all. Even Hongjun's Xuanhuang Taoist robe was unscathed.


Wuzu took in a breath of cold air, although he already understood that the old man in front of him was powerful.

But he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

This battle has been won or lost.

He is not as good as this mysterious old man.

"I lost."

Wu Zu is not someone who can't afford to let go. He directly admitted that he lost to Hongjun.

Immediately, he added, "If I were to come in person, I would not lose but only win!"

Not that he was bragging.

After all, the strength that his clone can exert is limited.


Wen Renbai and other investors had stiff expressions, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

They did not expect that Martial Ancestor would actually lose to this old man.

If Martial Ancestor loses, then their fate will definitely be very bad!
a time.

Wen Renbai and others began to feel uneasy.

But their emotions were still barely able to stabilize.

Because, the system just opened the unlimited investment limit.

They also made a large number of chasing bets on King Crystals.

Therefore, they are able to summon more powerful characters.

The Martial Ancestor clone lost, but they didn’t!Didn't lose!
When thinking about this, Wen Renbai and others became calmer.

"Next, it's time for you to hit the road!"

Hongjun said with a calm face.

In his eyes, Wu Zu must die!
This is the Lord’s will and cannot be violated!

"You can't kill me!"

Wu Zu was full of confidence.

Hongjun did not refute Wu Zu's words, but slowly walked towards Wu Zu step by step.

Every step he took seemed to contain an unfathomable power of the avenue.


A frightening and dangerous aura also erupted from him.

Facing Hongjun's pressing steps, Wu Zu felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.

His intuition told him that the old man in front of him was too dangerous.

He is running away!
If you don't escape, you are destined to die if you meet him!
However, if Wu Zu wanted to leave, there was no way he could leave!

The space around him seemed to be imprisoned by some indescribable force, and he couldn't escape.

He couldn't even move a single step.

This made Wu Zu deeply realize that death was coming.

But Wu Zu was still very calm.

"Do you really want to kill me? Do you really want to be my enemy? Have you ever thought about how vast and boundless the heavens and worlds are? Have you ever thought that if I come, you will..."

Wu Zu rarely talked more, and he chattered endlessly like a woman with a long tongue.


Hongjun did not give Wu Zu a chance to finish his words.

The figure that could be seen of Martial Ancestor gradually became illusory.

At last.

Martial Ancestor became a shadow and disappeared.

Everyone's expressions were numb, stunned, and unable to accept it.

At this time, a faint smile appeared on Ye Xiao's cheeks.

Hongjun really did not disappoint him!
So powerful!

Fortunately, Martial Ancestor only came in his clone. If he had come in person, the situation would definitely be very bad.

Also at this time.

A system message appeared in his field of vision.

[Congratulations to the host, the body of Saint Hongjun from "Prehistoric" killed the Martial Ancestor's clone from "Martial Arts" and obtained 2 million King's Crystals]

Seeing this, Ye Xiao's face became even more joyful.

The Martial Ancestor clone is so valuable.

2 million king crystals.

So, wouldn’t it be 10 billion to kill the Martial Ancestor himself? 20? 30 billion?
Of course, he just thought about it.

He still has self-awareness.

The biggest reason why Hongjun was able to easily kill the Martial Ancestor clone was that the Martial Ancestor clone had experienced too many battles before.

Fight with Hou Tu, fight with Yang Jian, and break the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

After this battle, the strength of the Martial Ancestor clone has dropped a lot, and it cannot be compared with the heyday.


For Ye Xiao, it’s harvest time!
None of the investors present can survive!

What surprised him was that Wen Renbai and other investors had no intention of escaping, but wanted to fight him!
Moreover, they also summoned their respective characters.

Ye Shenfu, the strongest person from the fourteen-star world "The Rise and Fall of the Sword Master"!

The strongest one from the fourteen-star world "Devil" is the Supreme Demon!
The strongest "Emperor" in the [-]-Star World, Emperor Xuanyuan!

The strongest player in the 2-Star World "Wind and Cloud [-]" is Duan Lang!

One after another, there were more than a dozen unparalleled powerful men, and they were all dazzled looking at Ye Xiao.

But he didn't know almost any of these powerful men, and he only knew Duan Lang with a cold face and handsome appearance!Duan Lang surprised Ye Xiao even more.

Now that he has a quasi-sage cultivation level, he can tell the depth of Duan Lang's strength at a glance. Let's not talk about other martial arts for the moment, let's talk about Long Yuan.

Duanlang actually has fifteen dragon essences in his body!

Long Yuan, this is the most incredible treasure in "Wind and Cloud 2".

The maximum endurance capacity of the human body is two Dragon Yuans, and there are very few people who can withstand three Dragon Yuans.

As for fifteen dragon yuan, it is simply a devil.

However, Ye Xiao can also understand.

The investment world has long since been transformed beyond recognition by investors.

Without any hesitation, Ye Xiao immediately summoned another powerful helper.

Soon, a line of text message appeared in his field of vision.

[Congratulations to the host, as the master of the world of "Prehistoric", successfully summoned the true form of Rahu, the demon god of destruction of chaos]

When the text disappears.

A figure appeared out of thin air in his field of vision.

This figure was tall and burly, exuding an overwhelming amount of demonic power. He had four arms and looked a bit scary.

"See my lord."

The demon god Rahu looked respectful.

"Go and help Hongjun and destroy those enemies."

Ye Xiao gave the order directly.

Demon God Rahu nodded without any nonsense.

next second.

The demon god Rahu joins the battlefield.

With the appearance of the demon god Rahu.

All the powerful men present have noticed the difference in the atmosphere.

The aura of destruction that erupted from Demon God Rahu made their hearts tremble inexplicably.

"Who are you?"

Among them, which one comes from the strongest person in the "Demon Path" of the Fourteenth World, the Demonic Supreme, asked in a deep voice.

There is already an inexplicable illusion in the heart of the Demonic Supreme Being.

He felt that the other party was the real devil.

His demonic nature is too far away compared to the other party.

"You don't deserve to know my name."

Demon God Rahu assumed a arrogant attitude, and he even subconsciously licked his lips.

He couldn't wait to get started!

Anger surged on the stern face of the Demonic Supreme Being.


he shouted.

The battle broke out instantly.

Originally, this was destined to be a battle of more and less.


The battle has only just begun.

Emperor Xuanyuan, Duanlang, Ye Shenfu and other unparalleled powerful people turned against the enemy inexplicably.

A big fight broke out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless explosions and roars continued to sound.

The battle was extremely fierce, as if a hole was being dug out of the world.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

Wen Renbai and other investors who were watching the battle were confused and didn't understand why the characters they summoned were fighting each other.

What is wrong with this?
Not long.

They then noticed the strange red light in the eyes of Duanlang and other rebelling experts.

It was obvious that they were being manipulated.

The person who controls these unparalleled powerful men is the demon god Rahu.


Seeing this scene, Luo Hu smiled brightly and creepily.

Hongjun frowned slightly.

He was dissatisfied with Rahu's behavior.

Always likes to sow discord.

Luo Hu's temperament did not change at all.

But even if he was dissatisfied, Hongjun couldn't complain.

Because this time, they are fighting for the Lord!

The fierce battle was still breaking out and had lasted for more than an hour.

In this hour, several powerful men have been killed by Hongjun and Luo Hu.

Ye Xiao also harvested another full [-] million king crystals.

The battle between strong men covers a wide range of areas.

At least, for now, many pieces of land on the earth have become a hell on earth.

Countless people were displaced or died directly.

Just from Pluto's mouth, Ye Xiaoke learned that the number of souls in Huangquan has skyrocketed.

It's actually as high as hundreds of thousands. It won't take long to break through one million souls!
This means that at least a million people have died in the East!

"Isn't this a little too cruel?"

Chacha is a little soft-hearted, she is not a hard-hearted woman, especially since she became a mother, her maternal side has continued to expand.

"But this battle is unavoidable. Although it is a bit cruel, it is not difficult to take care of it afterwards. Just take the dead people."

Ye Xiao, who was standing in the corner watching the battle, looked very calm.

The earth-shattering battle continued for a while.

Ye Xiao put on a look of admiration.

Fifteen dragon essences from Duanlang burst out, which was really terrifying. They actually killed the Demonic Supreme Being!
But Duanlang also fell because of this!
Up to now.

The number of enemy strongmen on the battlefield has dropped to single digits.

Either they died tragically in the hands of Hongjun or Luo Hu, or they died tragically in the hands of their own people.

Faced with such a war situation, Wen Renbai and other investors have long been despairing.

"Is this the character in "Prehistoric"? Sure enough, he is terrifyingly powerful. The potential of the world of "Prehistoric" is so amazing. In the future, it will definitely become a sixteen-star world, and even be promoted to the world of heavens and worlds!"

"By then, how many powerful people in the world will be born in "Prehistoric"?"

Wen Renbai was talking to himself, his eyes filled with thoughts.

The king-level investment world "Yellow Spring" is doomed to failure, and the defeat is irreversible.

The only thing he can do now is to explain the amazing value of "Prehistoric" to investing in the Kingdom of God.

I think there will be citizens interested in investing in the Kingdom of God.

"Ye Xiao! Ye Xiao!"

Wen Renbai's face was twisted and he gritted his teeth. He bit his lips so hard that his lips were bruised and bleeding.

This hatred!
He must take revenge!
He was unwilling to lose!

If he could also possess "Prehistoric", how could he lose?
Judging from the current situation, he has determined that "Prehistoric" has definitely surpassed the fourteen-star world, and there is a high probability that it may be the fifteen-star world!

The world class was crushed, so investors like them suffered such a miserable defeat!
Would the situation have been different if the trump card had come later?

When thinking about this, Wen Renbai felt complicated.

Another half hour passed.

All the powerful men have fallen.

Even Wen Renbai, Nicot and many other investors, Ye Xiao did not let them go and immediately drove them to death!
At the same time, what makes Ye Xiao happiest is that the profits he earned from the King's Crystal and the investment stock Ye Jiang totaled an astonishing 20 billion!
He had never dared to imagine such a number as 20 billion king crystals before!

"we won!"

Ye Xiao smiled all over his face.

Pluto and Chacha nodded.

However, the two women looked a little unbearable.

The entire planet has become a devastated scorched earth.

living person?

I'm afraid there is none!

There is not even the slightest trace of other living beings.

The battle between the unparalleled strong men was terrifying.

The sky is falling and the earth is falling, the earth is turning upside down, that’s it!
after that.

Ye Xiao and others are preparing to rebuild their homes!

And, resurrect the innocent people who died in the war.

They can do this project to the extreme and to perfection! (End of chapter)

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