National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 934 I show my cards, I don’t want to rebel!

You still have to work hard to become stronger.

Ye Xiao thought silently, and also opened the chat group of all worlds that he had not paid attention to for a long time.

The content of chats in the group is diverse.

"Nobita Nobita: My husband is so irritating and keeps showing off that his family is rich."

"Misaka Mikoto: Show off your wealth? This young man really knows how to play!"

"Emperor Ye Tian: You guys are really carefree!"

"Evil Sword Immortal: I have met Emperor Ye Tian! The group leaders have not spoken recently. Could it be that they are in danger?"


The group members talk about everything.

When browsing the chat history, Ye Xiao also saw that Nobi Nobita, Misaka Mikoto and other group members had @ him.

It's just that he has never had free time to pay attention to the chat group of All Heavens and Worlds.

Now that the king-level investment world "Yellow Spring" has come to an end, he simply told everyone in the group about his current situation.

Seeing Ye Xiao's effervescence, the group members were surprised and surprised.

And when he learned that Ye Xiao had provoked a strong opponent to invest in the Jin family of the Kingdom of God.

They were all a little surprised and curious about the benefits of investing in the Jin family of the Kingdom of God.

"Ye Xiao: I don't know exactly how strong it is. But one thing is certain. If the other party wants to find my location, it will never be possible in a short time."

"Nobita Nobita: If you need my help, I'm here for you!"

"Misaka Mikoto: Nobita, how can you, a child like you, get involved in such a battle?"

"Evil Sword Immortal: The enemies of the group leader are too terrifying."

"Emperor Ye Tian: I don't know how strong this Jin family is, but it's not as strong as me."


Seeing the speeches of the group members, Ye Xiao couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, the group members remained the same and had not changed.

Especially Emperor Ye Tian is still so confident!

Ye Xiao silently closed the chat group of All Heavens and All Realms without continuing with Shui Group.

He has such a group of lovely people as his reinforcements.

Not to mention one Jin family, even ten Jin families have to get down when they come.

That day, in the morning.

Ye Xiao simply ate breakfast and hurried to school.

He has been on leave for several days.

It is estimated that in the eyes of class teacher Zhang Guofei, he has become a complete poor student.

Wait until you return to class.

Many classmates looked at him with something strange in their eyes.

Or sigh, contempt or contempt.

He laughed it off, but in his heart he was thinking that he should show some strength.

Otherwise, being looked down upon by others would make people feel uncomfortable.

Although it is good to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, if you pretend to be a pig for too long, you will really become a pig.

Wait until after self-study.

First class math class.

Zeng Ming, a math teacher with a Mediterranean haircut, entered the classroom unhurriedly.

When he entered the classroom, his deep eyes stared at Ye Xiao.

His eyes were noticed by the students in the classroom.

This made the students feel a little happy.

Their math teacher must be criticizing Ye Xiao.

The last math quiz.

Their grades were abysmal.

Just because the exam was so sudden, they were not mentally prepared at all.

The highest score in the class was 79 points obtained by study committee member Lin Yu!

When the results were announced, Ye Xiao happened to take a leave of absence.

For some time now, Ye Xiaoke has been asking for leave every now and then, and his study attitude is extremely bad.

I don’t take the upcoming college entrance examination seriously at all!

"In the math quiz, there is another student whose score the teacher has not announced. And this student has asked for leave."

The expression on Zeng Ming's face was very complicated, and he was holding a test paper tightly in his left hand.

All the students pricked up their ears, looking forward to the next scene.

Ye Xiao got a perfect score of 100. How many points did he get in the exam?
10 point?
20 point?
Or single digits?
Ye Xiao saw everyone's performance.

He looked indifferent to this.

For him to take the exam for a first-grade King Realm master is simply easier than drinking water.

Soon, Zeng Ming said with a loud voice and an angry tone, "Ye Xiao got a perfect score of 100! It deserves praise!"


All the students exclaimed, with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

They knew very well that the last math quiz was too difficult.

Out of 100 points, most of them scored more than 50 points and didn't even pass.

But Ye Xiao got 100 points in the exam.

how can that be!

As Lin Yu, the study committee member of the class, she looks pretty good. Her mouth is slightly open, and her whole expression is very surprised.

When did Ye Xiao, a humble student in the class, become so good in math?
It would be even more impossible to say that Ye Xiao cheated.

Is there surveillance equipment in the classroom? How could Ye Xiao cheat?

Copy someone else?
That's nonsense, because Ye Xiao is the only one in the class who gets perfect marks.

Who can Ye Xiao copy?

All of a sudden, all the classmates looked at Ye Xiao, and their eyes were very complicated.

But they quickly calmed down.

Isn't it just a perfect score on the math test? What's so great about it?

The college entrance examination also looks at other subjects.

Even the college entrance examination also depends on investment!

Soon after, Zeng Ming began to lecture. What happened before was just a small episode.

But during the lecture, Zeng Ming noticed that Ye Xiao was always distracted and doing other things.

In the past, he would definitely be angry, but now he is silent.

Ye Xiao's math scores exceeded his imagination.

For such a difficult test paper, Ye Xiao was able to get full marks!
Other students thought Ye Xiao got 100 points.

But only he knows.

The test paper only has 100 points. If the test paper had 150 points, Ye Xiao would definitely be able to get 150 points!
Moreover, in the math quiz, Ye Xiao's interlocking ideas for solving problems made his eyes light up, and even made him, as a teacher, admire him with admiration!
A very ridiculous idea came into his mind.

Ye Xiao's mathematical ability has probably surpassed him!
He is not worthy to be Ye Xiao's teacher at all!

This idea is ridiculous, but it seems to be the case.


Zeng Ming couldn't help but asked Ye Xiao a few difficult questions.

Faced with these difficult questions, other students in the class simply turned their heads and couldn't answer them.

But Ye Xiao easily gave many solutions.

in the next few classes.

Ye Xiao seems to express himself intentionally or unintentionally, so as not to appear as mediocre as before.

Foreign language class!
Fluent in foreign languages ​​and able to speak dozens of languages.

Even foreign language teachers think they are inferior to Ye Xiao.

chemistry class!
Playing with various chemical formulas, theorems and reactions, I can always draw inferences from one instance to another, and I even have a good understanding of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, etc.!

This made the chemistry teacher almost kneel down. Inorganic chemistry was all university knowledge, but Ye Xiao had already mastered it in advance!

As for other subjects.

Ye Xiao’s performance is also amazing!

Every student in the class was completely convinced.

"Ye Xiao, you are so awesome!"

During the break, study committee member Lin Yu expressed what everyone felt.

"Well, I've shown my cards, I'm no longer pretending, I'm a top student!"

Ye Xiao said with a straight face.

But he didn't want to pretend anymore, it was boring.

This group of people all thought he was a scumbag.The students were silent.

Only now do they realize this.

They were on the first floor, but Ye Xiao was in the atmosphere!
What shocked them even more was the fourth Chinese class in the afternoon.

This is a class led by Zhang Guofei, the head teacher.

In the course.

Zhang Guofei announced something.

A one-star extraordinary investor appears in the class!

This person is Ye Xiao!

The students in the class were all numb.

Today was supposed to be an ordinary day.


However, they were shocked by Ye Xiao again and again!
"Teacher, Ye Xiao has really become a one-star extraordinary investor?"

"Ye Xiao seems to have invested in a prince, I remember."

"Fourth Prince Zhu Di, I also invested, why didn't I become a one-star extraordinary investor?"

"Holy shit, Ye Xiao is going to defy the heavens today!"


The students were whispering to each other, their emotions fluctuating one after another, and they were all stunned.

Naturally, all this was arranged by Ye Xiao.

Now that his system authority is much higher than that of investors on Blue Star, it is reasonable to make some data modifications.

He didn't want to wait and see too much, so he first exposed the realm of a one-star extraordinary investor.

If everyone knew that he had cultivated to the first-level king realm, I wonder what their expressions would be like?
I'm afraid that by then, countless investors in Blue Star will explode!

After all, in the eyes of investors, he is just a young boy!
Not long after.

Zhang Guofei began to talk about investment stock Zhu Di.

"In the third year of Hongwu, Zhu Di was canonized as King of Yan. In the sixth year of Hongwu, Zhu Di learned patriarchal education and complicated court etiquette. In the ninth year of Hongwu, 16-year-old Zhu Di married the Xu family, the eldest daughter of Wei Duke Xu Da, and went to the fiefdom to become a vassal!"

The students listened silently, feeling that King Yan Zhu Di's performance was passable.

But why did Ye Xiao become a one-star extraordinary investor because of Zhu Di?

They were still confused.

"Among the royal children, Zhu Di's current performance is remarkable, and he is still a very good prince. Ye Xiao can become a one-star extraordinary investor because Ye Xiao is Zhu Di's first investor, and Ye Xiao has snatched Zhu Di's First pitch.”

"The first investment can maximize investment returns. But the risk is also the highest."

"It is said that the palace has been as deep as the sea since ancient times. Various struggles for power are common in the palace. Ye Xiao is also lucky. If Zhu Di dies, then Ye Xiao will be equivalent to a failed investment and will lose the system. And others Investors who invest in Zhu Di later will not lose the system."

Zhang Guofei simply explained.

The students then showed signs of awakening.

It’s really about starving the brave to death and starving the timid to death.

It would have been better if they had been bolder.

Regarding Zhang Guofei's remarks, Ye Xiao laughed it off and didn't agree with it at all.

What does he mean by good luck?

He knew Zhu Di's future.

Ming Chengzu!
Emperor Yongle!

Otherwise, he would not invest in Zhu Di!
But since Zhang Guofei mistook it for "luck", he should just treat it as luck. He didn't bother to explain, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble.

After all, after Zhu Yuanzhang passes away, it will be Zhu Di's chapter.

I believe Zhu Di’s moment to shine will come soon.

Zhang Guofei also talked about investment stock Hu Weiyong.

"He finally succeeded. In the sixth year of Hongwu, he was successfully promoted to prime minister!"

Speaking of Hu Weiyong, Zhang Guofei's face was full of excitement.

He made the right investment.

Hu Weiyong did not disappoint him.

He became the prime minister above one person and below ten thousand people!

This allowed him to gain a lot of red crystals.

If we continue at this pace.

In the future, his strength will soon break through and become a four-star extraordinary investor!

He also led the students to get to know Hu Weiyong, an extremely popular minister!

He controls the system.

Lines of text projection information appeared in everyone's field of vision.

[Text observation of Hu Weiyong, consumption of 1 red crystal]

[The down-to-earth and capable Hu Weiyong]

[Hu Weiyong who loves work]

[Hu Weiyong enjoying power]

"Hu Weiyong's behavior seems...not normal. Could it be that he is becoming obsessed with power?"

Zhang Guofei's expression was serious, and there was a strange feeling in his heart.

I always feel that this investment stock Hu Weiyong is going to go downhill?

But everything is hard to say.

Enjoying power is a normal behavior.

After all, he is a prime minister, is he just like other officials who are miserable?

He continued to control the system.

Two more lines of projected text appeared.

[Video observation of Hu Weiyong, consumption of 10 red crystals]

【I don’t want to rebel! 】


When seeing the title of this video, not to mention Zhang Guofei, every student present widened their eyes and showed a wonderful expression on their faces.

Because the title of this video really shocked them.

Is Hu Weiyong too courageous?

Actually want to rebel?
The crime of treason is a serious crime that will punish the Nine Clan!

Hu Weiyong did not want to rebel. Could it be that some officials forced Hu Weiyong to rebel?
All of a sudden, the students were a little confused.

"Pound! Pound!"

Suddenly, Zhang Guofei's heartbeat started to speed up a little. Hu Weiyong, the investment stock guy, please don't mess around!

He invested a lot of red crystals!
It is impossible for Hu Weiyong to rebel.

I can’t believe the title of this video.

He thought to himself, and then calmed down his panic.

【Video playback】

when the video screen appears.

They saw a majestic palace.

This is the Jinluan Palace.

In this hall.

Only two people.

There was a man with a fair face and wearing a scarlet official uniform. He was Hu Weiyong.

Another person, wearing a dragon robe and a majestic face, is sitting on the dragon chair. He is not Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

The two were discussing state affairs.

Hu Weiyong handled state affairs in an orderly manner, and Zhu Yuanzhang was very satisfied with his outstanding talents.

"The Prime Minister is indeed amazingly capable. He is the pillar of our Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Yuanzhang clasped his hands and laughed, full of praise for Hu Weiyong's talent.

"Your Majesty is overrated."

Hu Weiyong looked humble.

"Since we have the prime minister, we don't have to work so late every day. In the past, we really got up earlier than a chicken and went to bed later than a dog!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed heartily and spoke without thinking.

Although his words sounded a bit vulgar, Hu Weiyong was not that surprised.

His Majesty has always been like this, speaking openly.

But Zhu Yuanzhang could speak so casually, but he didn't dare.

"I will definitely share your Majesty's worries. This is my duty."

Hu Weiyong's tone was respectful and his eyes were full of awe. (End of chapter)

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