National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 938 The strongest prince, I have a cheating son!

Hearing this, the secretary couldn't help but show admiration on his face.

She also had great admiration for Zhu Yuanzhang, an emperor with great courage.

But she was still undecided about whether Zhu Yuanzhang could successfully abolish the prime minister system.

She also spoke out her thoughts.

"Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely succeed in abolishing the prime minister system."

Shen Tianfeng was smiling all over his face, and his smile was full of confidence.

He is very confident in investing in Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Why is Mr. Shen so sure?"

The secretary frowned slightly, with a confused expression on her pretty face.

"No reason, just because his name is Zhu Yuanzhang! He is the son of destiny! He is the protagonist of the investment world in the Ming Dynasty!"

Shen Tianfeng replied.

The secretary blinked his smart dark eyes and felt that Shen Tianfeng's words seemed quite reasonable.

Then, Shen Tianfeng asked another question.

"Have you made a clear analysis of the candidate for the next emperor of "The Ming Dynasty"?"

The secretary answered quickly, with a clear voice that sounded like trickling water, "After our careful analysis and constant simulations and deductions, the future ruler of the Ming Dynasty must be Prince Zhu Biao."

"Zhu Biao is a man who can shoulder important responsibilities. If the Ming Dynasty is left in his hands, it will surely prosper even more, and he will become a benevolent king for the ages."

Shen Tianfeng is very optimistic about Prince Zhu Biao.

But suddenly, he changed the topic and said, "However, you must consider the variability of things in everything. What if Zhu Biao cannot become emperor?"

"Mr. Shen, how is this possible? Prince Zhu Biao is definitely a prince with an extremely stable position."

"It can be said that Zhu Yuanzhang has always spared no effort to cultivate Zhu Biao, the future successor of the Ming Dynasty."

"Also, Zhu Yuanzhang also asked his other sons to be crowned kings, forcing them to go to the fiefdom to become a vassal once they reach old age. If they don't get an order, they can't leave the fiefdom privately. In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang's all-pervasive Jin Yiwei, just ask those Will the princes pose a threat to Zhu Biao's throne?"

The secretary made witty remarks and launched into a series of analyses.

"Yes, the analysis makes sense. Continue."

Shen Tianfeng took a puff of cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, and said something.

Being praised like this by him, a blush appeared on the secretary's fair face.

However, her blushing face did not last long before it disappeared without a trace, replaced by solemnity.

"The team that Zhu Yuanzhang left for Zhu Biao is very good. Li Shanchang, Duke of Korea, Xu Da, Duke of Wei, Chang Yuchun, Duke of E, etc. Almost all the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty became Zhu Biao's direct relatives. This gave Zhu Biao not only There is support from civilian officials, as well as support from military generals. Therefore, Zhu Biao’s position as crown prince is really unshakable.”

"Unless Zhu Biao commits suicide and rebels, this is simply impossible. Zhu Biao has always been smart and kind. We have investigated this point many times, and the information we learned every time is the same. Zhu Biao's kindness is not a disguise. Those who came out said that Zhu Biao always puts the people first when he acts."

"Be kind to the people, be kind to the civil servants and generals, and be kind to your own younger brothers and sisters. Even Zhu Biao's mother, Queen Ma, spared no effort to support Zhu Biao."

The secretary talked freely.

"This is truly the most powerful and secure prince in history!"

Having seen many historical investment worlds, this was the first time Shen Tianfeng saw Zhu Biao in this situation.

The position of the prince is unbreakable and as stable as Mount Tai.

It can be said.

Zhu Yuanzhang's successor must be Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao is the next Ming Emperor!
"If Zhu Biao dies suddenly, who will be the next heir to the crown prince?"

Shen Tianfeng kept making shocking remarks.

The secretary wanted to answer that it was impossible, but he still did not say it. Instead, he thought for a moment and then said, "If something happens to Zhu Biao, the heir to the Ming Dynasty must be Zhu Biao's eldest son Zhu Xiongying."

"What if something happens to Zhu Xiongying?"

Shen Tianfeng continued.

The secretary really felt that Shen was always messing around.

But she felt strange in her heart.

How could Mr. Shen, who had always been calm and collected, say so many impossible things.

"If something happens to Zhu Xiongying, it will be Zhu Yunwen who ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor. This person is the second son of Prince Zhu Biao. His biological mother is Lu. He is currently only a two or three-year-old baby."

The secretary knew Zhu Biao's family situation very well, and when it came to Zhu Biao's son, he knew everything about him.

"Don't think it's impossible. As investors, we must consider everything carefully so that we can have the last laugh!"

Shen Tianfeng's expression was solemn, "I always feel that the Ming Dynasty is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Although Prince Zhu Biao's position is stable, if he gets seriously ill, variables will come."

"Seriously ill? It's easy to solve this problem. Just use the rare card type White Angel Card."

The secretary said without thinking.

"That being said, sometimes illness comes like a mountain. Maybe Zhu Biao died before the Angel in White card was used."

"But what we have to consider right now is not the heir to the throne, but short selling investment stock Hu Weiyong."

Shen Tianfeng smiled all over his face. He just felt that he could cut a wave of leeks this time.

A large amount of red crystals were obtained from those leeks.

He's the best at this.

Soon, Shen Tianfeng discussed various details with his secretary.

It was around ten o'clock in the evening.

Countless investors who sold their investment stocks Hu Weiyong began to regret it.

Not long ago, the investment stock Hu Weiyong had fallen to 1 red crystals per share.

This is totally a low price, a cabbage price.


Things must be reversed!

Investment stocks Hu Weiyong actually started to rise!

Rising sentiment is like a tiger descending a mountain, rising again and again.

Within half an hour, 3 red crystals increased directly to 5 red crystals!

"What the hell! I sold Hu Weiyong's investment stock for 4 shares of Hongjing and 1 share, plus the tax deduction, I lost a lot, but now you tell me that Hu Weiyong has 1 share of 5 Hongjing, I want to curse!"

"What the hell is going on? I'm confused!"

"It is said that a big crocodile has entered the market and is crazy about buying investment stocks Hu Weiyong!"

"Could this investment stock Hu Weiyong be able to make a comeback?"

"Hu Weiyong, an investment stock, is seeking death. It is obvious that he is dead. Could it be that there is a turning point?"


Investors are communicating on the Internet.

As ordinary people, they just want to earn a few red crystals, which is enough.

However, investments are always changing rapidly, and they simply cannot predict what will happen in the future.

Just like right now.

They could not have imagined the rebound of investment stock Hu Weiyong.

This makes them regret it.

I regret that I should not have impulsively sold the investment stocks Hu Weiyong.

What makes investors even more depressed is that the investment stock Hu Weiyong has risen to 1 red crystals per share!

The rise is fierce!
Ye Xiao, who stayed at home, was not in a hurry to practice, but learned about the changes in the investment world of "Da Ming".

among them.

The changes in the stock price of investment stock Hu Weiyong caught his attention.

"These capitalists are really treating people like monkeys. They suppressed the stock price of investment stock Hu Weiyong, and now they are raising the price crazily."

Ye Xiao had a look of emotion on his face.

Ordinary people are too insignificant in front of the power of capital, and they can only be cut off by capital.

Soon, he entered the Mortal Mirror and started practicing.

The next day, it was just dawn.

He simply ate breakfast and went straight to campus.

During this period, you can meet all kinds of people on the road.

Or white-collar workers, or couples going shopping, not to mention the sanitation workers diligently cleaning the roads.

The topics these people are currently discussing are all about the investment stock Hu Weiyong!

"Have you bought the investment stock Hu Weiyong?"

"Of course I bought it. Hu Weiyong's investment stock went up like crazy! One share rose to 1 red crystals!"

"I bought it too! Hu Weiyong is still going up! It keeps going up! This time it's going to go crazy!"

"Haha! Hu Weiyong is picking up money by investing in it. Anyone who doesn't buy it is stupid!"

"I made 10,000+ red crystals, but I'll stop when I'm good and leave the market in time. Don't get too carried away..."

"Leave the market? You are so stupid. Hu Weiyong has gone up again, 1 red crystals per share!"...

Hearing the constant comments from people around him, Ye Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

These investors are crazy.

He just got over his head, and even more so, he completely lost his mind.

In the blink of an eye.

The first class is here.

Class teacher Zhang Guofei’s Chinese class.

Zhang Guofei looked very disappointed today, just because something terrible happened to him.


Damn it, you actually believed Ye Xiao’s nonsense.

Investment stock Hu Weiyong clearly has a bright future!

Look, it’s gone crazy now!

1 share of 14 red crystals!

But as for him, he sold all 1 Hongjing shares of Hu Weiyong's investment stocks he held yesterday.

This comes and goes.

He made a rough calculation and found that he had lost at least 50 red crystals!

After talking about some knowledge related to Chinese language.

Zhang Guofei shifted his focus to "Da Ming"!
Today, he also wants to observe the investment stock Hu Weiyong!

It's not just him who has such thoughts.

Even the other students are the same.

They all have a strong interest in Hu Weiyong's investment stock.

Zhang Guofei controlled the system with ease.

Soon, lines of text information appeared in the students' field of vision.

[Text observation of Hu Weiyong, consumption of 1 red crystal]

[Angry Hu Weiyong]

[Happy Hu Weiyong]

【The Lost Hu Weiyong】

as in the past.

Textual observation does not reveal any useful information.

Every student present understood this tacitly.

But they couldn't help but think about what happened to investment stock Hu Weiyong?
Otherwise, how could there be anger, enjoyment, and loss? These emotional changes are simply too fast.

There are no more twists and turns than this!

Zhang Guofei frowned and continued to control the system.

Two more lines of projected text appeared.

[Video observation of Hu Weiyong, consumption of 10 red crystals]

[I have a cheating son! 】


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Is Hu Weiyong’s son a cheater?
But for a prime minister, it would be easy if his son cheated on his father. He could just have a few more and focus on the other sons.

If you are not good at the trumpet, just practice again. What a simple thing!
Zhang Guofei touched his chin, his face full of contemplation. He couldn't figure out the title of this video.

next second.

A line of text emerged.

【Video playback】

A magnificent mansion came into view.

You can see exquisite pavilions and strange-shaped rockeries and rocks everywhere, not to mention gardens, bamboo gardens and other gardens.

This is Hu Weiyong's residence.

Luxurious and opulent.

Hu Weiyong was slowly sipping tea in the hall.

Now, his prestige in the court has reached its peak.

This made him enjoy the taste.

"Da da da!"

But suddenly, there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

This made his face darken.

He saw a servant running in in a hurry.

"So flustered, what's the point?"

On the spot, Hu Weiyong, who had a cold face, showed a furious expression.

The servant in coarse cloth turned pale with fright and knelt on the ground.

"Master Prime Minister, calm down, calm down!"

The servant was trembling all over, "I have something important to report to the prime minister!"


Hu Weiyong's eyes were cold, as if this person was deceiving him, or talking about trivial things.

So, he will see blood today.

But he was also strange in his heart. If he remembered correctly, this person seemed to be his son's entourage.

Today his son went out on a horse ride.

This man was restlessly staying by his son's side, why did he suddenly return home?
Could it be that something happened to his son?

Do not!
The more he thought about it, the more panicked Hu Weiyong became.

"Master, he is dead!"

The servants cried bitterly.


At this moment, Hu Weiyong's head felt as if it was going to explode.

His eyes went dark, his vision was blurry, and he almost fainted.

Not his son.


This made him unacceptable.

It's so painful for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

"What the hell is going on here?"

As the prime minister, Hu Weiyong was no ordinary person. Although he was in great pain and felt like a knife piercing his heart, he calmed down quickly.

After calming down.

He just wanted to know the whole story.

"Report to the Prime Minister. Not long ago, the young master was riding a horse on the street. The horse got angry and the young master accidentally fell off the horse. By coincidence, a carriage passed by at this time, and then the carriage ran over the young master. The young master My life was lost."

The servant's voice was choked as he recounted the whole story.

After knowing the truth.

Hu Weiyong was heartbroken, but also extremely angry.

It's all that carriage's fault.

If it weren't for that carriage, how could his son have died?
"Whose carriage is that carriage?"

Although he was so angry that he almost ran away, Hu Weiyong still kept an eye on it. If it was the carriage of a prince or aristocrat, he would have to plan it carefully even if he wanted to take revenge. He must not let his anger go to his head.

"The servants don't know."

The servant lowered his head and answered bravely.

"Trash! Go check it out quickly!"

Hu Weiyong was so angry that he threw the expensive teacup on the tea table on the servant's head.


On the spot, the tea cup smashed the skin of the servant's head, and strands of blood dripped from the servant's head down his cheeks to the floor.

The servant only felt that his head hurt, but he kept clenching his teeth and did not dare to utter a sound. (End of chapter)

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