National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 951 The red-eyed poisonous person, Shushan Sect Xu Changqing!

"Da da da!"

Precisely at this moment.

A hurried footstep sounded.

Tang Kun narrowed his eyes slightly and saw someone breaking into the hall.

Here comes Tang Daniu, one of his many confidants.

"What's the point of being so reckless?"

Tang Kun sat in the main seat, with a stern face and said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the hall master, my subordinates have something to report."

Tang Daniu looked awkward and uneasy, his eyes flashing with fear.


Tang Kun looked dissatisfied.

What happened? Are you so worried?

It’s really worthless.

Tang Daniu talked about something related to Ye Xiao.

This happened not long ago.

He also just found out through investigation.

It turned out that all five members of Zhao Wenchang's family were missing.

By the way, he also fully told what he had overheard while driving the carriage.

"Shopkeeper Ye is so ruthless. I'm afraid he is deliberately trying to let you hear him. Is he trying to challenge me?"

Tang Kun's face showed a chill, and anger surged in his eyes.

To put it bluntly, he is the head of Tangjiabao.

Who dares to look down upon him like this when he is in charge of Tangjiabao.

But this shopkeeper Ye behaved like this.

"What an arrogant and bold young man. He dares to warn me. He is really good."

Tang Kun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Tang Daniu stood aside silently, quietly waiting for Tang Kun's order.

"I have made my own decision on this matter. Please step aside."

Tang Kun waved his hand and said.

Tang Daniu left respectfully.

"Cough cough!"

When Tang Kun was the only one left in the hall, he coughed continuously and covered his lips with the handkerchief he had brought with him.

But momentarily.

The handkerchief was stained red with blood.

He coughed up blood.

"damn it."

Upon seeing this, Tang Kun looked extremely angry.

He knows he is sick.

And, very ill.

He also secretly visited many famous doctors, but none of them had any effect on his condition.

If his illness was not so serious, he would definitely send out the Tangjiabao disciples to monitor that shopkeeper Ye, and then wait for the opportunity.

But now he can't do it.

His condition made him very worried.

What if he died like this?

Can his granddaughter really support this huge Tangjiabao?
"It's time to find a suitable husband for Xuejian. But who will be destined to Xuejian?"

A figure appeared in Tang Kun's mind.

This person is Sedum.

Do not know why.

He always had weird feelings.

Sedum and Xuejian can walk together.

"No, absolutely not. Jingtian is just a small pawnbroker, how can he become my grandson-in-law!"

"He doesn't deserve it!"

Tang Kun's face was filled with dissatisfaction when he thought of Jingtian hugging his granddaughter before in public.

He felt a sense of suffocation and anger in his heart.

at the same time.

Ye Xiao and Jingtian were on their way back to Yuzhou City. They were sitting in a carriage belonging to Tangjiabao.

"Brother Ye, it's really thanks to you this time that I've been well fed and gained a lot of knowledge. I didn't expect that Tangjiabao would be so big."

Jingtian's face was full of gratitude, and his heart was filled with tears.

During this trip to Tangjiabao, he felt that he was as small as dust.

And the mysterious man in black, Li Xiaoyao, actually said that he was the savior.

What nonsense!

"Brother Ye, who was that person that night?"

Jingtian looked curious, his dark eyes wandering, but he was also thinking that it would be great if he could get to know each other.

"He—Li Xiaoyao, a person from the future."

Ye Xiao said lightly.

This casual sentence made Jingtian's eyes widen.


Jingtian said subconsciously, feeling that Ye Xiao was really joking with him.

How can people from the future appear? This is complete nonsense.

that night.

As soon as I returned to Yongan Pawnshop.

Ye Xiao and Jingtian saw Xu Maoshan and others looking panicked and in shock.

"Maomao, what's wrong with you guys? How come you feel like you've lost your soul?"

Jingtian asked.

Ye Xiao was thoughtful, seeming to be thinking about the plot.

"A Tian, ​​something strange happened in our Yuzhou City."

The chubby-faced Xu Maoshan said nervously.

Say it.

His fat body was shaking.

Ye Xiao shook his head, "Don't worry, you are my guys, even if the sky falls, I will still hold you up."

"Maomao, and everyone else, Brother Ye said don't worry, so just rest assured!"

Jingtian particularly admired Ye Xiao and believed that the strange things in Xu Maoshan Pass were absolutely no big deal.

It must be some trivial thing.

Shortly after.

Only then did Xu Maoshan talk about a strange thing that had started to spread in the streets of Yuzhou City recently.

This thing is also simple.

Do not know why.

People in Yuzhou City have been missing one after another recently.

"Shopkeeper Zhao, no, it's Zhao Bapi. He's missing. Zhao Bapi's wife and children are also missing. There are five members of his family! It's as if the world has disappeared. Do you think this is strange?"

Xu Maoshan said with a pale expression.

"A lot of people are gone like this. Something must have happened."

"It is said that after Zhao Papi's neighbor discovered that Zhao Papi was missing, he went to Zhao Papi's home. When he saw it, the food was still there and was cold, but he was nowhere to be found."

"It can't be that some terrible monster has come to our Yuzhou City!"

"There have been several similar disappearances!"


The faces of the other pawnshop guys were all pale, and they had no intention of working.

After something like this happened in Yuzhou City, they just felt that if it continued like this, their lives might not be saved.


Jingtian had a strange expression on his face, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on Ye Xiao.

He remained silent, but the intent expressed in his eyes was very clear.

He was asking Ye Xiao. Apart from Zhao Bapi's family, wouldn't other families be touched by Ye Xiao?

At this moment, black lines appeared on Ye Xiao's forehead.

"Sedum, what kind of look do you have!"

He said coldly, but he was very depressed and speechless in his heart. He would not take the blame for this.

"Brother Ye, I..."

Sedum's expression was complicated and his heart was tangled.

"I know who did the disappearance."

Ye Xiao said calmly.

"who is it?"

Jingtian quickly asked.

Xu Maoshan and others pricked up their ears.

"Next, Yuzhou City will be very unstable because poisonous people will appear. So, don't walk around and stay in the pawn shop."

Ye Xiao has a positive expression.


Everyone looked at each other, but they also kept Ye Xiao's words in mind.

With such an incident happening in Yuzhou City, how could they dare to run around?

That night, we had dinner.

Ye Xiao stayed at Yongan Pawnshop, partly to protect Jingtian, and partly to intervene in the plot.

There are not many poisonous people at present. If you want to meet them, it will definitely not be easy in this crowded city of Yuzhou.

But it's different with Jingtian, the son of destiny.

Son of Destiny, this hatred is absolutely top-notch.

Therefore, he guessed that the poisonous person would come to his door by himself.

By then, if you kill the poisonous man, you will be able to obtain the King Crystal.

But he also thought about getting rid of the poisonous Wenxuan directly.

But this idea was temporarily dismissed by him.

Although he has [-] ordinary soldiers from the "Great Song Dynasty" in his hands.

But they are all mortal bodies, and if they are infected with the poison, the consequences may be disastrous.

The night was quiet.

Ye Xiao walked on the street, and Sedum followed him.

"It's so cold."

Jingtian felt uncomfortable with such a quiet Yuzhou City.

"Well, the people are scared."

Ye Xiao looked calm.

With the increase in disappearances, people in Yuzhou City now dare not go out at night.

If you really go out, it will definitely be a disaster.Especially now that the rumors are getting more and more outrageous.

It is said that monsters appear at night, and if you go out, you will definitely die.

and many more.

So much so that not a single soul could be seen on the street, which was originally crowded with people.

"Brother Ye, are there really the poisonous people you mentioned?"

Jingtian kept looking around, but nothing different happened.


Ye Xiao nodded heavily.

"Can those poisonous people be saved?"

Jingtian's tone was hesitant.

"I'm at my wits' end."

Ye Xiao shrugged. The poisonous man might have a way to save him, but he couldn't do it now.

Besides, he wished he could poison more people so he could accumulate more King Crystals.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Not to mention the presence of poisonous people, they have never encountered anyone.


Ye Xiao and Jingtian silently returned to Yongan Pawnshop.

Sitting on a comfortable recliner, Ye Xiao was thinking about it.

This is not right.

Why haven't I seen any poisonous people?

Didn't the poisonous man appear?

However, he is not in a hurry.

He has directly used the power of the Lord of the World.

Three thousand ordinary soldiers were summoned.

At present, ordinary soldiers are like a giant spider web spreading to every corner of Yuzhou City.

The move was to conduct a blanket search.

However, after searching for several hours, there was still no trace of the poisoner.

Unconsciously, it was already late at night.


Jingtian beside him yawned, his upper and lower eyelids were fighting, he was very sleepy.

Xu Maoshan and other guys in the pawn shop have gone back to their rooms to rest.

They just couldn't stand it any longer.

"Sedum, please go back and rest."

Ye smiled and said.

"it is good."

Jingtian scratched his head, his face full of fatigue.

He got up and went back to his room.

But in the end, a figure hurriedly appeared, but it was an ordinary soldier striding from outside the door.

Ye Xiao asked.

Only after asking him did he find out.

It turns out that the poisonous man he was waiting for appeared!

It's just east of Yuzhou City!


Ye Xiao's eyes were excited.

Suddenly, Jingtian lost his tiredness and wanted to follow Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao did not refuse this.

But it was a blink of an eye.

To the east of Yuzhou City.

in a small alley.

They met one poisonous person after another.

They used to be ordinary people, but now their eyes are glowing red, and their mouths have ferocious and terrifying fangs.

There are not many poisonous people.

Only eight heads.

But momentarily.

Eight poisonous men were killed.

[Congratulations to the host, ordinary soldiers in "Song Dynasty" killed the red-eyed poisonous man and obtained 1000 King's Crystals]


Ye Xiao received eight reward messages in a row.

8000 king crystals were credited to the account.

Although the number is too small, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are.

Moreover, he also saw that this ordinary soldier was anything but ordinary.

Only three people used the technique of combined attack to kill the eight-headed poisonous man on the spot without any injuries.

Witnessed such a scene.

Jingtian only felt his stomach churn, and his whole body was particularly uncomfortable.

He witnessed a murder with his own eyes.

Moreover, there are still eight living human lives.

"Brother Ye, are these poisonous people really hopeless?"

Jingtian's expression was heart-wrenching. He was obviously kind-hearted and wanted to save the poisonous man.

Ye Xiao didn't answer and shrugged, not caring about the poisonous man's death.

Experienced one investment world after another.

The lives in his hands were truly countless.

Therefore, killing these eight heads was not taken seriously at all.

"How can you kill them and they can still be saved!"

Suddenly, a dissatisfied and somewhat sullen voice sounded.

Ye Xiao and others looked up.

The person who came was a tall and handsome young man.

His nose is high, his eyes are sharp, and his pair of peach blossom eyes can charm thousands of girls.

Dressed in white, he looked like an immortal.

I have to say that the otherworldly temperament flowing through him is amazing.

Ye Xiao recognized the other party instantly.

Xu Changqing, the great disciple of Shushan Sect and the most affectionate person!
Take the world as your responsibility!

Excellent martial arts attainments!

He is even hailed as the future successor of the Shushan sect!
However, Xu Changqing was currently staring at Ye Xiao with evil eyes.

He was dissatisfied with Ye Xiao's actions just now, and he was also angry that he was a step too late.

"If I don't kill them, they will kill me. I don't want to be poisoned."

Ye Xiao replied casually.

Xu Changqing raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he wanted to blame Ye Xiao, things had already happened and it was too late for him to say anything.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Jingtian was very interested in Xu Changqing and felt that Xu Changqing must be a member of a martial arts sect with his decoration.

"Xu Changqing of Shushan Sect."

Xu Changqing introduced himself with a serious expression.

Later, he asked Ye Xiao and Jingtian for clues about the poisonous man.

He is currently investigating the matter.

This situation must not be allowed to continue to spread.

Jingtian shook his head, he knew nothing about poisonous people at all.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back and rest."

Ye Xiao is ready to evacuate.

"Your Excellency, you seem to know the clues to the poisonous incident. Please tell me."

Xu Changqing's attitude was respectful and he wanted to get clues from Ye Xiao.

"I don't know, I don't know, I'm also confused."

Ye Xiao casually brushed it off. He wanted to get some king crystals from this poisonous incident.


He wanted to solve the poisonous incident personally so that he could earn more King Crystals.


Xu Changqing became angry with embarrassment, but finally remained silent.

Ye Xiao was not surprised by Xu Changqing's performance. This person was the Holy Mother.

The next day, when the sky was overcast.

As soon as he opened his eyes, a system message appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[The king-level investment world "The Song Dynasty" opens the investment quota of 1000 million king crystal stones! 】

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was no joy.

The investment amount suddenly skyrocketed from the previous 10 to the current 1000 million. Does this mean that there will be big changes in "Sword and Sword 3"?

Very likely.

The plot has been changed beyond recognition.

But he was still calm and unhurried.

Soon, he started chasing.

The investment amount of "Sword and Sword 3" investment stock Ye Cheng has reached 1000 million King's Crystals!
A successful chase shot.

The familiar choices are back.

This time, he chose to improve his cultivation.

A top-notch master would be absolutely popular in this ordinary world of martial arts, but in this world of immortal warriors, he is really unable to use his hands and feet at all.


A line of text information appears.

[Congratulations on the successful selection of the host, investment stock Ye Cheng’s cultivation is improving]

[Upgrade completed, investment stock Ye Chengxiu has been upgraded from a first-class master to a land fairy]

[Unlock the host's part of the world master's ability]

[The host can currently summon the priest Bao Zheng and the divine general Di Qing from "The Song Dynasty"]


A feeling of comfort that nourishes his heart spreads throughout Ye Xiao's body.

He got stronger again.

Moreover, this time there are more summoning options.

Bao Zheng, Di Qing!
This is a character he created in the past.

I wonder how strong they are now? (End of chapter)

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