National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 958: If you like it, pursue it, and the world will change!

Jingtian nodded heavily, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

His competitive spirit seemed to be completely ignited.

He just said that he only has one thought at the moment, and that is to become stronger!

In the next few days.

Jingtian always asked Xu Changqing for advice seriously and learned humbly.

Work in just a few days.

Jingtian also learned a lesson and said that he had gradually become more and more proficient in controlling the magic sword.


He also gradually got used to having a sister like Solanum.

Although he was not Solanum Kui's brother in this life, he secretly vowed in his heart that he would take good care of Solanum Kui.


The relationship between Sedum and Nightshade gradually becomes harmonious.

However, Xu Changqing didn't have much favorable impression of Solanum nigrum.

In his eyes, nightshade is the soul, especially Hongkui, who has a domineering and perverse personality and will become a disaster if he stays with Jingtian.

"Baitoufu, don't stare at my sister with fierce eyes every time. Although my sister is not alive, she has a very kind heart."

Jingtian, who was studying magic with Xu Changqing, had no respect for Xu Changqing and even called him the nickname "White Tofu" in front of Xu Changqing.

Hearing this, Xu Changqing looked helpless.

"Okay, it's just that I think she..."

Xu Changqing only wanted to kill demons and bring peace to the people of the world, so he was afraid that if Long Kui became an evil ghost, there would be endless troubles.

"Stop just, teach me how to learn spells."

Jingtian said angrily.

In this way, the two of them taught and learned.

I have to say that Jingtian's ability to learn is quite impressive.

At least, for now, Sedum has roughly mastered a few simple spells.

Nightshade with blue clothes and blue hair squatted on the ground, holding her fragrant cheeks, and just looked at Sedum quietly.

She felt so happy at this moment.

How she wished time would stop forever.

It was so nice to keep looking at her brother like this.

Everything seems to have returned to a thousand years ago.

"Lan Kui, if you like her, go for it."

A cold female voice sounded in Lan Kui's mind.

As soon as she heard the voice, she immediately knew that it was Hong Kui's voice.

"Like? Pursue?"

Lan Kui's expression was dull and cute, as if she didn't understand the meaning of Hong Kui's words.

"Don't you like your brother Jingtian?"

Hongkui's half-smiling voice sounded again.


In an instant, Lan Kui's face turned red.

Hongkui said what she was thinking, which made her blush.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have one! He is my brother and I am his sister."

Lan Kui murmured in a low voice, a hint of loneliness flashed in her bright and smart eyes.

Even if there is love between the younger sister and the older brother, it is just a love of family affection.

That may create some kind of love between man and woman, which is completely inconsistent with etiquette and law, and it will be looked down upon and scorned by the world.

For a moment, Lan Kui's inner mood was particularly complicated.

"But in this life, he is not your biological brother. You can like him."

Hong Kui's voice was charming and charming, with a hint of persuasion.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense."

Lan Kui's white hands quickly covered her ears, "I won't listen, I won't listen!"

Her behavior seemed silly and naive to Hong Kui, and it made Hong Kui inexplicably distressed.

"Why are you deceiving yourself like this? Do you really not love him?"

Hong Kui chuckled.

I heard Hong Kui’s voice again.

Lan Kui was extremely angry and pouted slightly, "I don't love him!"

Hongkui remained silent.

"Da da da!"

The sound of two footsteps approaching from far away resounded in Nightshade's ears.

Nightshade looked up.

But she saw Jingtian and Xu Changqing walking towards her.

There was a worried look on Jingtian's face.

"Solanum nigrum, what's wrong with you?"

he asked.

Because he was learning spells with Xu Changqing just now.

I accidentally noticed that Nightshade's face changed again and again, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes depressed.

This made him very worried. Could it be that Nightshade was feeling unwell?
Could it be that ghosts can also get sick?
Xu Changqing on the side said nothing, but his charming peach blossom eyes stared covetously at Nightshade.

It seems that only Nightshade has any strange behavior.

If he does this, the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect will immediately stop him.

Being cared about so much by Jingtian, Nightshade felt warm in her heart.

I just feel that the air is sweet.

She is so happy.

"Brother, I'm fine."

Nightshade smiled sweetly.

Such a smile made even Sedum look twice.

But Sedum has no mixed thoughts about nightshade.

In his eyes, Nightshade is his sister.

And he must also shoulder the responsibility of Long Yang, the prince of Jiang Kingdom in his previous life, and he must protect Long Kui's life!
"If you are tired, go back to the Demon Sword and rest first."

Sedum suggested, with a gentle expression.

Nightshade nodded and obeyed Jingtian's words.


The next second, she had turned into a faint blue light and dived into the magic sword.

"Bai Doufu, my sister is so cute and well-behaved, but she will never turn into a powerful ghost and harm others. So, don't stare at my sister with those unkind eyes in the future, or I'll deal with you!"

Jingtian straightened his body, showing the posture of a madman protecting his sister.

How could Xu Changqing agree with his words?

There are too many uncertainties about ghosts.

If he gets angry or irritated, he turns into a evil spirit who does all kinds of evil in a matter of seconds. He has seen this kind of thing too many times.

"Sedum, are you sure you have the ability to deal with me?"

Xu Changqing looked calm.

Sedum's skills were taught by him.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jingtian to deal with him.

"I have no ability, but I have Brother Ye and General Di."

Jingtian looked triumphant, but his eyes couldn't help but fall on a corner of the yard of Yong'an Pawnshop.

In that turret.

You can see a man in a bronze mask, closing his eyes to relax.

He just stood quietly like a lifelike wooden sculpture.

He did nothing.

But it gave Jingtian a sense of oppression.

This General Di is really too powerful.

Not only did he feel this way, but Xu Changqing also kept secrets from General Di.

"Baitoufu, how strong is General Di?"

Jingtian asked tentatively.

"He is countless times stronger than me. Even I, the head of the Shushan Sword Sect, am no match for General Di."

"General Di, he shouldn't be in this world."

Xu Changqing's expression was solemn. His plan for this trip to Yuzhou City really couldn't be changed.

The original plan was to follow the clues and solve the poisonous incident.

He never thought that one thing after another happened beyond his expectation.

The sky is filled with red mist, the red mist ghost king, the demon respecting the building, and the demon sword Hongkui Lankui!
Even the zombie Tangtai incident he learned from Jingtian made him extremely surprised.

"Baitoufu, what do you mean by this? Are you scolding General Di for not being able to appear in the world? Are you scolding General Di for not being a human being? Watch out for me to report to General Di!"

Jingtian raised his eyebrows and said in a mean tone.Hearing this, Xu Changqing's face turned dark.

"Jingtian, don't talk nonsense. I mean General Di doesn't seem to be from our world. He comes from other worlds."

He said so.

Sedum's eyes moved around and around.

Apparently, Sedum agrees.

Not only General Di, but also the big black-faced man and his brother Ye seemed to be outsiders.

There is no other reason.

They are out of tune with this world.

Let's just say that a Yong'an pawnshop owner has such two unpredictable subordinates. This thing is really mysterious.

However, Jingtian didn't think much about these troubles. Instead, he took Xu Changqing and went to greet General Di.

"General Di, are you practicing?"

Jingtian said with interest.

Di Qing didn't know when he had opened his eyes, and his eyes were like lightning, making people feel fearful.

Although Xu Changqing was calm on the surface, he was also shaken by the terrifying evil aura of General Di in his heart.

He could almost decide.

The number of dead souls in the hands of General Di must be no less than one hundred thousand, or hundreds of thousands!

This General Di is a real battlefield killer, with too much blood on his hands.

Moreover, he also noticed an unusual aura about General Di.

That breath is sacred and inviolable.

Vaguely, he seemed to have seen a dynasty that swept across the world and unified the world!

However, he just thought he was delusional.

"It's not about practicing, but about adjusting one's own state to prepare for the next challenge."

Di Qing's voice was low and as cold as a knife.

"Ah! Is there a new enemy appearing again?"

Sedum looked a little nervous.

Faced with his behavior, Di Qing burst into laughter.

"The enemy has appeared, but we don't know where the enemy is yet."

Di Qing said solemnly with a solemn expression.

This statement came out.

Xu Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Senior, please give me some advice. The enemy has really appeared?"

Jingtian looked flustered, but quickly calmed down.

The enemy is coming.

Brother Ye is there to support you!

As for the mysterious man in black in the past, Li Xiaoyao, he once said that he was the savior.

He didn't believe it at all.

Maybe he can really save the world, but since Brother Ye appeared, this responsibility has been transferred to Brother Ye.

Let Brother Ye save it!
He thought silently in his heart.

"The Lord once told me that you, Xu Changqing, are an outstanding and outstanding disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect. You truly care about the people of the world. Your achievements in the future will be limitless."

Di Qing said in a leisurely tone.

When he said this, Xu Changqing looked very uncomfortable.

"Senior is wrong."

Xu Changqing also responded quickly, showing a very humble side.

"General White Tofu Di praises you, so don't be humble."

Jingtian said angrily.

"This enemy is related to the Shushan Sword Sect."

Di Qing's tone was serious.

But his words made Xu Changqing unbelievable.

"Senior, how is this possible? We, the Shushan Sword Sect, take slaying demons as our mission, how can we be enemies with our seniors?"

Xu Changqing had a surprised expression. Although he had not been in contact with General Di for a long time, he was already certain that General Di must be a good person.

Let’s talk about it before.

If General Di hadn't taken action.

The people of Yuzhou City have long been destroyed by the hands of the Red Mist Ghost King.

"The five elders of Shushan once practiced the forbidden technique in the sect to expel evil thoughts from their bodies. The evil thoughts were sealed into the Demon Locking Tower, but later the evil thoughts were cultivated and they gave themselves a name - Evil Sword Immortal. Now, Evil Sword Immortal Having escaped from the Demon Locking Tower, the world will change!"

Di Qing's expression was cold, this Evil Sword Immortal was definitely a very terrifying enemy.

"This...I have heard of this matter, but the Demon Locking Tower is heavily sealed. Can the Evil Sword Immortal really escape?"

Xu Changqing was very suspicious.

"The Evil Sword Immortal cannot escape for the time being, but if someone helps, he will be able to escape easily."

A hearty voice sounded in the ears of Xu Changqing and others.

The person who spoke was none other than Ye Xiao.

"Brother Ye, who helped this evil sword immortal escape? Is this evil sword immortal very powerful?"

Jingtian looked very interested, walked vigorously to Ye Xiao, and asked.

"Investors Alliance."

Ye Xiao named an organization.

According to the information investigated by Priest Bao Zheng, this is it.

He also guessed the other party's intention.

He wanted to use the Evil Sword Immortal to destroy the world, and even more so to destroy him.

Everything is absolutely inseparable from the last episode of the king-level investment world "Yellow Springs".

Last time, he provoked the Jin family from the investment god country and was unwilling to work for them.

This is not.

The other party's revenge is coming.

Priest Bao Zheng and Divine General Di Qing both have good combat prowess, but they are not enough to face the Evil Sword Immortal.

Especially the evil sword fairy who is in a state of obscurity.

I wonder how strong this evil sword immortal is now?

Thanks to Bao Zheng's careful observation, he found out that the Evil Sword Immortal in the Demon Locking Tower had long been replaced by a civet cat for the prince.

The real Evil Sword Immortal has been gone for a long, long time.

"Evil Sword Immortal, it is the incarnation of evil thoughts. As long as it absorbs evil thoughts, it can become stronger. Evil thoughts are the source of its power. So, Jingtian, do you know how terrifying it is?"

Ye Xiaoyan briefly and comprehensively talked about the intelligence information related to the Evil Sword Immortal.

I heard his few words like this.

Not to mention Sedum, even Xu Changqing was sweating on his forehead.

You can become stronger by absorbing evil thoughts.

There are as many evil thoughts as there are mortals in this world.

And, not just mortals.

Even those monsters and ghosts have evil thoughts.

Who in this world can have no evil thoughts?

There are only a handful of people like this.

Therefore, it can be expected how terrifying this evil sword fairy is.


After thinking about it, Jingtian's face turned pale for a while, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva heavily in his throat.

"Brother Ye, could it be that the mysterious man said that the end is coming, and the people are lying dead and displaced, and the culprit is the Evil Sword Immortal?"

Jingtian asked quickly.

Ye Xiao was not surprised that he could guess this.

If Jingtian is willing to use his brain, he is still very smart.

"Yes. He is the culprit. Moreover, the Evil Sword Immortal has been secretly absorbing evil thoughts."

Ye Xiao sighed softly and recounted the intelligence information that Bao Zheng had investigated.


The number of people who have been absorbed in evil thoughts by the Evil Sword Immortal has reached tens of millions.

And all of these people have been corrupted by the Evil Sword Immortal.

They are still alive, but they are no different from the living dead.

"Perhaps the meaning of those people's lives is to provide evil thoughts to the Evil Sword Immortal!"

Ye Xiao sighed.

"Is the matter really that serious? Hundreds of millions of people? How many people are there? Why did our city of Yuzhou receive any news?"

Xu Changqing's expression was stunned and his tone was uncertain.

"That's because the Evil Sword Immortal is not currently in the Song Dynasty. He is doing whatever he wants in the Western world."

Ye Xiao shrugged and explained. (End of chapter)

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