National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 979: World Gambling King Competition, capture Qimeng’s heart!

Soon, Zuo Songxing picked up three cash boxes, drove into the silver-white sports car, and rushed to Da Hongfa Casino!
But for a moment.

He arrived at the casino gate.

As soon as he arrived, there was a person who had been waiting for him for a long time.

This man is a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Last time, Zuo Songxing saw each other in the casino.

But Zuo Songxing didn't know the exact name of the other party.

"Mr. Zuo, you are finally here. Come with me."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses has a smile on his face and a kind smile.

Zuo Songxing nodded, holding a total of three boxes of banknotes in his hand.

After a blink of an eye.

Zuo Songxing arrived at an underground secret room.

In the secret room, he saw a bodyguard in black and a man sitting on a leather sofa smoking a cigar.

This man is Brother Hong.

Seeing Zuo Songxing again, Brother Hong's eyes were full of teasing.

At first, he thought Zuo Songxing had some unfathomable background.

At a young age, he dresses very fashionably and drives a luxury sports car.

As a result, he sent someone to investigate and inquire.

But it made Brother Hong happy.

It turns out that the other party came from the interior!
And, no context.

Also because of this.

He was unscrupulous when dealing with Zuo Songxing and was not afraid of Zuo Songxing's revenge at all!
"We meet again, Zuo Songxing!"

Brother Hong took the initiative to greet Zuo Songxing with a smile on his face.

He had such a casual and elegant way of saying hello, but Zuo Songxing didn't have that at all.

"Where's my third uncle?"

Zuo Songxing looked nervous and asked immediately.

He secretly prayed in his heart that nothing would happen to his third uncle.

If something happens.

He must come back with revenge.

In fact, his revenge methods will be extreme.

He might kill everyone present.

"Your third uncle is very good."

Brother Hong replied with a smile, but his eyes fell on the three cash boxes on Zuo Songxing.

"After you pay the money, I will let your third uncle go."

Zuo Songxing retorted, "Let him go first, and then I'll pay him."

"Ha! Now you are not qualified to bargain with me!"

Brother Hong blew out a smoke ring with a gloomy expression.

Zuo Songxing was furious, but for the time being he could only hold back until the opportunity came.

He must find ways to take revenge on Brother Hong and others.


Zuo Songxing handed over three cash boxes.

"Check, don't try to fool me by pretending to be a rock."

Brother Hong ordered his men, showing a cautious side.

The bodyguards in black quickly opened the three banknote boxes and began to count the banknotes.


After counting.

It is indeed 300 million Hong Kong dollars.

Not one point is too much, not one point is too much.

"Very good, Zuo Songxing, you really did not disappoint me."

"So, now you can go die!"

Brother Hong's expression was indifferent. Not only did he want to swallow Zuo Songxing's 300 million Hong Kong dollars, but he also wanted Zuo Songxing's life.

This time, he learned to be smart and did not let his men take action. Instead, he prepared to take out the gun from his arms and use it against Zuo Songxing.

No matter how skilled Zuo Songxing is, he can't be faster than a bullet!

As long as Zuo Songxing is given a peanut to eat, Zuo Songxing will definitely die.

If he doesn’t die, then two or three!
Tonight, he wants Zuo Songxing to die!

To him, killing Zuo Songxing, an inland man, was like squeezing an ant to death, and would not cause much trouble at all.


Brother Hong was a little surprised.

Because, Zuo Songxing took out his gun one step ahead of him and pointed the dark muzzle at him.

"Zuo Songxing, be careful of the gun misfiring, don't mess around!"

Brother Hong turned pale with fright, and he was even more confused.

How could Zuo Songxing own a gun?
According to the investigation, Zuo Songxing is just better at gambling, right?

But Brother Hong was not allowed to think too much. At the moment, Brother Hong needed to stabilize Zuo Songxing's mood.

If Zuo Songxing pulled the trigger, he would definitely die on the spot.

"Brother Hong, let my third uncle go, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Zuo Songxing's face was indifferent. If he didn't have a gun this time, his situation would be dangerous.

"What the hell, why don't you let him go quickly!"

Brother Hong commanded his bodyguards in black.

On the spot, the black pen bodyguard quickly went to release the person.

But for a few minutes.

The bodyguard in black brought one person.

This person is none other than Zuo Songxing's third uncle, Heimian Cai.

Black-faced Cai did not suffer any injuries, but his face was a little pale, which was enough to show that Black-faced Cai must have been frightened.


The first time the black-faced Cai saw Zuo Songxing, his eyes were red. He really thought he was going to die tonight.

Who would have thought that his stupid nephew would go to the meeting alone!

"Uncle Third, it's great that you're okay!"

Zuo Songxing was overjoyed.

"Zuo Songxing, I have released the man, now the gun can be moved away!"

Brother Hong quickly said while the iron was hot.

According to Brother Hong’s judgment.

Zuo Songxing will definitely compromise and remove the gun.

However, Zuo Songxing remained motionless.

"Pay me back 300 million Hong Kong dollars, or I'll shoot!"

Zuo Songxing threatened.

Brother Hong was so angry that he had to pay back the money he had just received.

How could he be so willing?

But his life was threatened, so he could only pay back the money.

Three boxes of banknotes were re-obtained by Zuo Songxing.

"Close your eyes!"

Zuo Songxing said again coldly.

Brother Hong closed his eyes subconsciously, but there was an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Gradually, Brother Hong felt a splitting headache, as if his head was about to explode, and his consciousness gradually dissipated.


In the end, Brother Hong fell directly on the sofa.

His forehead was bleeding profusely. If you look carefully, you can see that there was a bullet in his forehead.

The expressions of the other bodyguards in black all changed. They did not expect that Zuo Songxing would dare to shoot and kill someone!
next second.

Zuo Songxing continued to take action.

There were five bodyguards present.

In just a few breaths, Zuo Songxing was easily killed!

The way they died was exactly the same, their necks were broken by Zuo Songxing!
"Axing, you killed someone, killed many, many people!"

Seeing such a scene with corpses scattered all over the place, Black Face Cai turned pale.

Killing so many people, if the police find out.

From now on, there will be no place for them in this world!
"Uncle Third, if we don't kill them, they will kill them too!"

Zuo Songxing had a cold expression and did not regret the killing.

Shortly after.

Zuo Songxing and Heimian Cai began to destroy the corpses and clean up the evidence.

in the real world.

Ye Xiao was already lying comfortably on the bed, looking at this real-time video picture, he felt satisfied.

Because, Zuo Songxing's move made profit information pop up in his field of vision.

[Investment stock Zuo Songxing, killed the unknown Hong Ge and made a profit of 10 investment coins]

[Investment stock Zuo Songxing killed several bodyguards in black and made a profit of 10 investment coins]

[Investment stock Zuo Songxing successfully rescued his third uncle, the black-faced Cai, and made a profit of 50 investment coins]

all of a sudden.

He successfully made a profit of 70 investment coins!
For the next few days.

The police investigated the murderer who killed the owner of Da Hongfa Casino and his black-clad bodyguards.

But after searching again and again, I still can't find any clues.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Zuo Songxing, dressed in a white suit, started communicating with Ye Xiao. It was Ye Xiao's help that left the police with no clues.

Otherwise, if Skynet is so sparse and meticulous, how could it not find any clues?
"Axing, please take it easy. There is less and less I can do to help you now."

Ye smiled and reminded.

There are very few investment coins left that he can convert.

Zuo Songxing nodded.

Recently, Zuo Songxing and Black Face Choi have been visiting casinos, and they are all in big casinos, and they have earned another 1000 million Hong Kong dollars!

This made Ye Xiao satisfied.

Because he received profit information again.

[Investment stock Zuo Songxing, whose name is becoming more and more famous as a gambling saint, made a profit of 20 investment coins]

[Investment stock Zuo Songxing made a huge profit of HK$1000 million, with a profit of 50 investment coins]

70 Shencoin investment profits can be easily recorded!
that night.

Zuo Songxing went to a restaurant to have a date with a beauty.

The beauty who invited him was none other than Qimeng.

Tonight's Qimeng is wearing a red dress, wavy hair, exquisite makeup, and fashionable clothes.

A noble and elegant temperament exudes from her.

Also, she is confident and charming.

"Axing, you're here."

Qimeng smiled brightly at Zuo Songxing.

This is not the first date between Zuo Songxing and Qimeng. The two have met twice before.

The date was just about eating and there was no real progress in the relationship.

"Qimeng, I'm here."

Zuo Songxing grinned.

After the two parties sat down, they chatted with each other.

"Axing, you once won 300 million Hong Kong dollars in one night at Da Hongfa Casino, and now the owner of Da Hongfa Casino is dead. Does this matter have nothing to do with you?"

Qimeng was smiling, but her smile looked playful.

to now.

She was certain of one thing.

Billy is dead.

The murderer is at large.

No one else knew who did it, but she was sure that it was Zuo Songxing.

"Of course it has nothing to do with me."

Zuo Songxing shrugged.

The two continued to chat.

Among them, Qimeng talked about the upcoming World Gambling King Competition.

In this competition, gambling masters from all over the world will gather.

"Axing, are you interested in this event?"

Qimeng said with a smile.

"Well, I've already signed up."

Zuo Songxing replied.

The chat between the two did not surprise Ye Xiao.

Once upon a time, he knew "The Gambler".

Both gambling kings offered Zuo Songxing an olive branch, just to win Zuo Songxing and let Zuo Songxing become their subordinate and represent him at the World Gambling King Competition.

But now it's different.

Zuo Songxing wants to register for the Gambling King Competition in his own name.

"Registered? Axing, it's not easy to register for this event!"

Qimengdai frowned.

"The organizer personally invited me, and now my reputation as a gambling sage is getting louder and louder."

Zuo Songxing said with a smile on his face.

"Axing, your gambling skills are amazing. Do you have special powers?"

Qimeng said with a half-smile.

"I don't have any special powers."

Zuo Songxing shrugged and said casually, "What are you talking about?"

However, as he spoke, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

"There should be investors behind this woman. It's not unusual to know that you have special powers."

"After all, she is the heroine."

Ye smiled and reminded.

After Ye Xiao said this, Zuo Songxing stabilized his mentality.

Just when the two sides communicate.

Zuo Songxing's big brother rang with an incoming call.

The caller was from the organizer of the World Gambling King Competition.

The organizer said his registration had been reviewed.

A month later.

Zuo Songxing can participate in this world-class event!

"it is good!"

On the spot, Zuo Songxing was beaming with joy, looking forward to making a splash in this event.

Nowadays, he feels that gambling is becoming more and more interesting.

At the casino, he could meet all kinds of people.

Those people are angry or crazy or painful and so on.

Moreover, the taste of winning money also fascinated him!
[Investment stock Zuo Songxing qualified to participate in the World Gambling King Competition and made a profit of 10 investment coins]

Another profit appears.

Ye Xiao is looking forward to this upcoming competition in a month!

this night.

Zuo Songxing personally sent Qimeng home.

Moreover, Qimeng was allowed to ride in his black sports car.

Zuo Songxing bought another new sports car worth HK$200 million!

This sports car has a luxurious interior!
There is currently only one like this in Hong Kong!
"You're just spending money like water."

Qimeng sighed, Zuo Songxing's wealth was growing so fast.

Zuo Songxing smiled and said nothing.

After sending Qimeng to an apartment.

He showed his bold side and directly hugged Qimeng's waist, and then kissed her red lips.

Qimeng's cheeks were slightly red, she closed her eyes and did not resist.

[Investment stock Zuo Songxing captured the heart of the peerless beauty Qimeng and made a profit of 100 million investment coins]

In the real world, Ye Xiao was stunned when he saw this line of text.

Is this soaked?
I didn’t see Zuo Songxing say anything sweet.

Could it be that this is the male protagonist’s own personal charm?

Shortly after.

Zuo Songxing returned to a villa and mansion.

This is his new home with his third uncle Heimian Cai.

The two still live together.

"Axing, you're back!"

Seeing Zuo Songxing returning home, the black-faced Cai quickly stepped forward to say hello and asked about the progress with Qimeng.

"The man is interested in concubine."

Zuo Songxing's face turned slightly red.

"Did you do it?"

The black-faced Cai raised an eyebrow at Zuo Songxing with a cryptic expression.


Zuo Songxing did not understand what his third uncle meant.

Black-faced Cai could only whisper a few words into Zuo Songxing's ear.

When he said this, Zuo Songxing's face turned red.

Immediately, Zuo Songxing shook his head.

"How long have you been here and you still haven't had sex? Ah Xing, you can't do this! I've already had sex with your third uncle several times."

Black-faced Cai said with a proud look on his face.

"Third uncle, you..."

Zuo Songxing looked surprised.

"It's not that I wanted to pick them up, they took the initiative."

The black-faced Cai showed an innocent expression.

The uncle and nephew were joking and joking, and also talked about the World Gambling King Competition.

"There are so many experts in this competition, are you okay with it, Axing?"

Black-faced Cai was a little worried.

"no problem!"

Zuo Songxing nodded heavily. He was sincerely excited and happy to be able to compete with a gambling master.

in the next days.

The upcoming World Gambling King Contest is being advertised everywhere!
Among them, there is one person who has attracted much attention. This person is Zuo Songxing, who has been sweeping all the major casinos recently and stealing the show!

Zuo Songxing is from the mainland, with an ordinary status, but his gambling skills are amazing!
He will win every time he gambles, so he is nicknamed the Gambling Saint! (End of chapter)

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