National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 983: Spaceship of Ten Thousand Worlds, wealth is paramount!

that night.

Zuo Songxing enthusiastically invites Ye Xiao to dine at a luxury hotel.

Ye Xiao tasted all kinds of delicacies.

Among them, there are Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao specialties such as fried clams with black bean pepper, fried crab with ginger and green onions, and salt and pepper pork ribs.

Eating these crispy and delicious delicacies, Ye Xiao was full of praise.

After dinner.

Ye Xiao, Zuo Songxing and the other three chatted with each other and then left.

This time, he just came to visit Zuo Songxing.

"Mr. Ye is truly a god."

Zuo Songxing sighed. Ye Xiao's departure was so strange and extraordinary that he disappeared immediately after dazzling his eyes.

Moreover, he still disappeared in public.

But no one else noticed Ye Xiao's disappearance.

"He's so mysterious."

Qimeng spoke.

"Axing, it's a great blessing that you have such a friend."

Black-faced Cai had a look of relief on his face.

in the real world.

Ye Xiao quickly controlled the system. He had redeemed "Da Song" again, and he noticed that there were currently a total of 979.4 million investment coins in the asset account.

The amount of investment in divine coins did not satisfy him.

He will continue to invest!
But before that.

But he wanted to enter the Kingdom of Investment and see its vastness and vastness.

A text message popped up in his field of vision.

[Whether to enter the Kingdom of Investment God]

He didn't hesitate.

In an instant.

Eyes open and eyes closed.

He noticed that he was actually on a spaceship.

The layout of the entire spacecraft is exquisite and comfortable, and there are various areas, such as rest areas, dining areas, entertainment areas, etc.

In addition, there were figures beside him.

These people were male or female, and they appeared out of thin air just like him.

"Recently investing in the God Realm, what are you investing in?"

"When I talk about this, I get angry. Not long ago, I appeared in "The Dragon King". Can you believe it, the protagonist was actually killed!"

"Can the protagonist still die in battle?"

"This is so outrageous! So unbelievable!"


The sounds of other people's conversations reached Ye Xiao's ears, making Ye Xiao look a bit dumbfounded.

After understanding.

This is his goal.

It turns out that the spaceship he is currently on is called the Spaceship of All Realms.

The destination of the spaceship is to invest in the Kingdom of God.

The flight time is only less than 10 minutes.

Ye Xiao found an empty seat and sat down, looking through the window of the spaceship.

He saw outside the spaceship, it was filled with light and the scene was constantly changing, which looked particularly incredible.

"Brother, is this your first time riding on this spaceship of all realms?"

A young man with an extraordinary handsome appearance took the initiative to say hello to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao nodded.

"My name is Li Cheng."

Young Li Cheng talked about self-introduction.

Then, he talked about the spaceship of Ten Thousand Realms that would continuously travel from world to world.

Finally, we arrived at the Kingdom of Investment!

Everything is just like what Li Cheng said.

Outside the spacecraft window.

Ye Xiao saw the ancient battlefield filled with blood.

On the battlefield, the soldiers continued to fight and fought bloody battles.

Among them, he faintly saw a general, wearing a green robe and holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword, taking the head of an enemy general among the thousands of troops.

Could that burly and strong man be Guan Yu?

At this moment.

The scene has changed again.

That is a blue planet.

But the entire planet was covered in extreme cold.

Heavy snow keeps falling all over the sky.


He also saw that humans can only survive in underground cities, but cannot survive on the ground.

Wandering Earth?

Before he could think more, the scene changed again.

He saw countless immortal cultivators, using flying swords and using thousands of spells to fight against evil spirits.

Both sides fought to the death, until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.


One world after another made Ye Xiao feel very novel.

And the Myriad Worlds spaceship he was sitting on was always like a civilized observer lurking in the dark, and it did not attract the attention of the natives of the world at all.

Even the most powerful man with the power to destroy heaven and earth did not notice this spaceship of all realms.

"It's very novel! This is the Wanjie spaceship. Riding on this ship, you can enjoy the different scenery of countless worlds."

"Furthermore, it's free to ride on this spaceship of all realms, and you don't need to spend any investment coins!"

"But once you invest in the Kingdom of God, you have to spend money everywhere!"

Li Cheng said with a smile.

From Li Cheng's words, Ye Xiao captured a lot of useful information.

For example.

Invest in the Kingdom of God, use investment God coins as currency.

"Spending money? I'm not afraid. I still have a lot of investment coins."

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes and replied.

"A lot of investment in divine coins? Tens of thousands, 10,000+?"

Li Cheng asked.

"Nearly ten million."

Ye Xiao didn't intend to hide it.


Unfortunately, his words made Li Cheng laugh.

"Brother, don't fool me. With a net worth of nearly [-] million invested in divine coins, how can you fly on this ordinary spaceship of all realms? If you want to ride on it, you should take one of those high-end spaceships."

Li Cheng didn't believe Ye Xiao's words.

Ye Xiao shrugged. He still felt like he was dreaming about taking the spaceship.

Because the system didn't give him the chance to choose the type of spacecraft at all.

About this issue.

He communicates with the system.

Immediately, he woke up.

It turns out that his current status is just that of an ordinary citizen of the Kingdom of God, so he can only ride on ordinary Wanjie spaceships.

He has no right to ride on other ships.

Chatted with Li Cheng again.

Ye Xiao also learned something ridiculous.

Not long ago, Li Cheng entered "The Gambler" and ended up with a complete loss.

"I wanted to invest in a villain, but I never thought that the villain was really useless and was killed not long after."

"The villain is still a casino boss, Brother Hong!"

"What a waste!"

Speaking of Brother Hong, the boss of Da Hongfa Casino in "The Gambler", Li Cheng became extremely angry.

Ye Xiao pursed his lips and smiled without saying much.

Li Cheng seemed to be a chatterbox and continued to talk, and continued to teach Ye Xiao his investment experience.

"You must be extremely cautious when investing, and don't do it directly. Let's just say that I have accumulated millions of investment coins over the years, but every time I invest, I invest tens of thousands at most!"

His words made Ye Xiao realize something.

Let's just say that in "The Gambler", Zuo Songxing is able to do everything so smoothly.

Firstly, it’s the protagonist’s luck bonus, and secondly, it’s his investment.

He invested 100 million investment coins!

But people like Li Cheng, although they have millions of investment coins, will not invest them all just to be on the safe side!

Both sides communicated.

Li Cheng was almost always talking, and Ye Xiao acted as a loyal listener.

Shortly after.

The Wanjie spaceship arrived in the Kingdom of Investment, a small town.

Ye Xiao got off the spaceship with the investors and saw the whole town, full of people and busy traffic.

Looks very similar to Blue Star.

But in fact it is different.

Because, people are talking about investing.Both children and adults cannot leave the word "investment" in their mouths.

as well as.

Various expenses also require the use of investment coins.

Just say that right now he has to stay in a hotel and pay for investment in divine coins.

"Sir, you need to pay 100 investment coins for one night's stay."

The waitress at the hotel desk showed a bright smile.

Ye Xiao didn't think it was expensive and paid directly.

After checking into the hotel room.

He saw comfortable sofas, chairs, beds, etc.

There are also hotels equipped with various household appliances.

"It's like being on a blue star."

Ye Xiao sighed, investing in the Kingdom of God is not unusual, but the investment atmosphere is too strong.

It can be said that every citizen who invests in the Kingdom of God is born for investment.

that night.

Li Cheng went to dinner with Ye Xiao to discuss investment.

The two of them went to a restaurant to eat, and the expense was not huge. They only spent more than 100 investment coins.

"Ye Xiao, I'm treating you. Don't talk to me. You should invest sparingly in the divine coins."

Li Cheng showed his warm-hearted side.

"As I said, I have nearly [-] million investment divine coins, so why do I need to be frugal?"

Ye Xiao looked helpless.

Li Cheng shook his head, his face full of disbelief, thinking that Ye Xiao was just bragging.

Ye Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense, but he openly showed off the number of investment coins he had invested.

But Li Cheng saw two lines of text messages in his field of vision.

[Wealth: 979.4 million]

[Strength: 979.4 million]

Wealth is equal to combat power, this is the investment world!
"Ye Xiao, you only have more than 900 investment coins, no, more than 900 million! Damn it!"

Li Cheng's eyes widened, and he didn't expect that Ye Xiao was actually a wealthy man who was secretly wealthy.

With assets of nearly [-] million, he can barely be considered a rich man in the Kingdom of Investment God.

"I've told you before, but if you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do."

Ye Xiao shrugged.

The two of them ate the meal happily.

This time, Li Cheng did not dare to do anything in front of Ye Xiao, but humbly asked Ye Xiao for his investment experience.

"I won't say it. I said it for fear of misleading others."

Ye Xiao looked embarrassed. His investment method was completely unsuitable for Li Cheng.

If he didn't know the plot well, how could he dare to do it!

"Brother Ye, just talk about it! Don't hide it!"

Li Cheng looked forward to it, hoping to learn some investment knowledge from Ye Xiao.

“When investing, keep your mind calm, stay calm, and stay rational.”

Ye Xiao said casually.

Li Cheng carefully considered Ye Xiao's words.

He felt that Ye Xiao had said it, but he felt that he hadn't.

The two sides chatted in this way.

Finally, the two of them left the restaurant together.

Just walking.

However, a group of men in black with shady origins appeared and blocked their way.

Li Cheng frowned.

Ye Xiao is confident and calm.

"Da da da!"

The sound of footsteps suddenly came to mind.

But a figure walked out from among the men in black.

This man has blond hair and handsome appearance!

He is not Jin Shanlong!

Invest as a superior citizen of the Kingdom of God!

Children of the Jin family!

"Ye Xiao, we finally meet."

A ferocious smile appeared on Jin Shanlong's face. He did not expect that Ye Xiao would dare to come and invest in the Kingdom of God.

Now that you have entered the Kingdom of Investment, you are looking for death!
In his estimation.

Ye Xiao may have just come into contact with the investment world.

How many investment coins can you earn?

one thousand?
Ten thousand?
It is even possible for Ye Xiao to suffer losses.

Investment is a big subject.

No one can always guarantee a profit on investment.

Then, he may lose or make profits in the investment world, and the losses are even greater than the profits.

"Jin Shanlong, is something wrong?"

Ye Xiao looked calm.


Li Cheng's expression changed quickly.

The name Jin Shanlong sounded familiar to him.

"Brother Ye, is he a descendant of the Jin family? If so, we have to admit it! Don't start a conflict. The Jin family has an important position in the investment kingdom!"

Li Cheng whispered in Ye Xiao's ear.

There was intense fear in his eyes!

However, Ye Xiao completely ignored Li Cheng's kind words and advice.

There is no such thing as giving up in his dictionary.

Besides, Jin Shanlong has made trouble for him again and again, how could he let him go so easily?

"Something happened? You are really courageous. Do you know how much loss I have suffered because of you?"

A ferocious smile appeared on Jin Shanlong's face, and he decided to take Ye Xiao's life!

"Kill him!"

Jin Shanlong did not intend to take action himself, but signaled the people in black around him to take action.

The wealth owned by these people in black ranges from about 10,000 to [-]+!

In other words, they all have a combat power of 10,000 or [-]+!
With this combat power, it would be absolutely easy to deal with Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao was unmoved.

next second.

These ferocious-looking people in black swarmed towards Ye Xiao.

They were gearing up, with ferocious looks in their eyes.

Ye Xiao looked calm.

This is investing in the Kingdom of God!
A country that has no laws at all!

it's here.

Investment comes first, wealth comes first!
If you have wealth, you will be a master!
With wealth, you are the king of kings!
Without wealth, you are nothing.


It is very likely that someone will kill him easily!


Ye Xiao punched.

His fists may seem ordinary, but they contain amazing power!
The contest between Ye Xiao and the men in black did not last long.

But the battle ended in a few breaths.

More than a dozen men in black were ruthlessly killed by Ye Xiao on the spot.

Li Cheng, who witnessed this scene, subconsciously took several steps back.

He knew very well that he could not stay with Ye Xiao any longer.

Even when he saw Ye Xiao later, he didn't dare to say hello.

If you continue to keep in touch with Ye Xiao.

It will only hurt him.

Ye Xiao was simply too reckless, too reckless.

He actually offended the Jin family!
Ye Xiao, death is not far away!

Originally, Jin Shanlong smiled in amusement because he could see this annoying guy Ye Xiao die in front of him.

However, the scene unfolding in front of him surprised him.

Ye Xiao is not dead?
Moreover, Ye Xiao's wealth was completely different from what he expected.

Ye Xiao probably already has hundreds of thousands of investment coins.

Even invest millions of divine coins!

How on earth does this damn guy make money?

Jin Shanlong gritted his teeth, but he was still able to calm down.

"Ye Xiao, you are indeed very strong! Let me see how much wealth you have!"

Jin Shanlong quickly used the card to check other people's wealth.

For an instant.

He learned about Ye Xiao's wealth.

Nearly [-] million invested in divine coins!
"This is impossible!"

Jin Shanlong's face was stiff and his eyes were wide and round.

Ye Xiao just entered the investment world and directly earned nearly [-] million investment coins. The speed of earning investment coins is unbelievable! (End of chapter)

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