National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 986 Yue Fei dies, a land god!

"So, you took advantage of the night to sneak into the prison and try to save people? But you are too naive. The entire prison has been fully controlled by the Imperial City Division."

"Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for you to save people!"

The black fox's dark and deep eyes were filled with chills.

Ye Xiao's face was unmoved, silent, and quietly waiting for what Black Fox would say next.

"The actions you took should have resulted in death."

"But remember that what you committed is excusable, so let's forget about it."

The black fox lightly opened his red lips.

A flash of horror and realization flashed across Ye Xiao's eyes.

What he did was excusable.

But the black fox said this.

This can only illustrate one point.

Even Black Fox wants to save General Yue.

He is not the only one in the world who wants to save General Yue.

But it can’t be saved!
Because General Yue will not leave at all!
"Did you also try to save General Yue?"

Ye Xiao asked tentatively.

Regarding Ye Xiao's question, Black Fox did not hide it, but answered straightforwardly.

"There are countless people in the world who want to save General Yue, but they can't. General Yue doesn't want to leave. He wants to wash away his grievances."

"But how can this injustice be washed away?"

The black fox spoke in a complicated tone and sighed.

As a member of the Imperial City Department, she knew very well that General Yue was under suspicion by His Majesty.

Therefore, General Yue will definitely die this time!

Ye Xiao sighed.

General Yue's ending seems to have been predetermined and he cannot change it.

When thinking about this, he was laughing at himself.

With the strength of a third-rate master like him, he couldn't even protect himself.

Otherwise, how could it fall into the hands of the Imperial City Division.

"Now, you have two paths to choose from."

"A way to die, a way to live."

Black Fox gave Ye Xiao a score question.

Faced with such a multiple-choice question, does Ye Xiao still need to think about it?
You must choose the way to survive!

He is not willing to choose a dead end!
Currently, he has 1 million investment coins invested in this investment stock, Han Ping.

Once something goes wrong.

Click a little.

The 1 million investment coin is gone.

If it's gone, that's it.

But the problem is that he mortgaged "Journey to the West" in exchange for it.

So, no matter what, he must try to survive!
When Ye Xiao chose to survive, Black Fox said something.

"I think your muscles and bones are so special that you can join the Imperial City Division."

Black Fox's words were not just words. She had personally examined Ye Xiao's bones before.

With extremely good bones and bones, he is definitely a unique martial arts genius!
For this reason, Black Fox valued Ye Xiao more.

Otherwise, how could a little jailer need her to care so much.

In the end, Ye Xiao successfully joined the Imperial City Division.

[Investment stock Han Ping, joined the Imperial City Division, made a profit of 100 million investment coins]

Once added.

This is profitable again.

Another million investment coins arrived.

It's a pity that this million is really a drop in the bucket compared to the [-] million investment coins he invested.

In the next few days.

The situation in Lin'an City is getting more and more serious!

Whether it is in the court or among the people.

They are all spreading a rumor in the controlling mind of someone with a bad intention.

General Yue Feiyue has rebellious intentions!
The emergence of this rumor became more and more intense.

The ministers in the court were no longer satisfied with just imprisoning Yue Fei, they wanted Yue Fei to die!

Ye Xiao watched all this with cold eyes.

This is the Song Dynasty.

Do not!
This Southern Song Dynasty has long been in decay!
In the past few days, he had been practicing martial arts diligently day and night, and had achieved amazing results.

At least, the internal energy in his body is getting stronger.

He is definitely not far away from becoming a second-rate master.

Although he joined the Imperial City Division, he was still the jailer of Dali Temple.

"General Yue, he...hey!"

Wei Shun, a muscular man, showed an expression of indignation. When he thought about the rumors that were spreading, he felt very angry.

Those people didn't understand anything, but they slandered General Yue.

Just thinking about it made him angry, and he clenched his teeth with hatred.

General Yue served his country loyally, how could he be disloyal, but why did the situation develop to such an extent?
He also had the idea of ​​​​rescuing General Yue, but during this period of time, the prison in Dali Temple became more and more strict, and the number of jailers also increased.

Even if he wanted to save people, he was powerless.

After half a month.

This day was originally a calm day.

But a change occurred.

Zhao Gou issued a secret order to execute Yue Fei!
Yue Fei, who was bound by iron chains, his eyes widened when he heard the news.

He couldn't believe it.

He is loyal to His Majesty!
Be loyal to the Song Dynasty!

But it ended up like this.

This chilled him so much.

"Your Majesty, why is this?"

"The general has worked hard just to serve the imperial court, and he has never been disobedient. Why do you, Your Majesty, want to execute the general?"

Yue Fei's expression was complicated and his eyes were lonely.

The guards in the prison all had cold eyes.

They were sent by Zhao Gou.

Today they have only one mission, to execute Yue Fei!


Suddenly, like a furious lion, Yue Fei suddenly exerted force on his arms, and the strong internal force in his body burst out. The bracelets and anklets that bound him were easily torn off by him like tofu.

"General Yue, what do you want to do?"

"General Yue, do you want to escape from prison?"

"Your Majesty said that you have a disobedient heart, and indeed, he was right!"

"General Yue, you can't escape!"


The jailers were so frightened that their faces turned pale, their livers and gallbladders were split apart, and they even lost the courage to speak.

Because the scene in front of them frightened them and frightened them.

If Yue Fei really wants to escape from prison, they will never be able to stop him, and today is destined to be their death!


Who knew that Yue Fei would burst out laughing.

With his disheveled hair and such a smile, he really made the guards present feel creepy.

Finally, one by one the jailers were so frightened by Yue Fei's terrifying aura that they knelt on the ground one after another.

"Puff! Puff!"

All the jailers knelt on the ground, but Yue Fei was still laughing, and his laughter was both flamboyant and sad.

His laugh is particularly complex.

"General Yue, please spare me!"

"Have mercy, General Yue, we are just lackeys!"

"General Yue, you have a lot of talent, don't be like me!"

"General Yue and I are just following orders!"


Every jailer was shocked and trembling all over.

"I won't blame you."

Yue Fei's voice was loud.

As soon as these words came out, the jailers breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a scene was also noticed by Ye Xiao, who was not far away.

He didn't understand what was going on with Yue Fei.

Why did you suddenly break free from the shackles? Do you want to escape from prison?

But the thought was dismissed by him as soon as it appeared.

If Yue Fei wanted to escape from prison, he would probably have escaped early!

"This general has no disloyal intentions! This general will always be loyal to the Song Dynasty!"

"I am innocent. I have collaborated with the enemy, treason, and attempted rebellion. All of these charges are just for the sake of slandering me!"

Yue Feihu's eyes widened.

Say it.

Blood spurted from his mouth.

Stream after stream of blood splattered on the wall.

under the gaze of the crowd.

Yue Fei dipped his fingers into the blood on the wall and wrote the eight-character blood letter with his eyes splitting.

The sun shines brightly, the sun shines brightly!
He believes that heaven will give him innocence!

"Your Majesty, if you want me to die, I have no choice but to die!" Yue Fei's voice was hoarse.

He actually snatched the big iron rod from a jailer's hand.

Then, he used a strong iron rod to hit his own ribs.

again and again.

Every time, he used all his strength.


Yue Fei spurted blood from his mouth and nose.

After a few breaths, Yue Fei was no longer breathing.

He died generously.

But even though he died, he still stood there like a statue and did not fall down.

Seeing this, the jailers were already frightened.

They did not expect that the situation would develop to such an extent.

But they were also glad that they could finally make a deal.

Ye Xiao, who witnessed this scene, could only lament that Yue Fei was really killed by Yu Zhong!

However, how could Yue Fei not understand the principle of good birds choosing trees to roost in?

Yue Fei really wanted to serve his country and the imperial court!
It's a pity that this court is not worthy of what Yue Fei has done.

The day.

Lin'an Town was shocked.

Yue Fei's death.

The people may feel regretful, resentful, angry, etc.

In short, people have different ideas.

Some people regarded Yue Fei as a great hero who fought against the Jin Dynasty.

But some people thought that Yue Fei was a traitor and a traitor, and tried to rebel.

In a magnificent palace.

Zhao Gou was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, with a mature and steady face, sitting on a magnificent dragon chair.

At present, he has also learned about Yue Fei's death.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"General Yue, it's not me who wants to kill you."

"But, my court cannot fight a war."

"The war consumes too much money and will drag down the imperial court."

"You are a serious concern of the Jin Kingdom. Only if you die will the Jin Kingdom be willing to negotiate peace with me."

"Also, you hold military power in your hands, making it difficult for me to sleep or eat well!"

Zhao Gou murmured to himself.

He thinks he is not wrong.

Kill Yue Fei.

Only then can his court be stable and have long-term peace and order.

that night.

Ye Xiao sneaked into Dali Temple Prison, collected Yue Fei's body, and buried it for Yue Fei.

He still respected Yue Fei very much.

Unfortunately, Yue Fei was loyal to the wrong person.


He owns this investment world "The Condor", maybe he can resurrect Yue Fei.

[Investment stock Han Ping buried Yue Fei and made a profit of 1000 million investment coins]

For a moment, Ye Xiao's face was filled with joy.

I never expected that this small move could earn tens of millions of investment coins!
A month later.

Ye Xiao's cultivation level has reached the level of a second-rate master!

[Investment stock Han Ping became a second-rate expert and made a profit of 200 million investment coins]

one year later.

Ye Xiao's cultivation level has reached the level of a first-class master.

[Investment stock Han Ping became a first-class expert and made a profit of 500 million investment coins]

He has always stayed in prison, working as a little jailer and not making any noise at all.

He has always been very low-key.

Even if Black Fox sent him to the Imperial City Division to perform tasks, he would always work hard and put his own safety first.

Three years later.

Ye Xiaoxiu has reached the level of a super master!
[Investment stock Han Ping has become a super expert and made a profit of 1000 million investment coins]

But he continues to cling on!

Continue to stay in his Dali Temple prison.

In the past few years, he has seen a lot.

People who have been wronged, people who have been slandered.

Or damn people.


There are all kinds of people in prison.

But he is still diligent and dedicated to practicing martial arts.

Ten years later.

Ye Xiaoxiu has reached the land of immortals!
[Investment stock Han Ping became a land god and made a profit of 2000 million investment coins]

And he is no longer a small jailer, he has been promoted to the head of the Dali Temple!

However, his appearance still looks so young.

"I've met Mr. Han."

"Han Laotou, you are over 30 years old, but you have never been married. Why is that?"

"Han LaoTou, you look so young!"

"There are rumors in the outside world that Prison Leader Han is an unparalleled master. Is it true or false?"


The jailers looked at Ye Xiao with curiosity, and even pestered Ye Xiao with questions.

"Whatever you have to do, go ahead."

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice.

He said so.

The jailers shrank in fear and did not dare to say any more nonsense.

They have seen how ruthless Han LaoTou can be.

There have been ruthless people in the world who tried to rob the prison before.

As a result, he was directly beheaded by their leader Han.

Ye Xiao sat cross-legged alone and became the cell leader, but it was also a coincidence.

It's all the fault of those gangsters seeking death.

He's doing fine in jail.

But in the end, the other party came to rob the prison.

He just wanted to rob the prison, but he also wanted to kill the jailer.

I chose him because I didn't want to die.

Therefore, he killed those Jianghu people who did not know whether to live or die, made meritorious service, and became the prison leader.

In the past ten years, Ye Xiao has not only improved his cultivation, but his profits have also reached tens of millions of investment coins!

But that's not enough!
Not long after.

Ye Xiao left the prison.

He wanted to leave, but no one dared to say anything or stop him.

It feels quite good to be the leader of this prison.

As soon as he got home, he lay comfortably on the bed.

But there was a beautiful woman who dressed him and even massaged him.

This beautiful woman is none other than his immediate boss, Black Fox.

But now, Black Fox has become his woman.

"Why are you back so early today?"

The black fox bird snuggled into Ye Xiao's arms.

Feeling the beauty in his arms, Ye Xiao felt mixed.

He made the same mistake that all men make.

However, he didn't regret it either.

If it happened again, he would probably do it again.

"I'll be back if nothing happens."

Ye Xiao closed his eyes and calmed down and said casually.

The black fox nodded.

However, her bright eyes were constantly looking at Ye Xiao.

She felt like she was in a dream.

For Ye Xiao, she initially thought he was a martial arts prodigy.

But it turned out that Ye Xiao's martial arts talent exceeded her imagination.

Ye Xiao even saved her life.

The hero saves the beauty, and she gives herself to Ye Xiao in a daze.

He became her first man.

"What level has your cultivation reached now?"

The black fox's pair of shining beautiful eyes revealed a curious look.

"The level of land gods is still far away."

Ye Xiao answered truthfully, he was still not satisfied with his current cultivation level.

Land gods, this is not enough to be invincible! (End of chapter)

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