National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 995: Kill Guo Jing and earn 100 billion investment coins!

"How is this possible!"

Wanyan Jing, who was extremely powerful, had a pale face and bloodshot eyes.

At this moment, he just felt that the scene in front of him was so ridiculous.

Thirty thousand Jin soldiers surrounded Bai Fa, a master of martial arts, but in the end the two sides fought and Bai Fa killed thousands of people.

Is Baifa's strength so terrifying?

Rumors say.

Baifa is the number one master in the world, it seems the rumors are true.

"Very good! He deserves to be a strong martial artist in the land of gods and immortals!"

Wanyan Jing's face turned livid, she gritted her teeth and smiled angrily.

He believed that the gray hair would eventually show its flaws.

Wait until a flaw comes out.

Gray hair can only lead to death.

The killings continue.

Surrounded by nearly [-] Jin soldiers, Ye Xiao always managed with ease.

He walked leisurely among the Jin soldiers. Every time he took a step, several Jin soldiers would be killed.

A while passed.

Two thousand Jin soldiers were killed.

"How come this Song Dynasty person is so scary!"

"The devil, this is the devil!"

"Is he the reincarnation of a god?"

"How can we, ordinary people, be enemies of immortals and gods?"


Some golden soldiers were so shocked by Ye Xiao's strength that their scalps went numb and their spirits collapsed. These frightened golden soldiers even thought that Ye Xiao was a god descended from the earth.

Not long after.

Finally, a Jin soldier became a deserter.

Facing these deserters, Wanyan Jing was so angry that she directly ordered that anyone who dared to retreat would be killed!
  Without exception, all those deserters were easily killed by Wanyan Jing's palace guards.

This made it impossible for the Jin soldiers present to retreat.

Since you can't retreat, you can only move forward and fight to the end!
  "We'll wait and kill this beast!"

"He is just one person. How could we and tens of thousands of people be defeated!"

"We can't be deserters!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"


After all, there are many brave people among the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom.

All of a sudden, the morale of the Jin soldiers was high.

Facing such powerful soldiers, Ye Xiao looked calm and unmoved.

There was a worried look on the black fox's delicate face.

She kept praying in her heart, praying that nothing would happen to her husband.

Huang Rong bit her lips tightly, although the situation was not favorable for Bai Fa.

But she never thought that Baifa would lose.

Shattered Void Realm.

She had never heard of such a level of martial arts.

And this martial arts realm is definitely powerful enough.

Shortly after.

The battle continues!
  Soldiers of the Jin Kingdom continued to die in battle.

The number of people killed in battle has reached [-]!

Even so, there were no more deserters among the Jin soldiers.

They believed that the white-haired martial arts master in front of them would soon fall.

Facing the Jin soldiers who were coming one after another, Ye Xiao shrugged and was unwilling to waste time like this anymore.

He needs to show some real skills.

Let these soldiers of the Jin Kingdom see the terror of the martial arts masters in the Shattered Void Realm.


Ye Xiao waved a palm.


This palm contains astonishing and terrifying internal energy.

The power of a palm is terrifying.

With one palm strike, thousands of Jin soldiers spurted blood from their mouths and noses and died on the spot.

Witnessing this scene, Emperor Wanyan Jing of the Kingdom of Jin felt that he was being deceived.
  What a moment.

His Jin soldiers fell in pieces.

At a glance, there were at least three to four thousand people who fell.

Soon, after repeated confirmation, Wanyan Jing was sure of one thing.

Baifa, the number one master in the world, was far more terrifying and frightening than he had expected.

Just say that just now.

Baifa wiped out thousands of Jin soldiers with just one palm.

"Unimaginable! Unbelievable!"

Wanyanjing's face was pale and her lips were chapped.

He regretted that he should not be an enemy of Baifa.

But so far.

What's the use of regretting?

The terrifying inner strength of the white-haired man will eventually run out.

In this battle, Baifa could only end up with a tragic death.

Secretly, many people in the world are paying attention to this battle.

Baifa's palm opened their eyes.

"It's too scary. This person's martial arts realm must have reached the legendary land of gods."

"White hair, the real number one martial arts master, one of the five best in the world, far inferior to him!"

"The five greatest talents in the world? Bah! That Northern Beggar Hong Qigong was killed by Baifa!"

"White hair, a martial arts legend!"


Many Jianghu knights showed fanatical admiration in their eyes.

Gray hair seems to have become their belief and a mountain that they cannot cross in this life.

They even believed that the white-haired poop was a martial arts myth that everyone admired!
  In the martial arts world, white hair is the most respected!
  There were two figures in the crowd who were also watching all this silently.

One person, Wang Chongyang, who was wearing Taoist uniform and had a calm face.

One person, the handsome Guo Jing.

"Daozhang Wang, is this white hair really just a terrestrial fairyland?"

Guo Jing had a look of horror on his face.

"No! His strength surpasses that of the land gods!"

Wang Chongyang spoke firmly. Just before, with the help of investors, he successfully broke through and became a master of the land of gods.

Therefore, he could easily judge that the palm Bai Fa used just now contained extremely terrifying deep internal power.

It’s been so long since I last saw you.

The gray hair became stronger again.

"There is nothing better than this in martial arts myths."

Wang Chongyang sighed, but his eyes showed murderous intent.


He will take his life as a gray hair.

It wasn't just that he arrived.

Even the other three talents in the world also came.

Guo Jing gritted his teeth. This white hair was really a hidden danger and must be removed.

Master, don't worry, Jing'er will definitely avenge you!

Guo Jing shouted in his heart.



Ye Xiao blasted out two earth-shattering palms again.

These two palms also contain terrifying internal power.

As soon as the two palms were gone, nearly ten thousand Jin soldiers were killed.

Up to now.

The mighty [-] Jin soldiers were now less than [-].

Facing the scene of Jin soldiers bleeding like rivers on the streets of Zhongdu, Wanyan Jing felt like her heart was cut by a knife, and her whole heart was bleeding.

This is a good man from their Jin country.

But in the end he died so easily.

White hair!

Why is this person so scary?

but no matter.

There's no way a gray-haired person would survive today!

If the white hair does not die today.

Then, he...

Thinking of this, Wanyan Jing's back felt chilly.

A sense of fear of death ran through his body.


Wanyanjing's eyes were red and bloodshot, and she continued to give orders.

The remaining soldiers of the Jin Kingdom were already suffering from liver and gallbladder injuries.

They were not facing a martial arts master, but a god and demon!
  But they have no way out.

Even if they retreat, they will only die.

"Song people, die!"

The soldiers of the Jin Kingdom continued to fight hard.

Ye Xiao unreservedly continued to show the terrifying power of the Shattered Void Realm martial arts master.


The astonishingly powerful palm technique was used by him again.

Wait until the sun sets.

Thirty thousand Jin soldiers were wiped out by Ye Xiao on his own.


Although [-] Jin soldiers were wiped out, beads of sweat appeared on Ye Xiao's forehead one after another, and he was panting from exhaustion.

Apparently, he was also a little exhausted.

He is a man, not a god.

But it was all worth it to him.

Because he could see an eye-catching system message in his field of vision. [Investment stock Han Ping, killed 20 soldiers of the Jin Kingdom and made a profit of [-] billion investment in divine coins]

Amazing profits!
  20 billion investment in divine coins will be credited directly to your account!
  This made Ye Xiao feel extremely satisfied.

It's also thanks to his accumulated strength that he has made breakthroughs.

Otherwise, facing [-] golden soldiers with the help of the land fairyland is completely asking for death.

And now his total profit from "The Condor" has reached an astonishing investment of more than [-] billion!
  "Wanyan Jing, how are you?"

Ye Xiao was smiling, covered in blood, and walked towards Wanyan Jing step by step.

The blood on his body was the blood of the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom.

Seeing Ye Xiao pressing forward step by step, Wanyan Jing, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, subconsciously retreated.

This person is really as scary as a ghost!
  Wanyan Jing's heart was trembling and her expression was full of fear.

"White Hair, you are amazing!"

Wanyan Jing pretended to be calm, "But you can't escape today!"

Ye Xiao couldn't help but laugh.

"Just relying on these rotten fish and shrimps around you?"

After that, he glanced at the palace guards.

What's more, some of them were scared to death by Ye Xiao.

These palace guards were nothing more than soldiers and generals, and Ye Xiao didn't take them seriously at all.

"Wait, don't take action yet!"

Wanyan Jing said loudly.

Ye Xiao looked calm. He knew that Wanyan Jing had another plan.

However, he didn't know exactly what this last move was.

But he had no fear at all.

When Wanyan Jing makes a move, he can use it as soon as he sees it.

"call out!"

"call out!"


Figures appeared in front of Ye Xiao like streams of light.

The first figure.

This man was dressed in a green robe, tall and tall, with an extraordinary temperament. He also held a fine jade flute in his hand.

The second figure.

He was tall, dressed in white, and his eyes were as sharp as swords.

The third figure.

Wearing a coarse cloth monk's robe, he seems to be a monk with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

The fourth figure.

Dressed in Taoist robes, with majestic weapons and a long sword on his waist, he is none other than Chongyang, the king of supernatural powers.

The fifth figure.

He looks handsome, but he is not Guo Jing.

Saw the appearance of these five people.

One name after another subconsciously popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.

Medicine Master Dongxiehuang!
  Western poison Ouyang Feng!
  Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing!
  From the five unique things in the world to the four unique things in the world.

Moreover, the inner strength of the four unique beings in this world is unfathomable.

They have actually reached the land of fairyland.

There must be investors behind it.

"Good come!"

Ye Xiao showed no fear. Since the four best people in the world came to visit him, he didn't mind giving him a ride.

The two sides did not waste any words and directly took action.

Huang Yaoshi, who lives on Peach Blossom Island, is proficient in swordsmanship.

He directly used the jade flute sword technique and the magical power of snapping his fingers.

Xidu Ouyang Feng was lying on the ground, his figure swelled, and he was using his unique martial arts "Toad Kung Fu".

Nandi Duan Zhixing looked calm and gently pointed in Ye Xiao's direction.

The fingering technique he used was a Yang finger with frightening power.

Chongyang, the king of supernatural powers, wielded his long sword and used the Quanzhen sword technique.

Even Guo Jing also used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

An endless stream of attacks came towards Ye Xiao.

Faced with these attacks, Ye Xiao did not dodge.

Because there was no way he could hide.


He shouted angrily and blocked everyone's menacing attacks with his powerful internal strength.

Wang Chongyang and the other five people's eyes showed horror.

This white-haired man truly has unfathomable inner strength.

But it’s definitely the end of the line!
  The battle continued.

Round after round of competition.

The five top players did not take advantage at all.

On the contrary, the more they competed, the more surprised they became.

The white-haired man became fiercer and fiercer as he fought, and he was a complete freak.

Wanyan Jing was stunned.

In a battle between masters, he couldn't tell the difference.

this battle.

After a day and a night.

The game is tied.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Huang Yaoshi and others are at a disadvantage, and all of them are injured.

On the other hand, White Hair was unscathed.

Another day and night passed.

Huang Yaoshi, fallen!

Ouyang Feng, fallen!

Duan Zhixing, fallen!

Wang Chongyang fell!

The four most powerful people in the world were all killed by Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao showed no mercy when killing these people.

Even the Emperor of Jin, Wanyan Jing, was killed by Ye Xiao!
  A piece of profit information appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed the four best in the world, made a profit of 30 billion investment magic coins]

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed the Emperor Wanyan Jing of the Kingdom of Jin and made a profit of 10 billion investment in divine coins]

40 billion investment divine coins were recorded, which made Ye Xiao beam with joy.

Then Ye Xiao also turned his attention to Guo Jing, whose life was hanging by a thread.


Ye Xiao punched directly.

One punch hit Guo Jing, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he died on the spot.

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed Guo Jing and made a profit of 100 billion investment in magic coins]

When he saw the profit information, Ye Xiao was ecstatic.

Sure enough, as the leading actor, Guo Jing is so valuable!
  Up to now.

His total profit from "The Condor" is close to [-] billion!

Soon, Ye Xiao and Hei Hu met.

As for Huang Rong, her eyes were red and her face was full of tears. Her heart was broken when she saw her father's fall and Guo Jing's death.


Ye Xiao said directly.

The black fox nodded.

Shortly after.

The three of them quickly left the messy scene.

After checking into an inconspicuous inn.

Ye Xiao had just stepped into the guest room, blood was spurting from his mouth and nose, and his face was as pale as paper.

"Husband, you are seriously injured."

Seeing this, Hei Hu was extremely anxious, especially when she checked Ye Xiao's injuries.

She was completely stunned.

Ye Xiao's life is hanging by a thread, and the oil is exhausted.

Even Ye Xiao's terrifying cultivation level was still passing away rapidly.

In order to kill the [-] soldiers of the Jin Kingdom, as well as the four best soldiers in the world and Guo Jing, Ye Xiao completely risked his life.

"I am fine."

Ye Xiao forced a smile on his face.

But he could feel the vitality in his body draining away.

Also, his cultivation has completely dissipated.

One loss message after another popped up in his field of vision.

[Investment stock Han Ping, his life hangs on a thread, losing 5000 million investment coins]

[Investment stock Han Ping lost all his cultivation and lost 5000 million investment coins]

In the blink of an eye, I directly lost 1 million investment coins.

But compared to profitability.

This 1 million investment in divine coins is nothing.


With the support of the black fox's internal energy transport, Ye Xiao temporarily saved his life.

But let’s look at Ye Xiao’s situation.

Time is running out.

He can only live for three months at most.

Moreover, this is an optimistic view.

It is very likely that Ye Xiao will die in a month.


The black fox cried so hard that the pear blossoms were covered with rain, and his heart was broken.

Huang Rong, who was witnessing all this, had complicated eyes and a heavy heart.

She originally wanted to avenge Guo Jing for her father.

But now, does this revenge still need to be avenged?
  The white-haired martial arts legend has less than three months left to live!

"I am fine."

Ye Xiao forced a smile, the previous battle was too exhausting.

Guo Jing was among the Four Greatest People in the World. Together, these five people made it completely overwhelming for him.

He also thought about retreating, but judging from the situation at that time, he had no way out at all.

How could Si Jue and Guo Jing let him go? (End of chapter)

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