
Chapter One

Chapter One

Yanlong Waters, Panlong Island.

Fu Henghua was sitting in the exercise room on the third floor of the Langhuan Pavilion, carefully performing exercises on a pair of jade figurines.

Figurine puppets, commonly used props for monks to perform exercises.The improvement and repair of cultivation methods is an extremely dangerous thing.If you are not careful, you will go crazy.Practitioners naturally cannot risk their own bodies from the very beginning.

Figurine puppets imitating the human body came into being.Feed the figurine with blood, and run the true energy inside the figurine, so that the figurine becomes "another self".

After experimenting with the figurine's Occasional Skill, the monks try it out for themselves, which can greatly reduce the chance of becoming obsessed.

The figurines in front of Fu Henghua are the highest quality jade figurines among the "Puppet Figures", which can restore 70.00% of the human body.

Naturally, it's worth a fortune.

"The moon contains the jade rabbit, the sun hides the crow, and the tortoise and snake form the real martial arts. Yin and Yang are combined with Tai Chi, and the five elements gather together..."

Heng Hua calculated the formula silently, behind him there was a man and a woman protecting the law, praying for the success this time.

"We must succeed, we must succeed. If we fail again, we will really have no money." Xiaoyu, as a maid, is in charge of accounting.Right now, all of Fu Henghua's family wealth is used to buy figurines and deduce the skills.

This jade figurine is the last one.

If she doesn't succeed again, where will she go to get money for her young master?

The guard Hengshou thought silently: If the old master learns about the young master's prodigal behavior, how many days will he be unable to get out of bed this time?

With the deduction of spiritual energy in the body of the jade figurine, the first level, second level, third level of Qi training... step by step to the foundation building state.

The golden jade coat covering the surface of the jade figurine began to activate.

The handwork of the jade clothes is very rough. It is a spirit armor made by Fu Henghua himself, referring to the golden jade clothes seen in the previous life museum.

Talismans, talismans and seals appeared one after another on the jade pieces, and the aura of Taoism was activated accordingly.Passed by the golden thread, the aura protects the jade warriors.


The "alarm bell" on the east side of the room was felt, and the small purple gold bell shook quickly, sending out a loud alarm.

The three of Heng Hua looked up at the same time.

The purple light was dancing, and the sky thunder was slowly gathering in the sky.

"It's started, Xiaoyu, Hengshou, withdraw!"

The three of them had already prepared.

Heng Hua turned over, jumped out of the window decisively, and squeezed the "Yufeng Jue".The breeze blew, his clothes fluttered, and he stood in the air.

The maid Xiaoyu opened and closed the door, and flashed into the room.

Seeing his companion's lack of loyalty, Heng Shou happened to be blocked at the door, and silently took out his black iron umbrella.After opening, he hid in the corner to avoid lightning.


The thunder blasted into the Langhuan Hall, and the splashing flames ignited in front of the hall.


In Panlong Pavilion, Fu Danwei was lying on the couch, leisurely enjoying the maid's massage.

"The world is long, thousands of years old. Wealth and glory are all there..."

Before the old man finished humming.

boom -

A loud bang interrupted him.

The maidservant made a sudden move, and the old man sat up suddenly.She was so frightened that Huarong turned pale: "Master, spare me!"

The old man ignored her, and looked at the Langhuan Pavilion behind Panlong Pavilion.

Black smoke billowed and flames blazed.

"You bastard, you're tossing around at home again! Your grandfather and I will lose my life sooner or later!"

I can only live for ten years, can't I let myself enjoy my old age in the last ten years?

Fu Danwei was so angry that his beard vibrated: "Come on, look behind. What is that bastard doing?"

The servant at the side hurriedly set off, but before he could run out, he saw a handsome young man walking in.

Wearing a dark red dress, he saluted and said, "Grandfather, who are you angry at?"

"Who else could it be, your careless cousin—you don't know, he burned down the Langhuan Hall again last month!"

Burned again?Is it the seventh or eighth time this year?
Fu Xiangfeng smiled apologetically, and presented the gift to the old man: "My cousin is arrogant, didn't he also come from your old favorite? Look, this is the Huanchun Dan that I brought back for you. It will help you maintain your beauty and prolong your life."

Fu Danwei rubbed his full head of white hair, and sighed: "Don't be too busy, your grandfather will only live for a few years. The biggest expectation now is that you will produce a few Golden Core monks. At that time, even if this Panlong The island is given up, and you have a chance to get it back."

He casually placed his fingers on Xiangfeng's wrist to check his cultivation.

Suddenly, the old man was pleasantly surprised: "You have broken through? Samadhi fire has been completed?"

Under the joy of Fu Xiangfeng's breakthrough, he didn't care about the trouble Fu Henghua caused.

Xiang Feng's face was a bit reserved: "This time I went out for a little adventure." With a light pinch of fingers, a hot flame floated out.

Samadhi fire, refined by monks, is one of the most common means to subdue demons.


The old man remembered something and dragged him to the Langhuan Pavilion.

Fu Xiangfeng quickly dissipated the samadhi fire.

"Come, come, find your cousin and ask him to help you deduce the exercises. In this practice, every level must be carefully studied. If there is a slight change, the exercises must be revised and adjusted."

Cultivation methods vary from person to person.

The exercises adapt to people's needs, rather than people passively practicing according to the exercises.

There are exercises suitable for monks of the fire attribute, and if they are replaced by monks who are proficient in thunder techniques, they will naturally need to be repaired according to the actual situation.

There are exercises that require the practitioner to be blind. Is it possible that a normal person must poke his eyes when practicing?Naturally, it is to modify the exercises and add ways for normal people to practice.

There are exercises that are suitable for men to practice, but if they are replaced by women, they must be revised again.

After all, high-level exercises are rare.Instead of hoping to find a book of the same specifications, it is better to directly improve the existing exercises to make them more suitable for your own needs.

Xiang Feng quickly followed the old man, from being pulled forcibly at the beginning, to when he took the initiative to help the old man: "It's the cousin's theory again?"

"Your cousin, he is messing around in all kinds of ways and causing trouble in all kinds of ways. There is only one thing, his talent for creating exercises is really high."

Xiang Feng nodded silently.

That's right, at present, most of the clansmen in the two stages of Fu family's Qi refining and foundation building are related to Fu Henghua.This kid may not look at his cultivation base as poor, but he is really good at kung fu calculation and creation.

The two rushed to the Langhuan Pavilion and saw gardeners carrying buckets to put out the fire around the Langhuan Pavilion.

"Be careful, don't burn down my library." Not far away, a young man with an immature face, somewhat resembling Fu Xiangfeng, gesticulated.

Heng Hua's hair was disheveled, and Xiao Yu was rearranging it for him.

"Xiaoyu, leave me alone. Protect our flower guest first."

With a helpless expression, the girl waved her hand, and the blue ice profound energy floated to the flower field, extinguishing the flames on the scorched branches.

Seeing that Fu Henghua's face was as charred, Fu Danwei was so angry that he picked up the jade ruler and was about to beat him.

Heng Hua caught a glimpse of his grandfather killing him from a distance, and fled decisively into the Langhuan Pavilion, and turned out the sign at the door.

"The important place of the library, fighting is prohibited."

Eight large golden characters flew at the door, and a layer of Immortal Family Restriction enveloped the Langhuan Hall.

Fu Danwei is a great Jindan cultivator, so he is naturally not afraid of the Immortal Family Forbidden Law made by Henghua.But when he got to the library, he knew that there were [-] books of his own, so he silently stopped, stood at the door and scolded.

Fu Xiangfeng hurried over, helped the old man and said, "Grandfather, calm down, calm down. Little Liu, come out quickly. Help third brother choose the cultivation method."

Standing in the library, Heng Hua saw Fu Xiangfeng comforting the old man, and silently lifted the forbidden law.But he didn't go out, he stood at the door and asked the two to come in.

By the way, he winked at the maid Xiaoyu.

After the gardeners put out the fire, Xiao Yu quickly dragged them away to make a confession.Fooled the fact that his young master got into trouble again.

"But the old man is happy when the third young master comes back, so he shouldn't be harsh on the young master, right?"


In the Langhuan Pavilion, the three members of the Fu family stood together.

Heng Hua solemnly picked up the registration book at the door: "Yisi month, Gengshen day, the seventh day of April. Fu Danwei and Sun Fu Xiangfeng entered the Langhuan Pavilion."

Seeing his grandson posing as the owner of the museum, Fu Danwei's eyelids twitched, and he resisted not making a sound.

No way, ever since Heng Hua showed his talent in deriving exercises and repairing broken scriptures, he became his own "librarian" logically.

The rules he set in the library have been approved by all clansmen.As the elder of the Fu family, of course I can't take the lead in sabotage.

If you don't take it seriously, don't set the rules.What if the other clansmen took the opportunity to bully their grandson when he was gone?
Suddenly, Fu Danwei thought of something and carefully observed the library.

The library is antique and has three floors.On the mahogany shelf, there are two categories of Zhenfan collected by the Fu family, a total of twelve volumes and 72 books.Among them, the six parts of comprehension include Dao, Dharma, Art, Technology, Miscellaneous, and Wen.A total of [-] volumes, including astronomy and geography, Taoism and spells, alchemy and amulets, and strange stories in the world of practice.

"There is nothing missing. It caught fire and exploded just now. Where did you get it?"

Vodanwei's eyes fell on the stairs leading to the second floor.

not good!

Heng Hua's heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Ahem...Third Brother, have you broken through to the Real Fire Realm?"

"Yes. I will choose the next exercise. Do you want to use 'Zombie' to calculate?"

"When you came here a few years ago, I saw that you had successfully established your foundation, and you are about to break through. I have prepared three books of real fire-level exercises for you. Of course, it is best to check."

Fu Henghua reached out and patted Fu Xiangfeng on the shoulder.

"There is a wisp of phoenix energy lingering. Did you get an external opportunity? Picked up the feathers of the phoenix, or ate the spiritual grass contaminated with phoenix energy? The phoenix is ​​the essence of wind and fire. It seems that the three books I prepared for you are just right. suitable."

Afterwards, Heng Hua fetched the puppet: "Inject mana—what are you always doing?"

Fu Danwei paused, and paused to go upstairs: "Old man, go upstairs and have a look. Aren't all the exercises above foundation building on the second floor?"

"I calculated the progress of the third brother's practice years ago, and I have placed the classics he will use on the first floor."

Heng Hua beckoned, and three cultivation classics flew over from the small bookshelf in the middle hall.

"You are always in such a hurry, come here, palm your eyes for third brother, and I will check his body."

Bringing Fudanweila back, Fu Henghua peeked at the top of the stairs and saw a red necklace hanging from Hengshou—cleaning is finished.

Heng Hua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just clean up the scene before grandpa finds out.

Fu Henghua deduced the exercises by himself, and did it without telling the clan.

Xiang Feng injected his true essence into the puppet, and the puppet, which was originally rough and simple in workmanship, was transformed into a villain who looked similar to him, with acupoints and meridians appearing on the surface.

Then, he performed the exercises he was currently practicing, and the meridians of the puppet slowly flowed true essence.

"Wait for a while, let Zhenyuan walk a few more times. By the way, third brother. Are you planning to go out this time when you come back?"

"Stay at home for a few days, calm down, and practice hard. Why, are you going to ask me to carry things for you?"

"No, just ask."

"Your third brother will go to Fengmen Island and take charge of our family's property."

After reading the three practice books, Fu Danwei handed them to Fu Xiangfeng: "Your brother picked them for you. One is the secret method of Xuanfeng, one is the combination of wind and fire, and the other is for purifying fire essence. The third That's all, it's not suitable for you, you can choose the first two."

One thousand and five hundred years ago, Donglai Shenzhou sank, and the vitality of the world changed drastically.

Originally, the five elements are comfortable and combined, and the proportions of water and fire are the same.But in the Wandao era, the heaven and the earth were full of spirits of water.Practicing fire technique is difficult and difficult.

And with the great changes in the world, the monks were surprised to find out.The practice method originally created and inherited according to the Shenzhou era gradually failed to keep up with this new environment.

The air of water spirit completely overwhelms wood, fire, earth and metal.All exercises and spells based on "Yin Yang and Five Elements" need to be adjusted.

The gravitational pull of the tides distorts the moon, indirectly causing changes in the trajectories of the sun and other stars.All Taoism that uses the stars as the medium must be adjusted accordingly.

Therefore, the profession of magician came into being.

Xiang Feng knew that Fire Art was difficult to practice, so he naturally wouldn't choose it.

After roughly reading the first two chapters, he frowned and said, "There is no quick fix? The one that forms the alchemy as soon as possible?"

Fu Danwei's eyes moved slightly, both gratified and emotional.

Heng Hua stared at the puppet without raising his head when he heard Xiang Feng's words:
"Building the three realms of the foundation, first establish the Dao foundation, purify the true essence, then refine the real fire, and refine the jade liquid. Finally, the mysterious embryo is formed, the dragon and the tiger are combined, and the golden elixir of the Dao is achieved. This process can range from decades to long. It will be hundreds of years. If the third brother intends to quickly form alchemy within ten years, then don't even think about it."

Fu Henghua is good at calculations, and according to his prediction, Fu Xiangfeng will form an alchemy, at least 50 years later.

"Even if I get Fengyuan?" When he spoke, he pushed the puppet calculation little by little according to his own movement speed.

Heng Hua observed the movement route and recorded the speed of the third brother's movement in each meridian: "I really couldn't predict the chance of you getting Fengling. But I have already considered the possibility of you getting the chance in advance.

"50 years. After 50 years, you will be sure of forming alchemy. If we want to say the fastest alchemy in our lineage, it depends on Uncle Wu. It's just that although he is only a step away from casting alchemy, he hopes to Not much. It should be 13 years."

Only three years away, Panlong Island is in danger of changing hands.

Fu Danwei also said: "Feng'er doesn't need to care about Panlong Island. Even if this island is taken by your Seventeenth Uncle. He is also our Fu family, so he won't do anything to our Baihuangtang."

"But he is from Baiyutang," Heng Hua said indifferently, "Baiyutang is sparsely populated, and there are more than a dozen direct descendants. If you are really gone, Panlong Island will naturally not be our place to live."

The Fu family can be regarded as a small practice family in Yanlong Waters.After thousands of years, several golden core monks have been sitting in the town, and they are famous.

However, there are too many monks, and among the three islands and eighteen islands owned by the Fu family, there are only two low-level spiritual veins.

One is "Xuanfeng", and the spirit vein is about to be sublimated to the middle third rank, which is the ancestral family of the Fu family.

One is called "Beautiful Dragon", which refers to the current Panlong Island, which is in charge of Fu Danwei, the elder of Baihuangtang.This island is isolated and far away from the islands of the Fu family, and water monsters appear frequently.

Now that Fu Danwei's longevity is about to run out, Bai Huangtang is unable to protect Panlong Island.But the Jindan cultivator in Baiyutang is in full swing and a talent of the heavens, but right now he has no place to practice.

The plan of the clan is that after Fu Danwei dies, Bai Huangtang will move out and Bai Yutang will move in.Then Bai Yutang temporarily shouldered the responsibility of protecting Bai Huangtang's clan.

It is easy to move out, but it is difficult to come back.

Fu Danwei smiled and said: "The Golden Flame Islet over Baiyutang is also good. The old man discussed with the Great Elder, and I will take another Lingyu and go there later. You can at least have a second-grade 'Swallow Jaw' spirit vein. "

Fu Xiangfeng felt uncomfortable.

They, Baihuangtang, have been operating on Panlong Island for 700 years.From the low-level third-rank spirit veins to upgrade little by little.Although other members of the family also contributed, their own family obviously paid more.How many uncles and elders died fighting for Panlong Island?

Whether it's me or Henghua, they were all born and raised here.

How can the memories and sacrifices of generations be given up easily?

Heng Hua also remembered the death of his parents.

In the monster tide 30 years ago, Bai Huangtang suffered heavy casualties, and there were no more than 20 direct descendants left.And Fu Danwei, the elder of the golden core, burned the three hundred golden core dragons to death.

Thinking of this, Heng Hua lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head, covering his red eyes, and said lightly: "Don't worry. My grandson is already helping you to deduce the exercises. When you make a breakthrough, you will add another five hundred years to your life. This Panlong The island still belongs to our family."


Fu Danwei looked at his little grandson, and shook his head slowly: "Don't mess around, you boy, and honestly deduce the exercises to the clansmen. In the future, you will be indispensable as the elder who teaches the exercises. Our family's collection of books is still yours. Take charge. Others, don’t mess around. Also—don’t set fire to the library every day!”

My little grandson is very talented in deriving exercises.A few years ago, there was a certain immortal sect who specially came to recruit disciples, intending to train him to be the most important scripture preaching disciple in the sect.

But he is young and inexperienced.

Counting from beating the mother's womb, Fu Henghua is 60 years old and has built a foundation.

He is a child whose parents are both monks, born with all kinds of meridians, and has a lifespan of three hundred. Compared with him, 60 years old is just an adult.

Now Heng Hua can easily calculate Qi-refining and foundation-building exercises.But when it comes to the level of Jindan transforming into a baby, you will be blinded.

There are 33 classics on self-cultivation in Langhuanguan, among which there are only [-] classics and fragments related to the practice of Jindanhuaying.

Inspired by these books, Fu Danwei believes that his grandson understands the Golden Core Realm better than ordinary Foundation Establishment monks.But it is still unrealistic to say that the cultivation method of the Golden Core cultivator was created.

Seeing that Fu Danwei didn't believe it, Heng Hua didn't bother to argue.

Do you really think that you set fire to play in the Langhuan Pavilion all these years?
Those are all legitimate acts of experimenting with exercises.

Heng Hua secretly said: At that time, I will put the exercises in front of him, the fact is the most favorable answer.By the way, I moved the old man's treasure house into my room, isn't it too much?
Fu Danwei stared at Heng Hua, also thinking about his future.

A magician, this kind of monk who can perform exercises for others, is naturally the treasure of a family or sect.But just because of the baby, the family absolutely does not allow such a character to go out easily.

"I still have ten years to live, so I can take shelter for a while. If the old man is not here, it is true that other people in Baihuangtang will move out. But he has to stay and continue guarding the Langhuan Pavilion. I am afraid that he will never be free in this life. "

Thinking of this, Fu Danwei moved his mind, and he said to Fu Xiangfeng: "You will go to Fengmen Island later. Take Xiao Liuer with you—"



Fu Henghua was about to help the third brother check his body, when he heard this, both of them were shocked at the same time.

Then they said in unison: "No!"

"Fengshui Kanlongshu" says: Donglai Lingmai has three grades, upper, middle and lower, each with three grades.Different levels, spiritual veins conceive and raise spiritual roots, and strange beasts are also different.For the lower grade, dragon and phoenix are the best spirit veins, which can give birth to dragon wood and phoenix tree.

 Friendly reminder, Xianxia novels involve longevity, and the timeline is very long.

  Taking a thousand years as the standard, 60 years old has just started.

  Please don't ask why at 60 years old you still have a youthful attitude and a youthful heart, not the appearance of an old man.

  Don't really follow it strictly, the 60-year-old grandpa in the reality is playing it!

  I don't want fairy tales, it's just a group of old men and women fighting swords and martial arts, isn't it good for young, handsome men and beautiful women?
  Isn't it good for young people to act chivalrously and fight for righteousness together, wielding swords?
(End of this chapter)

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