
Chapter 120 Nine dragons help wind power, phoenix plays fairy art

Chapter 120 Nine Dragons Help Wind Power, Ten Phoenixes Perform Immortal Art
Listening to the wind platform, the sound is clear and echoes in the sky.

Fu Yaozhen stood on the Chaoyin platform and looked at each other from a distance.

Fu Henghua closed his eyes tightly and sat on the gossip table.Holding the Shenluo Heavenly Book in both hands, surrounded by nine golden phoenixes.

"The phoenix is ​​the god of wind, and the phoenix is ​​the spirit of fire. Now that he manifests the nine phoenixes beside him, is he concluding the nine ways of the wind god? Is the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra" really deduced?"

One phoenix is ​​in the middle, and the eight winds occupy the eight directions. It is a pattern of eight trigrams and nine palaces.

The monks of the Fu family who were deducing the exercises with Fu Henghua laughed loudly.

"It's done, it's done! Nine chapters on Qi Refining, nine chapters on Foundation Establishment, everything is complete!"

Fu Xia Zhai comprehended the first two realms of "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Xianjing", and vaguely had a new epiphany about "Jiedan Chapter".

But the next moment, his face changed.

"No, this is the practice of the Shenzhou era. We can't practice it at all in today's world."

The idea of ​​Fufeng Xianjing in the Shenzhou era.

Be a wind by yourself, and then cultivate the wind from all directions, so that the flow of your own wind corresponds to the movement of the whole world.

In this way, the mana automatically increases between breaths, which can be called the best in the fairy book, and it already has the taste of a heavenly book.

But in the current era, how can one wind correspond to the winds of all directions?
The prerequisite for the deduction of the current version is to perfect the "Map of Ten Thousand Qis of Heaven and Earth".

If you don't perfect the world's ten thousand qi map, you won't be able to attract winds from all directions, and you won't be able to achieve great harmony between yourself and the world.

Not only him, but other monks also noticed the inconsistency between the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra" and the current era when they deduced the exercises.

Although you have completed the method, you cannot practice it in this era.

boom -

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and nine golden dragons gushed out from the ground, rushing towards the nine golden phoenixes.

The dragon and the phoenix fight, the strong wind and the dragon's energy are entangled.

Heng Hua suddenly opened his eyes, turned his hands around, and the innate gossip diagram trapped the nine dragons and nine phoenixes.

"The way of the nine winds, why blindly follow the ancient methods, we follow the second and third methods to lay out the foundation again."

As he spoke, the tenth phoenix appeared above his head.

There are nine kinds of winds appearing between the wings, capture a pair of dragon and phoenix, and write a new qigong method with dragon pattern and phoenix badge.

Fu Xiangfeng and others hurried over, only listening to the dragon singing and the Phoenix singing, the aura of the avenue moved with the wind and passed to everyone's minds.

"Wind voice preaching?"

Everyone closed their eyes and listened.

Although Fu Xuanxing and Hengshou were not from the Fu family, the mysteries of the Dao contained in Fengyin directly came into their minds.

Fu Henghua abandoned the concept of "winds from all directions", and instead adopted nine winds with different attributes between heaven and earth as the foundation of nine degrees.

The cool breeze, the gentle breeze, is also the one that transforms and nourishes all things.It is the most commonly used type of spiritual wind in the immortal family.It is also the head of the Nine Winds.The Fu family has several sets of Taoist sword formulas related to Qingfeng.With this, Heng Hua created a "Qingfeng Xuande Chapter", and other monks improved various Taoism and sword formulas and filled it in.This article alone is enough to cultivate to the alchemy realm.

Yanfeng, the warm wind that carries the heat of the sun.The combination of the dragon and the phoenix manifests a piece of "The Nerve of the Great Sun Wind".

Cold wind, as opposed to Yanfeng, is a wind with yin and cold air, and there is also "Xuanming Cold Wind Jue".

Tianfeng, the monk came with reference to the divine wind above the atmosphere of Jiuxiao.At the time of Dacheng, you can call on the wind of the nine heavens.This article is "Tianfeng Huagang Jue".

Nether wind, the wind of the netherworld, is opposite to the wind of the nine heavens, and is similar to the ghost way.Fu Henghua met Tianyin Loose Man before, and gained a little.In addition, a group of monks from the Fu family are on the side.When Heng Hua put forward the outline, Fu Ruiying helped him compile the "Nine Nether Spiritual Sutra".

Gale, also known as hurricane, symbolizes the destructive power of wind.As soon as this exercise appeared, it triggered a hurricane and tsunami, and the turbid waves around Panlong Island howled.This article is based on Fu Xia Zhai's improvement and repair of his own kung fu with the help of everyone.Although he can't rebuild it, it will be of great help to the younger generations in the clan.

Xuanfeng, also known as whirlwind, refer to Fu Xiangfeng's aura to mediate, it is a kind of wind that rotates forward and backward.It comes with the cultivation secret of Tiangang method "returning wind and returning fire".

When Fu Xiangfeng comprehended this article, he had a strange expression.

"Isn't this the simplified version of my "Lingxuan Fenghua Jue"? No, it should be an improved version? But only the Qi refining level."

But this is the method of refining Qi at the Didian level.After cultivating to the establishment of the foundation, connect with Fu Henghua's just modified "Lingxuanfenghuaxianjue".

The yin and yang wind is also known as the morning and evening wind.Use the yin and yang of a day to reflect the changes of yin and yang.Its great achievement of yin and yang divine wind is Taixuanzong's signature method.

Fu Xuanxing noticed this exercise and carefully pondered it.

It seems that...it is of great help to me?
Fu Henghua glanced at Fu Xuanxing and didn't say much.

Being able to integrate Taixuan's yin and yang divine wind method into the Jiufeng Dao is thanks to Zhou Xiao and Fu Xuanxing's company along the way.By observing the two of them, Fu Henghua could create it.

Jingfeng, and the four seasons wind.The harmonious wind of the four seasons embodies the principles of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and is the wind of time sequence.After its completion, it can be compared to the Zhouguang Divine Water in the Nine Great True Waters.

This article was not written by Heng Hua, but deduced by Fu Ruiying.

After the deduction of the nine Qi training methods was completed, the tenth phoenix bird above Heng Hua's head evolved the Nine Winds of Foundation Establishment method.

The other nine phoenixes separated from the golden dragon and surrounded the phoenix bird one after another.

On the Shenluo Heavenly Book, the script of the Dao Dao was quickly rotated, and the formulas for performing exercises on the ninth floor of the three realms of foundation were calculated.

Fu Ruiying and others activated the jade figurines, allowing the nine jade figurines to deduce the foundation building method at the same time.

When Fu Danwei arrived, hundreds of jade figurines had already been broken around.

He sighed for a long time: "This time, the price of the kung fu puppets in Yanlong Eastern Region will increase again."

Invite Fuyinggu and tell him to go to other waters to purchase.

"Don't raise the price, don't contact Baizhen, go to Yanshui or Donghai."


Fuyinggu immediately arranged for someone to buy it.

Three days later, members of the Fu family deduced the Nine Chapters of Foundation Establishment.

The jade terracotta warriors have been exhausted, and hundreds of golden and wooden puppets have been destroyed.

Although the Shenzhou version of "Fu Feng Xian Jing" cannot really practice.However, Heng Hua and others have already deduced the general outline of the foundation chapter properly.Using this as a template plays a vital role in Zhuxiu's deduction of the new version.

Nine pieces of exercises were combined into one, and ten phoenix birds chirped around Henghua, like an exquisite golden elixir.


"Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra" can make ten kinds of golden pills.

The golden elixirs evolved by the nine winds separately and the "Jiuyuan Fengshen Golden Elixir" in which the nine winds merged into one.This golden elixir can be called the ancestor of all winds in the world, almost comparable to the golden elixir evolved from Tianshu.

However, there is a thin line between them.

With this deduction for more than a month, Fu Henghua's Taoism has improved, and he has already understood the subtle perception of Tianshudidian.

The Didian is the ultimate, and the progress of practice is [-]% faster than that of "Swallowing the Spirit", which is infinitely close to double.But it is this small gap that determines the gap between the dictionaries and the heavenly scriptures.

Because any exercise deduced by comparing the world with human wisdom will inevitably have errors.

In the Shenzhou era, Fufeng Xiangong narrowed the gap between the movement of all qi and the actual error to "a flick of a finger in 5000 years".

But even so, it is impossible to deduce the heavenly scriptures.

Because the book of heaven can't just rely on this side of the world.

The book of heaven is a whole by itself!
Every heavenly book has its own set of heaven and earth systems.

"Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong" takes 360 years as a year, and 12 years as a great cycle of heaven and earth, which itself is a complete system of heaven and earth circulation.

The Taiyin Tianshu takes the Taiyin as the Tao, and constructs a moon solstice system that is very different from today's day and earth with the alternating cycles of the moon phases.

Taixuan Tianshu uses yin and yang as the seeds of Taoism, and the blending of yin and yang forms a self-contained body, which is also the movement of heaven and earth.

There are also "Bajishu" and "Hunyuan Chapter", each of which is equivalent to an independent system.It's not just practicing according to the heaven and earth, but the way of heaven and earth in one's own body is compared with the way of heaven and earth outside.

"That's why the deduction of the heavenly book will be full of disasters. Because the more perfect the heavenly book is, the more perfect the heterogeneous world system will be. For our heavenly way, it is undoubtedly a heresy."

Heng Hua wanted to understand these things, and then looked at several heavenly scriptures in the Shenluo Heavenly Book, and his understanding was even different.

The Tianfu Jing, the Five Elements Script, and the system of heaven and earth used to condense the Taoism are clearly a copy of "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong"!
But it also subtly reflects the yin and yang concept of Taixuan Tianshu.

Thinking about it carefully, I have studied [-] classics by myself, among which there are countless classics about Taixuan Taoism.

When creating "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong", the mystery of Taixuan Tianshu was naturally mixed in.

The theory of Zhou Tian Yundu not only has the inheritance of the previous life Huangji Jingshi, but also has the guidance of Taixuan Tianshu.

Taixuan, good fortune, celestial talisman, and five elements, these four heavenly scriptures, in the final analysis, the operation of their innate dao seeds is a set of inheritance and continuation concepts.

On the contrary, it is the Taiyin Tianshu, the logic of the Dao of Heaven and Earth condensed by that Dao species is completely different from the four books of Henghua's series.

"So, is it actually more troublesome to help Dongfang girls deduce "Book of Taiyin" than restoring "Book of Taixuan"?"

Nine dragons and ten phoenixes kept flying and circling, Heng Hua reorganized, and started from the original chapter of refining Qi, telling the method of practice with the sound of wind.

Refining Qi, building foundation, forming alchemy.

As for after Jindan, Fu Henghua and Fu Rui should have some clues, but they don't want to expose it in public.

After the sermon, the nine dragons and ten phoenixes threw themselves into the gossip platform, forming a series of wonderful wind patterns.

"Heng Hua, turn around and come to listen to the lecture. Is it you who will speak, or the old man?"

"You're old. I'm a junior. It's too eye-catching to go in front of several Patriarchs."

Fu Henghua didn't want to show off in front of everyone, and Fu Ruiying didn't force it either.

On the contrary, he likes a character like Fu Henghua very much.

Hiding behind the scenes is the most suitable way for monks of the Fu family to calculate.

"You follow me to Tianfeng Island."

After the sermon, Fu Ruiying personally took Fu Henghua to Tianfeng Island.

Entering the secret room of the Fu family, the Great Elder solemnly handed a picture to Fu Henghua.

"This is the most core treasure that my family got from Fufeng Immortal Palace. This one thing alone is worth the entire wealth of a cultivating family."

Seeing the things on the picture, Heng Hua's expression changed.

Xun hexagram——

Fu Ruiying continued: "In the era of Shenzhou, there was a legend about a mahogany box."

"I know this, but why is the Xun hexagram in "Bajishu" in my house?"

"You know? That's easy to say."

Fu Rui responded: "Back then, the major sects divided up the mahogany boxes. The ancestors calculated in advance a box most related to Fufeng Immortal Palace through the "Heluo Suanjing."

Does this work too?
"After taking it back, the old man used the method of deduction to find a book. What is contained in it is the Xun Gua."


"Later, he revised the "Fufeng Xianjing" according to the Xun hexagram. In other words, there are some mysteries of the heavenly scriptures in the Fufengxianjing. Therefore, the progress of cultivation is infinitely close to the heavenly scriptures. But because it is not complete, the "Fufengxianjing" cannot really leap into the heavenly scriptures. List.

"The old man will borrow the 'Xun Gua Pian' for three months. You are good at understanding, and don't disappoint the old man's expectations."

The Xun hexagram is actually at home?

Why didn't you take it out earlier?
Heng Hua wondered in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "Where are the books that are with Xun Gua?"

"Book? Has been destroyed."


Four hundred magic essences, just ruined like this?

"The ancestors found the secret in the book, so naturally they would not keep the bookcase."

So, mother's mahogany box, one less possibility?
Heng Hua thought about it, and Fu Ruiying sent him back to Panlong Island.

At this time, everyone in the Fu family did not leave.Instead, he went to Jingfenglin to settle down, thinking hard about the improved "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra".

But their dao foundation has been completed, and it is extremely difficult to modify the immortal formula.

Fu Danwei came over and held Fu Henghua who was about to slip away.Afterwards, he asked Fu Ruiying with his usual expression: "Shall we prepare the ancient method or the modern method for the three families?"

"Give them all the ancient methods of refining Qi. The four families have the same origin and ancestors, our family must have this kind of tolerance.

"The chapter on foundation building is symbolically given to three chapters.

"As for the current method, I will give a lecture on Panlong Island in a few days, and I will select two articles to pass on to them. For the others, I will exchange them for things."

For the other three families, the position that Fu Danwei and Fu Rui should consider is different from that of the rest of the Fu family.

Fu Henghua stood aside and thought about it secretly, with some understanding.

In the final analysis, everyone is in the same vein as Liufengtang.

If the Fu family intends to inherit the foundation of Fufeng Immortal Palace.Then for the other three families, we can't keep suppressing and guarding against them, but try to integrate them into the Fu family.Form a community of interests led by the Fu family.

It is necessary to appease the three families to return to their hearts, but also to prevent the three families from rebelling.

The Ling family, the head of the six families, was massacred by the three families. This lesson is enough for the Fu family to remember for a lifetime.

When Fu Ruiying was about to leave, Fu Henghua wanted to run away again.

Vodanwei held him down.

"What are you afraid of? When I beat you back, our grandparents and grandchildren didn't have a good chat. Come on, let's talk about your affairs. Let's start with your skills first, and then talk about the old man's Phoebe King , let’s talk about your nineteenth uncle. Finally, let’s talk about your troubles outside. Well, the Wei family is gone. Thinking about it now, it’s like a dream.”

"Grandfather, I can explain it. It's all a misunderstanding. It's a coincidence. The Wei family's destruction is God's will."

"It's okay, the old man will give you a chance to explain. But it will be after thirty lashes. No matter how much girl Tong Jun has suffered, you can't be less than her brother."

Seeing Fu Danwei take out the Seven Star Flood Dragon Whip, without thinking, Heng Hua used Tudun to slip away and went straight to where Fu Ruiying was.

"Too...too great uncle, I have something to ask."

Seeing the panicked appearance of the young man, Fu Ruiying who came to Jingfenglin closed the door, expressing that he would not interfere with the affairs of grandparents and grandchildren.

Gritting his teeth, Fu Henghua turned around and ran towards Luogui Island.

 This chapter has been updated, and the next chapter will enter the third volume.

  Have the audacity to ask for a monthly pass.


  Fairy cloud painting spectrum:

  "Drawing Phoenixes towards Dragons" is the second of "Fu Sheng Ten Dao Tu".

  In the picture, Fu Sheng sits on the gossip platform, leading nine dragons and ten phoenixes, preaching the righteous method of Fufeng, and explaining the magic of Shenzhou's vitality.Although it is an ancient method, the principle of Heluo hidden in the nine dragons and ten phoenixes is the tradition of Fu Sheng's descendants.

  Therefore, some immortals believed that this picture should be the first of the ten pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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