
Chapter 13 The blue silk is tangled as a net, and the ghosts frequently appear on the Lingjiao

Chapter 13 The blue silk is tangled as a net, and the ghosts frequently appear on the Lingjiao

"Heavenly Wind Sword Qi."

Fu Xiangfeng performed the "Tianfeng Nine Turns Sword Sutra" that he had just refined, and blue vortexes unfolded on the water surface.

boom -

The water spray exploded, and dozens of demon fish were swept into the sky by the strong wind, and they were killed one by one by the sword light.

"Xiao Liu'er, has my sword energy started?"

"The sword qi is scattered but not condensed, and its purity is more than one notch. Although the air is invisible, it is as soft as fluff. How can it be used to kill the enemy? It can only be used to deal with small fish and shrimp in the water."

Heng Hua appraised critically, looking at the fish carcasses on the water.

The body of the fish body is more or less entangled with dragon qi, which is obviously related to the battle 30 years ago.

Heng Hua thought: "Thirty years ago, the three major dragons led millions of water monsters to attack Panlong Island. Although they were slaughtered by the old man, the blood of the dragons scattered by them brought convenience to the nearby aquarium. I am afraid that the next time the monster tide hits Come on, another trouble."

The Fu family can still clean up the waters near Panlong Island.But if you stay farther away, the Fu family will be beyond reach.

"Hey - I said, do you want to try your hand?"

Xiang Feng gave him a sharp push.

"You have been on the island for a long time, so you probably don't have much actual combat experience? These fish monsters are just for training."


Thinking of his fight against those water monsters in Hualongchi, Heng Hua nodded.

"You should also try the real water monster outside."

With the spread of spiritual consciousness, the changes in the waters within a radius of [-] zhang were reflected in Heng Hua's heart.

"one two Three……"

Heng Hua counted the monster fish hidden under the water.

Because the Yanlong waters are fresh water, most of the demon fish are minnows, silver carp, perch, and carp.

"One-horned silver carp, the weak point is the five-star horn on the forehead."

"Red fire black bass, the flaw is the line between the eyes."

"The jumping toothfish, the weak point is the spine under the second fin."


Heng Hua recalled the weaknesses of various water monsters in his mind, and slowly raised his right hand.

Standing on one side, Xiang Feng suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked Xiao Yu who came up from behind: "What magic weapon does your young master usually use?"

Xiao Yu looked at Heng Hua who was practicing magic, and said in a strange tone: "The young master usually only plays with the Xuanhuo bird feather fan left by the master. He himself...does not sacrifice magic weapons."

The fourth class of magic weapon is Dharma, Treasure, Spirit, and Immortal.

Theoretically, as a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, Heng Hua could make treasures.However, Heng Hua disliked the sacrifice and refining of magic treasures to take up his time in reading and acting, so he didn't make magic weapons, but just used the mysterious fire fan left by his father as a weapon.

The Xuanhuo Fan is a spiritual tool, it does not need to be sacrificed day and night, it just needs to be placed on the top of the Langhuan Pavilion, and it can automatically absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, which is very convenient.

"Third uncle's fan." Xiang Feng knew that the fan was indeed a high-quality spiritual weapon of fire.However, the water spirit in Yanlong waters and even Donglaiwan Island is very strong, and the effect of the spirit weapon on the water is not good.

Therefore, the Jindan cultivators in the clan didn't like this fan, so Heng Hua's father was allowed to take charge of it with the cultivation base of Xuantai.

"Then has he ever fought with others? What is he good at?"

Xiaoyu thought for a long time, and said with a delicate expression: "The young master is practicing in the library, and he has never fought with others. As for what he is good at...he...he seems to..."

"Forget it, I understand."

Xiang Feng turned his head and looked at Heng Hua again.

Green silk threads emerged from Heng Hua's fingertips and dropped into the water.

"Qian Wansi."

The silk thread was thrown into the water, and with a slight shake, the water surface was rendered blood red, and fish carcasses floated to the surface one by one.The wounds on their bodies were very small, only the weak point of the door was slightly cut by the silk thread, and the other parts remained intact.

Xiang Feng asked in surprise: "What kind of method is this? It seems that it is to condense mana into silk threads? Puppetry?"

"I read it in an ancient book. Hundreds of years ago, a monk was fishing for dragons on the water. But the specially prepared five-color sky spider thread broke. As a last resort, he used mana to make the thread. Later, he wrote this spell in In the book. According to the records in the book, if you study this way carefully, you can evolve 'Qianwansi' into another famous way."

"What method?"

"A net of heaven and earth."

"The one who claims to be 'under one net, immortals and demons cannot escape'?"


Heng Hua spread out his right hand, with five fingers clasped together.The silk threads protruding from the fingertips are intertwined with each other, forming a simple spider web.Not to mention catching insects, even smaller fry can get out.


With a slight push, the "spider web" flew into the distance.

The nine-foot-long fish was caught in the blue net.

Heng Hua made a fist with his palm, and the black hair closed instantly, and the big fish was cut into even and neat pieces of meat.

"I don't have a deep study of Taoism, and the 'Tianluo' I used can only trap this kind of little demon."

Having said that, this experiment allowed Heng Hua to have a deeper understanding of his "Fate of Fortune".

The cost of performing Taoism is less than the original, but the power is not much less.

Heng Hua thought to himself: "At present, the total amount of good fortune true energy is comparable to that of Changchun true energy in the foundation-building period. And the spells performed with good fortune true energy are stronger than the original Changchun true energy. The disadvantages of the re-cultivation of Sangong this time can be regarded as complete. made up for it."

The pieces of meat cut by Tianluo fluttered with the waves, passing by the edge of the Lingboat.

Xiang Feng stared at the meat, and saw that the cut marks were even and smooth, and the texture was clearly visible.

"Xiao Liuer, what you are good at is Taoism?"

"I don't know if I'm good at it or not. I can perform all the secret techniques, Taoism, and swordsmanship recorded in the books in the Langhuan Pavilion. But—"

"Is it limited to being able to cast it? Being erudite means that you are not good at everything. When you cast 'Thousand Wansi', I will estimate your time. Five fingers, it is too slow."

"I know this problem myself."

Qian Wansi is not a complicated technique.It's just that the true essence and mana are condensed into silk threads, and then controlled by the divine consciousness.

After ordinary monks have practiced it proficiently, they can use it flexibly with just a flick of their fingers.However, those masters who have studied this method intensively and are good at controlling the magic power of true energy can activate it in an instant.

But Henghua can't.

It is true that he understands the principles of spellcasting.But it was necessary to recall Qian Wansi's spell-casting skills first, and then cast it clumsily in her hands.

For example, Heng Hua laughs at himself, a giant in thought, but a dwarf in action.

His body couldn't keep up with his brain.

"This is what I expected. Others meditate while others practice Qi, and I am studying. Others wielding knives and guns, I am studying. Others are studying Taoism, and I am still studying. It is because the time that ordinary monks spend on actual combat exercises is spent Only by studying can I learn the three thousand ways."

Heng Hua stretched out his hand, and a cold air came out of his right hand.

Xuanyin Hanxin Palm, an attack method used during the foundation building period.

The next moment, the cold air turned into flames.But it is another attack method of the foundation-building monks, the Xuanyan Curse.

Immediately afterwards, Heng Hua successively performed Taoism and secret methods of wood, wind, thunder, gold, earth and other attributes in his hands.

With a final shake, all the true energy dissipated.

Fu Xiangfeng stared at Henghua's movement, secretly thinking: All kinds of Taoism and secret arts can operate freely, which shows that its mana is all-encompassing.It's just a little slow.

"Okay, third brother. Don't worry about me anymore. My fighting skills are weak, so I need a master like you to support me. Hurry up."

"So, where is your friend? According to this route, it seems to be going to the Central Territory?"

"Well, it's relatively close to the Central Territory, but it's barely considered our eastern land."


In the distance, a water column rose into the sky.The water smoke is hazy, and the mist rises from the wide water surface.Then a waterspout was formed, emitting a yellow precious light.

Heng Hua's eyes flashed, and he pondered: "Spiritual Qi Treasure? Is there Fudojiao born?"

The water monsters lurking underwater in the distance leaned towards the waterspout one after another.

Xiang Feng said joyfully: "No wonder there are so many water monsters here. It turns out that Fufujiao was born. Xiao Liuer, do you want to go and see?"

"It coincides with the meeting, so naturally I want to see the world."


The color of the water is as deep as ink, and the spiritual vortex with a diameter of one hundred feet is rapidly expanding.At the center of the vortex, a shining reef rises slowly.

On the water in the distance, colorful boats in the shape of ostriches are moored to watch.

"Sure enough, it's Fudojiao. Look at it like this... it seems like a magic weapon was born?"

Heng Hua stared at the water, and pinched his fingers to calculate: "I remember that under this water area, there used to be the mountain gate of Yu Fengdao. Thousands of years ago, Wuxuan Fengling Island sank into the water. It must be time to float up soon?"

Yanlong Waters is one of the thirteen waters of Donglaiwan Island.And these thirteen waters were originally a large-scale divine land 500 years ago.

After the land and water war, Shenzhou sank to the bottom of the sea, and monks from all walks of life barely protected their own mountain gates, turning into islands on the water surface.

As time goes by, some islands sink and fall, and some sunken mountains and rivers rise up again to form islands.

Between the ups and downs, there is the wonder of the Thirteen Waters.

"I remember my grandfather mentioned that Yu Fengdao is good at controlling the secret art of Gangfeng." Xiang Feng recalled Yu Fengdao's information, and moved a little bit.

"Xiao Liuer, do you think there will be any treasure under this immovable reef?"

The immovable reef is the first seed conceived by the spirit vein.Only reefs with spiritual veins and spiritual roots can float in the water world of Donglai.

As time goes by, the spiritual roots on the reef gradually grow into spiritual veins, and the reefs turn into spiritual islands and spiritual islands.In the end, it was upgraded to Xiandao Xianzhou.

According to the elders of the Fu family: Above Buxianzhou is the real land of Shenzhou, the old appearance of Donglaizhou back then.

Of course, the oldest elder of the Fu family was also born after the Battle of Fuzhou.Therefore, what they said was just hearsay.

"Looking at the scale of the spiritual energy, it should not be a top-level spiritual weapon. But treasures and other weapons need to be sacrificed day and night by monks, and cannot exist underwater for a thousand years. It should be the fragments of the spiritual weapon of Yu Fengdao, which have achieved something after thousands of years of breeding."

Heng Hua looked at the water demon in the distance.

The fish monsters at the level of refining qi can't take shape yet, but a group of huge fish kings act as leaders, waiting there with their respective fish schools.

"These fish monsters are also here for Fudo Reef. They should be led by water monsters from the foundation period. Third brother, you go to Fudo Reef to find treasure. I will deal with them."

Xiang Feng hesitated and said, "You—can you do it? By the way, you have been in the library all year round. How about flying in the air? Don't fall into the water halfway."

"My surname is Fu, and I still know how to control the wind."

Without waiting for Xiang Feng to speak again, Heng Hua squeezed the "Yu Feng Jue Yin" with his left hand, and leaped into the sky.

The gentle wind lingered beside him, carrying Heng Hua to float towards the group of water demons.

puff- puff-

Sensing that the monk was approaching, the fish monsters sprayed water jets at Henghua one after another.Thin as a thumb, thick as the mouth of a bowl, full of evil spirits, chilling.

Heng Hua smiled slightly, with an extra feather fan in his hand.

Without waiting for him to wave, icy cold air surged from behind him.

"Xuanming Frozen Art."

The howling fish floated over, and a cold and gloomy blue gas came out of the cuffs, freezing all the fish monsters on the water surface.

"What are you doing here?"

Heng Hua stopped in mid-air, looking at Xiaoyu who was walking elegantly and riding the waves.

The "Lingbo Treading Flower Step" that Xiaoyu learned was something Heng Hua read in an ancient book.It was originally a way for a certain monk to train his maidservant.

Lingshui and Xinghua make her figure elegant and graceful, and her movements more nimble and vigorous.

"Young master doesn't know the art of fighting, I don't worry."

"It's just a few water monsters. If I can't even beat them, my life will be in vain for decades."


While the two were talking, a group of black shadows shot out from under the ice quickly.The violent and domineering evil spirit swept across Henghua and Xiaoyu...

  "Travel of Canglan": In the fifth year of 820 in the Tianyi calendar, I traveled to Yanshui and fished for dragons with golden rods.However, the hanging thread broke, so he used mana as a thread to catch five dragons.

  Jinlong, its taste is bland, not as good as the carp dragon of our family.

  Snake Jiao, meat like pheasant, not as good as dragon species.

  Green jellyfish, suspected to be aquatic plants, are not tasty.

  Baijiao, whose origin is unknown, has a liver like a real dragon, delicious.

  Zijiao, electric eel transforms into dragon.The meat is firm and suitable for grilling.

  Attached is an article on the secret method of "Qian Wansi" practice.

(End of this chapter)

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