
Chapter 136 The Demon Emperor is Sovereign

Chapter 136 The Demon Emperor is Sovereign, Holding the Heavens to Refin All Living Beings with One Palm (Dragon Boat Festival plus updates)
West Road, Yuluan and Fu Yaozhen stood together.

The boatman and maids have already put on magic weapons to subdue demons.

With armor upper body, the strong boatman immediately becomes a majestic warrior on the battlefield.

With a sharp sword in hand, all the maids show their heroine demeanor.

Yuluan saw these women forming formations with swords and fighting with the water demon, and thought to himself: It seems that these women's cultivation level is no worse than that of our palace maids.The inheritance of the Fu family for thousands of years is not weak.

Fu Yaozhen was also quite surprised.

"Heng Hua trained the maid on the island, and it seems that the effect is good."

She took out the Qiu Shuiqin.

"Please Miss Yuluan to protect me."

The sound of the piano sounded, and the colorful haze covered the boatmen and maids.

The injuries left by the battle with the water demon were gradually eliminated by Yanxia.

Then the sound of the piano changed from mild and leisurely to the sound of killing arrays.

The red light covered everyone's weapons, and the boatmen and maids surged with energy and blood, and their combat power increased by [-]%.

Yuluan was not surprised by the blessing secret technique of Qin Xian's lineage.

But when Fu Yaozhen played "Blood in the Setting Sun", a series of red sound blades shot out from the jade string.The water demons in the front fan-shaped field were shattered by the sound of the piano, and then killed one by one by the sound blade.

Flowing clouds and flowing water, simply and neatly.

This still uses me to protect the law?You, a monk who has completed the ninth level of foundation building, are almost forming alchemy, right?
Yuluan looked carefully.

Only Fu Yaozhen can sit in charge of this side.

Yuluan looked around.

Although Heng Hua guarded both sides, he also displayed a relaxed and casual manner.

"Qian Wansi."

The five-color silk thread was twisted into a ball in his hand, and when Heng Hua threw it out, it turned into a net of heaven and covered the east side.

Just as the water demons were about to move in the net, they sliced ​​into pieces of meat one after another and drifted with the tide.

Soon, three big monsters appeared.

Heng Hua flipped his palm: "Five Elements Mountain Method."

Hundreds of silk threads interweave in the air, turning into something like a handkerchief.

The handkerchief is embroidered with the Five Elements Mountain pattern.

It is a new version of Henghua combined with fabrics and improved the Five Elements Mountain method.

The handkerchief was unfolded, and the upside-down Five Elements Mountain was slowly pressed down.

Black turtle, snake demon and carp spirit.

The three-headed monster at the peak of Xuantai died on the spot.

"The heavenly book is mysterious, this kid's mana is really powerful."

In the air, Zhou Xiao overlooked the battle below.

Afterwards, he said loudly to the surroundings: "Everyone in the Demonic Dao, if you want to snatch the Six Desire Demon Orb, why don't you do it?"

The Liangyi circle opened around him, the black and white air flow expanded for ten miles, and the cloud disappeared in an instant, and eight men in blood robes appeared.

"It's true that the Blood Demon Palace is strong, but with so many of you here, the main altar of the Blood Demon Palace is gone?"

The eight people did not answer, and quickly shot.

Zhou Xiao opened the yin-yang sky wall to block the waves and rivers of blood sweeping around.

He secretly thought: Heng Hua solved so much yesterday.There can still be eight Xuantai monks, is the Blood Demon Palace crazy?For the Heavenly Devil's Supreme Treasure, they risked all their family background?


Heng Hua stared at the East Road while staring at the North Road.

On the North Road, there was a formation he arranged overnight, and many water monsters fell into the Eight Diagrams formation and were strangled to death by Heluo's method.

Suddenly, he had a warning sign in his heart, and he glanced behind him casually.

Jin Gong made a move in Niwan Palace, and a spell hit him.

Sha Ming and his two companions followed the altar master's pre-arranged arrangement and quietly came to the island using the blood spirit escape method.

"No one around but himself."

The three of them were overjoyed.

When they were about to sneak attack on Fu Henghua, suddenly the young man in front of them disappeared, including Yuqingyu.

Instead, there is endless water.

The water under the feet glows with a purple halo, which is magical and magnificent.

"This... this is—"

A similar technique flashed through Sha Ming's mind.

how is this possible!Isn't he an immortal monk?Why is there such a spell from the Temple of Heavenly Demon?

"It seems that you have already noticed?"

Heng Hua moved his fingers, and skulls appeared in the water.

"The magic of the sky and the circulation of the mirror world."

The water is like a mirror, reflecting demons in heaven.

"Impossible, this is the exclusive method of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, you—who are you?"

Instead of borrowing the power of the Heavenly Demon from the Desire Realm, he created a small Desire Realm by himself using the Heavenly Demon's mind.

What the mirror reflects is exactly Sha Ming's heart.

The Heavenly Demon Taoism once dominated one side, except for the Immortal Dao, it also has restraint methods for other demon cultivators.

"Everything remains the same, so what about the heavenly demon? Everything is in the Tao. As long as I control the Tao, I can create all the smallest techniques at will."

What Heng Hua said was mysterious, but he suddenly realized it when he was in the Heavenly Demon's Illusionary Realm a few days ago.

To put it bluntly, it was a gift from the Six Desire Demon Orb.

In the water, Sha Ming saw sky demons jumping towards him.

And the various murders I committed, the illusion projections of the people I killed in the early years also appeared from the water, turning into evil spirits and biting me.


Although he knew that everything in the mirror world was an illusion, he felt the pain.

And as the pain became numb, Sha Ming's consciousness became blurred, and he was gradually dragged under the water mirror.


Heng Hua looked at the three demon cultivators behind him.

Sha Ming and another demon cultivator had already lost their resistance, but the third person was struggling to leave the mirror world.

"Help him."

Sha Ming and another person shot dumbly, piercing his chest.

Under the pressure of external forces, this person's consciousness sank into the mirror world, and he also became a puppet in Heng Hua's hands.

Looking around, Heng Hua pointed to Fu Xuanxing:
"Go and help."

San Moxiu rushed forward in a daze.

When Fu Xuanxing and the others saw Moxiu making a move to help them, they stepped back one by one.

And when those water demons saw Moxiu's rebellion, they immediately cursed.

"I know, these two-legged monsters are unreliable!"


Seeing the movement on Henghua's side, Yuluan was surprised and said, "What kind of puppet technique is this, or is it an illusion?"

"Puppet incense."

Fu Yaozhen casually found an excuse for Heng Hua.

But the heart is getting heavier.

After Fu Yao Zhenling woke up, she saw three very serious futures.

These three futures will directly dispel her realm of Taoism, and she will not be able to form a pill within a hundred years.

The closest to the present time point is Fu Heng Hua Chengmo.

The Xuanming Demon Palace collapsed, and countless demon cultivators died tragically.

On top of the ruins, the young man held a chessboard and walked slowly towards the golden chair in the center of the ruins.

Stepping on the skeleton of the old devil emperor, he sat on the golden chair.

The remaining demon cultivators, including the Blood Demon Palace Master, said they would spare their lives.

The young man smiled and said:

"Nine heavens and ten earths, all living beings. In my eyes, there are only two types of people, me and the people kneeling in front of me.

"Now, are you willing to kowtow?"

Seeing that future, Fu Yaozhen was so shocked that she couldn't sleep well for three days and three nights.

She stared at that future frequently, and spent 30 years on observation.

She saw that the young devil emperor refined the Donglai Thirteen Waters and the Donglai Remains Island under the water into his natal magic weapon - the Xingluo chessboard.

The chessboard controls the universe, and all living beings are puppet chess pieces in the hands of the devil emperor.

It is not to inherit the Taoism of the Xuanming Demon Emperor, but to comprehend the truth from the Heavenly Demon Dao and become a new Demon Emperor.

Even the corpse of the old devil emperor was pulled out by him to whip him.

And the most critical time for this future is October 24.

Fu Henghua sacrificed and refined the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads, annihilated Zhu's family in one fell swoop, and devoured Palace Master Zhu and Deputy Palace Master Liu of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Stepping on the bones of Zhu's family, he formed a magic pill and killed a group of water demons.

Three years later, Hua Moying proclaimed himself emperor.

In just a hundred years, he refined the entire Yanlong into his chessboard.

Facing such a tyrannical Demon Emperor Qianlong, Fu Yaozhen took a lot of effort to find a turning point in the unpredictable future.

"In the past three years, I deliberately disturbed the relationship between Huang Fu Xuanxing and Mr. Tong. He did not go to Fumoya with Mr. Fu Tong, but came to Huomen Island. With him, the chance of Henghua becoming a demon is only [-]%."

Next, Fu Yaozhen must make future choices one by one, trying to minimize the future probability of Fu Henghua becoming a demon.

The most important thing is that no one from myself and others can be lost before entering Huomen Island.

The death of any one person will make Fu Henghua desire for power, and thus start to sacrifice the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads.

Seeing that many monks and water demons can't take down a mere Huifeng Island.

The two golden core demon cultivators in the dark couldn't help it.

The two of them were about to attack Zhou Xiao when suddenly three mountains fell from a distance.

Moxiu dodged the first time, and the blood wave turned into tens of thousands of flying swords, cutting the three mountains into pieces.

He scolded angrily: "It's you again!"

Familiar laughter echoed in the air, and Zhou Xiao and Heng Hua smiled.

"Boy Henghua, my mother is here for the appointment."

The epee cut through the waves of blood, and Jin Xian'e rushed over with a man in black.

The two shot at the same time to force Moxiu back.

Fu Henghua said with a smile: "I just said, I haven't seen the Jindan Demon Cultivator in the past few days. I think it was Xiangu who helped to dismiss it?"

"Brother Dao Sun and I came early to help you clear the place. It's just—"

Another epee stirred the water, forcing out a dragon king.

"Nine dragons are in a sea formation, and the troubles in the southern region are too great. The nine dragon kings are all out, and Zhu's family is in danger. What can you do, kid?"

 It is said to be more, but it is actually splitting a large chapter into two chapters.It's just going around.

  There is one more tonight.I'm going to write about the plot of refining demons.

(End of this chapter)

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