
Chapter 146 Post-war Summary, Brother and Sister Gather Chapter Magic Seal

Chapter 146 Summary after the war
After Fu Xuanxing drew out the sword, the mana in his body was exhausted.

Zhu Zhengming was recovering from his injuries, so he had no time to rescue him, so he watched him fall into the water.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze came and lifted Fu Xuanxing from the water.

Fu Yaozhen arrived lightly and saw the mark of the Demon Emperor on the back of Fu Xuanxing's hand.

His bright eyes widened, and then he realized: Yes, he helped Heng Hua share the mark of the Demon Emperor, so Heng Hua was not possessed.

"Thank you."

After Fu Xuanxing stood firm, he quickly took the pill to recover.

"I should thank you."

Fu Yaozhen let go of her hand with a light smile, and then looked at the Fulong Sword in Fu Xuanxing's hand.

"This sword, can you lend me a look?"


Fu Xuanxing held the jade sword to Fu Yaozhen with both hands.

The woman holds up the dragon sword and carefully draws out half of it.

On the side of the sword body close to the hilt, there are two phoenix pattern totems of "Fulong".

"younger sister."

Fu Xiangfeng Yujian came over, followed by many children of the Fu family, and even monks from the other three families in the Eastern Region rushed over.

Fighting the dragon with one sword, they only heard that one person could do such a deed.

Looking at the jade sword in the scabbard, Fu Xiangfeng asked in surprise, "This is our family's Fulong Sword?"


The Fulong Sword has been sealed for a hundred years, and when Fu Yaozhen was born, the sword had already been sealed.Her understanding of this sword, apart from the records in the clan, is the retrospection of spirit vision.

Fu Xiangfeng leaned over and looked at Fulongjian.

"I heard that when I was born, my grandfather put the sword in my arms to play with. Unfortunately, I was just born at that time, so I don't remember it at all."

Fu Xiangfeng tapped the hilt of the sword lightly, making a pleasant and crisp jade sound.

He is [-] years old this year, and he just celebrated his [-]th birthday on Panlong Island last year, officially declaring that he is alone.Currently, as a representative of the Fu family, he is leading several younger generations to be responsible for patrolling the water in the Eastern Territory and cleaning up the water monsters.

Yin Yuanping and the others were also watching.

After everyone finished watching, Fu Xiangfeng asked:

"Why is this sword on your kid?"

Fu Xiangfeng looked at Fu Xuanxing suspiciously: "When you left the island, did your grandfather give it to you?"


Fu Xuanxing didn't know why the Fulong Sword used by Bai Huangtang to suppress the luck of Panlong Island was in the scabbard of Nanming Lihuo?
Fu Yaozhen made a rescue: "Third brother, help the Zhu family solve the water demon first, and let's talk about other things later."

Zhu Zhengming breathed a sigh of relief: You people, finally thought of something serious.


Fu Henghua stood on the surface of the water, closed his eyes, and felt the movement of the vitality of heaven and earth.

The body of the water demon floating around exudes evil spirit, Yin energy, and water spirit energy, returning to heaven and earth.

And he himself is like a huge furnace, taking these vitality into his body and transforming it into good fortune essence.

Nine Dragons surround you, wandering slowly.

Dragon, swallowing fire and controlling water, the essence of yin and yang.

"In the Real Fire Realm, the principle of Taiji divides Yin and Yang, and the next step is to sort out the five elements, and use water and fire to join the alloy, the male, the wooden, and the female."

However, Heng Hua has not successfully deduced the mental method of the fourth layer of Mysterious Embryo Realm.

In other words, Heng Hua's current practice of kung fu is limited to the sixth level of foundation building.

"It needs to be deduced as soon as possible."

When Heng Hua was thinking, he sensed that the water demon was lurking and approaching from the water.

Before he could make a move, Xiao Yu and Heng Shou rushed over to help him protect the law and deal with the sneak attacking spirits.

Heng Hua put down his mind and continued to comprehend the nature of the world and meditate.

Self-shattering golden elixir, refining demons into Taoism.

It seems decisive and straightforward, but the magic remains, which may not be without sequelae.

For the next period of time, Heng Hua does not intend to improve breakthroughs, but to relax his mind, let himself see more, walk more, and purify the evil thoughts that may remain in his heart.

When he opened his eyes, the moon was like a stringed bow, hanging high in the starry sky.

"Master, shall we go back to the boat first?"

Heng Hua shook his head, looking at the water surface in the east.

"Mr. Tong and the others are here."


It was late at night on the 24th when Ji Mingfeng and the others arrived at Huomen Island.

He overestimated himself, and underestimated the latent cultivation of the palace masters over the years.

Although he escaped the fatal attack by relying on the Wujian phantom, he was also beaten into a mess and could only rely on San Haitu to flee.

The three finally came to Huomen Island, and the matter with the Sky Demon Orb was completely over.

Ji Mingfeng didn't go to the island, and after delivering his two daughters, he left on his own.

Stepping on the water waves, looking at the imprint on his hand, Ji Mingfeng secretly said: We must transform into a baby as soon as possible to avoid those people chasing and killing.

As the master of the Infernal Demon Palace, Ji Mingfeng does not intend to return to the Demon Palace.

Devil Emperor Jiang is dead, he has regained his freedom, and wants to try another way of life in this life.

But Xuanming Demon Palace will definitely not let him go.

In his hands, he has the methods of contacting and controlling the spies of various sects of the Demon Palace.

In order to counterattack, the Demon Palace will definitely take this list back.

"Go to Beihai first to refine the last volume of the spirit map."

The map of the four seas is complete, and it is a set of combined spiritual maps in itself, which can attract the power of the four seas.At that time, Ji Mingfeng will be able to compete with other Nascent Soul Grandmasters.

Looking at the back of the scholar leaving, Mr. Fu Tong said: "Liu Hui, don't tell others about him being with us. Just say, you and I came together."

Fu Liuhui hesitated and said, "Brother also..."

"He already knew it. His spiritual sense has 'seen' and detected the devilish energy in Ji Mingfeng's body."

Fu Liuhui nodded in response.

Yuting sailed to Chiyang Island, Xiaoyu and Hengshou invited the two daughters to the white dragon boat.

After entering the room, I saw Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Liuhui, and Fu Henghua looking around Fu Xuanxing.

There was a sword and scabbard on the table.

"What are you doing?"

Mr. Fu Tong walked over, pulled a chair and sat down.


Heng Hua looked at Mr. Fu Tong, thinking of Mr. Fu Tong's possible psychological problems, his attitude was unprecedentedly gentle.

"We are studying the Fulong Sword on this kid Fu Xuanxing. Do you remember? When I was three years old, I dragged you to Hualongchi to find the Fulong Sword Box, and then I was kicked out by the old man."

Fu Henghua was very tired when he was a child, and he took his sister to Hualongchi as soon as he could walk.

The euphemistic name is "Looking for the Fate of Immortals".

"Fulong sword box?"

Fu Tongjun looked at the jade sword and seemed to realize something.

"Why is this thing here?"

Fulongjian was sealed when Fu Xiangfeng was born.

But when Fu Henghua was a child, the sword box was still on Panlong Island.

Then why did it fall on Fu Xuanxing again?

"Fulong Sword?"

Fu Liuhui stepped forward and picked up the jade sword on the table.

Pulling half of it out, the sword energy pierced her face, and she quickly put it back into the scabbard.

"I can feel that this is indeed grandfather's sword energy. But this sword...how could Fu Xuanxing have it?"

"We are also wondering," Fu Xiangfeng turned around Fu Xuanxing, "You said just now that the old man didn't give it to you when he left the island. Then where did this sword come from?"

"I don't know either. By the way, this sword is inserted into the scabbard, and the scabbard is the sheath of the legendary Nanming Lihuo sword. This...however you think about it, it doesn't match, right?"

"That's right, because the former owner of Nanming Lihuo's scabbard was Dad." Fu Henghua took out the Xuanhuo fan and put it on the table.

"The Nanming Lihuo in the fan is very pure and has the same origin as the scabbard. It is obvious that the old man used the Lihuo attached to the scabbard to bless the black fire fan. So the Fulong sword should be put into the scabbard by the old man and grandfather , warming the spirit sword with the scabbard. As for how it got on your kid..."

Heng Hua looked at Fu Yaozhen: "Sister, what did you see?"

Fu Yaozhen shook her head and remained silent.

"I can't see it, or I don't want to say it. Forget it, let's ask the old man later. He can't be ignorant of his sword, right?"

Fu Henghua took back the fan, and asked Fu Xuanxing to put away the sword and scabbard.

"Since the old man instructed you to draw the sword, it means that he approves you to use this sword, so keep it well."

"Isn't that good? After all, this is the Fu family's Zhendao Spirit Sword. How about you two use it first?"

He looked at Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Liuhui.

Fu Henghua and the other three don't use swords, but Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Liuhui are good swordsmen.

Fu Liuhui: "I want to refine my own flying sword in the future. Although the Fulong sword is good, it is not my way of swordsmanship."

Fu Xiangfeng: "If the old man gives it to you, you will accept it. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Seeing that the Fu family is so open-minded, Fu Xuanxing felt a little embarrassed.

He scratched his head and thanked several people.He planned to ask Fu Danwei about his attitude when he went back.

Suddenly, Mr. Fu Tong grabbed his hand and stared at the blue cloud: "Why is this mark on you?"

Shouldn't it be the bastard Fu Henghua?
Several people from Fu Henghua looked over, and Mr. Fu Tong asked Xiaoyu and Hengshou to guard the gate, and told about his and Fu Liuhui's experience in Fumoya.

Of course, regarding the existence of Ji Mingfeng, she deliberately concealed it, and only said that it was explained by a passing senior monk.

"Devil Emperor's fate?"

Fu Xiangfeng looked at Fu Xuanxing, then at Fu Tongjun.

"Just the two of you?"

Fu Henghua murmured in his heart: Become a devil emperor?So troublesome?What other seven-star mark is needed?Isn't it enough to become a demon with one thought?

One step of magic pill, three years of magic baby, and another ten years of thunder disaster.The second calamity in a hundred years is almost the devil emperor, right?

"Yao Zhen, look at the fate of the two of them."

Fu Yaozhen closed her eyes and used her spiritual vision.

The future of Fu Xuanxing's Devil Emperor is very bleak.

Among dozens of futures, she barely found a broken future.

The humanoid dragon lay asleep in the magic palace, surrounded by bones.

Then came Mr. Fu Tong.

The mark of the seven devil emperors corresponds to the emperor's posture of the ultimate devil.

Mr. Fu Tong became enlightened by Gu, and the image of Gu Demon proclaiming the queen is a female emperor sitting in a huge hive.

Countless human-shaped Gu lingered in the hive, obeying her command to conquer islands one after another and build hives.

Her future as a devil emperor is similar to that of Fu Henghua.

Apart from me, there is no foreign object.

She became a devil emperor, and she also wanted to refine Donglai Wandao.

"..." Fu Yaozhen felt a little tired after seeing the images of the two devil emperors.

Fu Henghua immediately passed on the essence of fortune to her: "Sister, what do you think?"

Fu Yaozhen projected the images of the two demon emperors he saw: "Look for yourself."

Seeing the second emperor, Fu Henghua couldn't help blurting out: "It's so ugly."

The humanoid dragon was hideous and ugly, quite different from Fu Xuanxing's handsome young man.

As for Mr. Fu Tong, although the empress is beautiful and coquettish, the hive has piled up countless island wreckage.Tens of thousands of spiritual veins are superimposed and entangled together, making it look bloated.

"You two are demons, so can't you make your appearance look better?"

Fu Henghua was full of disgust, and he pulled Fu Xiangfeng to tease the two of them.

For the future of the two becoming demons, whether it is Fu Henghua or Fu Xiangfeng's future, they don't take it seriously at all.

Fu Yaozhen looked at Fu Henghua, and said in her heart: The two of them have bad aesthetics, and your aesthetics is not much better when you become a devil emperor.Those groups of half-orcs, how can they have a fairy demeanor?
The four of them fought for a while, Fu Henghua suddenly waved his feather fan, and two gusts of wind covered Fu Xuanxing's and Fu Tongjun's marks of the devil emperor.

With a flash of white light, the two marks were hidden.

"Tong Jun, my spell may be cracked, you add another layer of insurance."

Mr. Fu Tong took out a knife, cut off a little sebum on his arm, and then cast a spell to proliferate the sebum into human skin and stick it on the mark of the devil emperor.

Gently blowing the aura, the human skin perfectly blends into the skin.

Then he did the same thing to Fu Xuanxing.

Fu Henghua: "Don't spread the matter of the Devil Emperor's seal. After telling the old man later, let him be the master."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Senior Zhou Xiao can tell you. But only you, Fu Xuanxing, don't mention Mr. Tong."

Fu Xuanxing: "I understand."

Regarding the fact that he holds the mark of the Devil Emperor, naturally he cannot hide it from his teacher.As for this matter, the Xuanwei faction may know better than these young people.

After all, this is the layout of Tianyi Sect, and Tianyi Sect and Xuanwei Sect are brother sects.

dong dong——


At the door, Xiaoyu reported: "Men from the Zhu family, please let us supervise the refining of Dunlongzhu."

The Dragon King's consciousness was cut off, but the nine great dragons were still there.

The Zhu family refused to let these dragons escape easily.Hurry up and rush to escape the dragon pillar, to refine the treasure of the Zhu family.

Heng Hua got up: "Sister, take the two girls to rest. Xuan Xing, you can go with me. Turn around, let's get the Eternal Fire Stone."

(End of this chapter)

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