
Chapter 149 Transferring and Passing on Kung Fu

Chapter 149 Transferring and Passing on Gonggong, Tianshu's Three Years of Contemplation
When the old man saw Heng Hua, he was vigilant at first, but then he was relieved: "Indeed, this old man is nearing the end of his lifespan, and he wants to pass on his skills to his grandson. Zhu's 'Passing Fire Jue' can transform the magic power of monks all over the world."

He sighed: "Unfortunately, brother Zhengtong is not here. I hope they can make treasures faster this time."

Now I only have three days to live, if an accident happens, I'm afraid I will die on the spot.

"It's just passing on the skills. Why do you need Shibo to do it yourself? The younger generation can do it."

Heng Hua came over and looked at the old man.

He smiled again: "It's still from the same family, and what the senior and this kid practiced is also the "Changchun Jing"."

The Changchun Jing is peaceful and peaceful, and it is the most difficult type of exercise to go crazy.

"You too?"

The old man looked at Fu Henghua.

In Fu Henghua's body, he felt that he was not inferior to his own foundation-building five-level mana, and there was a sense of vitality.

"Old man, let's make a deal. I will transfer your success power to this kid. But I will share some of the rest."

"Can you pass on one's work?"

The old man was very surprised.

Now I only have [-]% of my mana. In the Zhu family, only Zhu Zhengtong can transfer [-]% of my mana after drawing [-]% of my mana.

"Our exercises have the same origin, so I naturally have my own method."

"How many times do you need to teach the exercises?"

The old man compared Zhu Zhengtong: "Three times? Or five times?"

"How many times?" Heng Hua raised his hand and pressed the old man's shoulder,

The "Fortune Huiyuan Gong" was running, forcibly extracting [-]% ​​of the old man's true essence.Turned around in his own body, and after refining the essence of nature, he injected half of it into the boy's body.

"It hurts a bit, bear with it."

The primordial priming, through the limbs and bones, forcibly reversed the "Changchun Jing" that the boy practiced, and it was a more mysterious way to travel through the meridians.While walking, Heng Hua deliberately measured the length of the boy's meridians, and specially modified it according to his physique.

The boy only had the ability to refine Qi, and his true essence quickly dissipated into Changchun True Qi.

"I'll pass on your practice route, so you can keep it in mind. With more practice in the future, you can build a foundation within ten years. But if you want to cultivate to a higher level in the future, you'd better press it. After 30 years of sharpening your mind, you can build a foundation in ten years. Let's break through."

I saw my grandson breaking through from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the sixth level of Qi Refining.The old man quickly stepped forward to feel his pulse.

"True Qi is hidden in hundreds of apertures, so much is retained? Wait, such pure true Qi—"

Just as the old man was about to thank him, Heng Hua had already left with Heng Shou.

"Grandpa, how is your health?" the boy asked with concern while supporting the old man.

Only then did the old man realize that he still had [-]% of his mana in his body.

"His power transmission loss is so little?"

Due to the difference in the attributes of the true essence, a large amount of true essence will be lost due to the difference in the transformation skills of the magician.[-]% mana transfer, it's not bad to get three of them.

But Fu Henghua practiced the heavenly scriptures, and his true essence was compatible with all ways in the world.

After he extracted [-]% of the mana, there was no loss in his body at all. On the contrary, he had undergone the refinement of the true essence, and when it was transformed into Changchun Zhenqi, it was more pure than the Changchun Zhenqi that Heng Hua himself cultivated in the past.

In addition, the Heavenly Book of Good Fortune extracts the old man's skills without damaging the old man's lifespan, allowing him to keep his lifespan for three days to bid farewell to his grandson.

Consciously doing a good deed, Heng Hua walked slowly towards the library with his hands behind his hands.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute—" The old man pulled his grandson over and handed the brocade box to Heng Hua: "You haven't gotten paid yet."


"Fellow Daoists help our grandparents purify the true essence and defile our own mana true essence. In the future, the speed of practice will slow down. Therefore, this reward must be accepted. Here is the spirit-nourishing ginseng specially refined by the little old man Dan."

Heng Hua looked at the old man strangely.

At this time, Zhu Zhengtong came back in a hurry.

Seeing the old man's magic power drop while the child's internal energy increased, he immediately understood.

He winked at Heng Hua, and Heng Hua accepted the pill knowingly.

When the old man took his grandson away, Heng Hua asked with a smile:

"You will transfer your energy to others, and you will also pollute your own true energy? Will it hinder your practice in the future?"

Zhu Zhengtong shook his head, then said in a low voice: "Industry rules, as long as you understand it in your heart."

Master Yan generally only transfers skills to disciples of his own clan and sect.

After performing the magician's secret technique, the mark attached to the monk can be washed away, so that others can easily refine it.

And the magician himself can also get benefits when he transfers his skills.The skill of a magician usually grows in this way.

As for the pollution of true essence, it was a rumor that was deliberately released.

In addition to the benefits of the second way of transferring exercises, some magicians also plan to ask for compensation from the monks.

Over time, the magicians formed a tacit understanding.They will all declare to the outside world that the transfer of skills is harmful to themselves, so that the monks will obediently send them "personnel".

"Back then, in order to make monks change magic weapons frequently, the refiners would cut corners in some weapon embryos, and even deliberately exaggerated the threat of black weapons, so that monks would no longer go to the ancient immortal mansion to search for ancient treasures."

Heng Hua shook his head and said, "Now we're here as a sorcerer too?"

"Don't all walks of life have similar methods? The alchemist said that the elixir is depleted, and the group of guys who made the talisman said that there would be failures in the production of talismans. Aren't everyone stuck in it?"


"Besides, we don't lie as magicians. We frequently absorb other people's true energy for transfer, and if we can't refine it ourselves, it will indeed hinder us. Moreover, not all magicians can be compatible with other monks' true energy."

Master Yan's lineage has always emphasized that the exercises must be neutral and peaceful, and have the tolerance of being compatible with other exercises.

However, there are always some magicians who deduce the exercises for themselves, gradually go astray, and lose the characteristic of "experiencing thousands of Taos".

In this way, they can only transfer the real essence with similar attributes when they help people transfer the exercises.For example, Zhu Zhengtong, his "Fire Passing Art" cannot help monks with Yin and cold attributes to pass on their skills.

"By the way, your boy is practicing the "Eternal Spring Classic", and his mana is neutral and peaceful. Why don't I give you a great opportunity and introduce you to a few customers?"

Heng Hua shook his head and refused.

He is not afraid of lack of skill now, but he is afraid that he does not have the seventh level of foundation building.

No matter how much skill you have now, what's the use?

"By the way, why do you always come back? Didn't you go to see Lianbao?"

"It hasn't started yet. At present, big brother and the others are trapping Nine Dragons. The treasure refining will start tomorrow. So I will come back to find you first, and continue to lead you around."

"No need, my nephew went to the library to read and didn't dare bother Shibo."

Thanks to Zhu Zhengtong for his kindness, Fu Henghua went to the library to study.

But he didn't intend to increase his cultivation, but someone offered to send it.

Just after reading an anatomy manual depicting the deconstruction of beasts, Fu Xiangfeng hurried over: "Heng Hua, come and help. A monk in Bao's family is dying, and he plans to pass on his skills to a nephew. I can't find it right now. A suitable preacher."

"Where is Senior Zhou Xiao? Isn't he here?"

"I don't know, he hurried out not long ago, and he is not on the white dragon boat right now."

Hearing the words, Heng Hua calculated Zhou Xiao's whereabouts, but was hindered by a force.

"Don't be dazed, time is urgent."

Heng Hua put down the illustration book and followed him back to the white dragon boat.

Seeing Bao Lingya and Bao Mufeng, Fu Henghua was stunned.

When Hengshou saw Bao Mufeng, his eyes darkened.

When the young master provoked the Wei Bao Alliance back then, he relied on Wei Xingyu to assassinate Bao Mufeng, and behind this...

Heng Hua pretended not to know, and went to ask about the situation.

Not long ago, Bao Lingya fought with a jellyfish, and the poison entered his internal organs, and he was helpless.

Before he died, he planned to transfer his skills to Bao Mufeng.

Heng Hua looked at Bao Mufeng.

"Brother, I'm sorry."

After checking his pulse, Heng Hua was surprised to find that there was a stream of protoss magic power circulating in Bao Mufeng's body.

Heng Hua pondered: After the dantian is broken, choose to use the hundred orifices in the body to correspond to the stars in the sky, and take the road of physical training to temper the physical body?

Bao Mufeng has become like a useless person after what happened back then.But when the Wei family was destroyed, he regained his strength, and under the guidance of an expert, he specialized in physical training.

Bao Lingya said weakly: "What's the difference in mana and real energy between the two of us? Can we pass on the skills?"

"The magic power of the stars is somewhat unique, but it can be passed on."

If it were someone else, Heng Hua might not be willing to bother.But since it's Bao Mufeng...

Heng Hua asked them to sit opposite each other, and he sat between them, holding up their hands respectively.

Bao Lingya's body is highly poisonous, and his lifespan is exhausted.

Heng Hua couldn't save him, so he could only try to seal his heart veins with good luck essence to relieve his pain.At the same time, the mana in his body was channeled into the Henghua Meridian, and it kept wandering in his body.


A trace of toxin infested it.

Seeing this scene, Fu Xiangfeng's face suddenly changed, and he wanted to interrupt the teaching immediately, but was blocked by Hengshou.

"It's okay, the young master can handle it."

The weak toxin entered Heng Hua's body and was devoured by the true essence of good luck, and became part of mana instead.

Then, Heng Hua entered Bao Mufeng's body with the essence of fortune.

He didn't directly transform the mana of the stars, but tried to help him restore his dantian with good luck.

For this reason, Heng Hua did not hesitate to suppress all the magic power of the "Changchun Jing" that he had absorbed from the old man not long ago.


In the distance, Zhou Xiao stood next to a Taoist in red.

"Brother, what exactly do you want to see?"

"You want our Tianyi Sect to accept disciples, we must always take a look at the root of our xinxing."

The Taoist in red looked at the scene on the white dragon boat, and praised: "It's not bad. Although this kid has a bit of evil nature, he still has good thoughts and knows how to remedy it."

The Taoist in red is the suzerain of Tianyi, the Tianshuzi of this generation.

Three years ago, Zhou Xiao informed Tianyizong about Fu Henghua, hoping that Tianyizong would come to accept his disciples.

But Tianyizong deduced Fu Henghua's fate and discovered some secret things.

Tianshuzi didn't directly accept apprentices, but silently observed this young man who had learned "Nine Xuan Tianyi Arithmetic".


Bao Mufeng was shocked when he realized that Fu Henghua was helping him restore his dantian.

"This—how is this possible!"

Grandfather invited so many doctors to help, but none of them could repair the dantian.how could he...

"My "Eternal Spring Classic" is suitable for health preservation. Besides, I am an unnamed disciple of Liu Xianweng."

Heng Hua lowered his head and carefully helped him restore his dantian.

When the dantian was repaired, the true essence of fortune forcibly rushed into the Zhoutian acupoint, forcing the power of the protoss to circulate in the dantian.

"Although physical training can be practiced without Dantian. But with Dantian, there will be more benefits."

After Heng Hua finished his work, he suddenly had a whim, and suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of Zhou Xiao and the two of them.

Zhou Xiao was surprised and said: "This kid's calculations are so profound, how can he detect you and me?"

"I discovered you. If you don't form alchemy, how can you hide it from him? However, he should also have discovered that our Tianyi Sect is deliberately testing him, right?"

Tianshuzi's clothes fluttered, and he brought Zhou Xiao to the White Dragon Boat.

"Little friend, let's talk inside."

Heng Hua looked at Bao Mufeng, sighed, and walked into the room as if resigned to his fate.

When he closed the door, Tian Shuzi joked with a smile: "You don't have to frown. How can an old man of his age go to someone else's house and talk nonsense?"

Heng Hua smiled wryly, and cupped his hands in thanks: "I didn't know the importance back then, but now that I understand the cause and effect of the secret, I realize that everything cannot be hidden from the world."

Tianshuzi's expression straightened: "So, we are cultivating the way of immortality and practicing the Dharma, so we must have a clear conscience."

Fu Henghua plotted against Wei Xingyu back then and contributed to the entrapment of Bao Mufeng. Tian Shuzi figured out the cause and effect.

But he didn't say anything, and gave Bao Mufeng a chance to practice again three years ago, and pushed him to Fu Henghua.I want to see what Fu Henghua will do.

Heng Hua's current actions are in line with his wishes.

Heng Hua complained: "You started preparing three years ago, just a test, does it take so long?"

"Our Tianyi Sect recruits disciples, apart from fate, we also need to look at character. If you have a bad heart, how can you inherit the Dao?"

Tianshuzi started joking again: "I can't, we have accepted a disciple today, and tomorrow this disciple will be successful in cultivation, so kill us old men?"

"Cough cough..."

Zhou Xiao coughed lightly: "Brother, I've watched Heng Hua's character for three years, and it's absolutely fine."

"You? Your eyes are cloudy. You have neither spiritual vision nor third eye. You are a fool. What can you see?"

Tian Shuzi leisurely looked at Heng Hua.

He suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look at other places in Yangu.

Seeing his movements, Fu Henghua was startled: Tianmu?This senior has a natural eye?
After a while, Tianshuzi pinched his beard and pondered: "Pimpedao thought that you passed Erlongjian. The evil fate is on you. I didn't expect...it was that kid."

Heng Hua nodded: "Yes, it's that kid. It means that my heart is in the right way, and evil things don't like me."

"Heh - you have a thick skin, but you are a talented person to be the head of the sect."

Tian Shuzi laughed out loud: "Your kid's evil way, I have been watching it for three years, and I can see some ways. It's just your magic skills..."

Tian Shuzi frowned.

He couldn't figure it out.

He even dug out Fu Henghua's dark history more than ten years ago, but he couldn't figure out the kung fu practiced by Fu Henghua.

Immortal skills and magic skills can't be calculated.

After thinking about it, Tian Shuzi took out a piece of jade pendant: "It contains the practice experience of 'Nine Xuan Tianyi Arithmetic', you can take a look."

Heng Hua hesitated and did not directly take over.

"Don't worry, Pindao will not accept disciples for the time being."


Tian Shuzi stopped Zhou Xiao, shook his head, and said, "Your fate, I can't calculate it. You need to calculate it with other juniors after you go back. Go and invite—in short, you have to wait."

Heng Hua breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the jade pendant: "You may have made a trip in vain. Immortal sects in the world reject magic skills, so it's not a good place for me."

"That's not necessarily the case. Even if the poor can't accept apprentices, it can be seen that you and I have a deep connection with Taixuan. Besides, your father can get the 'Jiuxuan Tianyi Arithmetic' from Erlongjian, which also shows that our relationship There is a karma between them."

After Tianshuzi explained a few more words to Zhou Xiao, he planned to return to Jinfang waters.

But as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw two other monks in white clothes rushing over.

Tianshuzi laughed loudly and said, "You're a hot guy, and you actually attracted the people from the Yusheng Pavilion? Are you going to deal with it yourself, or should we do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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