
Chapter 158 The old fate of the past, the fire sheath jade sword presses the dragon's veins

Chapter 158 The old fate of the past, the fire sheath jade sword presses the dragon's veins (plus more chapters)

Five days later, Fu Henghua returned to Panlong Island.

Deng Lan brought people to meet him, and Fu Henghua immediately looked down the mountain as soon as he got off the boat.

"She hasn't left yet?"

"She has Tianyue Spirit Mushroom, and the second master has not given up on the deal, so he acquiesced to her walking around the island. It's just that she can't do without people around, and someone is always watching."

Fu Henghua shook his head: "Second Uncle is doing this, Erniang is going to die of anger."

"Who says it's not? In the past two days, if the Second Madam picked up a little mistake, she would be furious," Aunt Deng Lan said, "Young Master Henghua is back just in time, so you can persuade the Second Madam."

"Persuade? Let Erniang vent her anger." Heng Hua took Fu Xuanxing and the three of them to the Panlong Hall.

Deng Lan winked at the boy next to her, and immediately someone went down to make arrangements to "invite the girl from the Tan family back to her room".

Let the guests accidentally and inadvertently bump into your young master, and then something like a legendary love story will happen.In the Fu family, it is absolutely impossible to happen.

"If grandfather hasn't made a statement in the past few days, it means that the old man doesn't take this matter seriously. You don't have to be too entangled, just ignore it, just go out."

Deng Lan and the others nodded beside them.

"The Tan family doesn't care about it. My family will help her make the decision and confirm to her that the family property left by her parents is fine and that it has not been embezzled by the Tan family. The matter will be over."

"Let her go to the Spirit Embroidery Workshop. If she refuses to go, then send her to Fengmen Island. From now on, how she likes to mess around has nothing to do with our family. I don't count on Tianyue Lingji."

With a flash of white light, the Jade Rabbit rushed over from a distance.The two front feet gestured in front of Fu Henghua, eagerly pointing in the direction of Miss Tan's family.

Deng Lan said: "On that day, the girl from the Tan family claimed to have the Tianyue spirit mushroom. The second lady didn't believe it, so she invited the Jade Rabbit to have it inspected."

Yutu nodded frequently, pointing in the direction of Miss Tan's family, wanting to eat that elixir.

"It's just a fungus, why, do you still want to steal it? Our family is not happy to do this."

Heng Hua held the rabbit in his arms: "It's just Tianyue spirit mushroom, I'll raise a thousand or eight hundred plants later, you can eat whatever you want."

Yutu calmed down and was carried by him to the main hall.

Seeing Fu Danwei standing with his hands behind his back, Fu Henghua stuffed the Jade Rabbit to Xiaoyu and saluted:
"Grandson greets grandfather."

Fu Xuanxing saluted and bowed beside him.

Fu Henghua flicked his fingers and hit his knee with force, making Fu Xuanxing kneel down.


Seeing Fu Henghua staring at him, the boy obediently saluted.

What happened to making you kowtow?You have grandfather's Fulong sword on your body, and the fairy sword scabbard that my father may have.Think again that your master specially asked you to come to Panlong Island to live temporarily.

You must have deep ties to our family.

Looking at the two of them and seeing Fu Henghua's improvement in cultivation, Fu Danwei smiled and said: "You have gained a lot from going out this time, and your cultivation has improved a lot. Not bad, get up."

The two got up, and Fu Henghua stepped forward to help him sit up.

"A few days ago, Brother Duan sent a letter, mentioning your chess talent."

"When I was crossing Sijing Mountain, I refused to accept him as an apprentice. Could it be that Senior Duan came to look for you?"

"It's not about accepting disciples, it's about sending the cultivation method of the Qixian lineage. This Taoist brother is so talented that he independently created a lineage of immortals. The road can be expected!"

The ancestor of chess immortals.

Even if Duan Sijing dies suddenly, as long as someone from the Qixian lineage proves the Dao in the future, he can be resurrected with the help of this Dao karma.

The cultivation of the Qixian lineage?

Fu Henghua has a strange expression, do I still need you?
The genuine Chess Immortal Art in your hands, I also have a share of credit.

Fu Henghua put away the brocade box Duan Sijing sent.

Fu Danwei looked at Fu Xuanxing.

With a gesture, the scabbard and Fulong sword in his body flew into Fu Danwei's hands.

"Old man, I haven't seen you for a hundred years."

The jade sword groaned softly and clanked.

"Grandfather, why is your saber on Fu Xuanxing's body?"

"Many years ago, this kid came to Beaulieu once."

Vodanwei recalled the past.


"You are causing trouble outside again. Although I often warn you to be a chivalrous man outside, you must do what you can."

"Father, is this child still alive?"

Loud and clear cries resounded through the hall, and the young man's expression was tangled.

"I traveled day and night from the west, and I didn't dare to stop for a while. But the dragon aura on his body became thicker and thicker."

"Dragon blood invades the body and is about to turn into a dragon container, but it's not the one under our feet. You came back from the west, the one over there...isn't he sleeping?"

Fu Danwei took it and looked at the red baby in the swaddle.

"What is your name?"

"Xuan Lan Chenkong, the stars are shining brightly. I named him Xuan Xing. His father's surname is Fu, so he is called Fu Xuan Xing."

"That's a good name. Huh—"

The old man stared at the baby, and then at the young man.

The young man lowered his head and said nothing.

"You—reversing the secrets of the heavens, you will be punished by the heavens sooner or later."

After thinking about it, Fu Danwei had no choice but to order:
"Deng Lan, bring the Fulong sword box."

Deng Lan went down to get the sword.

"Are you sure you want to save him? You need to pay some price to save him."

"Since I made a promise to his mother, I will definitely save his life. Father just say, what do you need?"

"The Nanli scabbard in your hand."

The youth simply took out the scabbard.When Deng Lan fetched the sword box, Fu Danwei put the jade sword into the scabbard.

Both have spirituality and are automatically chimerized.

"Old friend, you will be away for a while."

Vodanwei cast a spell, and the scabbard and sword were sealed into the baby's body.

The red light on the skin gradually dissipated, and the baby stopped crying and fell asleep.



Fu Henghua asked carefully.

Fu Danwei came back to his senses, unsheathed the jade sword, practiced a set of sword skills in front of everyone, and then returned to the sheath again.

"I saw you once when you were a baby."

"At the beginning, you had some troubles. I combined the Nanming Lihuo scabbard with Fulong Yujian to lock up your troubles."

The scabbard returned to Fu Xuanxing's body.

"Practice the swordsmanship you practiced just now. This sword will be in your hands in the future."

Although Fu Henghua had expected it long ago, he still couldn't help muttering: What kind of relationship is it that he directly gave away his own Zhendao Spirit Artifact?
But just when the two wanted to continue asking, Fu Danwei started to push them away.

"Let's go, what's the matter, ask your master. When you were sent to Xuanwei sect by your father, my family went to tell people about the cause and effect, and he knew it well."

"Just because he refused to tell, we asked you?"

Lenovo three years ago, Song Chunqiu's attitude towards these people really had a lot to do with Panlong Island.

Fu Danwei shook his head, waved his sleeves, and everyone drove out of the hall.

After coming out, Fu Xuanxing asked Fu Henghua: "What should we do now? Go back and ask the master? Or ask the uncle?"

"If Senior Song wanted to say it, he would have said it long ago. Senior Zhou, he doesn't know about it just by looking at him."

"What you said, even if I know it, I have to say I don't know it."

Zhou Xiao and Bai Longma came over.

"So, do you know?"

Fu Xuanxing hurried over to inquire.

"I don't know."

Zhou Xiao spread her hands together: "Xuanwei Sect, who knows your kid's life experience. Except for the senior brother, he is the master. Otherwise, you can ask your father."

Back to Fu's house?
Fu Xuanxing silently lowered his head.

Ever since he went up the mountain, the Fu family didn't ask any questions, as if this person didn't exist at all.

Seeing Fu Xuanxing's expression, Zhou Xiao secretly sighed.

But it was inconvenient for him to intervene in the matter of his father and son, so he had to change the topic: "I don't know about your life experience. But I remember that the little fellow Taoist Fu who came to the Xuanwei Sect from the Fu family back then was the kid's father. Didn't he Take you to the world to play?"

"Ah—is that person?"

Fu Xuanxing has only been to the world of Buxianzhou twice in his life.

The first time he went to the world, he was an elder who could no longer remember his appearance.

Later, when the elder left, he was clamoring to go again, and Song Chunqiu took him to the human world to watch the Yuan Ri Festival when he was building the foundation.


Fu Henghua frowned and said, "This kid has something to do with Dad?"

The boy scratched his head and thought for a while: "Could it be—"


Fu Henghua slapped it with a fan.

"If there is nothing good to say next, take the initiative to shut up, so as not to be thrown into the water by the Five Elements Mountain."


"Father and mother have a very high relationship, don't talk nonsense to me."

Fu Henghua didn't think that he would have an extra brother for no reason.

If that's the case, the old man definitely doesn't have the attitude just now.

The white dragon horse let out two dragon chants, and came over: This kid is messing around, don't be as knowledgeable as him.If that monk was your father back then, I would have met him once.I remember he talked with Song Chunqiu, saying that he was entrusted by the fool's mother.But because of his own father, he couldn't take him back to Fu's family to raise him, so he could only entrust the Xuanwei faction to take care of him.By the way, that person also left a book for this fool.What did he say to let him practice hard, where to go in the future, and how to use the scabbard.

Thinking about Erlongjian, Heng Hua understood a little.

Sure enough, my father had calculated it early in the morning.

"Forget it, since the elders don't say anything, let it be. Do you know your background, aren't you still Fu Xuanxing?"

Fu Henghua soon lost interest.

At this time, the white dragon horse came over again, circled around Fu Henghua, motioning him to look carefully.

Fu Henghua stared at him for a long time.

"Brother Ma, have you reached Yuanzhi Realm?"

Bai Longma raised his head triumphantly.

The river map pattern on the back is shining brightly.

Practicing the art of chess immortal, his Taoism has skyrocketed, which is far better than the hard work of Jindan Dao.

"By the way, I'll have some fun for you."

Fu Henghua took Bai Longma back to the Langhuan Pavilion, and put out the Tianxuan Mirror.

Bai Longma knew this kind of mirror, and showed doubts in his eyes.This thing is bound to the monk's spiritual consciousness, one person, one side, can't be transferred?
"I'll find someone to sharpen your chess skills."

Fu Henghua escaped into the Tianxuan mirror in the form of Jin Gong, chatted privately about "Sun into Xuanjing", and sent out a request for a game of chess.

Duan Sijing is studying the second immortal family on the list of chess immortals.


Which fairy family name is this?
After receiving the news from Fu Henghua, he immediately regained his spirits.

When he and Jin Gong's incarnation started to play chess, Fu Henghua also set up a chessboard in front of him, imitating Duan Sijing's chess way to play chess with Bai Longma.

"There is a chess idiot in the Taoist platform. I will help you build a bridge between the two. You play chess with him and try your own skills."

Bai Longma nodded reservedly, and the chess pieces landed on the chessboard, playing against Duan Sijing across thousands of mountains and rivers.

Fu Henghua tried to control with both hearts, and when he stabilized, he asked Jin Gonghua to take care of both sides, and started to study the wooden talisman by himself.

He planned to make a big gimmick on the Tianxuan Daotai, and Mulu was an appetizer.He had to come up with as many fruitful wooden talismans as possible.

"Xiaoyu, go get some snake yarrow. Also, all the spiritual plants on the island are ready. I'm going to do an experiment."

 Fu Danwei praised Fu Xuanxing's name earlier.

  At that moment, he thought of his son through Fu Xuanxing.

  To praise the person who named him is good, to praise his own son, and to recall Father Henghua.

  His affection for Fu Xuanxing is somewhat of love for the house and black.After all, he was half his own grandson.Therefore, Song Chunqiu asked Fu Xuanxing to go to Panlong Island obediently and be obedient.

  Because in Song Chunqiu's eyes, Fu Xuanxing's survival depends entirely on the help of his father and son.Even the death of Heng Hua's father was partly due to the fact that he lost the scabbard.

  I could have followed my friends to make trouble in the magic palace.But without the scabbard, the father's cultivation base dropped a lot, and finally...

(End of this chapter)

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