
Chapter 19 The Great Virtue Raises Kindness and Kindness

Chapter 19 The Great Virtue Raises Kindness and Kindness

Xiang Feng presides over the boat market, but Henghua thinks the boat market is cumbersome and useless, so he hides in the house alone to read, and only asks Xiao Yu and Heng Shou to help.

"Mysterious gold is the source of gold and stone, and the root of all gold."

What Heng Hua is currently reading is a book called "Xianye", which is the art of metallurgy in the practice world.It records 620 kinds of gold concentrates and their origin information and smelting technology.

Since the beginning of the year, Heng Hua has frequently read "Xianye", trying to recite the above materials.

Right now, I am turning to the page of "Xing Xuan Tie".

"Method [-]: Three catties of black gold, five taels of divine iron, eight taels of seven-star silver-leaf grass, three coins of black night mushroom... All the materials are melted into gold liquid, and the 'star-gathering method' is applied, and placed in Xinghualing water cooling Quenching. Nine days later, it can be Xingxuan Iron."

"Method [-], one catty of profound gold, one catty of nine-star silver, and one catty of divine iron. With the technique of refining gold, it can be completed in three days."

"Method three..."

Heng Hua recited the words silently, memorizing them one by one in his heart.

After the recitation was finished, he took a sip from his teacup and continued with the refinement of "Puppet Gold" on the next page.

"Heng Hua, don't stand still, come and help."

The breeze brings the sound of the wind.

"It doesn't matter, I'm tossing about it myself, so I can handle it myself."

"But I don't know these things. My identification of treasures is not as good as yours."

Heng Hua ignored it and continued to endorse.

"Third brother is boring enough. If you don't recharge your batteries in Lingfang at night, you have to toss the boat market. If Wei's or Cheng's are recruited, they will fight again."

Every night, the monks stay on the reef to rest.Trade items in twos and threes.When the scale is large, it becomes a "reef city".

In terms of origin, this ancient trade model was maintained in the Yanlong Waters thousands of years ago.However, the reef city is scattered, and safety is difficult to guarantee.After the major cultivating families established fixed-point immortal markets, Fang City in the reef area gradually declined.

There are two exceptions to the partiality in eastern waters.

The Fu family and the Yin family are well-received because of their reputation.When their two ships were moored outside, some monks would come over and ask if they could borrow the land for trading.

Under the care of the Fu and Yin families, the Fang market is still being carried out on a small scale.

However, this move is thankless, Fangshi cannot pay taxes, and it will arouse the resentment of several other cultivating families.

"Hurry up, hurry up. I can't recognize all these Lingjin, so come out quickly."

The breeze was blowing, making such a noise that Heng Hua couldn't read at all.

In the end, he couldn't get entangled, Heng Hua threw the book aside, and simply went to the bow of the boat to blow the air.

Xiao Yu sat at the mouth of the boat and was in charge of recording.Heng Shou jumped to the bow of the boat to watch the wind, and supervised Xiang Feng.On the sail next to it, there are rewards for "Xuanjin Ginseng" and other three-flavored spiritual materials.

It was Fu Xiangfeng's original intention to gather many monks and ask about the information on the three great medicines.

In addition to the brother Nie Xing who returned just now, there are four monks who came alone to participate in the boat market.

They saw the Panlong seal of the Fu family and came to visit.But he didn't board the ship, but set up a stall on the ground next to him, using the name of the Fu family to maintain order.

Seeing Fu Henghua coming out of the cabin, Brother Nie Xing came over to say hello.

Although Heng Hua disliked his third brother for being troublesome, when facing outsiders, he still put on a warm smile and chatted with the two of them.

"It's all my brother's nonsense. The two fellow Taoists had just left before, but were dragged back again."

"Where is it? Brother Fu Dao is willing to provide us with a place to communicate. It's too late for everyone to be happy."

The most important thing in Fangshi is reputation.

Instead, the Cheng family or the Wei family came over to set up a stall.Which monk dares to come?Are you really not afraid that the other party will kill and seize the treasure?

It is only because of the reputation of Fu and Yin that everyone dares to go through it with confidence.

After exchanging pleasantries, the pair of brothers took out some aquatic products they got in the waters of the East China Sea and set up a stall.

"Cloud snail colored stone, century-old water spirit grass, fish demon inner alchemy, golden coral tree..."

With a casual sweep, Heng Hua saw all the items on the stall.

Then, he went to look at the stalls of the other four monks.

On the left side of Lingfang, two monks set up a stall next to each other.There are all kinds of gold essences on a booth, which are colorful and really beautiful.Another booth is the wreckage of the water demon, mostly fish bones and shells from the foundation-building period, which can be used to make magic tools and treasures.

On the right side of the Lingfang, a monk sat cross-legged on the reef.Keep a few books by your side.Heng Hua just glanced at it and lost interest.

They are all yellow-level exercises that have accumulated dust at home, so they are not worth looking at.

It was the last monk, whose booth was full of weird things.

There was a mass of black matter with a few aquatic plants entangled on it. Henghua's spiritual consciousness scanned it, and it was completely invisible.

There is an egg with a red and white surface, exuding the breath of life, and there is a little anger surging.

In addition, there are broken jade chapters, broken swords, flags and so on.

Xiang Feng trotted over: "Are you out? Hurry up and sit down quickly. I will leave it to you to appraise later. If you have something, you can sell it—"

"No, the clan doesn't seem to allow you to sell exercises?

Heng Hua felt guilty, and Xiao Yu's pen beside him also trembled.

Indeed, the clan does not allow it to be sold.But the young master never listened.

"By the way, you can translate the exercises for others. If someone brings ancient books, you can also accept them. I will help you pay for them."

Xiang Feng warmly led Heng Hua to Xiao Yu.

"I'll move you another stool."

"No, I'll record it, Xiaoyu, go do something else."

Xiao Yu understood, and got up to make tea as an excuse to check Fu Heyi's condition.

Heng Hua sat down and picked up the ledger on the table, on which a transaction had been recorded.

"At the moment of ugliness, the third son opened the boat market."

"The first record, at the second quarter of the ugly time, Sanxiu Qiu Yu purchased three cloud conch colored stones from Nie Xing, a disciple of the Shenyue Sect. The original price was one colored stone and four moon beads. After negotiation, there were ten moon beads in total. The on-site transaction is completed, and there is no credit.”

Soon, the second business came.

The two monks who set up a stall on the left side of Lingfang came together.

"Fellow Daoist, let's barter. I will exchange gold essence for fellow Daoist Xin's bone jade."

Heng Hua looked up at Mei Zhongtian and Xin Mao.

Xin Mao took out a complete pair of fish bones and put them on the table: "I originally wanted to exchange this pair of fish bones for three taels of black gold. But Daoyou Mei disagreed, he thought it could only be exchanged for two halves. So, I would like to ask Fellow Daoist help identify and estimate the price."

The fish bone is nine feet three inches long, and the skull, ribs and tail are retained.The texture is like jade, the color is blue, and there is a trace of spiritual power and evil spirit flowing inside.

Heng Hua stretched out his hand to caress it, and said slowly: "This fish bone has been processed simply, and its spiritual power is restrained. The fly in the ointment is that the evil spirit has not been completely purified. When performing magic weapon sacrifices, it is necessary to remove the evil spirit in advance."


With a flick of your fingers, the fishbone made a sound of gold and jade.

"Interesting, is it the fish bone of the Silver Bell Demon Carp? This thing is good for making musical instruments."

Xin Mao smiled complacently: "Friend Daoist, this is a carp monster in the foundation-building period. It took me a lot of hands and feet to kill it. Fellow Daoist, how much do you think it is worth?"

"I don't know much about the market in the past year." Heng Hua thought for a while, "If it is collected according to last year or by myself, thirty moon beads."

Listening to the situation here, Xiang Feng said casually, "There have been more water monsters recently, and the purchase price of this kind of fish bones has dropped slightly, but it is about 25 moon beads."

"Hmph, so it's not worth three taels of black gold at all." Mei Zhongtian took out three gold essences the size of a fist, "Young Master Fu, help me identify the purity."

Henghua takes the balance scale to measure.

"As for the weight...as for the purity."

Heng Hua threw an "appraisal spell", and the three gold essences emitted a light yellow light with the same brightness.

"The purity is excellent," Heng Hua was quite surprised, "This is refined by fellow daoist himself?"

Gold essence refers to all spiritual metals in the practice world.It can transmit true energy and enhance the attack power.Among them, the status of "Xuanjin" is particularly special, and it can be called "the first of all gold".

According to "Xianye", all gold and stone objects can be smelted "xuanjin".At the same time, as the most basic metallurgical material, black gold can be fused with other substances to make high-grade spirit iron and fairy steel.

"I practiced it myself."

Heng Hua looked at Mei Zhongtian carefully: "Fellow Daoist hasn't entered the Real Fire Realm yet, right? Make it by yourself—it's amazing, it's amazing."

Is there a special precious flame that he sacrificed himself, or has he mastered a unique metallurgy technique?
But no matter what kind, the potential of this person can be seen.

Heng Hua turned his thoughts, and continued: "Everyone knows the price of black gold. One tael of black gold can be exchanged for ten moon beads. In detail, this pair of fish bones really only needs two taels of black gold."

Xin Mao pondered for a while, then said to Mei Zhongtian: "As fellow Taoist said, let's deal like this."

By the way, he also threw a moon bead into the empty box on the table as Henghua's appraisal fee.

It is true that the Fu family does not need to pay taxes in Fangshi, but if they are invited to act as middlemen and appraise items, they always have to give a symbolic remuneration.

After Mei Zhongtian made a deal with him, he was not in a hurry to pay the appraisal fee, but took out all the gold essence in his hand.

"Fellow Daoist, can you appraise all of them for me? Appraisal fee... How about I give you three gold essences?"

So generous!

Heng Hua looked at the pile of gold essences on the table, and picked out a few pieces of mixed colors.

"These... fellow daoists are also willing to give them?"

Mei Zhongtian smiled: "Naturally."

It was all he extracted from gold and stone, and some gold essences were made by fiddle.He couldn't remember exactly how to do it, and he didn't understand the purpose.If this kind of thing is to be sold, it needs to be appraised first.

When Heng Hua saw them, he threw out the identification technique and checked them one by one.

First pick out the Xuanjin, Lingyin and the like.

"Eight pieces of profound gold, three pieces of spiritual silver, and five pieces of red copper—strange, why is there no magic iron?"

"I used it for metallurgy. Here, the dark gold essence next to it has been used up, so I added it into it."

Xuanjin, Red Copper, Lingyin, and Shentie are the four basic gold essences.It is extracted from the metal ore that has been "spiritualized" after bathing in the vitality of the world.

Through the fusion and processing of basic materials, high-grade gold essence can be obtained.


The wind was blowing from the water, and Heng Hua looked up to the south of Fudo Reef.

A few monks walked forward in concealment.

"Sure enough, there is movement. It seems—the Wei family?"

Xiang Feng, who was guarding above, also heard the news from Feng, snorted, and Yu Jian flew to the southern waters.


"The Panlong Seal is really disgusting."

On the water, five monks galloped on the waves.Seeing the imprint of the Panlong on the reef, Wei Lingzheng looked disgusted and wanted to kill.

"The seal of the Fu family's Panlong is here, and I feel that there are many monks gathered on the island. I'm afraid they are doing some kind of reef market?"

Wei Ling was waiting for the four people behind to arrive, pointing to one of them and said, "Go and find out first, and see who is here from the Fu family?"

Wei Lingming was wearing a long-colored gown and a golden hoop on his head. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "Who else can Panlong Seal, Bai Huangtang? The old man's life is not long, and his group of sons are busy running around to save his life. No one is around. It seems to be the sixth generation of clansmen, and the sixth generation of disciples of Bai Huangtang—hehe..."

Wei Ling nodded slowly after thinking about it.

"That's right. After Fu Xuanhe's death, his younger brothers and sisters are useless. Then go there together and kill them and those casual cultivators. Dare to open a private boat market on the water? Treat my Wei family as nothing?"

(End of this chapter)

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