
Chapter 197 Heaven and Earth Revolving, Golden Elixir 1 Qi Stealing Machine

Chapter 197 Heaven and Earth Reincarnate
On Panlong Island, Fuliu Hui kept his eyes peeled, staring at the thunderbolts blasted by Jieyun.

Thunder, the cardinal of yin and yang, commands the root of all things.

Fu Liuhui entered the sword path with thunder, felt the thunder in the sky, and leaned in the direction of Panlong Hall involuntarily.


Zhang Qiulan wanted to pull her back, but Fu Yinggu pressed her down.

"Liu Hui practiced Thunder Sword, maybe this is her chance."

Shen Xiao's sword intention came out, Fu Liuhui sacrificed the sword pill, and the gold and silver brilliance shuttled among the thunder.

With the beating of thunder after thunder, the impurities in the sword pill were washed away little by little.


Qi Lei lay on Qingfeng's body, looked at the thunder in the sky, and happily released two flying swords.

The two swords flew into the air, taking the form of a unicorn and a thunder beast, frantically devouring the essence of thunder.

Coupled with the practice of many monks around the main hall, the thunder could not hurt the pill furnace at all.

Ge Liu and other alchemists gathered around the alchemy furnace, using their kung fu to understand the magic of the alchemy.

Every time a kind of panacea is refined, it is also a kind of practice for the alchemist himself.


Fu Maiyuan and Fu Tongjun live in Qibu, overlooking the direction of Panlong Hall.

He said to his sister: "Dan Jie is similar to Jin Dan Jie, they are both stealing the inspiration of the Dao, and concluding a mysterious golden pill that caters to the ten thousand qi of heaven and earth.

"Master once told me that the reason why Jindan is so difficult is because of the three characters 'combining heaven and earth'."

The ninth floor of Qi Refining, the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment and the ninth floor of Jindan were regarded as the 27th floor of the Three Realms before becoming immortals in the early days of Shenzhou.

The advancement of each realm is like a reborn monk himself.

There are nine layers of Qi refining, and monks are individuals.What they call "mana" is just qi.It is not much different from the martial arts people in the common world.It is nothing more than that they can cast spells through true energy, and the means are more mysterious than martial artists.

The nine-story foundation was built, and the monks concluded that the Dao root rose into the clear sky and took root in the tide of vitality.In order to get in touch with heaven and earth, you can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

This process is called opening the gate of heaven.

Once the gate of heaven is opened, the monk is no longer ordinary, and has the ability to communicate with the heaven and the earth.Leverage the power of heaven and earth to exert various powerful Taoism.

But Daogen is embedded in the heaven and earth, like a water plant growing in the vast sea.It moves with the sky and the earth, and cannot be autonomous.

Therefore, the ancient monks comprehended the mystery and came up with a way to steal the Dao's inspiration and improve their compatibility with heaven and earth.

This is Jindan.

Mr. Fu Tong: "When I was practicing in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, I also heard people mention it. The secret of the golden elixir is nothing more than the five words 'one's body fits the world'."


In the Langhuan Pavilion, Fu Henghua pointed to Danjie and explained to the incarnations of Xiaoyu and Hengshou Jingong.

"Foundation cultivators are like duckweed, moving with the atmosphere of the world. Golden Core cultivators can build a small boat between the vast world and save themselves."

He held up a small armillary sphere in his hand.

"You two see, why is this?"

"Isn't this the armillary sphere—"

Xiaoyu's heart moved, and he and Hengshou in the mirror said in unison: "Golden pill?"

"That's right. This is the golden elixir, which travels through the sky and harmonizes with all qi. For the cultivators who are refining tools and enter the Tao, the golden elixir is a more precise instrument that calculates the movement of all qi in the world."

Heng Hua shook his hand, and the armillary sphere turned into an oval egg.

The transparent eggshell can clearly see the liquid flowing inside.

"The heaven and earth are like chicken eggs, and the movement of the heaven and earth's ten thousand qi is the egg white."

Heng Hua shook lightly, and the egg liquid shook accordingly.

"The monk's golden elixir is egg yolk."

A ray of spirituality is injected into the egg, and the egg white and the spirituality are combined to gradually form the egg yolk.

"The egg yolk is closely related to the egg white. This is the state of a Golden Core cultivator. When the egg white moves, the yolk moves with it. And the moment the egg yolk grows and even breaks the eggshell, one becomes a fairy."

"Just becoming a fairy?"

"What I'm talking about is only for the immortal formula and the following monks. The way of the heavenly book is not included here."

Fu Henghua didn't enter the golden elixir, so naturally he didn't know the mystery of the golden elixir of the heavenly calligraphy and Taoism.

"Heaven and earth chickens are huge, and more than one monk has concluded a golden pill."

In the egg, tiny egg yolks appeared.

"Because monks practice different ways, they have different positions in the movement of heaven and earth."

Xiaoyu's heart moved, recalling the experience of the ancient monks recorded in the book, he suddenly said: "I understand. The golden core monks use their own golden core to reflect the outside world. It changes with the changes of the world. Therefore, the sky and the earth are in the opposite direction. When it is beneficial to oneself, the progress of practice is accelerated, and the luck is prosperous. But when it is unfavorable to oneself, the luck will decline. There may even be a fall to the realm, and the death of the body and the disappearance of the Tao."

"That's the reason. In the Battle of Overthrowing Continent, the law of heaven and earth changed drastically. The first to bear the brunt is a group of monks who practice fire art."

Between the sky and the earth is filled with water vapor.The golden elixir they concluded extracted the real fire from between the heaven and the earth, and was poured by the water of the heaven and the earth.

For those who are light, their cultivation base will drop sharply.

In severe cases, the body dies and the road disappears.

"Whoever practices immortal formulas must choose one or several kinds of cultivation from the ten thousand qi of the heaven and earth. Take you as an example. If the wood qi of the heaven and earth is strong, your luck will be prosperous, and you will get twice the result with half the effort. Cultivation is as usual. But if the gold energy is strong, the opponent will form restraint. If the enemy comes to the door, the skill will be greatly reduced, and you may be killed.

"This is also recorded in many ancient books. Why monks seek revenge, they usually have to calculate the time. When they come to the door at a certain time, the mana of the hostile monks will decay."

Because the air of heaven and earth generates and restrains each other, and the cycle goes back and forth.

Monks practice in one go, there must be a qi to generate, and there must be a qi to restrain.

"Xiaoyu, your cultivation method fits the wood energy between the heaven and the earth. When the golden elixir is refined, you need to extract an innate wood essence from between the heaven and the earth. After that, your golden elixir will revolve around the sky, and you can improve your Taoism by yourself. "

"Hangshou, your golden elixir should start with the golden qi. You have to cast the elixir before me and Xiaoyu. The metallurgy of Taoist metallurgy will be of great benefit to you."

The two thought about Fu Henghua's advice, and suddenly asked: "The qi of heaven and earth rises and falls. Now Donglai is full of water vapor, and the fire is restrained. If someone uses the fire method to form alchemy..."

Fu Henghua: "It's ten times more difficult than water-based golden elixir.

"So, when forming an alchemy, you should increase your chances of becoming an alchemy according to the right time, place, and people.

"If you choose an astronomical timing such as 'Mars opposition to the sun', it can increase the confidence of the fire cultivator in forming alchemy.

"In addition, you can also choose fire-type spiritual vein islands, fire-type spiritual roots, and divine beasts to assist you."

Roads are dead, but people are alive.

Even though the road ahead is bleak.But practice is to go against the laws of heaven and earth, and it is to find one's own way in this vague way of heaven.

"Instead of the two of you, Xiao Yu forms the alchemy, it is best at the moment of 'Jupiter conjoins the moon'. The wood is yang, and the moon and gold combine yin and yang to form a golden elixir. For longevity and you form alchemy, you must choose 'Venus transiting the sun' The moment. Gold is Yin, and sun and wood are used to adjust the dragon and tiger to form a golden elixir."

This is the concept of Fu Henghua's "Jinmu Hedan Jade Ding Shu".

Xiaoyu and Longevity exercises seem to be opposite, but they are complementary to each other, which is also a supplement to Fu Henghua's "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong".

"What about you, young master? You become a pill, what time do you want to choose?"

Fu Henghua shook his head: "It's hard to say. The Dao of Good Fortune I cultivated is too upright. As long as the life in the world multiplies and the good fortune is prosperous, it doesn't matter when I form the alchemy."

The movement of all qi in the world is the law of good fortune.

Unless the heaven and earth are shattered and the avenue collapses.Otherwise, there will be no day when Fu Henghua's avenue of good fortune will be restrained.

This point can be achieved by the "Hunyuan Gold Seal" and "Taixuan Heavenly Book", both of which are heavenly books.Only "Taiyin Tianshu" rises and falls with the law of the moon, and there is a calamity of lunar eclipse.

Ninety-nine and 81 thunderbolts passed quickly.

The furnace was opened wide, and a pill was slowly lifted into the sky.

The yin and yang qi dissipate on the island with bursts of fragrance.

Although Heng Hua was far away from Langhuan, he could smell the fragrance.

He lifted his spirits, and couldn't help blurting out: "This pill coincides with good fortune, and it is destined for me."

When he came back to his senses, he used Shenluo Tianshu to deduce the chance.

"This pill is destined for me. When I form a pill, I can refine a 'Liangyi Scrophulariaceae Pill' to increase the chance."

Xiaoyu: "This is a elixir that can urge Yuan to lose life, how can you take it casually?"

"Yes to others, but not to me."

Liangyi Scrophulariaceae contains abundant power of creation.The reason why it is regarded as a medicine for tigers and wolves is that other people's constitutions cannot absorb it.But Fu Henghua is different, he practiced the Way of Creation and can perfectly absorb the properties of medicine.

The benefit of this kind of medicine to his alchemy is far better than the effect of Kanli Dragon Tiger Pill.

"But right now, only one is refined. Where will the young master go to find the black gold ginseng?"

If you beat Shenxian to pay attention, can the old man bear it?

"So, work hard. Go back and comprehend the wooden talisman of Xuanjin Ginseng."

Fu Henghua assigned Xiaoyu a long-term task without any burden.


Xiaoyu was speechless, and silently paid attention to the other side, Tianfeng Island's catastrophe.

Fu Rui should fight steadily to transform into a baby, and pass the first three waves of disaster with ease.Soon, the fourth wave of thunder tribulation arrived.This time, the doom is twice as dangerous as before.

On the island, the security was a little tighter.

Some of the Fu family even planned to guard against the heads of the Cheng and Bao families.

"Don't worry about them, they don't mess around."

Seeing this, Heng Hua secretly sent a message to Fu Xia Zhai.

"Fu Jiachang, his two families have a way out. They can understand what the Great Elder has done before."

Fighting swords in the East China Sea, the other three families saw the strength of the East China Sea Sword Sect, and they would see clearly that they could not fight against the Sword Sect.In the second sword fight in the future, Yanlong urgently needs Grandmaster Nascent Soul to sit in charge.

After all, the two immortals of Fengmen Island are outsiders, not as good as the four Nascent Soul masters who gave birth to themselves.

In the past few years, Fu Ruiying has preached for the three families, and kept saying that "the four families are one, and Fufeng is prosperous together."

Under this slogan and the threat of foreign enemies, the other three families will naturally not obstruct Fu Ruiying.

The heads of the three families all understand that compared to outsiders, it is really better to let the Fu family have one more Nascent Soul Grandmaster, so as to protect the interests of the three families in the Eastern Region.

At least, the Fu family understands that everyone can make money through harmony, instead of living alone like Ling and Wei's family.

At this moment, there is no need for the Fu family to speak.The Cheng family and the Bao family have helped to seal off the Eastern Region, prohibiting other monks from entering the Eastern Region.

Facing the fourth wave of Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, Fu Ruiying did not dare to use the Eight Diagrams method.Turn to display the natal profound art.

The phoenix's wings hang down to the sky, and the air of the five elements circulates endlessly, forming five-color light feathers.


Seeing Fu Ruiying's method, Heng Hua was surprised and said: "The Tiangang supernatural power chosen by the elder is actually the five elements escape?"

Moreover, it is a means of refining five-color phoenix feathers to cater to the appearance of five virtues.

The five-element aura rises from the tail of the phoenix, brushes against the thunder in the sky, and disperses the thunder in the sky.

Then, the calamity of fire came.

Fu Ruiying sacrificed his natal pill, and used the power of fire to break the pill and transform into a baby.

When cracks appeared in the golden core, a mysterious aura returned to heaven and earth.

"So it is."

Seeing that Fu Ruiying broke the pill and turned into a baby, Fu Henghua suddenly realized.

Nine revolutions of the ancient golden elixir, stealing the inspiration of the Dao, is the way to steal the sky.

The golden core is [-]%, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth.

Therefore, after three rounds of experience, in the fourth round, the three disasters and catastrophes will come at the head.Because heaven and earth do not allow monks to escape the cycle of heaven and earth and reincarnate naturally.

"That's why the three calamities are endless."

But monks are superior in wisdom. With the long years and the emergence of cases one by one, they discovered the principle of heaven and earth targeting golden elixir.

Because at the time of becoming a pill, stealing the Dao's inspiration is not tolerated by heaven and earth.Then, we return the Dao Lingji, we don’t want it anymore.Heaven and earth, can you let us go?
The advancement of this idea is to transform into a baby.

While breaking the alchemy, Dao Dao's inspiration returned to heaven and earth.At that moment, the cultivator refined the Yin God into a pure baby, and re-created a brand in the world.

In this way, the world will not kill all monks.

Fu Henghua: "Understood, the Nascent Soul is the limit of the cultivation level that the world can accommodate. As long as you exceed the Nascent Soul Stage, you will have to snatch the Dao's inspiration from the world and enter the Tianshou Realm."

If you regard heaven and earth as enemies.

The moment the ancient golden alchemy became alchemy, he chose to turn against the world.Since then, he has tried his best to avoid the three disasters.The three calamities have passed, and the success of the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit is enough to match the laws of heaven and earth.

As for the choice of Yuanying Dao, after Jindan Realm and Tiandi turned their faces, they temporarily surrendered for a period of time, letting Tiandi let him go first.Wait for 500 years to recharge your energy, and then turn against the world and escape the three disasters.

"Returning the inspiration of Dao to heaven and earth, no wonder it can be borrowed for 500 years to seek a way forward."

The great elder returned the inspiration stolen by Jin Danshi to the heaven and earth, and the sixth wind disaster came.

Yuanying absorbs the broken pills, returns to the body against the wind, and enters the Niwan Palace.

When the Nascent Soul merged with the physical body, a vast and majestic aura enveloped the entire Tianfeng Island, and then spread to the east, blowing away the robbery clouds in the sky.

Five-color feathers appeared behind Fu Ruiying, and the Five Elements Escape became Fu Ruiying's natal supernatural power at this moment.

"Hahahaha—a thousand years of hard work, I finally took this step."

In vain, I worked hard to plan, pulled out the sword fighting in the East China Sea, guided the four families to unite as one, and cleverly borrowed the luck of the ancestor Fufeng Xiangong to help practice.

Fu Ruiying broke through, and the energy of the five elements spread between the heaven and the earth, and the entire Eastern Region was blessed.

Suddenly, the old man frowned, realizing a shortcoming of Yuan Ying.

The Great Dao Jindan has the inspiration of the heaven and the earth, and is in harmony with the ten thousand qi of the heaven and the earth, and the energy source continuously draws the power of the same source from the heaven and the earth.

But Yuanying lost his inspiration and returned to the individual again.Although the mana is stronger than that of the golden elixir stage at this moment, it is no longer like the golden elixir stage, which can sense the movement of the world's energy and practice independently.

"So, the next step is to steal another great idea? Reach the level of the fourth rank of Jindan?"

At this moment, Fu Rui should fully understand.

Why is the Yuanying period called the transitional period by the ancient law, and it has lasted for 500 years.

"After 500 years, why bother to take this big detour back?"

At this time, everyone came to congratulate.

Fu Ruiying suppressed a wry smile in his heart, and calmly stepped forward to accept everyone's congratulations.

When Hengshou came up to congratulate him, Fu Ruiying's eyes fell on his shoulders, and he noticed Fu Henghua's incarnation.

"You go back quickly. Beaulieu Island is about to start."


When the Liangyi Scrophulariaceae pill was [-]%, Fu Danwei took the pill and swallowed it.

The qi of good fortune flows down from the mouth and tongue, passes through the twelve-storey building, and disperses into the internal organs.

At this moment, Fu Danwei's dilapidated body returned to its peak.

At that moment, Fu Henghua vaguely felt an aura that was not inferior to Fu Ruiying Yuanying Grandmaster.

"Two months later, I will activate Huayingjie."

After finishing speaking, Fu Danwei entered the hall for retreat.

An incomparably terrifying aura filled the sky above the hall, forming a cloud of spirits.

Everyone can clearly feel how powerful Vo Danwei's mana was during his heyday.

"It's no wonder that when the old man was in his prime, the Wei family didn't dare to confront him head-on. Even if the two of them joined forces, they couldn't beat the old man at his peak, right?"

And this is just the No. 30 three on the Tianling list.

It is conceivable that before Vodanwei.How strong should those people who have suppressed their cultivation and have not broken through to transform into infants for a long time be.

"This is the golden elixir. People like this don't look down on the Nascent Soul stage at all. They are all thinking of robbing the immortal one step at a time, right?"

Thinking of this, Heng Hua couldn't help feeling sorry for his grandfather.

If his grandfather hadn't suffered this catastrophe, he would have been able to rob the immortal in one step, without the transitional period of Nascent Soul.

 The day before yesterday, I shouted to add more chapters, but none of the four chapters were added.

  I have no ideas every day, stuck and unable to write.

  Put it off until July to pay off the debt.

  I took a look, and in the end there were 1200 monthly tickets in total. For 1400 and [-], add two more chapters.

  In early July, return the six chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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