
Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Fu Henghua got Meng Chen Jiexian's improved version of "Ghosts and Heaven's Art of War", and experimented with a group of benevolent ghosts.

Combining with Yun Hainei and the experience of other masters and masters.The ten ghosts sometimes turn into flying armor soldiers, sometimes into jade dragon soldiers, sometimes into five elements soldiers, and sometimes into archers.

"As expected of Jiexian's improvement. It consumes so much less than my original consumption."

Fu Henghua's "Ghosts and Heavenly Art of War" first uses the simplified version of "Bringing the Dead Back to Life" to transform ghosts from a "dead" state to a "living" state.The consumption of mana is eight times that of the general method of throwing beans into war.

After the improvement of Jiexian, the current mana consumption is three times.

It seems very worthless.

But the greater significance of this spell lies in controlling ghosts.

Utilize the "Ghost and Heaven Art of War" to eliminate the shortcomings of ghosts being restrained by sunlight and thunder and fire.

"The art of ghosts is restrained by spells such as vitality and yang energy. Once my good fortune comes out, I can easily subdue all ghosts. Now there is a 'yin ghost heavenly strategy'. I can deal with the heavenly soldiers and evil spirits enlightened by me. be careful."

But on second thought.This method is only being studied by oneself.

In a short period of time, it is impossible for someone to use it against himself.


Chang Yuezi and the two dived into the water, only to feel that the bottom of the water was filled with multi-colored rays of light, and they couldn't see clearly.

He explained to Yuwen Chunqiu: "This is the guardian cloud on the surface of Yizhou. Except for special hand seals, no one else can enter. We need to find the ruins that have already emerged and broke through the clouds."

Visible to the naked eye, there are thirteen ruins emerging from the clouds below, waiting for the opportunity to float up.

"Based on the time it takes to store power, it will take at least 100 years for all thirteen ruins to float up."

Yuwen Chunqiu looked into the distance.

Many monks used the technique of avoiding water to move in the water and went to and from five of the ruins.

"I asked. Of the thirteen ruins below Aurora City, only eight are currently open. The remaining five are too dangerous, and the ruins are too shallow, so no large-scale development and exploration have been carried out."

Today, among the eight ruins, three are occupied by Qiankun Building, Aurora City, and Shiqin Trading Company, and outsiders are not allowed to approach.

The remaining five open ones were searched and researched by the major forces, and thrown to the casual cultivators to drink soup.

"Then which one of the five are we going to?"

"None of them. Those five ruins were looted by Qiankun Tower and Aurora City, and Wumaqian looked down on them. If we want to go, we will go to a new one."

Chang Yuezi looked at the largest ruins.

At present, there is only one [-]-foot peak protruding from the site with five-colored clouds.

Chang Yuezi knew the origin of this site.

Hundreds of years ago, this was one of the battlefields during the war between immortals and demons.

"This site was originally the Illusionary Island of the Demon Palace, which sank in the battle between immortals and demons. Later, the old man Aurora found another fragment of the Yizhou here to open up Aurora City. Let's go here. If you want to lure Wumaqian out, you need Get some spirit weapons."

The two approached cautiously.

Although the [-]-foot peaks and mountains are outcropping, there are clouds hovering up and down.Just as Yuwen Chunqiu was about to approach, he was blocked by clouds.

"The shielding power of Yizhou is still there, let's look for gaps or thin spots."

Yuwen Chunqiu nodded and slowly moved from top to bottom.

Chang Yuezi searched from bottom to top.

After a while, Chang Yuezi found a gap on the right side near the central area.

Here, there is no cloud shelter.

But the gap is extremely small, only two fingers wide.

"come over--"

Greet Yuwen Chunqiu who is searching not far away.Chang Yuezi drew a golden mantra with his finger, surrounding the two of them.

"I'm using the 'Small and Small Ruyi Curse', don't move around."

As the incantation continued to rotate, the two gradually shrunk in size, turning into thumb-sized villains and burrowing into the interior of the cloud.

Under the clouds, the two walked along the rocks and finally came to a cave.

As soon as they entered, the two of them suddenly changed back.

"No, there is another supernatural power in it - returning to heaven and returning to the sun?"

Chang Yuezi closed her eyes and sensed: "The time here is different from the speed of the outside world. Be careful and keep two qi invigorating pills in your mouth just in case."

The loss of time is different, and the breathing mana will also be affected.

Yuwen Chunqiu looked around.The two are currently at the door of a cave.The feet were covered with dried blood, and there were several bloody handprints on the two walls.

Chang Yuezi snapped his fingers, and a ball of flames floated around.

The two walked side by side to the depths of the magic cave.

On the way, they saw scattered bones.

Chang Yuezi bent down and looked at it: "It's not the same group back then, it should be the monks who broke in secretly. One, two, three, four... a total of eight."


While Chang Yuezi and the two were exploring, two days had passed outside.

Fu Henghua studied Taoism with peace of mind.

Take a look from time to time, the chessboard placed next to it.There are two chess pieces moving slowly.

He suddenly asked a water ghost: "Shancai rescued you from the underwater ruins. The ruins where you are located is the Myriad Illusion Demon Nest?"

"My lord, that's right."

The water ghost respectfully said: "We will perform the 'Break the Forbidden Method of the Great Space' to break the underwater seal and sneak into the devil's lair."

"Wait—" Fu Henghua heard a word that shouldn't appear here, "Dakong Breaks the Forbidden Law?"


"How do you guys know this thing? Are you part of the Heaven Thief Alliance?"

The water ghost looked embarrassed and nodded silently.

"I am a snitch, the third is a righteous thief, and the other six are water thieves. After the seven leaders were arrested, we discussed together and continued to hunt for treasures and tombs."


Xiaoyu sat on the side, frowning frequently when he heard the righteous thief.

The leader of righteous thieves, the second of the seven heads of thieves, is the senior thief, Fu Henghua's teacher of robbery.

How can you run into acquaintances anywhere in the world?
Hearing that the Bashui Ghost is the ghost of the remaining people of Thief Heaven Alliance, Fu Henghua's attitude changed a bit.

"Look at my spell."

With that said, Fu Henghua stretched out his hand.

Dakong's ban-breaking method is condensed into a colorful key.

The water ghost's eyes widened immediately: "You...you know how to 'break the forbidden law'?"

In order to keep secret, the monks created unique sealing spells and formations, which can only be opened with specific handprint formulas.However, the "Dakong Breaking the Forbidden Method" is like a master key, which can easily unlock all forbidden locks.

The eight water ghosts looked at each other, then knelt down at the same time: "Young leader!"

Xiaoyu's expression changed, and she immediately said: "Young leader, don't shout!" She hastily cast spells around her to prevent outsiders from hearing it.

"The method of breaking the prohibition of the sky is a secret handed down by the Heaven Thief Alliance, a secret technique only known by the seven leaders. Back then, the big leader found this secret technique and passed it on to the other six leaders. Only those who have learned this secret technique are eligible Become the leader of the thieves."

"Aren't you too?"

"I come from the line of snitches, and I have been taught by the chief. But I have not learned everything, only one way to open the door."

Water ghost Liu Dazhuang looked at Fu Henghua eagerly.

Coming out of the Myriad Illusion Demon Nest in the past few days, they have collected information about the Pirates of the Sky Alliance, and know that the seven leaders have now entered the right path and are devoting themselves to practice.

But the shattering of Thief Heaven Alliance is their heartbreak after all.If possible, it is natural to plan to revive the Heaven Thief Alliance.

"I'm not interested in reviving the Thief of Heaven Alliance. You've been in Chaoyinzhai for a few days, and you should know that my surname is Fu. My grandfather is Dongxia Fu Danwei. Back then...you think I'm here to revive the Thief of Heaven Alliance, that's good ?"

Regardless of whether his status is suitable or not, even if he is really revived.

Fu Danwei backhandedly dismantled the Heaven Thief Alliance again.

Fu Henghua would also be hung up and beaten for days and nights.

"But I have an old relationship with Senior Pirate Immortal. Now that I meet you, I can't treat you like ordinary ghost soldiers."

Fu Henghua said: "I promise you to set up an exploration team. In the future, we will do archaeological exploration for Shancai Commercial Bank."

In addition to stealing, the Thief Sky Alliance is also good at robbing tombs.The water thieves and ghost thieves, the heads of the seven thieves, are experts in this way.

Fu Henghua wanted to use the eight ghosts to explore Chili Palace, so he asked them to form an exploration team.

He also specially selected exercises for Bashuigui from the inheritance of Wuyin Building, and taught them the technique of Fengshui exploration.

The Shancai Ghost King couldn't help being a little disappointed when he saw that his eight new subordinates disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Fu Henghua passed on to him a piece of "Fire Ghost Alchemy Method".

"This is the Ghost Immortal Art of the Wuyin Building. I will tailor it for you. You are good at cultivation. Go back and find a few more fire ghosts. I will teach you the 'Flame God Five Chariot Technique' so that you can practice Vulcan soldiers." .As for these water ghosts, they are not suitable for you to practice."

"I understand."

The red-haired ghost thanked him and left with the other two fire ghosts.

Hiring people!My team must grow!
Now the old man Aurora is doing exercises, and Aurora City is in the polar night.Even the day is like a dark night.In this case, ghosts can travel freely in Aurora City.

In addition, July is here, and the Yin Qi will prevail.Goblin abilities are boosted.

The red-haired ghost did not shy away, and led the Erhuo ghost through the city to look for ghosts.


Liu Dazhuang and others recite formulas and practice the art of ghosts and immortals.

Fu Henghua asked Xiaoyu to fetch the painting tools, drew a picture of "Taiyin Toad Palace" with a brush, and hung it on a big tree next to it.

With a touch of the pen, the spirit map slowly unfolded.The lunar sky hangs down with the yin of the moon, and the toad palace fairyland on the picture scroll is between fiction and reality, making it more mysterious and mysterious.

"Liu Dazhuang, you will live here to practice in the future."

The eight ghosts thanked each other, and they all turned into ghost auras and entered the spirit map.

Afterwards, Fu Henghua drew peony pictures and Vulcan pictures.

"Leave the Vulcan Picture to the Shancai Fire Ghost Army, and hang this peony picture in the store."

Looking at the few remaining Lingyuan Yancai, Fu Henghua said: "Go back and find some more when you have time."

Xiao Yu looked embarrassed, but still nodded in response.

After Fu Henghua simply packed his painting tools, he went back to his room to read a book, while Liu Xiaoyu packed his scrolls and walked forward.

Although he is not specialized in the Danqinglingtu lineage, since Fu Henghua has known Ji Mingfeng since he knew him, he can't help but think a little more about it.

Thus, Fu Henghua fell into a predicament similar to that of Ji Mingfeng.

No more paint.

Xiaoyu secretly thought: There is no spirit painter in Aurora City, can this thing be bought at Shiqin Firm?If you can't buy it, try to order it?
But thinking about the example of Ji Mingfeng, it is obvious that high-level Yancai is hard to find.

Coming to the front hall, Xiaoyu saw Yuluan staring at the aisle outside, as if thinking about something.

She followed her gaze and saw that it was a couple.The husband was seriously injured and bleeding profusely, and his wife was entrusting him to the hospital with a spiritual cloud.

"see a doctor?"

Before Xiaoyu thought about it, Yuluan had already gone over to chat.

Knowing that they couldn't be cured by three doctors, Yuluan resolutely invited the two to come to Chaoyinzhai to see Fu Henghua.

"My lord, is the clue you're looking for here?"

Yuluan pulled Heng Hua out of Shuhai, and when Fu Henghua saw the injured monk, he immediately frowned and asked, "Blood Transformation Knife? Blood Demon Palace? Have you met Demon Cultivator?"

Seeing the hope, the female cultivator hurriedly said: "When we were exploring underwater, we met a witch holding a skeleton wand. She shot a bloody light from her sleeve and attacked me, and my husband took the blow for me. Master , and please show mercy and save my husband’s life.”

Hengshou heard this and quietly transmitted the sound.

Fu Henghua nodded, understood, isn't it Liang Yuchan?She didn't go directly to Yuji Magic City, but stayed in the underwater ruins to hunt for treasure?

Yuluan couldn't wait to ask: "My lord, is the clue on this person?"

"Treat the illness first, and talk about other things later."

(End of this chapter)

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